add build inst for #192

This commit is contained in:
Bella 2019-12-15 00:28:38 -05:00
parent 88cf3e7c19
commit 721c5c9e24
1 changed files with 96 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Click on images to expand
Note: GUI Color is a work in progress and unreleased
Note: GUI pictures are super outdated
<img src=".github/IMAGES/gui.png" width="500"/>
@ -137,6 +137,101 @@ By using the command `prefix <prefix>` or after having ran KAMI Blue (make sure
## Building
<summary>Click to see building instructions</summary>
#### Linux
You can build by running these commands (without the <>) in a terminal.
git clone
chmod +x gradlew
./gradlew <args>
Possible arguments:
If you use more than one then it must be in that order.
Build is required, `mkdir` makes the `mods/1.12.2` directory, `rmOld` removes old versions of KAMI and KAMI Blue\* in that directory, and `copy` copies the build release to the `mods/1.12.2` directory.
\*`rmOld` removes any jars ending in `-release.jar`, which is the format KAMI used and that KAMI Blue uses. If you use any other mod that uses that naming scheme please remove old versions manually.
If you prefer copying it manually, find a file in `build/libs` called `KAMI-<kamiVersion>-**release**.jar` which you can copy to the `mods/1.12.2` folder of a minecraft instance that has forge installed.
Note: This assumes your minecraft folder is in the default location under your home folder.
Note: Any argument other then `build` assumes you downloaded KAMI Blue to a nested folder inside your home folder. For example `~/Downloads/KAMI` or `~/Documents/KAMI`. This will be fixed as per [issue #15](
#### Windows
You can build by running these commands in a terminal with the current directory being KAMI. (EG. `cd C:\Users\Username\Downloads\KAMI`)
gradlew.bat build
To copy on windows run `autocopy.bat`
If you prefer copying it manually, find a file in `build/libs` called `KAMI-<kamiVersion>-**release**.jar` which you can copy to the `mods\1.12.2` folder of a minecraft instance that has forge installed.
Note: This assumes your minecraft folder is in the default location under your %appdata% folder.
If you get build errors see this: [troubleshooting page](docs/
## Contributing
<summary>Click to see how to contribute</summary>
You are free to clone, modify KAMI and KAMI Blue and make pull requests as you wish. To set up your development environment, make use of the following commands:
On GNU/Linux, run `chmod +x gradlew` and for the following commands use `./gradlew` instead of `gradlew.bat`
Of-course you can also use a Gradle installation if you for some reason want another version of gradle
git clone
Import KAMI Blue into your IDE of choice.
gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace
gradlew.bat genIntellijRuns #for intellij
gradlew.bat eclipse #for eclipse
If you use IntelliJ, import `build.gradle`
If you use Eclipse, import a new gradle project and select the KAMI folder.
If you have gradle related issues with either of these force your gradle version to `4.8.1`
If you do not wish to run from an IDE, use `gradlew.bat runClient` to run KAMI Blue.
If you get build errors see this: [troubleshooting page](docs/
## Thank you
[zeroeightysix]( for the original [KAMI](