
203 lines
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package me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.modules.render;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.event.events.RenderEvent;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.Module;
import net.minecraft.block.*;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityZombie;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.pathfinding.*;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.world.IBlockAccess;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import static me.zeroeightsix.kami.util.MessageSendHelper.sendChatMessage;
* Created by 086 on 25/01/2018.
name = "Pathfind",
category = Module.Category.MISC,
description = "A path finder for AutoWalk"
public class Pathfind extends Module {
public static ArrayList<PathPoint> points = new ArrayList<>();
static PathPoint to = null;
public static boolean createPath(PathPoint end) {
to = end;
WalkNodeProcessor walkNodeProcessor = new AnchoredWalkNodeProcessor(new PathPoint((int) mc.player.posX, (int) mc.player.posY, (int) mc.player.posZ));
EntityZombie zombie = new EntityZombie(mc.world);
zombie.setPathPriority(PathNodeType.WATER, 16f);
zombie.posX = mc.player.posX;
zombie.posY = mc.player.posY;
zombie.posZ = mc.player.posZ;
PathFinder finder = new PathFinder(walkNodeProcessor);
Path path = finder.findPath(mc.world, zombie, new BlockPos(end.x, end.y, end.z), Float.MAX_VALUE);
zombie.setPathPriority(PathNodeType.WATER, 0);
if (path == null) {
sendChatMessage("Failed to create path!");
return false;
points = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(path.points));
return points.get(points.size() - 1).distanceTo(end) <= 1; // Return whether or not the last path location is our end destination
public void onWorldRender(RenderEvent event) {
if (points.isEmpty()) return;
GL11.glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
PathPoint first = points.get(0);
GL11.glVertex3d(first.x - mc.getRenderManager().renderPosX + .5, first.y - mc.getRenderManager().renderPosY, first.z - mc.getRenderManager().renderPosZ + .5);
for (int i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; i++) {
PathPoint pathPoint = points.get(i);
GL11.glVertex3d(pathPoint.x - mc.getRenderManager().renderPosX + .5, pathPoint.y - mc.getRenderManager().renderPosY, pathPoint.z - mc.getRenderManager().renderPosZ + .5);
if (i != points.size() - 1) {
GL11.glVertex3d(pathPoint.x - mc.getRenderManager().renderPosX + .5, pathPoint.y - mc.getRenderManager().renderPosY, pathPoint.z - mc.getRenderManager().renderPosZ + .5);
public void onUpdate() {
PathPoint closest = points.stream().min(Comparator.comparing(pathPoint -> mc.player.getDistance(pathPoint.x, pathPoint.y, pathPoint.z))).orElse(null);
if (closest == null) return;
if (mc.player.getDistance(closest.x, closest.y, closest.z) > .8) return;
Iterator<PathPoint> iterator = points.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
if (iterator.next() == closest) {
if ((points.size() <= 1) && to != null) {
boolean b = createPath(to);
boolean flag = points.size() <= 4;
if ((b && flag) || flag) { // The only points present are the starting and end point (or <=2 points in between). We've arrived!
// Might also return true if we've hit a dead end
to = null;
if (b)
sendChatMessage("Can't go on: pathfinder has hit dead end");
private static class AnchoredWalkNodeProcessor extends WalkNodeProcessor {
PathPoint from;
public AnchoredWalkNodeProcessor(PathPoint from) {
this.from = from;
public PathPoint getStart() {
return from;
public boolean getCanEnterDoors() {
return true;
public boolean getCanSwim() {
return true;
public PathNodeType getPathNodeType(IBlockAccess blockaccessIn, int x, int y, int z) {
PathNodeType pathnodetype = this.getPathNodeTypeRaw(blockaccessIn, x, y, z);
if (pathnodetype == PathNodeType.OPEN && y >= 1) {
Block block = blockaccessIn.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, y - 1, z)).getBlock();
PathNodeType pathnodetype1 = this.getPathNodeTypeRaw(blockaccessIn, x, y - 1, z);
pathnodetype =
pathnodetype1 != PathNodeType.WALKABLE
&& pathnodetype1 != PathNodeType.OPEN
&& pathnodetype1 != PathNodeType.LAVA
? PathNodeType.WALKABLE : PathNodeType.OPEN;
if (pathnodetype1 == PathNodeType.DAMAGE_FIRE || block == Blocks.MAGMA) {
pathnodetype = PathNodeType.DAMAGE_FIRE;
if (pathnodetype1 == PathNodeType.DAMAGE_CACTUS) {
pathnodetype = PathNodeType.DAMAGE_CACTUS;
pathnodetype = this.checkNeighborBlocks(blockaccessIn, x, y, z, pathnodetype);
return pathnodetype;
protected PathNodeType getPathNodeTypeRaw(IBlockAccess p_189553_1_, int p_189553_2_, int p_189553_3_, int p_189553_4_) {
BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(p_189553_2_, p_189553_3_, p_189553_4_);
IBlockState iblockstate = p_189553_1_.getBlockState(blockpos);
Block block = iblockstate.getBlock();
Material material = iblockstate.getMaterial();
PathNodeType type = block.getAiPathNodeType(iblockstate, p_189553_1_, blockpos);
if (type != null) return type;
if (material == Material.AIR) {
return PathNodeType.OPEN;
} else if (block != Blocks.TRAPDOOR && block != Blocks.IRON_TRAPDOOR && block != Blocks.WATERLILY) {
if (block == Blocks.FIRE) {
return PathNodeType.DAMAGE_FIRE;
} else if (block == Blocks.CACTUS) {
return PathNodeType.DAMAGE_CACTUS;
} else if (block instanceof BlockDoor && material == Material.WOOD && !iblockstate.getValue(BlockDoor.OPEN)) {
return PathNodeType.DOOR_WOOD_CLOSED;
} else if (block instanceof BlockDoor && material == Material.IRON && !iblockstate.getValue(BlockDoor.OPEN)) {
return PathNodeType.DOOR_IRON_CLOSED;
} else if (block instanceof BlockDoor && iblockstate.getValue(BlockDoor.OPEN)) {
return PathNodeType.DOOR_OPEN;
} else if (block instanceof BlockRailBase) {
return PathNodeType.RAIL;
} else if (!(block instanceof BlockFence) && !(block instanceof BlockWall) && (!(block instanceof BlockFenceGate) || iblockstate.getValue(BlockFenceGate.OPEN))) {
if (material == Material.WATER) {
return PathNodeType.WALKABLE;
} else if (material == Material.LAVA) {
return PathNodeType.LAVA;
} else {
return block.isPassable(p_189553_1_, blockpos) ? PathNodeType.OPEN : PathNodeType.BLOCKED;
} else {
return PathNodeType.FENCE;
} else {
return PathNodeType.TRAPDOOR;