
338 lines
15 KiB

* This file is part of Baritone.
* Baritone is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Baritone is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Baritone. If not, see <>.
package baritone.command.defaults;
import baritone.Baritone;
import baritone.api.IBaritone;
import baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener;
import baritone.api.schematic.*;
import baritone.api.selection.ISelection;
import baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager;
import baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos;
import baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta;
import baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup;
import baritone.api.schematic.ISchematic;
import baritone.api.command.Command;
import baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForBlockOptionalMeta;
import baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForEnumFacing;
import baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeBlockPos;
import baritone.api.command.exception.CommandException;
import baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidStateException;
import baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidTypeException;
import baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer;
import baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper;
import baritone.utils.IRenderer;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class SelCommand extends Command {
private ISelectionManager manager = baritone.getSelectionManager();
private BetterBlockPos pos1 = null;
public SelCommand(IBaritone baritone) {
super(baritone, "sel", "selection", "s");
baritone.getGameEventHandler().registerEventListener(new AbstractGameEventListener() {
public void onRenderPass(RenderEvent event) {
if (!Baritone.settings().renderSelectionCorners.value || pos1 == null) {
Color color = Baritone.settings().colorSelectionPos1.value;
float opacity = Baritone.settings().selectionOpacity.value;
float lineWidth = Baritone.settings().selectionLineWidth.value;
boolean ignoreDepth = Baritone.settings().renderSelectionIgnoreDepth.value;
IRenderer.startLines(color, opacity, lineWidth, ignoreDepth);
IRenderer.drawAABB(new AxisAlignedBB(pos1, pos1.add(1, 1, 1)));
public void execute(String label, IArgConsumer args) throws CommandException {
Action action = Action.getByName(args.getString());
if (action == null) {
throw new CommandInvalidTypeException(args.consumed(), "an action");
if (action == Action.POS1 || action == Action.POS2) {
if (action == Action.POS2 && pos1 == null) {
throw new CommandInvalidStateException("Set pos1 first before using pos2");
BetterBlockPos playerPos = mc.getRenderViewEntity() != null ? BetterBlockPos.from(new BlockPos(mc.getRenderViewEntity())) : ctx.playerFeet();
BetterBlockPos pos = args.hasAny() ? args.getDatatypePost(RelativeBlockPos.INSTANCE, playerPos) : playerPos;
if (action == Action.POS1) {
pos1 = pos;
logDirect("Position 1 has been set");
} else {
manager.addSelection(pos1, pos);
pos1 = null;
logDirect("Selection added");
} else if (action == Action.CLEAR) {
pos1 = null;
logDirect(String.format("Removed %d selections", manager.removeAllSelections().length));
} else if (action == Action.UNDO) {
if (pos1 != null) {
pos1 = null;
logDirect("Undid pos1");
} else {
ISelection[] selections = manager.getSelections();
if (selections.length < 1) {
throw new CommandInvalidStateException("Nothing to undo!");
} else {
pos1 = manager.removeSelection(selections[selections.length - 1]).pos1();
logDirect("Undid pos2");
} else if (action == Action.SET || action == Action.WALLS || action == Action.SHELL || action == Action.CLEARAREA || action == Action.REPLACE) {
BlockOptionalMeta type = action == Action.CLEARAREA
? new BlockOptionalMeta(Blocks.AIR)
: args.getDatatypeFor(ForBlockOptionalMeta.INSTANCE);
BlockOptionalMetaLookup replaces = null;
if (action == Action.REPLACE) {
List<BlockOptionalMeta> replacesList = new ArrayList<>();
while (args.has(2)) {
type = args.getDatatypeFor(ForBlockOptionalMeta.INSTANCE);
replaces = new BlockOptionalMetaLookup(replacesList.toArray(new BlockOptionalMeta[0]));
} else {
ISelection[] selections = manager.getSelections();
if (selections.length == 0) {
throw new CommandInvalidStateException("No selections");
BetterBlockPos origin = selections[0].min();
CompositeSchematic composite = new CompositeSchematic(0, 0, 0);
for (ISelection selection : selections) {
BetterBlockPos min = selection.min();
origin = new BetterBlockPos(
Math.min(origin.x, min.x),
Math.min(origin.y, min.y),
Math.min(origin.z, min.z)
for (ISelection selection : selections) {
Vec3i size = selection.size();
BetterBlockPos min = selection.min();
ISchematic schematic = new FillSchematic(size.getX(), size.getY(), size.getZ(), type);
if (action == Action.WALLS) {
schematic = new WallsSchematic(schematic);
} else if (action == Action.SHELL) {
schematic = new ShellSchematic(schematic);
} else if (action == Action.REPLACE) {
schematic = new ReplaceSchematic(schematic, replaces);
composite.put(schematic, min.x - origin.x, min.y - origin.y, min.z - origin.z);
