# textfile collector The textfile collector exposes metrics from files written by other processes. ||| -|- Metric name prefix | `textfile` Classes | None Enabled by default? | Yes ## Flags ### `--collector.textfile.directory` The directory containing the files to be ingested. Only files with the extension `.prom` are read. The `.prom` file must end with an empty line feed to work properly. Default value: `C:\Program Files\wmi_exporter\textfile_inputs` Required: No ## Metrics Metrics will primarily come from the files on disk. The below listed metrics are collected to give information about the reading of the metrics themselves. Name | Description | Type | Labels -----|-------------|------|------- `wmi_textfile_scrape_error` | 1 if there was an error opening or reading a file, 0 otherwise | gauge | None `wmi_textfile_mtime_seconds` | Unix epoch-formatted mtime (modified time) of textfiles successfully read | gauge | file ### Example metric _This collector does not yet have explained examples, we would appreciate your help adding them!_ ## Useful queries _This collector does not yet have any useful queries added, we would appreciate your help adding them!_ ## Alerting examples _This collector does not yet have alerting examples, we would appreciate your help adding them!_ # Example use This Powershell script, when run in the `collector.textfile.directory` (default `C:\Program Files\wmi_exporter\textfile_inputs`), generates a valid `.prom` file that should successfully ingested by wmi_exporter. ```Powershell $alpha = 42 $beta = @{ left=3.1415; right=2.718281828; } Set-Content -Path test1.prom -Encoding Ascii -NoNewline -Value "" Add-Content -Path test1.prom -Encoding Ascii -NoNewline -Value "# HELP test_alpha_total Some random metric.`n" Add-Content -Path test1.prom -Encoding Ascii -NoNewline -Value "# TYPE test_alpha_total counter`n" Add-Content -Path test1.prom -Encoding Ascii -NoNewline -Value "test_alpha_total ${alpha}`n" Add-Content -Path test1.prom -Encoding Ascii -NoNewline -Value "# HELP test_beta_bytes Some other metric.`n" Add-Content -Path test1.prom -Encoding Ascii -NoNewline -Value "# TYPE test_beta_bytes gauge`n" foreach ($k in $beta.Keys) { Add-Content -Path test1.prom -Encoding Ascii -NoNewline -Value "test_beta_bytes{spin=""${k}""} $( $beta[$k] )`n" } ```