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synced 2025-02-03 13:24:25 +00:00
Signed-off-by: Jan-Otto Kröpke <mail@jkroepke.de>
208 lines
20 KiB
208 lines
20 KiB
package ad
const (
abANRPerSec = "AB ANR/sec"
abBrowsesPerSec = "AB Browses/sec"
abClientSessions = "AB Client Sessions"
abMatchesPerSec = "AB Matches/sec"
abPropertyReadsPerSec = "AB Property Reads/sec"
abProxyLookupsPerSec = "AB Proxy Lookups/sec"
abSearchesPerSec = "AB Searches/sec"
approximateHighestDNT = "Approximate highest DNT"
atqEstimatedQueueDelay = "ATQ Estimated Queue Delay"
atqOutstandingQueuedRequests = "ATQ Outstanding Queued Requests"
_ = "ATQ Queue Latency"
atqRequestLatency = "ATQ Request Latency"
atqThreadsLDAP = "ATQ Threads LDAP"
atqThreadsOther = "ATQ Threads Other"
atqThreadsTotal = "ATQ Threads Total"
baseSearchesPerSec = "Base searches/sec"
databaseAddsPerSec = "Database adds/sec"
databaseDeletesPerSec = "Database deletes/sec"
databaseModifiesPerSec = "Database modifys/sec"
databaseRecyclesPerSec = "Database recycles/sec"
digestBindsPerSec = "Digest Binds/sec"
_ = "DirSync session throttling rate"
_ = "DirSync sessions in progress"
draHighestUSNCommittedHighPart = "DRA Highest USN Committed (High part)"
draHighestUSNCommittedLowPart = "DRA Highest USN Committed (Low part)"
draHighestUSNIssuedHighPart = "DRA Highest USN Issued (High part)"
draHighestUSNIssuedLowPart = "DRA Highest USN Issued (Low part)"
draInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionSinceBoot = "DRA Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, After Compression) Since Boot"
draInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionPerSec = "DRA Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, After Compression)/sec"
draInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionSinceBoot = "DRA Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, Before Compression) Since Boot"
draInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionPerSec = "DRA Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, Before Compression)/sec"
draInboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSiteSinceBoot = "DRA Inbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site) Since Boot"
draInboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSitePerSec = "DRA Inbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site)/sec"
draInboundBytesTotalSinceBoot = "DRA Inbound Bytes Total Since Boot"
draInboundBytesTotalPerSec = "DRA Inbound Bytes Total/sec"
draInboundFullSyncObjectsRemaining = "DRA Inbound Full Sync Objects Remaining"
draInboundLinkValueUpdatesRemainingInPacket = "DRA Inbound Link Value Updates Remaining in Packet"
_ = "DRA Inbound Link Values/sec"
draInboundObjectUpdatesRemainingInPacket = "DRA Inbound Object Updates Remaining in Packet"
draInboundObjectsAppliedPerSec = "DRA Inbound Objects Applied/sec"
draInboundObjectsFilteredPerSec = "DRA Inbound Objects Filtered/sec"
draInboundObjectsPerSec = "DRA Inbound Objects/sec"
draInboundPropertiesAppliedPerSec = "DRA Inbound Properties Applied/sec"
draInboundPropertiesFilteredPerSec = "DRA Inbound Properties Filtered/sec"
draInboundPropertiesTotalPerSec = "DRA Inbound Properties Total/sec"
_ = "DRA Inbound Sync Link Deletion/sec"
draInboundTotalUpdatesRemainingInPacket = "DRA Inbound Total Updates Remaining in Packet"
draInboundValuesDNsOnlyPerSec = "DRA Inbound Values (DNs only)/sec"
draInboundValuesTotalPerSec = "DRA Inbound Values Total/sec"
_ = "DRA number of NC replication calls since boot"
_ = "DRA number of successful NC replication calls since boot"
draOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionSinceBoot = "DRA Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, After Compression) Since Boot"
draOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionPerSec = "DRA Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, After Compression)/sec"
draOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionSinceBoot = "DRA Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, Before Compression) Since Boot"
draOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionPerSec = "DRA Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, Before Compression)/sec"
draOutboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSiteSinceBoot = "DRA Outbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site) Since Boot"
draOutboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSitePerSec = "DRA Outbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site)/sec"
draOutboundBytesTotalSinceBoot = "DRA Outbound Bytes Total Since Boot"
draOutboundBytesTotalPerSec = "DRA Outbound Bytes Total/sec"
draOutboundObjectsFilteredPerSec = "DRA Outbound Objects Filtered/sec"
draOutboundObjectsPerSec = "DRA Outbound Objects/sec"
draOutboundPropertiesPerSec = "DRA Outbound Properties/sec"
draOutboundValuesDNsOnlyPerSec = "DRA Outbound Values (DNs only)/sec"
draOutboundValuesTotalPerSec = "DRA Outbound Values Total/sec"
draPendingReplicationOperations = "DRA Pending Replication Operations"
draPendingReplicationSynchronizations = "DRA Pending Replication Synchronizations"
draSyncFailuresOnSchemaMismatch = "DRA Sync Failures on Schema Mismatch"
draSyncRequestsMade = "DRA Sync Requests Made"
draSyncRequestsSuccessful = "DRA Sync Requests Successful"
draThreadsGettingNCChanges = "DRA Threads Getting NC Changes"
draThreadsGettingNCChangesHoldingSemaphore = "DRA Threads Getting NC Changes Holding Semaphore"
_ = "DRA total number of Busy failures since boot"
_ = "DRA total number of MissingParent failures since boot"
_ = "DRA total number of NotEnoughAttrs/MissingObject failures since boot"
_ = "DRA total number of Preempted failures since boot"
_ = "DRA total time of applying replication package since boot"
_ = "DRA total time of NC replication calls since boot"
_ = "DRA total time of successful NC replication calls since boot"
_ = "DRA total time of successfully applying replication package since boot"
_ = "DRA total time on waiting async replication packages since boot"
_ = "DRA total time on waiting sync replication packages since boot"
dsPercentReadsFromDRA = "DS % Reads from DRA"
dsPercentReadsFromKCC = "DS % Reads from KCC"
dsPercentReadsFromLSA = "DS % Reads from LSA"
dsPercentReadsFromNSPI = "DS % Reads from NSPI"
dsPercentReadsFromNTDSAPI = "DS % Reads from NTDSAPI"
dsPercentReadsFromSAM = "DS % Reads from SAM"
dsPercentReadsOther = "DS % Reads Other"
dsPercentSearchesFromDRA = "DS % Searches from DRA"
dsPercentSearchesFromKCC = "DS % Searches from KCC"
dsPercentSearchesFromLDAP = "DS % Searches from LDAP"
dsPercentSearchesFromLSA = "DS % Searches from LSA"
dsPercentSearchesFromNSPI = "DS % Searches from NSPI"
dsPercentSearchesFromNTDSAPI = "DS % Searches from NTDSAPI"
dsPercentSearchesFromSAM = "DS % Searches from SAM"
dsPercentSearchesOther = "DS % Searches Other"
dsPercentWritesFromDRA = "DS % Writes from DRA"
dsPercentWritesFromKCC = "DS % Writes from KCC"
dsPercentWritesFromLDAP = "DS % Writes from LDAP"
dsPercentWritesFromLSA = "DS % Writes from LSA"
dsPercentWritesFromNSPI = "DS % Writes from NSPI"
dsPercentWritesFromNTDSAPI = "DS % Writes from NTDSAPI"
dsPercentWritesFromSAM = "DS % Writes from SAM"
dsPercentWritesOther = "DS % Writes Other"
dsClientBindsPerSec = "DS Client Binds/sec"
dsClientNameTranslationsPerSec = "DS Client Name Translations/sec"
dsDirectoryReadsPerSec = "DS Directory Reads/sec"
dsDirectorySearchesPerSec = "DS Directory Searches/sec"
dsDirectoryWritesPerSec = "DS Directory Writes/sec"
dsMonitorListSize = "DS Monitor List Size"
dsNameCacheHitRate = "DS Name Cache hit rate"
dsNotifyQueueSize = "DS Notify Queue Size"
dsSearchSubOperationsPerSec = "DS Search sub-operations/sec"
dsSecurityDescriptorPropagationsEvents = "DS Security Descriptor Propagations Events"
dsSecurityDescriptorPropagatorAverageExclusionTime = "DS Security Descriptor Propagator Average Exclusion Time"
dsSecurityDescriptorPropagatorRuntimeQueue = "DS Security Descriptor Propagator Runtime Queue"
dsSecurityDescriptorSubOperationsPerSec = "DS Security Descriptor sub-operations/sec"
dsServerBindsPerSec = "DS Server Binds/sec"
