/* * This file is part of Baritone. * * Baritone is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Baritone is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Baritone. If not, see . */ package baritone.utils; import baritone.Baritone; import baritone.api.Settings; import baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint; import baritone.api.event.events.ChatEvent; import baritone.api.pathing.goals.*; import baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts; import baritone.api.utils.RayTraceUtils; import baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil; import baritone.behavior.Behavior; import baritone.behavior.FollowBehavior; import baritone.behavior.MineBehavior; import baritone.behavior.PathingBehavior; import baritone.cache.ChunkPacker; import baritone.cache.Waypoint; import baritone.cache.WorldProvider; import baritone.pathing.calc.AbstractNodeCostSearch; import baritone.pathing.movement.Movement; import baritone.pathing.movement.Moves; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ChunkProviderClient; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; public class ExampleBaritoneControl extends Behavior implements Helper { public static ExampleBaritoneControl INSTANCE = new ExampleBaritoneControl(); private ExampleBaritoneControl() { } public void initAndRegister() { Baritone.INSTANCE.registerBehavior(this); } @Override public void onSendChatMessage(ChatEvent event) { if (!Baritone.settings().chatControl.get() && !Baritone.settings().removePrefix.get()) { return; } String msg = event.getMessage(); if (Baritone.settings().prefix.get()) { if (!msg.startsWith("#")) { return; } msg = msg.substring(1); } if (runCommand(msg)) { event.cancel(); } } public boolean runCommand(String msg0) { String msg = msg0.toLowerCase(Locale.US).trim(); // don't reassign the argument LOL List> toggleable = Baritone.settings().getAllValuesByType(Boolean.class); for (Settings.Setting setting : toggleable) { if (msg.equalsIgnoreCase(setting.getName())) { setting.value ^= true; logDirect("Toggled " + setting.getName() + " to " + setting.value); SettingsUtil.save(Baritone.settings()); return true; } } if (msg.equals("baritone") || msg.equals("settings")) { for (Settings.Setting setting : Baritone.settings().allSettings) { logDirect(setting.toString()); } return true; } if (msg.contains(" ")) { String[] data = msg.split(" "); if (data.length == 2) { Settings.Setting setting = Baritone.settings().byLowerName.get(data[0]); if (setting != null) { try { if (setting.value.getClass() == Long.class) { setting.value = Long.parseLong(data[1]); } if (setting.value.getClass() == Integer.class) { setting.value = Integer.parseInt(data[1]); } if (setting.value.getClass() == Double.class) { setting.value = Double.parseDouble(data[1]); } if (setting.value.getClass() == Float.class) { setting.value = Float.parseFloat(data[1]); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logDirect("Unable to parse " + data[1]); return true; } SettingsUtil.save(Baritone.settings()); logDirect(setting.toString()); return true; } } } if (Baritone.settings().byLowerName.containsKey(msg)) { Settings.Setting setting = Baritone.settings().byLowerName.get(msg); logDirect(setting.toString()); return true; } if (msg.startsWith("goal")) { String[] params = msg.substring(4).trim().split(" "); if (params[0].equals("")) { params = new String[]{}; } Goal goal; try { switch (params.length) { case 0: goal = new GoalBlock(playerFeet()); break; case 1: if (params[0].equals("clear") || params[0].equals("none")) { goal = null; } else { goal = new GoalYLevel(Integer.parseInt(params[0])); } break; case 2: goal = new GoalXZ(Integer.parseInt(params[0]), Integer.parseInt(params[1])); break; case 3: goal = new GoalBlock(new BlockPos(Integer.parseInt(params[0]), Integer.parseInt(params[1]), Integer.parseInt(params[2]))); break; default: logDirect("unable to understand lol"); return true; } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logDirect("unable to parse integer " + ex); return true; } PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.setGoal(goal); logDirect("Goal: " + goal); return true; } if (msg.equals("path")) { if (!PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.path()) { if (PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.getGoal() == null) { logDirect("No goal."); } else { if (PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.getGoal().isInGoal(playerFeet())) { logDirect("Already in goal"); } else { logDirect("Currently executing a path. Please cancel it first."); } } } return true; } if (msg.equals("repack") || msg.equals("rescan")) { ChunkProviderClient cli = world().getChunkProvider(); int playerChunkX = playerFeet().getX() >> 4; int playerChunkZ = playerFeet().getZ() >> 4; int count = 0; for (int x = playerChunkX - 40; x <= playerChunkX + 40; x++) { for (int z = playerChunkZ - 40; z <= playerChunkZ + 40; z++) { Chunk chunk = cli.getLoadedChunk(x, z); if (chunk != null) { count++; WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getCachedWorld().queueForPacking(chunk); } } } logDirect("Queued " + count + " chunks for repacking"); return true; } if (msg.equals("axis")) { PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.setGoal(new GoalAxis()); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.path(); return true; } if (msg.equals("cancel") || msg.equals("stop")) { MineBehavior.INSTANCE.cancel(); FollowBehavior.INSTANCE.cancel(); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.cancel(); logDirect("ok canceled"); return true; } if (msg.equals("forcecancel")) { MineBehavior.INSTANCE.cancel(); FollowBehavior.INSTANCE.cancel(); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.cancel(); AbstractNodeCostSearch.forceCancel(); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.forceCancel(); logDirect("ok force canceled"); return true; } if (msg.equals("gc")) { System.gc(); logDirect("Called System.gc();"); return true; } if (msg.equals("invert")) { Goal goal = PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.getGoal(); BlockPos runAwayFrom; if (goal instanceof GoalXZ) { runAwayFrom = new BlockPos(((GoalXZ) goal).getX(), 0, ((GoalXZ) goal).getZ()); } else if (goal instanceof GoalBlock) { runAwayFrom = ((GoalBlock) goal).getGoalPos(); } else { logDirect("Goal must be GoalXZ or GoalBlock to invert"); logDirect("Inverting goal of player feet"); runAwayFrom = playerFeet(); } PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.setGoal(new GoalRunAway(1, runAwayFrom) { @Override public boolean isInGoal(BlockPos pos) { return false; } }); if (!PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.path()) { logDirect("Currently executing a path. Please cancel it first."); } return true; } if (msg.startsWith("follow")) { String name = msg.substring(6).trim(); Optional toFollow = Optional.empty(); if (name.length() == 0) { toFollow = RayTraceUtils.getSelectedEntity(); } else { for (EntityPlayer pl : world().playerEntities) { String theirName = pl.getName().trim().toLowerCase(); if (!theirName.equals(player().getName().trim().toLowerCase()) && (theirName.contains(name) || name.contains(theirName))) { // don't follow ourselves lol toFollow = Optional.of(pl); } } } if (!toFollow.isPresent()) { logDirect("Not found"); return true; } FollowBehavior.INSTANCE.follow(toFollow.get()); logDirect("Following " + toFollow.get()); return true; } if (msg.equals("reloadall")) { WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getCachedWorld().reloadAllFromDisk(); logDirect("ok"); return true; } if (msg.equals("saveall")) { WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getCachedWorld().save(); logDirect("ok"); return true; } if (msg.startsWith("find")) { String blockType = msg.substring(4).trim(); LinkedList locs = WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getCachedWorld().getLocationsOf(blockType, 1, 4); logDirect("Have " + locs.size() + " locations"); for (BlockPos pos : locs) { Block actually = BlockStateInterface.get(pos).getBlock(); if (!ChunkPacker.blockToString(actually).equalsIgnoreCase(blockType)) { System.out.println("Was looking for " + blockType + " but actually found " + actually + " " + ChunkPacker.blockToString(actually)); } } return true; } if (msg.startsWith("mine")) { String[] blockTypes = msg.substring(4).trim().split(" "); try { int quantity = Integer.parseInt(blockTypes[1]); Block block = ChunkPacker.stringToBlock(blockTypes[0]); Objects.requireNonNull(block); MineBehavior.INSTANCE.mine(quantity, block); logDirect("Will mine " + quantity + " " + blockTypes[0]); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | NullPointerException ex) {} for (String s : blockTypes) { if (ChunkPacker.stringToBlock(s) == null) { logDirect(s + " isn't a valid block name"); return true; } } MineBehavior.INSTANCE.mine(0, blockTypes); logDirect("Started mining blocks of type " + Arrays.toString(blockTypes)); return true; } if (msg.startsWith("thisway")) { try { Goal goal = GoalXZ.fromDirection(playerFeetAsVec(), player().rotationYaw, Double.parseDouble(msg.substring(7).trim())); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.setGoal(goal); logDirect("Goal: " + goal); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logDirect("Error unable to parse '" + msg.substring(7).trim() + "' to a double."); } return true; } if (msg.startsWith("list") || msg.startsWith("get ") || msg.startsWith("show")) { String waypointType = msg.substring(4).trim(); if (waypointType.endsWith("s")) { // for example, "show deaths" waypointType = waypointType.substring(0, waypointType.length() - 1); } Waypoint.Tag tag = Waypoint.Tag.fromString(waypointType); if (tag == null) { logDirect("Not a valid tag. Tags are: " + Arrays.asList(Waypoint.Tag.values()).toString().toLowerCase()); return true; } Set waypoints = WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getWaypoints().getByTag(tag); // might as well show them from oldest to newest List sorted = new ArrayList<>(waypoints); sorted.sort(Comparator.comparingLong(IWaypoint::getCreationTimestamp)); logDirect("Waypoints under tag " + tag + ":"); for (IWaypoint waypoint : sorted) { logDirect(waypoint.toString()); } return true; } if (msg.startsWith("save")) { String name = msg.substring(4).trim(); BlockPos pos = playerFeet(); if (name.contains(" ")) { logDirect("Name contains a space, assuming it's in the format 'save waypointName X Y Z'"); String[] parts = name.split(" "); if (parts.length != 4) { logDirect("Unable to parse, expected four things"); return true; } try { pos = new BlockPos(Integer.parseInt(parts[1]), Integer.parseInt(parts[2]), Integer.parseInt(parts[3])); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logDirect("Unable to parse coordinate integers"); return true; } name = parts[0]; } WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getWaypoints().addWaypoint(new Waypoint(name, Waypoint.Tag.USER, pos)); logDirect("Saved user defined position " + pos + " under name '" + name + "'. Say 'goto user' to set goal, say 'list user' to list."); return true; } if (msg.startsWith("goto")) { String waypointType = msg.substring(4).trim(); if (waypointType.endsWith("s") && Waypoint.Tag.fromString(waypointType.substring(0, waypointType.length() - 1)) != null) { // for example, "show deaths" waypointType = waypointType.substring(0, waypointType.length() - 1); } Waypoint.Tag tag = Waypoint.Tag.fromString(waypointType); IWaypoint waypoint; if (tag == null) { String mining = waypointType; Block block = ChunkPacker.stringToBlock(mining); //logDirect("Not a valid tag. Tags are: " + Arrays.asList(Waypoint.Tag.values()).toString().toLowerCase()); if (block == null) { waypoint = WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getWaypoints().getAllWaypoints().stream().filter(w -> w.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(mining)).max(Comparator.comparingLong(IWaypoint::getCreationTimestamp)).orElse(null); if (waypoint == null) { logDirect("No locations for " + mining + " known, cancelling"); return true; } } else { List locs = MineBehavior.INSTANCE.searchWorld(Collections.singletonList(block), 64); if (locs.isEmpty()) { logDirect("No locations for " + mining + " known, cancelling"); return true; } PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.setGoal(new GoalComposite(locs.stream().map(GoalGetToBlock::new).toArray(Goal[]::new))); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.path(); return true; } } else { waypoint = WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getWaypoints().getMostRecentByTag(tag); if (waypoint == null) { logDirect("None saved for tag " + tag); return true; } } Goal goal = new GoalBlock(waypoint.getLocation()); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.setGoal(goal); if (!PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.path() && !goal.isInGoal(playerFeet())) { logDirect("Currently executing a path. Please cancel it first."); } return true; } if (msg.equals("spawn") || msg.equals("bed")) { IWaypoint waypoint = WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getWaypoints().getMostRecentByTag(Waypoint.Tag.BED); if (waypoint == null) { BlockPos spawnPoint = player().getBedLocation(); // for some reason the default spawnpoint is underground sometimes Goal goal = new GoalXZ(spawnPoint.getX(), spawnPoint.getZ()); logDirect("spawn not saved, defaulting to world spawn. set goal to " + goal); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.setGoal(goal); } else { Goal goal = new GoalBlock(waypoint.getLocation()); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.setGoal(goal); logDirect("Set goal to most recent bed " + goal); } return true; } if (msg.equals("sethome")) { WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getWaypoints().addWaypoint(new Waypoint("", Waypoint.Tag.HOME, playerFeet())); logDirect("Saved. Say home to set goal."); return true; } if (msg.equals("home")) { IWaypoint waypoint = WorldProvider.INSTANCE.getCurrentWorld().getWaypoints().getMostRecentByTag(Waypoint.Tag.HOME); if (waypoint == null) { logDirect("home not saved"); } else { Goal goal = new GoalBlock(waypoint.getLocation()); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.setGoal(goal); PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.path(); logDirect("Going to saved home " + goal); } return true; } if (msg.equals("costs")) { List moves = Stream.of(Moves.values()).map(x -> x.apply0(playerFeet())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); while (moves.contains(null)) { moves.remove(null); } moves.sort(Comparator.comparingDouble(Movement::getCost)); for (Movement move : moves) { String[] parts = move.getClass().toString().split("\\."); double cost = move.getCost(); String strCost = cost + ""; if (cost >= ActionCosts.COST_INF) { strCost = "IMPOSSIBLE"; } logDirect(parts[parts.length - 1] + " " + move.getDest().getX() + "," + move.getDest().getY() + "," + move.getDest().getZ() + " " + strCost); } return true; } if (msg.equals("pause")) { boolean enabled = PathingBehavior.INSTANCE.toggle(); logDirect("Pathing Behavior has " + (enabled ? "resumed" : "paused") + "."); return true; } if (msg.equals("damn")) { logDirect("daniel"); } return false; } }