// Copyright (c) 2010-2024 The win Authors. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2024 The prometheus-community Authors. All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // 3. The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF // THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // This is the official list of 'win' authors for copyright purposes. // // Alexander Neumann // Joseph Watson // Kevin Pors //go:build windows package perfdata import ( "fmt" "time" "unsafe" "github.com/prometheus-community/windows_exporter/pkg/headers/kernel32" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" ) // Error codes. const ( ErrorSuccess = 0 ErrorFailure = 1 ErrorInvalidFunction = 1 EpochDifferenceMicros int64 = 11644473600000000 ) type ( HANDLE uintptr ) // PDH error codes, which can be returned by all Pdh* functions. Taken from mingw-w64 pdhmsg.h const ( PdhCstatusValidData = 0x00000000 // The returned data is valid. PdhCstatusNewData = 0x00000001 // The return data value is valid and different from the last sample. PdhCstatusNoMachine = 0x800007D0 // Unable to connect to the specified computer, or the computer is offline. PdhCstatusNoInstance = 0x800007D1 PdhMoreData = 0x800007D2 // The PdhGetFormattedCounterArray* function can return this if there's 'more data to be displayed'. PdhCstatusItemNotValidated = 0x800007D3 PdhRetry = 0x800007D4 PdhNoData = 0x800007D5 // The query does not currently contain any counters (for example, limited access) PdhCalcNegativeDenominator = 0x800007D6 PdhCalcNegativeTimebase = 0x800007D7 PdhCalcNegativeValue = 0x800007D8 PdhDialogCancelled = 0x800007D9 PdhEndOfLogFile = 0x800007DA PdhAsyncQueryTimeout = 0x800007DB PdhCannotSetDefaultRealtimeDatasource = 0x800007DC PdhCstatusNoObject = 0xC0000BB8 PdhCstatusNoCounter = 0xC0000BB9 // The specified counter could not be found. PdhCstatusInvalidData = 0xC0000BBA // The counter was successfully found, but the data returned is not valid. PdhMemoryAllocationFailure = 0xC0000BBB PdhInvalidHandle = 0xC0000BBC PdhInvalidArgument = 0xC0000BBD // Required argument is missing or incorrect. PdhFunctionNotFound = 0xC0000BBE PdhCstatusNoCountername = 0xC0000BBF PdhCstatusBadCountername = 0xC0000BC0 // Unable to parse the counter path. Check the format and syntax of the specified path. PdhInvalidBuffer = 0xC0000BC1 PdhInsufficientBuffer = 0xC0000BC2 PdhCannotConnectMachine = 0xC0000BC3 PdhInvalidPath = 0xC0000BC4 PdhInvalidInstance = 0xC0000BC5 PdhInvalidData = 0xC0000BC6 // specified counter does not contain valid data or a successful status code. PdhNoDialogData = 0xC0000BC7 PdhCannotReadNameStrings = 0xC0000BC8 PdhLogFileCreateError = 0xC0000BC9 PdhLogFileOpenError = 0xC0000BCA PdhLogTypeNotFound = 0xC0000BCB PdhNoMoreData = 0xC0000BCC PdhEntryNotInLogFile = 0xC0000BCD PdhDataSourceIsLogFile = 0xC0000BCE PdhDataSourceIsRealTime = 0xC0000BCF PdhUnableReadLogHeader = 0xC0000BD0 PdhFileNotFound = 0xC0000BD1 PdhFileAlreadyExists = 0xC0000BD2 PdhNotImplemented = 0xC0000BD3 PdhStringNotFound = 0xC0000BD4 PdhUnableMapNameFiles = 0x80000BD5 PdhUnknownLogFormat = 0xC0000BD6 PdhUnknownLogsvcCommand = 0xC0000BD7 PdhLogsvcQueryNotFound = 0xC0000BD8 PdhLogsvcNotOpened = 0xC0000BD9 PdhWbemError = 0xC0000BDA PdhAccessDenied = 0xC0000BDB PdhLogFileTooSmall = 0xC0000BDC PdhInvalidDatasource = 0xC0000BDD PdhInvalidSqldb = 0xC0000BDE PdhNoCounters = 0xC0000BDF PdhSQLAllocFailed = 