GOOS ?= windows VERSION ?= $(shell cat VERSION) DOCKER ?= docker # DOCKER_REPO is the official image repository name at, DOCKER_REPO ?= prometheuscommunity DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME ?= windows-exporter # ALL_DOCKER_REPOS is the list of repositories to push the image to. requires that org name be the same as the image repo name. ALL_DOCKER_REPOS ?=$(DOCKER_REPO) #$(DOCKER_REPO) # Image Variables for host process Container # Windows image build is heavily influenced by OS ?= ltsc2019 ALL_OS ?= ltsc2019 ltsc2022 BASE_IMAGE ?= .PHONY: build build: generate windows_exporter.exe windows_exporter.exe: pkg/**/*.go promu build -v .PHONY: generate generate: go generate ./... test: go test -v ./... bench: go test -v -bench='benchmarkcollector' ./pkg/collector/{cpu,logical_disk,physical_disk,logon,memory,net,printer,process,service,system,tcp,time} lint: golangci-lint -c .golangci.yaml run .PHONY: e2e-test e2e-test: windows_exporter.exe pwsh -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\tools\end-to-end-test.ps1 .PHONY: promtool promtool: windows_exporter.exe pwsh -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\tools\promtool.ps1 fmt: gofmt -l -w -s . crossbuild: generate # The prometheus/golang-builder image for promu crossbuild doesn't exist # on Windows, so for now, we'll just build twice GOARCH=amd64 promu build --prefix=output/amd64 GOARCH=arm64 promu build --prefix=output/arm64 .PHONY: package package: crossbuild powershell -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\installer\build.ps1 -PathToExecutable .\output\amd64\windows_exporter.exe -Version $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0) build-image: crossbuild $(DOCKER) build --build-arg=BASE=$(BASE_IMAGE):$(OS) -f Dockerfile -t local/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION)-$(OS) . sub-build-%: $(MAKE) OS=$* build-image build-all: $(addprefix sub-build-,$(ALL_OS)) push: set -x; \ for osversion in ${ALL_OS}; do \ $(DOCKER) tag local/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION)-$${osversion} $(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION)-$${osversion}; \ $(DOCKER) push $(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION)-$${osversion}; \ $(DOCKER) manifest create --amend $(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION) $(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION)-$${osversion}; \ full_version=`$(DOCKER) manifest inspect $(BASE_IMAGE):$${osversion} | grep "os.version" | head -n 1 | awk -F\" '{print $$4}'` || true; \ $(DOCKER) manifest annotate --os windows --arch amd64 --os-version $${full_version} $(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION) $(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION)-$${osversion}; \ done $(DOCKER) manifest push --purge $(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION); sub-push-%: $(MAKE) DOCKER_REPO=$* push .PHONY: push-all push-all: build-all $(addprefix sub-push-,$(ALL_DOCKER_REPOS)) # Mandatory target for container description sync action .PHONY: docker-repo-name docker-repo-name: @echo "$(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)"