diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-eu.dts b/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-eu.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afcb471670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-eu.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later OR MIT
+#include "qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2.dtsi"
+/ {
+	compatible = "tplink,tl-wpa8630p-v2-eu", "qca,qca9563";
+	model = "TP-Link WPA8630P v2 (EU)";
+&partitions {
+	mac: partition@630000 {
+		label = "mac";
+		reg = <0x630000 0x010000>;
+		read-only;
+	};
+	partition@640000 {
+		label = "tplink";
+		reg = <0x640000 0x1b0000>;
+		read-only;
+	};
+	art: partition@7f0000 {
+		label = "art";
+		reg = <0x7f0000 0x010000>;
+		read-only;
+	};
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-int.dts b/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-int.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8655283f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-int.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later OR MIT
+#include "qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2.dtsi"
+/ {
+	compatible = "tplink,tl-wpa8630p-v2-int", "qca,qca9563";
+	model = "TP-Link WPA8630P v2 (Int.)";
+&partitions {
+	partition@630000 {
+		label = "tplink";
+		reg = <0x630000 0x1b0000>;
+		read-only;
+	};
+	mac: partition@7e0000 {
+		label = "mac";
+		reg = <0x7e0000 0x010000>;
+		read-only;
+	};
+	art: partition@7f0000 {
+		label = "art";
+		reg = <0x7f0000 0x010000>;
+		read-only;
+	};
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2.dtsi b/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16c055b6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later OR MIT
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
+#include "qca956x.dtsi"
+/ {
+	aliases {
+		led-boot = &led_power;
+		led-failsafe = &led_power;
+		led-running = &led_power;
+		led-upgrade = &led_power;
+		label-mac-device = &eth0;
+	};
+	leds {
+		compatible = "gpio-leds";
+		led_power: power {
+			label = "tp-link:green:power";
+			gpios = <&gpio 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+		wifi2g {
+			label = "tp-link:green:wifi2g";
+			gpios = <&gpio 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "phy1tpt";
+		};
+		wifi5g {
+			label = "tp-link:green:wifi5g";
+			gpios = <&gpio 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "phy0tpt";
+		};
+		lan {
+			label = "tp-link:green:lan";
+			gpios = <&gpio 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+	};
+	gpio-export {
+		compatible = "gpio-export";
+		led_control {
+			gpio-export,name = "tp-link:led:control";
+			gpios = <&gpio 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		};
+	};
+	keys {
+		compatible = "gpio-keys";
+		reset {
+			label = "Reset button";
+			linux,code = <KEY_RESTART>;
+			gpios = <&gpio 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			debounce-interval = <60>;
+		};
+		pair {
+			label = "Pair button";
+			linux,code = <BTN_1>;
+			gpios = <&gpio 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			debounce-interval = <60>;
+		};
+		leds {
+			label = "LED control button";
+			linux,code = <BTN_0>;
+			gpios = <&gpio 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			debounce-interval = <60>;
+		};
+		wps {
+			label = "WPS button";
+			linux,code = <KEY_WPS_BUTTON>;
+			gpios = <&gpio 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			debounce-interval = <60>;
+		};
+	};
+&spi {
+	status = "okay";
+	num-cs = <1>;
+	flash@0 {
+		compatible = "jedec,spi-nor";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <25000000>;
+		partitions: partitions {
+			compatible = "fixed-partitions";
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <1>;
+			partition@0 {
+				label = "factory-uboot";
+				reg = <0x000000 0x020000>;
+				read-only;
+			};
+			partition@20000 {
