#!/bin/bash if [[ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "true" ]]; then exit 0; else echo "">/dev/null; fi COMMIT_TRIM="${TRAVIS_COMMIT::7}" COMMIT_MSG="$TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE" if [[ "$BRANCH" == "feature/master" ]]; then # Send message with branch name curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"embeds": [{"title": "","description": "**Changelog:** '"$COMMIT_MSG"'\nBranch: `'"$BRANCH"'`\nCommit: ['${COMMIT_TRIM}'](https://github.com/S-B99/kamiblue/commits/'${COMMIT_TRIM}')"}]}' "$WEBHOOK" # Upload the release file BUILD_DIR="$(readlink -f ./build/libs/)" JAR_DIR="$(ls "$BUILD_DIR" | grep "release")" curl -F content=@"$BUILD_DIR/$JAR_DIR" "$WEBHOOK" elif [[ "$BRANCH" == "feature/safecrystal#480" ]]; then # Send message with branch name curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"embeds": [{"title": "","description": "**Changelog:** '"$COMMIT_MSG"'\nBranch: `'"$BRANCH"'`\nCommit: ['${COMMIT_TRIM}'](https://github.com/S-B99/kamiblue/commits/'${COMMIT_TRIM}')"}]}' "$WEBHOOK" # Upload the release file BUILD_DIR="$(readlink -f ./build/libs/)" JAR_DIR="$(ls "$BUILD_DIR" | grep "release")" curl -F content=@"$BUILD_DIR/$JAR_DIR" "$WEBHOOK" else exit 0 fi