[CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $PathToExecutable, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("amd64","386")] [String] $Arch = "amd64" ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # Get absolute path to executable before switching directories $PathToExecutable = Resolve-Path $PathToExecutable # Set working dir to this directory, reset previous on exit Push-Location $PSScriptRoot Trap { # Reset working dir on error Pop-Location } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) { Write-Error "Powershell version 5 required" exit 1 } $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient function Get-FileIfNotExists { Param ( $Url, $Destination ) if(-not (Test-Path $Destination)) { Write-Verbose "Downloading $Url" $wc.DownloadFile($Url, $Destination) } else { Write-Verbose "${Destination} already exists. Skipping." } } $sourceDir = mkdir -Force Source mkdir -Force Work,Output | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Downloading files" # Somewhat obscure url, points to WiX 3.10 binary release Write-Verbose "Downloading WiX..." Get-FileIfNotExists "http://download-codeplex.sec.s-msft.com/Download/Release?ProjectName=wix&DownloadId=1504735&FileTime=130906491728530000&Build=21031" "$sourceDir\wix-binaries.zip" mkdir -Force WiX | Out-Null Expand-Archive -Path "${sourceDir}\wix-binaries.zip" -DestinationPath WiX -Force Copy-Item -Force $PathToExecutable Work/wmi_exporter.exe Write-Verbose "Creating wmi_exporter-${Version}-${Arch}.msi" $wixArch = @{"amd64"="x64"; "386"="x86"}[$Arch] $wixOpts = "-ext WixFirewallExtension" Invoke-Expression "WiX\candle.exe -nologo -arch $wixArch $wixOpts -out Work\wmi_exporter.wixobj -dVersion=`"$Version`" wmi_exporter.wxs" Invoke-Expression "WiX\light.exe -nologo -spdb $wixOpts -out `"Output\wmi_exporter-${Version}-${Arch}.msi`" Work\wmi_exporter.wixobj" Write-Verbose "Done!" Pop-Location