dsServerNameTranslationsPerSec = "DS Server Name Translations/sec"
dsThreadsInUse = "DS Threads in Use"
_ = "Error eventlogs since boot"
_ = "Error events since boot"
externalBindsPerSec = "External Binds/sec"
fastBindsPerSec = "Fast Binds/sec"
_ = "Fatal events since boot"
_ = "Info eventlogs since boot"
ldapActiveThreads = "LDAP Active Threads"
_ = "LDAP Add Operations"
_ = "LDAP Add Operations/sec"
_ = "LDAP batch slots available"
ldapBindTime = "LDAP Bind Time"
_ = "LDAP busy retries"
_ = "LDAP busy retries/sec"
ldapClientSessions = "LDAP Client Sessions"
ldapClosedConnectionsPerSec = "LDAP Closed Connections/sec"
_ = "LDAP Delete Operations"
_ = "LDAP Delete Operations/sec"
_ = "LDAP Modify DN Operations"
_ = "LDAP Modify DN Operations/sec"
_ = "LDAP Modify Operations"
_ = "LDAP Modify Operations/sec"
ldapNewConnectionsPerSec = "LDAP New Connections/sec"
ldapNewSSLConnectionsPerSec = "LDAP New SSL Connections/sec"
_ = "LDAP Outbound Bytes"
_ = "LDAP Outbound Bytes/sec"
_ = "LDAP Page Search Cache entries count"
_ = "LDAP Page Search Cache size"
ldapSearchesPerSec = "LDAP Searches/sec"
ldapSuccessfulBindsPerSec = "LDAP Successful Binds/sec"
_ = "LDAP Threads Sleeping on BUSY"
ldapUDPOperationsPerSec = "LDAP UDP operations/sec"
ldapWritesPerSec = "LDAP Writes/sec"
linkValuesCleanedPerSec = "Link Values Cleaned/sec"
_ = "Links added"
_ = "Links added/sec"
_ = "Links visited"
_ = "Links visited/sec"
_ = "Logical link deletes"
_ = "Logical link deletes/sec"
negotiatedBindsPerSec = "Negotiated Binds/sec"
ntlmBindsPerSec = "NTLM Binds/sec"
_ = "Objects returned"
_ = "Objects returned/sec"
_ = "Objects visited"
_ = "Objects visited/sec"
oneLevelSearchesPerSec = "Onelevel searches/sec"
_ = "PDC failed password update notifications"
_ = "PDC password update notifications/sec"
_ = "PDC successful password update notifications"
phantomsCleanedPerSec = "Phantoms Cleaned/sec"
phantomsVisitedPerSec = "Phantoms Visited/sec"
_ = "Physical link deletes"
_ = "Physical link deletes/sec"
_ = "Replicate Single Object operations"
_ = "Replicate Single Object operations/sec"
_ = "RID Pool invalidations since boot"
_ = "RID Pool request failures since boot"
_ = "RID Pool request successes since boot"
samAccountGroupEvaluationLatency = "SAM Account Group Evaluation Latency"
samDisplayInformationQueriesPerSec = "SAM Display Information Queries/sec"
samDomainLocalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Domain Local Group Membership Evaluations/sec"
samEnumerationsPerSec = "SAM Enumerations/sec"
samGCEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM GC Evaluations/sec"
samGlobalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Global Group Membership Evaluations/sec"
samMachineCreationAttemptsPerSec = "SAM Machine Creation Attempts/sec"
samMembershipChangesPerSec = "SAM Membership Changes/sec"
samNonTransitiveMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Non-Transitive Membership Evaluations/sec"
samPasswordChangesPerSec = "SAM Password Changes/sec"
samResourceGroupEvaluationLatency = "SAM Resource Group Evaluation Latency"
samSuccessfulComputerCreationsPerSecIncludesAllRequests = "SAM Successful Computer Creations/sec: Includes all requests"
samSuccessfulUserCreationsPerSec = "SAM Successful User Creations/sec"
samTransitiveMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Transitive Membership Evaluations/sec"
samUniversalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Universal Group Membership Evaluations/sec"
samUserCreationAttemptsPerSec = "SAM User Creation Attempts/sec"
simpleBindsPerSec = "Simple Binds/sec"
subtreeSearchesPerSec = "Subtree searches/sec"
tombstonesGarbageCollectedPerSec = "Tombstones Garbage Collected/sec"
tombstonesVisitedPerSec = "Tombstones Visited/sec"
transitiveOperationsMillisecondsRun = "Transitive operations milliseconds run"
transitiveOperationsPerSec = "Transitive operations/sec"
transitiveSubOperationsPerSec = "Transitive suboperations/sec"
_ = "Warning eventlogs since boot"
_ = "Warning events since boot"