Initial commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
color index yellow default '.*'
color index_author red default '.*'
color index_number blue default
color index_subject cyan default '.*'
# For new mail:
color index yellow default "~N"
color index_author red default "~N"
color index_subject cyan default "~N"
# Header colors:
color header blue default ".*"
color header brightmagenta default "^(From)"
color header brightcyan default "^(Subject)"
color header brightwhite default "^(CC|BCC)"
mono bold bold
mono underline underline
mono indicator reverse
mono error bold
color normal default default
color indicator brightblack white
color sidebar_highlight red default
color sidebar_divider brightblack black
color sidebar_flagged red black
color sidebar_new green black
color normal brightyellow default
color error red default
color tilde black default
color message cyan default
color markers red white
color attachment white default
color search brightmagenta default
color status brightyellow black
color hdrdefault brightgreen default
color quoted green default
color quoted1 blue default
color quoted2 cyan default
color quoted3 yellow default
color quoted4 red default
color quoted5 brightred default
color signature brightgreen default
color bold black default
color underline black default
color normal default default
color body brightred default "[\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+" # Email addresses
color body brightblue default "(https?|ftp)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+" # URL
color body green default "\`[^\`]*\`" # Green text between ` and `
color body brightblue default "^# \.*" # Headings as bold blue
color body brightcyan default "^## \.*" # Subheadings as bold cyan
color body brightgreen default "^### \.*" # Subsubheadings as bold green
color body yellow default "^(\t| )*(-|\\*) \.*" # List items as yellow
color body brightcyan default "[;:][-o][)/(|]" # emoticons
color body brightcyan default "[;:][)(|]" # emoticons
color body brightcyan default "[ ][*][^*]*[*][ ]?" # more emoticon?
color body brightcyan default "[ ]?[*][^*]*[*][ ]" # more emoticon?
color body red default "(BAD signature)"
color body cyan default "(Good signature)"
color body brightblack default "^gpg: Good signature .*"
color body brightyellow default "^gpg: "
color body brightyellow red "^gpg: BAD signature from.*"
mono body bold "^gpg: Good signature"
mono body bold "^gpg: BAD signature from.*"
color body red default "([a-z][a-z0-9+-]*://(((([a-z0-9_.!~*'();:&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*@)?((([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.)*([a-z]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.?|[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)(:[0-9]+)?)|([a-z0-9_.!~*'()$,;:@&=+-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])+)(/([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*(/([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*)*)?(\\?([a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?(#([a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?|(www|ftp)\\.(([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.)*([a-z]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.?(:[0-9]+)?(/([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*(/([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*)*)?(\\?([-a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?(#([-a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?)[^].,:;!)? \t\r\n<>\"]"
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
set pgp_decode_command = "gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"
set pgp_verify_command = "gpg --status-fd=2 --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - --verify %s %f"
set pgp_decrypt_command = "gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"
set pgp_sign_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f"
set pgp_clearsign_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f"
set pgp_encrypt_only_command = "pgpewrap gpg --batch --quiet --no-verbose --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
set pgp_encrypt_sign_command = "pgpewrap gpg %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --batch --quiet --no-verbose --textmode --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
set pgp_import_command = "gpg --no-verbose --import %f"
set pgp_export_command = "gpg --no-verbose --export --armor %r"
set pgp_verify_key_command = "gpg --verbose --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs %r"
set pgp_list_pubring_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --list-keys %r"
set pgp_list_secring_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --list-secret-keys %r"
set pgp_good_sign = "^\\[GNUPG:\\] GOODSIG"
set pgp_check_gpg_decrypt_status_fd
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
bind editor ^T complete
bind editor <tab> complete-query
bind editor <space> noop
bind attach <space> view-mailcap
bind generic,compose,attach,pager,index i noop
bind generic,compose,attach,pager,index q noop
bind generic,compose,attach,pager x exit
bind index x noop
bind index ZZ quit
bind generic,index,pager \CJ sidebar-next
bind generic,index,pager \CK sidebar-prev
bind generic,index,pager \CO sidebar-open
bind generic,pager,index <tab> sidebar-toggle-visible
bind index K previous-entry
bind index J next-entry
bind attach g noop
bind pager g noop
bind index d noop
bind index g noop
bind attach,browser,index gg first-entry
bind attach,browser,index G last-entry
bind pager gg top
bind pager G bottom
bind pager k previous-line
bind pager j next-line
bind attach,browser,pager,index \CF next-page
bind attach,browser,pager,index \CB previous-page
bind attach,browser,pager,index \Cu half-up
bind attach,browser,pager,index \Cd half-down
bind browser,pager \Ce next-line
bind browser,pager \Cy previous-line
bind index \Ce next-line
bind index \Cy previous-line
bind pager,index dd delete-message
bind browser,pager,index N search-opposite
bind pager,index dT delete-thread
bind pager,index dt delete-subthread
bind pager,index gt next-thread
bind pager,index gT previous-thread
bind index za collapse-thread
bind index zA collapse-all
bind index,pager s noop
bind index,pager sC save-message
macro index <F5> "<shell-escape>mbsync -a<enter>" "Sync mails"
@ -0,0 +1 @@
text/html; lynx -assume_charset=%{charset} -display_charset=utf-8 -collapse_br_tags -dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
set mbox_type = Maildir
set folder = ~/Mail
source ~/.mutt/keys.muttrc
source ~/.mutt/gpg.rc
source ~/.mutt/color.muttrc
# RedXen
source "~/.mutt/public/redxen"
folder-hook redxen/* 'source "~/.mutt/public/redxen"'
source "~/.mutt/public/cockli"
folder-hook cockli/* 'source "~/.mutt/public/cockli"'
# School
source "~/.mutt/personal/school"
folder-hook school/* 'source "~/.mutt/personal/school"'
# Google
source "~/.mutt/personal/gmail"
folder-hook gmail/* 'source "~/.mutt/personal/gmail"'
source "~/.mutt/public/gmx"
folder-hook gmx/* 'source "~/.mutt/public/gmx"'
# Outlook
source "~/.mutt/personal/outlook"
folder-hook outlook/* 'source "~/.mutt/personal/outlook"'
auto_view text/html
index-format-hook date "~d<1d" "%[%H:%M:%S]"
index-format-hook date "~d<1w" "%[%a %H:%M]"
index-format-hook date "~A" "%[%d %b %y]"
set mail_check = 300
set timeout = 30
set date_format = "%d/%m/%y %I:%M%p"
set index_format = "[%S%?X?A& ?%zc%?H?#& ?] %-9@date@ %-20.20F %s (%-4.4c)"
set status_format = "[ Folder: %f ] [ %m messages%?n? (%n new)?%?d? (%d to delete)?%?t? (%t tagged)? ]%>─%?p?( %p postponed )?"