0xC0000BE0 PdhSQLAllocconFailed = 0xC0000BE1 PdhSQLExecDirectFailed = 0xC0000BE2 PdhSQLFetchFailed = 0xC0000BE3 PdhSQLRowcountFailed = 0xC0000BE4 PdhSQLMoreResultsFailed = 0xC0000BE5 PdhSQLConnectFailed = 0xC0000BE6 PdhSQLBindFailed = 0xC0000BE7 PdhCannotConnectWmiServer = 0xC0000BE8 PdhPlaCollectionAlreadyRunning = 0xC0000BE9 PdhPlaErrorScheduleOverlap = 0xC0000BEA PdhPlaCollectionNotFound = 0xC0000BEB PdhPlaErrorScheduleElapsed = 0xC0000BEC PdhPlaErrorNostart = 0xC0000BED PdhPlaErrorAlreadyExists = 0xC0000BEE PdhPlaErrorTypeMismatch = 0xC0000BEF PdhPlaErrorFilepath = 0xC0000BF0 PdhPlaServiceError = 0xC0000BF1 PdhPlaValidationError = 0xC0000BF2 PdhPlaValidationWarning = 0x80000BF3 PdhPlaErrorNameTooLong = 0xC0000BF4 PdhInvalidSQLLogFormat = 0xC0000BF5 PdhCounterAlreadyInQuery = 0xC0000BF6 PdhBinaryLogCorrupt = 0xC0000BF7 PdhLogSampleTooSmall = 0xC0000BF8 PdhOsLaterVersion = 0xC0000BF9 PdhOsEarlierVersion = 0xC0000BFA PdhIncorrectAppendTime = 0xC0000BFB PdhUnmatchedAppendCounter = 0xC0000BFC PdhSQLAlterDetailFailed = 0xC0000BFD PdhQueryPerfDataTimeout = 0xC0000BFE ) var PDHErrors = map[uint32]string{ PdhCstatusValidData: "PDH_CSTATUS_VALID_DATA", PdhCstatusNewData: "PDH_CSTATUS_NEW_DATA", PdhCstatusNoMachine: "PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE", PdhCstatusNoInstance: "PDH_CSTATUS_NO_INSTANCE", PdhMoreData: "PDH_MORE_DATA", PdhCstatusItemNotValidated: "PDH_CSTATUS_ITEM_NOT_VALIDATED", PdhRetry: "PDH_RETRY", PdhNoData: "PDH_NO_DATA", PdhCalcNegativeDenominator: "PDH_CALC_NEGATIVE_DENOMINATOR", PdhCalcNegativeTimebase: "PDH_CALC_NEGATIVE_TIMEBASE", PdhCalcNegativeValue: "PDH_CALC_NEGATIVE_VALUE", PdhDialogCancelled: "PDH_DIALOG_CANCELLED", PdhEndOfLogFile: "PDH_END_OF_LOG_FILE", PdhAsyncQueryTimeout: "PDH_ASYNC_QUERY_TIMEOUT", PdhCannotSetDefaultRealtimeDatasource: "PDH_CANNOT_SET_DEFAULT_REALTIME_DATASOURCE", PdhCstatusNoObject: "PDH_CSTATUS_NO_OBJECT", PdhCstatusNoCounter: "PDH_CSTATUS_NO_COUNTER", PdhCstatusInvalidData: "PDH_CSTATUS_INVALID_DATA", PdhMemoryAllocationFailure: "PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE", PdhInvalidHandle: "PDH_INVALID_HANDLE", PdhInvalidArgument: "PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT", PdhFunctionNotFound: "PDH_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND", PdhCstatusNoCountername: "PDH_CSTATUS_NO_COUNTERNAME", PdhCstatusBadCountername: "PDH_CSTATUS_BAD_COUNTERNAME", PdhInvalidBuffer: "PDH_INVALID_BUFFER", PdhInsufficientBuffer: "PDH_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER", PdhCannotConnectMachine: "PDH_CANNOT_CONNECT_MACHINE", PdhInvalidPath: "PDH_INVALID_PATH", PdhInvalidInstance: "PDH_INVALID_INSTANCE", PdhInvalidData: "PDH_INVALID_DATA", PdhNoDialogData: "PDH_NO_DIALOG_DATA", PdhCannotReadNameStrings: "PDH_CANNOT_READ_NAME_STRINGS", PdhLogFileCreateError: "PDH_LOG_FILE_CREATE_ERROR", PdhLogFileOpenError: "PDH_LOG_FILE_OPEN_ERROR", PdhLogTypeNotFound: "PDH_LOG_TYPE_NOT_FOUND", PdhNoMoreData: "PDH_NO_MORE_DATA", PdhEntryNotInLogFile: "PDH_ENTRY_NOT_IN_LOG_FILE", PdhDataSourceIsLogFile: "PDH_DATA_SOURCE_IS_LOG_FILE", PdhDataSourceIsRealTime: "PDH_DATA_SOURCE_IS_REAL_TIME", PdhUnableReadLogHeader: "PDH_UNABLE_READ_LOG_HEADER", PdhFileNotFound: "PDH_FILE_NOT_FOUND", PdhFileAlreadyExists: "PDH_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS", PdhNotImplemented: "PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", PdhStringNotFound: "PDH_STRING_NOT_FOUND", PdhUnableMapNameFiles: "PDH_UNABLE_MAP_NAME_FILES", PdhUnknownLogFormat: "PDH_UNKNOWN_LOG_FORMAT", PdhUnknownLogsvcCommand: "PDH_UNKNOWN_LOGSVC_COMMAND", PdhLogsvcQueryNotFound: "PDH_LOGSVC_QUERY_NOT_FOUND", PdhLogsvcNotOpened: "PDH_LOGSVC_NOT_OPENED", PdhWbemError: "PDH_WBEM_ERROR", PdhAccessDenied: "PDH_ACCESS_DENIED", PdhLogFileTooSmall: "PDH_LOG_FILE_TOO_SMALL", PdhInvalidDatasource: "PDH_INVALID_DATASOURCE", PdhInvalidSqldb: "PDH_INVALID_SQLDB", PdhNoCounters: "PDH_NO_COUNTERS", PdhSQLAllocFailed: "PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED", PdhSQLAllocconFailed: "PDH_SQL_ALLOCCON_FAILED", PdhSQLExecDirectFailed: "PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED", PdhSQLFetchFailed: "PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED", PdhSQLRowcountFailed: "PDH_SQL_ROWCOUNT_FAILED", PdhSQLMoreResultsFailed: "PDH_SQL_MORE_RESULTS_FAILED", PdhSQLConnectFailed: "PDH_SQL_CONNECT_FAILED", PdhSQLBindFailed: "PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED", PdhCannotConnectWmiServer: "PDH_CANNOT_CONNECT_WMI_SERVER", PdhPlaCollectionAlreadyRunning: "PDH_PLA_COLLECTION_ALREADY_RUNNING", PdhPlaErrorScheduleOverlap: "PDH_PLA_ERROR_SCHEDULE_OVERLAP", PdhPlaCollectionNotFound: "PDH_PLA_COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND", PdhPlaErrorScheduleElapsed: "PDH_PLA_ERROR_SCHEDULE_ELAPSED", PdhPlaErrorNostart: "PDH_PLA_ERROR_NOSTART", PdhPlaErrorAlreadyExists: "PDH_PLA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS", PdhPlaErrorTypeMismatch: "PDH_PLA_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH", PdhPlaErrorFilepath: "PDH_PLA_ERROR_FILEPATH", PdhPlaServiceError: "PDH_PLA_SERVICE_ERROR", PdhPlaValidationError: "PDH_PLA_VALIDATION_ERROR", PdhPlaValidationWarning: "PDH_PLA_VALIDATION_WARNING", PdhPlaErrorNameTooLong: "PDH_PLA_ERROR_NAME_TOO_LONG", PdhInvalidSQLLogFormat: "PDH_INVALID_SQL_LOG_FORMAT", PdhCounterAlreadyInQuery: "PDH_COUNTER_ALREADY_IN_QUERY", PdhBinaryLogCorrupt: "PDH_BINARY_LOG_CORRUPT", PdhLogSampleTooSmall: "PDH_LOG_SAMPLE_TOO_SMALL", PdhOsLaterVersion: "PDH_OS_LATER_VERSION", PdhOsEarlierVersion: "PDH_OS_EARLIER_VERSION", PdhIncorrectAppendTime: "PDH_INCORRECT_APPEND_TIME", PdhUnmatchedAppendCounter: "PDH_UNMATCHED_APPEND_COUNTER", PdhSQLAlterDetailFailed: "PDH_SQL_ALTER_DETAIL_FAILED", PdhQueryPerfDataTimeout: "PDH_QUERY_PERF_DATA_TIMEOUT", } // Formatting options for GetFormattedCounterValue(). // //goland:noinspection GoUnusedConst const ( PdhFmtRaw = 0x00000010 PdhFmtAnsi = 0x00000020 PdhFmtUnicode = 0x00000040 PdhFmtLong = 0x00000100 // Return data as a long int. PdhFmtDouble = 0x00000200 // Return data as a double precision floating point real. PdhFmtLarge = 0x00000400 // Return data as a 64 bit integer. PdhFmtNoscale = 0x00001000 // can be OR-ed: Do not apply the counter's default scaling factor. PdhFmt1000 = 0x00002000 // can be OR-ed: multiply the actual value by 1,000. PdhFmtNodata = 0x00004000 // can be OR-ed: unknown what this is for, MSDN says nothing. PdhFmtNocap100 = 0x00008000 // can be OR-ed: do not cap values > 100. PerfDetailCostly = 0x00010000 PerfDetailStandard = 0x0000FFFF ) type ( pdhQueryHandle HANDLE // query handle pdhCounterHandle HANDLE // counter handle ) var ( libPdhDll = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("pdh.dll") pdhAddCounterW = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhAddCounterW") pdhAddEnglishCounterW = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhAddEnglishCounterW") pdhCloseQuery = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhCloseQuery") pdhCollectQueryData = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhCollectQueryData") pdhCollectQueryDataWithTime = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhCollectQueryDataWithTime") pdhGetFormattedCounterValue = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhGetFormattedCounterValue") pdhGetFormattedCounterArrayW = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayW") pdhOpenQuery = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhOpenQuery") pdhValidatePathW = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhValidatePathW") pdhExpandWildCardPathW = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhExpandWildCardPathW") pdhGetCounterInfoW = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhGetCounterInfoW") pdhGetRawCounterValue = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhGetRawCounterValue") pdhGetRawCounterArrayW = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhGetRawCounterArrayW") pdhPdhGetCounterTimeBase = libPdhDll.NewProc("PdhGetCounterTimeBase") ) // PdhAddCounter adds the specified counter to the query. This is the internationalized version. Preferably, use the // function PdhAddEnglishCounter instead. hQuery is the query handle, which has been fetched by PdhOpenQuery. // szFullCounterPath is a full, internationalized counter path (this will differ per Windows language version). // dwUserData is a 'user-defined value', which becomes part of the counter information. To retrieve this value // later, call PdhGetCounterInfo() and access dwQueryUserData of the PdhCounterInfo structure. // // Examples of szFullCounterPath (in an English version of Windows): // // \\Processor(_Total)\\% Idle Time // \\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time // \\LogicalDisk(C:)\% Free Space // // To view all (internationalized...) counters on a system, there are three non-programmatic ways: perfmon utility, // the typeperf command, and the registry editor. perfmon.exe is perhaps the easiest way, because it's basically a // full implementation of the pdh.dll API, except with a GUI and all that. The registry setting also provides an // interface to the available counters, and can be found at the following key: // // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\CurrentLanguage // // This registry key contains several values as follows: // // 1 // 1847 // 2 // System // 4 // Memory // 6 // % Processor Time // ... many, many more // // Somehow, these numeric values can be used as szFullCounterPath too: // // \2\6 will correspond to \\System\% Processor Time // // The typeperf command may also be pretty easy. To find all performance counters, simply execute: // // typeperf -qx func PdhAddCounter(hQuery pdhQueryHandle, szFullCounterPath string, dwUserData uintptr, phCounter *pdhCounterHandle) uint32 { ptxt, _ := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(szFullCounterPath) ret, _, _ := pdhAddCounterW.Call( uintptr(hQuery), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ptxt)), dwUserData, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(phCounter))) return uint32(ret) } // PdhAddEnglishCounterSupported returns true if PdhAddEnglishCounterW Win API function was found in pdh.dll. // PdhAddEnglishCounterW function is not