# smb collector The smb collector collects metrics from MS Smb hosts through perflib ======= ||| -|- Metric name prefix | `smb` Classes | [Win32_PerfRawData_SMB](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-smb/)
Enabled by default? | No ## Flags ### `--collectors.smb.list` Lists the Perflib Objects that are queried for data along with the perlfib object id ### `--collectors.smb.enabled` Comma-separated list of collectors to use, for example: `--collectors.smb.enabled=ServerShares`. Matching is case-sensitive. Depending on the smb installation not all performance counters are available. Use `--collectors.smb.list` to obtain a list of supported collectors. ## Metrics Name | Description --------------|--------------- `windows_smb_server_shares_current_open_file_count` | Current total count open files on the SMB Server `windows_smb_server_shares_tree_connect_count` | Count of user connections to the SMB Server ### Example metric _This collector does not yet have explained examples, we would appreciate your help adding them!_ ## Useful queries _This collector does not yet have any useful queries added, we would appreciate your help adding them!_ ## Alerting examples _This collector does not yet have alerting examples, we would appreciate your help adding them!_