+				label = "u-boot";
+				reg = <0x020000 0x020000>;
+				read-only;
+			};
+			partition@40000 {
+				compatible = "tplink,firmware";
+				label = "firmware";
+				reg = <0x040000 0x5e0000>;
+			};
+			partition@620000 {
+				label = "partition-table";
+				reg = <0x620000 0x010000>;
+				read-only;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+&pcie {
+	status = "okay";
+&uart {
+	status = "okay";
+&mdio0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	phy-mask = <0>;
+	phy0: ethernet-phy@0 {
+		reg = <0>;
+		phy-mode = "sgmii";
+		qca,mib-poll-interval = <500>;
+		qca,ar8327-initvals = <
+			0x04 0x00080080 /* PORT0 PAD MODE CTRL */
+			0x7c 0x0000007e /* PORT0_STATUS */
+		>;
+	};
+&eth0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	phy-handle = <&phy0>;
+	phy-mode = "sgmii";
+	mtd-mac-address = <&mac 0x8>;
+&wmac {
+	status = "okay";
+	mtd-cal-data = <&art 0x1000>;
+	mtd-mac-address = <&mac 0x8>;
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/board.d/01_leds b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/board.d/01_leds
index 636ff16a17..1dff5acc38 100755
--- a/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/board.d/01_leds
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/board.d/01_leds
@@ -296,6 +296,10 @@ tplink,tl-mr6400-v1)
 	ucidef_set_led_netdev "wan" "WAN" "tp-link:white:wan" "eth1"
 	ucidef_set_led_netdev "4g" "4G" "tp-link:white:4g" "usb0"
+	ucidef_set_led_switch "lan" "LAN" "tp-link:green:lan" "switch0" "0x3c"
+	;;
 	ucidef_set_led_netdev "wan" "WAN" "tp-link:green:wan" "eth1"
 	ucidef_set_led_switch "lan1" "LAN1" "tp-link:green:lan1" "switch0" "0x04"
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
index d99e2ed0eb..b4e1829618 100755
--- a/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
@@ -293,6 +293,12 @@ ath79_setup_interfaces()
 		ucidef_add_switch "switch0" \
 			"0@eth0" "1:lan:1" "2:lan:3" "3:lan:2"
+	tplink,tl-wpa8630p-v2-eu|\
+	tplink,tl-wpa8630p-v2-int)
+		# port 5 (internal) is the power-line port
+		ucidef_add_switch "switch0" \
+			"0@eth0" "2:lan:3" "3:lan:2" "4:lan:1" "5:lan:4"
+		;;
 		ucidef_set_interface_wan "eth1"
 		ucidef_add_switch "switch0" \
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/hotplug.d/firmware/11-ath10k-caldata b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/hotplug.d/firmware/11-ath10k-caldata
index 9d4306e66b..863fdc842a 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/hotplug.d/firmware/11-ath10k-caldata
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/etc/hotplug.d/firmware/11-ath10k-caldata
@@ -187,7 +187,9 @@ case "$FIRMWARE" in
-	tplink,archer-c6-v2-us)
+	tplink,archer-c6-v2-us|\
+	tplink,tl-wpa8630p-v2-eu|\
+	tplink,tl-wpa8630p-v2-int)
 		caldata_extract "art" 0x5000 0x2f20
 		ath10k_patch_mac $(macaddr_add $(mtd_get_mac_binary mac 0x8) -1)
 		ln -sf /lib/firmware/ath10k/pre-cal-pci-0000\:00\:00.0.bin \
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/image/generic-tp-link.mk b/target/linux/ath79/image/generic-tp-link.mk
index 967eb2a7c3..346944ab6f 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/image/generic-tp-link.mk
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/image/generic-tp-link.mk
@@ -500,6 +500,28 @@ define Device/tplink_tl-wdr4900-v2
 TARGET_DEVICES += tplink_tl-wdr4900-v2
+define Device/tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2
+  $(Device/tplink-safeloader)
+  SOC := qca9563
+  IMAGE_SIZE := 6016k
+  DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct
+define Device/tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-eu
+  $(Device/tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2)
+TARGET_DEVICES += tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-eu
+define Device/tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-int
+  $(Device/tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2)
+  DEVICE_VARIANT := v2 (Int.)
