# hyperv collector The hyperv collector exposes metrics about the Hyper-V hypervisor ||| -|- Metric name prefix | `hyperv` Classes | `Win32_PerfRawData_VmmsVirtualMachineStats_HyperVVirtualMachineHealthSummary`
`Win32_PerfRawData_NvspNicStats_HyperVVirtualNetworkAdapter` Enabled by default? | No ## Flags None ## Metrics Name | Description | Type | Labels -----|-------------|------|------- `windows_hyperv_health_critical` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_health_ok` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_vid_physical_pages_allocated` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vid_preferred_numa_node_index` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vid_remote_physical_pages` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm` `windows_hyperv_root_partition_address_spaces` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_attached_devices` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_deposited_pages` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_device_dma_errors` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_device_interrupt_errors` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_device_interrupt_mappings` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_device_interrupt_throttle_events` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_preferred_numa_node_index` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_gpa_space_modifications` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_io_tlb_flush_cost` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_io_tlb_flush` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_recommended_virtual_tlb_size` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_physical_pages_allocated` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_1G_device_pages` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_1G_gpa_pages` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_2M_device_pages` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_2M_gpa_pages` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_4K_device_pages` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_4K_gpa_pages` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_virtual_tlb_flush_entires` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_root_partition_virtual_tlb_pages` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_hypervisor_virtual_processors` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_hypervisor_logical_processors` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | None `windows_hyperv_host_lp_guest_run_time_percent` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `core` `windows_hyperv_host_lp_hypervisor_run_time_percent` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `core` `windows_hyperv_host_lp_total_run_time_percent` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `core` `windows_hyperv_host_cpu_guest_run_time` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `core` `windows_hyperv_host_cpu_hypervisor_run_time` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `core` `windows_hyperv_host_cpu_remote_run_time` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `core` `windows_hyperv_host_cpu_total_run_time` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `core` `windows_hyperv_vm_cpu_guest_run_time` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm`, `core` `windows_hyperv_vm_cpu_hypervisor_run_time` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm`, `core` `windows_hyperv_vm_cpu_remote_run_time` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm`, `core` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_added_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_pressure_average` | _Not yet documented_ | gauge | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_pressure_current` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_physical_guest_visible` | _Not yet documented_ | gauge | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_pressure_maximum` | _Not yet documented_ | gauge | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_add_operations_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_remove_operations_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_pressure_minumim` | _Not yet documented_ | gauge | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_physical` | _Not yet documented_ | gauge | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_memory_removed_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm` `windows_hyperv_vm_cpu_total_run_time` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm`, `core` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_broadcast_packets_received_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_broadcast_packets_sent_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_bytes_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_bytes_received_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_bytes_sent_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_directed_packets_received_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_directed_packets_send_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_dropped_packets_incoming_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_dropped_packets_outcoming_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_extensions_dropped_packets_incoming_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_extensions_dropped_packets_outcoming_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_learned_mac_addresses_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_multicast_packets_received_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_multicast_packets_sent_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_number_of_send_channel_moves_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_number_of_vmq_moves_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_packets_flooded_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_packets_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_packets_received_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_packets_sent_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_vswitch_purged_mac_addresses_total` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vswitch` `windows_hyperv_ethernet_bytes_dropped` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `adapter` `windows_hyperv_ethernet_bytes_received` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `adapter` `windows_hyperv_ethernet_bytes_sent` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `adapter` `windows_hyperv_ethernet_frames_dropped` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `adapter` `windows_hyperv_ethernet_frames_received` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `adapter` `windows_hyperv_ethernet_frames_sent` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `adapter` `windows_hyperv_vm_device_error_count` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_device` `windows_hyperv_vm_device_queue_length` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_device` `windows_hyperv_vm_device_bytes_read` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_device` `windows_hyperv_vm_device_operations_read` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_device` `windows_hyperv_vm_device_bytes_written` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_device` `windows_hyperv_vm_device_operations_written` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_device` `windows_hyperv_vm_interface_bytes_received` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_interface` `windows_hyperv_vm_interface_bytes_sent` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_interface` `windows_hyperv_vm_interface_packets_incoming_dropped` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_interface` `windows_hyperv_vm_interface_packets_outgoing_dropped` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_interface` `windows_hyperv_vm_interface_packets_received` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_interface` `windows_hyperv_vm_interface_packets_sent` | _Not yet documented_ | counter | `vm_interface` ### Example metric _This collector does not yet have explained examples, we would appreciate your help adding them!_ ## Useful queries Percent of physical CPU resources used per VM (on instance "localhost") ``` (sum (rate(windows_hyperv_vm_cpu_hypervisor_run_time{instance="localhost"}[1m]))) / ignoring(vm) group_left max (windows_cs_logical_processors{instance="localhost"}) / 100000 ``` Percent of physical CPU resources used by all VMs (on all monitored hosts) ``` (sum by (instance)(rate(windows_hyperv_vm_cpu_total_run_time{}[1m]))) / max by (instance)(windows_cs_logical_processors{}) / 100000 ``` Percent of physical CPU resources by the hosts themselves (on all monitored hosts) ``` (sum by (instance)(rate(windows_hyperv_host_cpu_total_run_time{}[1m]))) / sum by (instance)(windows_cs_logical_processors{}) / 100000 ``` Percent of physical CPU resources by the hypervisor (on all monitored hosts) ``` (sum by (instance)(rate(windows_hyperv_host_lp_total_run_time_percent{}[1m]))) / sum by (instance)(windows_hyperv_hypervisor_logical_processors{}) / 100000 ``` ## Alerting examples _This collector does not yet have alerting examples, we would appreciate your help adding them!_