add features list

This commit is contained in:
S-B99 2019-11-12 15:44:23 -05:00
parent 883bd09de9
commit 60d258235c
1 changed files with 96 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -136,6 +136,102 @@ By using the command `prefix <prefix>` or after having ran KAMI Blue (make sure
## Features
<summary>Click to view a list of features</summary>
*modified or added by KAMI Blue*
#### Combat
- *Aura*
- *Auto32k*
- AutoLog
- *AutoTotem*
- CrystalAura
#### Misc
- AntiAFK
- AntiWeather
- AutoReconnect
- AutoRespawn
- AutoTool
- CameraClip
- ChatEncryption
- ColourSign
- *CustomChat*
- FakeVanilla
- NoEntityTrace
- NoPacketKick
- PortalChat
- SkinFlicker
#### Movement
- AntiHunger
- ElytraFlight
- EntitySpeed
- Flight
- Jesus
- NoSlowDown
- SafeWalk
- *Sprint*
- Velocity
#### Player
- AntiForceLook
- AutoArmour
- AutoEat
- AutoFish
- AutoJump
- AutoWalk
- Blink
- FastBreak
- *FastPlace*
- *FastUse*
- Freecam
- *NoFall*
- PitchLock
- PortalGodMode
- Scaffold
- TpsSync
- YawLock
#### Render
- AntiFog
- ArmourHUD
- BossStack
- Brightness
- Chams
- ChunkFinder
- ExtraTab
- EyeFinder
- Nametags
- NoHurtCam
- NoRender
- Pathfind
- ShulkerPreview
- StorageESP
- Tracers
- Trajectories
#### Experimental
- AntiBookBan
- DiscordRPC
- GUIColor
- SendRawUnicode
- Capes
## Troubleshooting