+TARGET_DEVICES += tplink_tl-wpa8630p-v2-int
 define Device/tplink_tl-wr1043nd-v1
   SOC := ar9132
diff --git a/tools/firmware-utils/src/tplink-safeloader.c b/tools/firmware-utils/src/tplink-safeloader.c
index 0af1fe4c6e..fa0e0bb62d 100644
--- a/tools/firmware-utils/src/tplink-safeloader.c
+++ b/tools/firmware-utils/src/tplink-safeloader.c
@@ -1380,6 +1380,78 @@ static struct device_info boards[] = {
 		.last_sysupgrade_partition = "file-system"
+	/** Firmware layout for the TL-WPA8630P v2 (EU)*/
+	{
+		.id     = "TL-WPA8630P-V2-EU",
+		.vendor = "",
+		.support_list =
+			"SupportList:\n"
+			"{product_name:TL-WPA8630P,product_ver:2.0.0,special_id:45550000}\n",
+		.support_trail = '\x00',
+		.soft_ver = NULL,
+		.partitions = {
+			{"factory-uboot", 0x00000, 0x20000},
+			{"fs-uboot", 0x20000, 0x20000},
+			{"firmware", 0x40000, 0x5e0000},
+			{"partition-table", 0x620000, 0x02000},
+			{"default-mac", 0x630000, 0x00020},
+			{"pin", 0x630100, 0x00020},
+			{"device-id", 0x630200, 0x00030},
+			{"product-info", 0x631100, 0x01000},
+			{"extra-para", 0x632100, 0x01000},
+			{"soft-version", 0x640000, 0x01000},
+			{"support-list", 0x641000, 0x01000},
+			{"profile", 0x642000, 0x08000},
+			{"user-config", 0x650000, 0x10000},
+			{"default-config", 0x660000, 0x10000},
+			{"default-nvm", 0x670000, 0xc0000},
+			{"default-pib", 0x730000, 0x40000},
+			{"radio", 0x7f0000, 0x10000},
+			{NULL, 0, 0}
+		},
+		.first_sysupgrade_partition = "os-image",
+		.last_sysupgrade_partition = "file-system"
+	},
+	/** Firmware layout for the TL-WPA8630P v2 (INT)*/
+	{
+		.id     = "TL-WPA8630P-V2-INT",
+		.vendor = "",
+		.support_list =
+			"SupportList:\n"
+			"{product_name:TL-WPA8630P,product_ver:2.0.0,special_id:41550000}\n"
+			"{product_name:TL-WPA8630P,product_ver:2.0.0,special_id:44450000}\n"
+			"{product_name:TL-WPA8630P,product_ver:2.1.0,special_id:41550000}\n",
+		.support_trail = '\x00',
+		.soft_ver = NULL,
+		.partitions = {
+			{"factory-uboot", 0x00000, 0x20000},
+			{"fs-uboot", 0x20000, 0x20000},
+			{"firmware", 0x40000, 0x5e0000},
+			{"partition-table", 0x620000, 0x02000},
+			{"extra-para", 0x632100, 0x01000},
+			{"soft-version", 0x640000, 0x01000},
+			{"support-list", 0x641000, 0x01000},
+			{"profile", 0x642000, 0x08000},
+			{"user-config", 0x650000, 0x10000},
+			{"default-config", 0x660000, 0x10000},
+			{"default-nvm", 0x670000, 0xc0000},
+			{"default-pib", 0x730000, 0x40000},
+			{"default-mac", 0x7e0000, 0x00020},
+			{"pin", 0x7e0100, 0x00020},
+			{"device-id", 0x7e0200, 0x00030},
+			{"product-info", 0x7e1100, 0x01000},
+			{"radio", 0x7f0000, 0x10000},
+			{NULL, 0, 0}
+		},
+		.first_sysupgrade_partition = "os-image",
+		.last_sysupgrade_partition = "file-system"
+	},
 	/** Firmware layout for the TL-WR1043 v5 */
 		.id     = "TLWR1043NV5",