baritone.getBuilderProcess().build("Fill", composite, origin);
logDirect("Filling now");
} else if (action == Action.EXPAND || action == Action.CONTRACT || action == Action.SHIFT) {
TransformTarget transformTarget = TransformTarget.getByName(args.getString());
if (transformTarget == null) {
throw new CommandInvalidStateException("Invalid transform type");
EnumFacing direction = args.getDatatypeFor(ForEnumFacing.INSTANCE);
int blocks = args.getAs(Integer.class);
ISelection[] selections = manager.getSelections();
if (selections.length < 1) {
throw new CommandInvalidStateException("No selections found");
selections = transformTarget.transform(selections);
for (ISelection selection : selections) {
if (action == Action.EXPAND) {
manager.expand(selection, direction, blocks);
} else if (action == Action.CONTRACT) {
manager.contract(selection, direction, blocks);
} else {
manager.shift(selection, direction, blocks);
logDirect(String.format("Transformed %d selections", selections.length));
public Stream<String> tabComplete(String label, IArgConsumer args) throws CommandException {
if (args.hasExactlyOne()) {
return new TabCompleteHelper()
} else {
Action action = Action.getByName(args.getString());
if (action != null) {
if (action == Action.POS1 || action == Action.POS2) {
if (args.hasAtMost(3)) {
return args.tabCompleteDatatype(RelativeBlockPos.INSTANCE);
} else if (action == Action.SET || action == Action.WALLS || action == Action.CLEARAREA || action == Action.REPLACE) {
if (args.hasExactlyOne() || action == Action.REPLACE) {
while (args.has(2)) {
return args.tabCompleteDatatype(ForBlockOptionalMeta.INSTANCE);
} else if (action == Action.EXPAND || action == Action.CONTRACT || action == Action.SHIFT) {
if (args.hasExactlyOne()) {
return new TabCompleteHelper()
} else {
TransformTarget target = TransformTarget.getByName(args.getString());
if (target != null && args.hasExactlyOne()) {
return args.tabCompleteDatatype(ForEnumFacing.INSTANCE);
return Stream.empty();
public String getShortDesc() {
return "WorldEdit-like commands";
public List<String> getLongDesc() {
return Arrays.asList(
"The sel command allows you to manipulate Baritone's selections, similarly to WorldEdit.",
"Using these selections, you can clear areas, fill them with blocks, or something else.",
"The expand/contract/shift commands use a kind of selector to choose which selections to target. Supported ones are a/all, n/newest, and o/oldest.",
"> sel pos1/p1/1 - Set position 1 to your current position.",
"> sel pos1/p1/1 <x> <y> <z> - Set position 1 to a relative position.",
"> sel pos2/p2/2 - Set position 2 to your current position.",
"> sel pos2/p2/2 <x> <y> <z> - Set position 2 to a relative position.",
"> sel clear/c - Clear the selection.",
"> sel undo/u - Undo the last action (setting positions, creating selections, etc.)",
"> sel set/fill/s/f [block] - Completely fill all selections with a block.",
"> sel walls/w [block] - Fill in the walls of the selection with a specified block.",
"> sel shell/shl [block] - The same as walls, but fills in a ceiling and floor too.",
"> sel cleararea/ca - Basically 'set air'.",
"> sel replace/r <blocks...> <with> - Replaces blocks with another block.",
"> sel expand <target> <direction> <blocks> - Expand the targets.",
"> sel contract <target> <direction> <blocks> - Contract the targets.",
"> sel shift <target> <direction> <blocks> - Shift the targets (does not resize)."
enum Action {
POS1("pos1", "p1", "1"),
POS2("pos2", "p2", "2"),
CLEAR("clear", "c"),
UNDO("undo", "u"),
SET("set", "fill", "s", "f"),
WALLS("walls", "w"),
SHELL("shell", "shl"),
CLEARAREA("cleararea", "ca"),
REPLACE("replace", "r"),
EXPAND("expand", "ex"),
CONTRACT("contract", "ct"),
SHIFT("shift", "sh");
private final String[] names;
Action(String... names) {
this.names = names;
public static Action getByName(String name) {
for (Action action : Action.values()) {
for (String alias : action.names) {
if (alias.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return action;
return null;
public static String[] getAllNames() {
Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
for (Action action : Action.values()) {
return names.toArray(new String[0]);
enum TransformTarget {
ALL(sels -> sels, "all", "a"),
NEWEST(sels -> new ISelection[]{sels[sels.length - 1]}, "newest", "n"),
OLDEST(sels -> new ISelection[]{sels[0]}, "oldest", "o");
private final Function<ISelection[], ISelection[]> transform;
private final String[] names;
TransformTarget(Function<ISelection[], ISelection[]> transform, String... names) {
this.transform = transform;
this.names = names;
public ISelection[] transform(ISelection[] selections) {
return transform.apply(selections);
public static TransformTarget getByName(String name) {
for (TransformTarget target : TransformTarget.values()) {
for (String alias : target.names) {
if (alias.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return target;
return null;
public static String[] getAllNames() {
Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
for (TransformTarget target : TransformTarget.values()) {
return names.toArray(new String[0]);