# KAMI Blue
### A minecraft utility mod for anarchy servers.
| | S-B99 (features-master)| 086 (upstream) |
| Build Status | [![Build Status features-master](https://img.shields.io/travis/com/S-B99/kamiblue-travisci/master?logo=gradle&label=build)](https://travis-ci.com/S-B99/kamiblue-travisci/branches) | [![Build Status 086](https://travis-ci.com/zeroeightysix/KAMI.svg?logo=gradle&branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/zeroeightysix/KAMI) |
| Media | [![Discord Mine](https://img.shields.io/discord/573954110454366214?label=chat&logo=discord&logoColor=white)](https://discord.gg/KfpqwZB) | [![Discord 086](https://img.shields.io/discord/496724196542513174)](http://discord.gg/9hvwgeg) |
| Version | [![Version master](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/S-B99/kami?color=dark-green&label=latest&logo=java)](https://github.com/S-B99/KAMI/releases) | [![Version 086](https://img.shields.io/github/v/tag/zeroeightysix/KAMI?color=red&label=outdated)](https://github.com/zeroeightysix/KAMI/releases) |
Please consider donating to help continue this project and get a unique cape in game in the future. Currently I've received about $50 from the [nearly 400](.github/IMAGES/traffic.png) *unique* visitors to this repo.
Click to view disclaimers
This will be frequently updated as long as I'm not on vacation or anything
This is by no means a finished project, nor is it a "cheat" or "hack" for anything, it is a *utility* mod.
Please note Baritone is no longer included. Download the standalone jar [from here](https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/releases).
See [forgehax](https://github.com/fr1kin/forgehax) for an equivalent. Some features in KAMI may be based on those of forgehax, and KAMI / KAMI Blue have some features it doesn't. KAMI Blue won't be based off of other mods unless said otherwise.
## How to download
Press the releases button or [click here](https://github.com/S-B99/KAMI/releases)
## Status
Click to view current development status
[Everything here is planned for sure,](https://github.com/zeroeightysix/KAMI/pull/114) [along with here](https://github.com/S-B99/KAMI/issues/12) and the rest of the issues with a milestone attached.
This is currently in slowed development. Maintainance and further development is planned in the next couple months.
## Preview
Click to view images
Click on images to expand
Note: GUI Color is a work in progress and unreleased
GUI When Closed
Ignore the GUI on the right, that's future
Shulker preview being used in chat
CrystalAura targeting
## Installing
To install drag the `VERSION-release.jar` to your `mods/1.12.2` folder
Click to see more detailed installing instructions
KAMI Blue is a forge mod. Start by downloading the latest version of [1.12.2 forge](https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.12.2.html).
1. Install forge
2. Go to your `.minecraft` directory.
* **Linux**: `~/.minecraft`
* **Windows**: `%appdata%/.minecraft`
3. Navigate to the `mods` directory. If it doesn't exist, create it.
4. Get the KAMI Blue `.jar` file.
* By **downloading** it: see [releases](../../releases)
* By **building** it: see [building](#building).
5. Drag the `-release.jar` file into your mods directory.
## How do I
Click to see the frequently asked questions or basic stuff
##### Open the GUI
Press Y.
##### Use commands
The default prefix is `.`. Commands are used through chat, use `.commands` for a list of commands.
##### Bind modules
Run `.bind `.
You can also use `.bind modifiers on` to allow modules to be bound to keybinds with modifiers, e.g `ctrl + shift + w` or `ctrl + c`.
##### Change command prefix
By using the command `prefix ` or after having ran KAMI Blue (make sure it's closed), editing your configuration file (find it using `config path` in-game) and changing the value of `commandPrefix` to change the prefix.
## Features
Click to view a list of features
**NOTE: this list is outdated as of v1.0.9, will update it soon**
*modified or added by KAMI Blue*
#### Experimental
- *AntiBookBan*
- *DiscordRPC*
- *GUIColor*
- *SendRawUnicode*
- *Capes*
#### Combat
- *Aura*
- *Auto32k*
- AutoLog
- *AutoTotem*
- CrystalAura
#### Misc
- AntiAFK
- AntiWeather
- AutoReconnect
- AutoRespawn
- AutoTool
- CameraClip
- ChatEncryption
- ColourSign
- *CustomChat*
- FakeVanilla
- NoEntityTrace
- NoPacketKick
- Used by other modules, not a real module
- PortalChat
- SkinFlicker
#### Movement
- AntiHunger
- ElytraFlight
- EntitySpeed
- Flight
- Jesus
- NoSlowDown
- SafeWalk
- *Sprint*
- Velocity
#### Player
- AntiForceLook
- AutoArmour
- AutoEat
- AutoFish
- AutoJump
- AutoWalk
- Blink
- FastBreak
- *FastPlace*
- *FastUse*
- Freecam
- *NoFall*
- PitchLock
- PortalGodMode
- Scaffold
- TpsSync
- YawLock
#### Render
- AntiFog
- ArmourHUD
- BossStack
- Brightness
- Chams
- ChunkFinder
- ExtraTab
- EyeFinder
- Nametags
- NoHurtCam
- NoRender
- Pathfind
- ShulkerPreview
- StorageESP
- Tracers
- Trajectories
## Troubleshooting
Please read this before opening an issue
Please reference the main [troubleshooting page](docs/TROUBLESHOOTING.md)
If you have an issue or problem and it's not listed there, please [open a new issue](../../issues/new/choose) and a contributor will help you further.
## How this actually improves over KAMI Red
Click to see new features and improvements
**Please note all of this is super outdated, just go to releases and look at the changelogs**
### Currently:
- NoFall Bucket Mode picks up the water bucket after
- Better mcmod.info with more information
- Constant testing
- Hey look an active developer
- GUI is better
- If someone does write code and add it to KAMI Red this generally gets it way faster
### Upcoming:
- Modules under experimental (discord RPC, etc)
- Stuff in [issues to be added](https://github.com/S-B99/KAMI/issues)
- GUI Color Changer
- CAPES! (donate $10 to unlock)
- Fast place has options for speed coming soon
- Modes for fast use and deleting fast place also soon
- Auto32k will automatically enable and disable aura as an option
## Thank you
[zeroeightysix](https://github.com/zeroeightysix) for the original [KAMI](https://github.com/zeroeightysix/KAMI)
[ZeroMemes](https://github.com/ZeroMemes) for [Alpine](https://github.com/ZeroMemes/Alpine)
[ronmamo](https://github.com/ronmamo/) for [Reflections](https://github.com/ronmamo/reflections)
The [Minecraft Forge team](https://github.com/MinecraftForge) for [forge](https://files.minecraftforge.net/)