
20 lines
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"homepage": "https://github.com/S-B99/KAMI/releases",
"1.12.2": {
"v1.1.1": "\n Added an update checker\n Fix capes\n Add Discord RPC\n You can now hide modules in active modules\n Fixed FakeGamemode and Freecam on non 2b\n Added PearlDupe\n Made AutoTrap better\n Added AutoTPA\n Fixed a bunch of bugs\n AutoQMain uses system time now\n Added Peek Bypass\n GUI now closes and opens with same key\n Added AntiFriendHit\n Made AutoFish better\n InfoOverlay is now automatic\n Fixed modules missing descriptions\n Fixed british spelling\n StorageESP now has options\n HoleESP has been merged with the fast version\n NoRender can now norender explosions\n Added .credits\n Fixed a bunch of compiling bugs and developer related stuff\n Added .signbook\n",
"v1.1.0": "\n Fixed 7 different NPE / config related crashes\n Added AntiDeathScreen\n Made AutoRespawn Better\n Added AntiChunkBan\n Added Criticals\n Added .commands descriptions\n Added PrefixChat (press your prefix just like MC /!)\n Added AntiKick to FakeGamemode and Spectator\n Added AutoQMain\n Added Capes\n Added IceSpeed\n Added .entitystats, .vanish, .nbt and .teleport\n Added BookCrash\n Added AutoSnowGolem\n Added AutoWither\n Added AutoNameTag option\n Added HoleESP and HoleESP Fast (to be combined into one)\n Added Glow mode to ESP\n Added ElytraFly bypass\n Added ReloadSounds\n Added NoSoundLag\n Added options to the InfoOverlay as well as a welcomer, memory and ping\n Fixed some bugs with sliders\n Improved FastUse with modes and speed\n Added AutoExp\n Added Auto tick speed to Aura\n Fixed CrystalAura entity placing things\n",
"v1.0.9": "\n Readded commands option to CustomChat which was deleted somehow\n Renamed KAMI Aura mode to CPS to make it more clear\n Added surround\n Added bowspam\n Renamed Brightness to FullBright for clarity\n Added FastXP\n Added HoleESP\n Added FakeGamemode\n Added InventoryPreview\n Added a new mode to Customchat\n Changed defaults for FullBright, Autototem and Customchat, and the added modules\n Fixed InvPreview crash\n",
"v1.0.8": "\n Customchat now has modes (ontop, website etc)\n NoFall modes are now a toggle\n Autototem now has an inventory mode\n Autototem Soft mode has been toggled and renamed to Force to be more self exclamatory\n Minor changes to the GUIColor module\n",
"v1.0.7": "\n Customchat now works with other clients unless you have some sort of weird prefix, which you can create an issue for\n Fixed how auto32k looks for somewhere to place hoppers\n Auto32k has y offset options now, to have more places to place\n Fixed sprint sprint sprint\n Changed GUI color to be better\n Aura now has a tick delay instead of click delay\n",
"v1.0.6": "\n fixed default settings\n Improve how auto32k checks for places to place the shulker\n Remove place behind\n Replace place behind with Place close to enemy\n",
"v1.0.5": "\n Improve how auto32k checks for places to place the shulker\n Remove place behind\n Replace place behind with Place close to enemy\n",
"v1.0.4": "\n add Auto32k\n add 32k options to Aura\n misc changes\n rebranded to KAMI Blue\n",
"v1.0.3": "\n using this is not recommended, i think it's broken\n",
"v1.0.2": "\n updated customchat ending\n this release is now on par with 086 in terms of features\n in terms of code, building is ahead of 086\n rainbow module list\n future compatibility is a yes\n",
"v1.0.1": "\n this does not work\n rainbow module list\n future compatibility shouldn't be an issue, but safewalk has not been changed to ensure it\n this current release has some small features behind zeroeightysix, this will not be the case in the future. this is less buggy then their's, but if you don't mind it use their's.\n"
"promos": {
"1.12.2-latest": "v1.1.1"