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2020-02-18 14:31:59 +00:00
package me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.modules.chat;
2019-11-09 02:57:06 +00:00
import me.zero.alpine.listener.EventHandler;
import me.zero.alpine.listener.Listener;
2020-02-18 13:56:28 +00:00
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.command.Command;
2019-11-09 02:57:06 +00:00
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.event.events.PacketEvent;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.Module;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.setting.Setting;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.setting.Settings;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketChatMessage;
2020-04-12 18:53:31 +00:00
import static me.zeroeightsix.kami.KamiMod.separator;
2020-04-13 00:00:17 +00:00
import static me.zeroeightsix.kami.util.MessageSendHelper.sendWarningMessage;
2019-11-12 03:07:50 +00:00
2019-11-09 02:57:06 +00:00
* Created by 086 on 8/04/2018.
2020-04-18 15:20:04 +00:00
* Updated by dominikaaaa on 12/03/20
2019-11-09 02:57:06 +00:00
name = "CustomChat",
category = Module.Category.CHAT,
description = "Add a custom suffix to the end of your message!",
showOnArray = Module.ShowOnArray.OFF
2020-02-24 21:15:17 +00:00
public class CustomChat extends Module {
2020-03-12 20:36:58 +00:00
public Setting<TextMode> textMode = register(Settings.e("Message", TextMode.ON_TOP));
2020-02-04 23:04:40 +00:00
private Setting<DecoMode> decoMode = register(Settings.e("Separator", DecoMode.NONE));
2019-11-13 14:09:04 +00:00
private Setting<Boolean> commands = register(Settings.b("Commands", false));
public Setting<String> customText = register(Settings.stringBuilder("Custom Text").withValue("unchanged").withConsumer((old, value) -> {}).build());
private enum DecoMode { SEPARATOR, CLASSIC, NONE }
public enum TextMode { NAME, ON_TOP, WEBSITE, JAPANESE, CUSTOM }
public static String[] cmdCheck = new String[]{"/", ",", ".", "-", ";", "?", "*", "^", "&", Command.getCommandPrefix()};
2019-11-09 02:57:06 +00:00
2020-04-16 19:49:01 +00:00
private String getText(TextMode t) {
switch (t) {
case NAME: return "\u1d0b\u1d00\u1d0d\u026a \u0299\u029f\u1d1c\u1d07";
case ON_TOP: return "\u1d0b\u1d00\u1d0d\u026a \u0299\u029f\u1d1c\u1d07 \u1d0f\u0274 \u1d1b\u1d0f\u1d18";
case WEBSITE: return "\u0299\u029f\u1d1c\u1d07\u002e\u0299\u1d07\u029f\u029f\u1d00\u002e\u1d21\u1d1b\u0493";
case JAPANESE: return "\u4e0a\u306b\u30ab\u30df\u30d6\u30eb\u30fc";
case CUSTOM: return customText.getValue();
default: return "";
2020-04-16 19:49:01 +00:00
private String getFull(DecoMode d) {
switch (d) {
case NONE: return " " + getText(textMode.getValue());
case CLASSIC: return " \u00ab " + getText(textMode.getValue()) + " \u00bb";
case SEPARATOR: return " " + separator + " " + getText(textMode.getValue());
default: return "";
2020-04-16 19:49:01 +00:00
public Listener<PacketEvent.Send> listener = new Listener<>(event -> {
if (event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketChatMessage) {
String s = ((CPacketChatMessage) event.getPacket()).getMessage();
if (!commands.getValue() && isCommand(s)) return;
s += getFull(decoMode.getValue());
if (s.length() >= 256) s = s.substring(0, 256);
((CPacketChatMessage) event.getPacket()).message = s;
2020-03-12 23:16:42 +00:00
private boolean isCommand(String s) {
2020-03-12 20:36:58 +00:00
for (String value : cmdCheck) {
if (s.startsWith(value)) return true;
return false;
private static long startTime = 0;
2020-03-10 22:22:23 +00:00
public void onUpdate() {
if (startTime == 0) startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (startTime + 5000 <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { // 5 seconds in milliseconds
if (textMode.getValue().equals(TextMode.CUSTOM) && customText.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("unchanged") && mc.player != null) {
2020-04-13 00:00:17 +00:00
sendWarningMessage(getChatName() + " Warning: In order to use the custom " + getName() + ", please run the &7" + Command.getCommandPrefix() + "customchat&r command to change it");
2020-03-10 22:22:23 +00:00
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
2019-11-09 02:57:06 +00:00