set attribution = "On %d, %n wrote:"
set sidebar_format = "%D %* [%?N?%N/?%S]"
set editor = "vim"
set sort = threads
set sort_aux = reverse-last-date-received
set send_charset = "utf-8"
set spoolfile = "+redxen/Inbox"
set pager_index_lines = 10
set pager_context = 3
set mailcap_path = ~/.mutt/mailcap
set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp"
set query_command = "abook --mutt-query '%s'"
set recall = yes
set sidebar_sort_method = path
set pgp_default_key = "0xA6415605DCE7422E"
set pgp_sign_as = "0xF92BA85F61F4C173"
spam "X-Spam-Status: Yes" "90+/SA"
spam "X-Spam: Yes" "90+/RS"
spam "X-Spam-Flag: YES" "90+/GMX"
unset wait_key
unset markers
unset collapse_unread
unset confirmappend
set mark_old
set sidebar_new_mail_only
set use_from
set envelope_from
set sort_re
set text_flowed
set envelope_from
set pgp_use_gpg_agent
set include
set collapse_all
set fast_reply
set crypt_autopgp
set crypt_autosign
set crypt_replysign
set sidebar_visible
set edit_headers
set thorough_search
set mail_check_stats
set mime_forward
set delete
set quit
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Credentials
named-mailboxes "Inbox -" "+cockli/Inbox" "Archive -" "+cockli/Archive" "Drafts -" "+cockli/Drafts" "Sent -" "+cockli/Sent" "Trash -" "+cockli/Trash" "Junk -" "+cockli/Junk"
set from =
set realname = 'caskd'
set signature = "~/.mutt/public/signature"
# FS
set spoolfile = "+cockli/Inbox"
set mbox = "+cockli/Archive"
set postponed = "+cockli/Drafts"
set record = "+cockli/Sent"
set trash = "+cockli/Trash"
sidebar_whitelist = "+cockli/Inbox"
source ~/.mutt/resource.muttrc
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Credentials
named-mailboxes "Inbox - GMX" "+gmx/Inbox" "Archive - GMX" "+gmx/Archive" "Drafts - GMX" "+gmx/Drafts" "Sent - GMX" "+gmx/Sent" "Trash - GMX" "+gmx/Trash" "Junk - GMX" "+gmx/Junk"
set from =
set realname = 'caskd'
set signature = "~/.mutt/public/signature"
# FS
set spoolfile = "+gmx/Inbox"
set mbox = "+gmx/Archive"
set postponed = "+gmx/Drafts"
set record = "+gmx/Sent"
set trash = "+gmx/Trash"
sidebar_whitelist = "+gmx/Inbox"
source ~/.mutt/resource.muttrc
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Credentials
named-mailboxes "Inbox - RedXen" "+redxen/Inbox" "Archive - RedXen" "+redxen/Archive" "Drafts - RedXen" "+redxen/Drafts" "Sent - RedXen" "+redxen/Sent" "Trash - RedXen" "+redxen/Trash" "Junk - RedXen" "+redxen/Junk"
set from =
set realname = 'caskd'
set signature = "~/.mutt/public/signature"
# FS
set spoolfile = "+redxen/Inbox"
set mbox = "+redxen/Archive"
set postponed = "+redxen/Drafts"
set record = "+redxen/Sent"
set trash = "+redxen/Trash"
sidebar_whitelist = "+redxen/Inbox"
source ~/.mutt/resource.muttrc
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Alex D.
RedXen System & Infrastructure Administration
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
macro generic,index,pager sI "<tag-prefix-cond><save-message>$spoolfile\n<sync-mailbox>"
macro generic,index,pager sA "<tag-prefix-cond><save-message>$mbox\n<sync-mailbox>"
Reference in New Issue