typeset -g ZLE_RPROMPT_INDENT=0 # Pager typeset -g READNULLCMD=less export LESS=-iRFXM if autoload -U colors && colors; then export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e['"${color[bold]};${color[red]}"'m' export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e['"${color[bold]};${color[green]}"'m' export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\e['"${color[bold]};${color[yellow]}"'m' export LESS_TERMCAP_{me,se,ue,mb}=$'\e['"${color[none]}"'m' fi # Completion setopt auto_list # Automatically list on ambiguous completion setopt auto_menu # Automatically use menu completion setopt auto_param_slash # Automatically add slash to completion setopt glob_complete # Don't automatically expand glob patterns setopt no_list_beep # No annoying beeps on completion setopt list_packed # Pack completion results setopt list_types # File type in completions setopt menu_complete # Automatically insert first match # Globbing setopt glob # Enable globbing setopt glob_star_short # Enable short ** and *** setopt mark_dirs # Append slash when directories are matched by glob setopt no_match # Error on no matches # History typeset -g HISTSIZE=1000 typeset -g SAVEHIST=1000 setopt append_history # Append to history file setopt extended_history # Duration and timestamp in history setopt no_hist_beep # Don't beep for history searches setopt hist_fcntl_lock # Lock history file with fcntl setopt hist_ignore_all_dups # Ignore history duplicates setopt hist_ignore_space # Don't add entries to history that have a space prefix setopt hist_reduce_blanks # Reduce blanks in history setopt inc_append_history_time # Append history post-execution setopt share_history # Share history between sessions # Job control setopt auto_continue # Automatically continue disowned jobs setopt bg_nice # Automatically run jobs in big at lower priority setopt no_check_jobs # Don't warn about jobs on exit setopt notify # Show job status asap # Misc setopt auto_cd # Automatically change directory without cd setopt c_bases # Show values like C understands them setopt interactive_comments # Allow comments in interactive shells setopt path_dirs # Match binaries in subdirectories for path setopt short_loops # Allow short loop versions