// +build windows package collector import ( "errors" "github.com/StackExchange/wmi" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/prometheus/common/log" ) func init() { registerCollector("logon", NewLogonCollector) } // A LogonCollector is a Prometheus collector for WMI metrics type LogonCollector struct { LogonType *prometheus.Desc } // NewLogonCollector ... func NewLogonCollector() (Collector, error) { const subsystem = "logon" return &LogonCollector{ LogonType: prometheus.NewDesc( prometheus.BuildFQName(Namespace, subsystem, "logon_type"), "Number of active logon sessions (LogonSession.LogonType)", []string{"status"}, nil, ), }, nil } // Collect sends the metric values for each metric // to the provided prometheus Metric channel. func (c *LogonCollector) Collect(ctx *ScrapeContext, ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) error { if desc, err := c.collect(ch); err != nil { log.Error("failed collecting user metrics:", desc, err) return err } return nil } // Win32_LogonSession docs: // - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logonsession type Win32_LogonSession struct { LogonType uint32 } func (c *LogonCollector) collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) (*prometheus.Desc, error) { var dst []Win32_LogonSession q := queryAll(&dst) if err := wmi.Query(q, &dst); err != nil { return nil, err } if len(dst) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("WMI query returned empty result set") } // Init counters system := 0 interactive := 0 network := 0 batch := 0 service := 0 proxy := 0 unlock := 0 networkcleartext := 0 newcredentials := 0 remoteinteractive := 0 cachedinteractive := 0 cachedremoteinteractive := 0 cachedunlock := 0 for _, entry := range dst { switch entry.LogonType { case 0: system++ case 2: interactive++ case 3: network++ case 4: batch++ case 5: service++ case 6: proxy++ case 7: unlock++ case 8: networkcleartext++ case 9: newcredentials++ case 10: remoteinteractive++ case 11: cachedinteractive++ case 12: cachedremoteinteractive++ case 13: cachedunlock++ } } ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(system), "system", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(interactive), "interactive", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(network), "network", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(batch), "batch", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(service), "service", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(proxy), "proxy", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(unlock), "unlock", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(networkcleartext), "network_clear_text", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(newcredentials), "new_credentials", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(remoteinteractive), "remote_interactive", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(cachedinteractive), "cached_interactive", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(remoteinteractive), "cached_remote_interactive", ) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( c.LogonType, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(cachedunlock), "cached_unlock", ) return nil, nil }