save where new chunks are

This commit is contained in:
IronException 2019-09-25 23:37:18 +02:00
parent af51ab11b5
commit b59971d402
1 changed files with 247 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -2,26 +2,42 @@ package me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.modules.render;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.command.Command;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.Module;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.KamiMod;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.setting.Setting;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.setting.Settings;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
* @author 086
* @author 086 and IronException
@Module.Info(name = "ChunkFinder", description = "Highlights newly generated chunks", category = Module.Category.RENDER)
public class ChunkFinder extends Module {
private Setting<Integer> yOffset = register(Settings.i("Y Offset", 0));
private Setting<Boolean> relative = register(Settings.b("Relative", true));
private Setting<Boolean> saveNewChunks = register(Settings.b("Save New Chunks", false));
private Setting<SaveOption> saveOption = register(Settings.enumBuilder(SaveOption.class).withValue(SaveOption.extraFolder).withName("Save Option").withVisibility(aBoolean -> saveNewChunks.getValue()).build());
private Setting<Boolean> saveInRegionFolder = register(Settings.booleanBuilder("In Region").withValue(false).withVisibility(aBoolean -> saveNewChunks.getValue()).build());
private Setting<Boolean> alsoSaveNormalCoords = register(Settings.booleanBuilder("Save Normal Coords").withValue(false).withVisibility(aBoolean -> saveNewChunks.getValue()).build());
private LastSetting lastSetting = new LastSetting();
private PrintWriter logWriter;
static ArrayList<Chunk> chunks = new ArrayList<>();
@ -78,6 +94,7 @@ public class ChunkFinder extends Module {
protected void onDisable() {
@ -86,9 +103,188 @@ public class ChunkFinder extends Module {
if (!event.getPacket().isFullChunk()) {
dirty = true;
if(saveNewChunks.getValue()) {
// needs to be synchronized so no data gets lost
public void saveNewChunk(Chunk chunk) {
saveNewChunk(testAndGetLogWriter(), getNewChunkInfo(chunk));
private String getNewChunkInfo(Chunk chunk) {
String rV = String.format("%d,%d,%d", System.currentTimeMillis(), chunk.x, chunk.z);
rV += String.format(",%d,%d", chunk.x * 16 + 8, chunk.z * 16 + 8);
return rV;
private PrintWriter testAndGetLogWriter() {
if(lastSetting.testChangeAndUpdate()) {
return logWriter;
private void logWriterOpen() {
String filepath = getPath().toString();
try {
logWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filepath, true)), true);
String head = "timestamp,ChunkX,ChunkZ";
if (alsoSaveNormalCoords.getValue()) {
head += ",x coordinate,z coordinate";
} catch (Exception e) {
KamiMod.log.error("some exception happened when trying to start the logging -> " + e.getMessage());
Command.sendChatMessage("onLogStart: " + e.getMessage());
private Path getPath() {
/* code from baritone (
File file = null;
int dimension = mc.player.dimension;
// If there is an integrated server running (Aka Singleplayer) then do magic to find the world save file
if (mc.isSingleplayer()) {
try {
file = mc.getIntegratedServer().getWorld(dimension).getChunkSaveLocation();
} catch (Exception e) {
KamiMod.log.error("some exception happened when getting canonicalFile -> " + e.getMessage());
Command.sendChatMessage("onGetPath: " + e.getMessage());
// Gets the "depth" of this directory relative the the game's run directory, 2 is the location of the world
if (file.toPath().relativize(mc.gameDir.toPath()).getNameCount() != 2) {
// subdirectory of the main save directory for this world
file = file.getParentFile();
} else { // Otherwise, the server must be remote...
file = makeMultiplayerDirectory().toFile();
// We will actually store the world data in a subfolder: "DIM<id>"
if(dimension != 0) { // except if it's the overworld
file = new File(file, "DIM" + dimension);
// maybe we want to save it in region folder
if(saveInRegionFolder.getValue()) {
file = new File(file, "region");
file = new File(file, "newChunkLogs");
String date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss").format(new Date());
file = new File(file, mc.getSession().getUsername() + "_" + date + ".csv"); // maybe dont safe the name actually. But I also dont want to make another option...
Path rV = file.toPath();
try {
if(!Files.exists(rV)) { // ovsly always...
} catch (IOException e) {
KamiMod.log.error("some exception happened when trying to make the file -> " + e.getMessage());
Command.sendChatMessage("onCreateFile: " + e.getMessage());
return rV;
private Path makeMultiplayerDirectory(){
File rV = Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameDir;
String folderName;
case liteLoaderWdl: // make folder structure like liteLoader
folderName = mc.getCurrentServerData().serverName;
rV = new File(rV, "saves");
rV = new File(rV, folderName);
case nhackWdl: // make folder structure like nhack-insdustries
folderName = getNHackInetName();
rV = new File(rV, "config");
rV = new File(rV, "wdl-saves");
rV = new File(rV, folderName);
// extra because name might be different
if (!rV.exists()) {
Command.sendChatMessage("nhack wdl directory doesnt exist: " + folderName);
Command.sendChatMessage("creating the directory now. It is recommended to update the ip");
default: // make folder structure in .minecraft
folderName = mc.getCurrentServerData().serverName + "-" + mc.getCurrentServerData().serverIP;
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
folderName = folderName.replace(":", "_");
rV = new File(rV, "KAMI_NewChunks");
rV = new File(rV, folderName);
return rV.toPath();
private String getNHackInetName() {
String folderName = mc.getCurrentServerData().serverIP;
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
folderName = folderName.replace(":", "_");
if (hasNoPort(folderName)) {
folderName += "_25565"; // if there is no port then we have to manually include the standard port..
return folderName;
private boolean hasNoPort(String ip) {
if(!ip.contains("_")) {
return true;
String[] sp = ip.split("_");
String ending = sp[sp.length - 1];
if (!isInteger(ending)) { // if it is numeric it means it might be a port...
return true;
return false;
private boolean isInteger(String s) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException | NullPointerException e) {
return false;
return true;
private void logWriterClose() {
if(logWriter != null) {
logWriter = null;
private void saveNewChunk(PrintWriter log, String data) {
private Listener<> unloadListener = new Listener<>(event -> dirty = chunks.remove(event.getChunk()));
@ -96,4 +292,54 @@ public class ChunkFinder extends Module {
public void destroy() {
GL11.glDeleteLists(1, 1);
private enum SaveOption {
extraFolder, liteLoaderWdl, nhackWdl
private class LastSetting {
SaveOption lastSaveOption;
boolean lastInRegion;
boolean lastSaveNormal;
int dimension;
String ip;
public boolean testChangeAndUpdate() {
if (testChange()) {
// so we dont have to do this process again next time
return true;
return false;
public boolean testChange() {
// these somehow include the test wether its null
if (saveOption.getValue() != lastSaveOption) {
return true;
if (saveInRegionFolder.getValue() != lastInRegion) {
return true;
if (alsoSaveNormalCoords.getValue() != lastSaveNormal) {
return true;
if(dimension != mc.player.dimension) {
return true;
if(!mc.getCurrentServerData().serverIP.equals(ip)) { // strings need equals + this way because could be null
return true;
return false;
private void update() {
lastSaveOption = saveOption.getValue();
lastInRegion = saveInRegionFolder.getValue();
lastSaveNormal = alsoSaveNormalCoords.getValue();
dimension = mc.player.dimension;
ip = mc.getCurrentServerData().serverIP;