supported on pre-Windows Vista systems. func PdhAddEnglishCounterSupported() bool { return pdhAddEnglishCounterW != nil } // PdhAddEnglishCounter adds the specified language-neutral counter to the query. See the PdhAddCounter function. This function only exists on // Windows versions higher than Vista. func PdhAddEnglishCounter(hQuery pdhQueryHandle, szFullCounterPath string, dwUserData uintptr, phCounter *pdhCounterHandle) uint32 { if pdhAddEnglishCounterW == nil { return ErrorInvalidFunction } ptxt, _ := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(szFullCounterPath) ret, _, _ := pdhAddEnglishCounterW.Call( uintptr(hQuery), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ptxt)), dwUserData, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(phCounter))) return uint32(ret) } // PdhCloseQuery closes all counters contained in the specified query, closes all handles related to the query, // and frees all memory associated with the query. func PdhCloseQuery(hQuery pdhQueryHandle) uint32 { ret, _, _ := pdhCloseQuery.Call(uintptr(hQuery)) return uint32(ret) } // PdhCollectQueryData collects the current raw data value for all counters in the specified query and updates the status // code of each counter. With some counters, this function needs to be repeatedly called before the value // of the counter can be extracted with PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(). For example, the following code // requires at least two calls: // // var handle win.PDH_HQUERY // var counterHandle win.PDH_HCOUNTER // ret := win.PdhOpenQuery(0, 0, &handle) // ret = win.PdhAddEnglishCounter(handle, "\\Processor(_Total)\\% Idle Time", 0, &counterHandle) // var derp win.PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_DOUBLE // // ret = win.PdhCollectQueryData(handle) // fmt.Printf("Collect return code is %x\n", ret) // return code will be PDH_CSTATUS_INVALID_DATA // ret = win.PdhGetFormattedCounterValueDouble(counterHandle, 0, &derp) // // ret = win.PdhCollectQueryData(handle) // fmt.Printf("Collect return code is %x\n", ret) // return code will be ERROR_SUCCESS // ret = win.PdhGetFormattedCounterValueDouble(counterHandle, 0, &derp) // // The PdhCollectQueryData will return an error in the first call because it needs two values for // displaying the correct data for the processor idle time. The second call will have a 0 return code. func PdhCollectQueryData(hQuery pdhQueryHandle) uint32 { ret, _, _ := pdhCollectQueryData.Call(uintptr(hQuery)) return uint32(ret) } // PdhCollectQueryDataWithTime queries data from perfmon, retrieving the device/windows timestamp from the node it was collected on. // Converts the filetime structure to a GO time class and returns the native time. func PdhCollectQueryDataWithTime(hQuery pdhQueryHandle) (uint32, time.Time) { var localFileTime windows.Filetime ret, _, _ := pdhCollectQueryDataWithTime.Call(uintptr(hQuery), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&localFileTime))) if ret == ErrorSuccess { var utcFileTime windows.Filetime if ret := kernel32.LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&localFileTime, &utcFileTime); ret == 0 { return uint32(ErrorFailure), time.Now() } retTime := time.Unix(0, utcFileTime.Nanoseconds()) return uint32(ErrorSuccess), retTime } return uint32(ret), time.Now() } // PdhGetFormattedCounterValueDouble formats the given hCounter using a 'double'. The result is set into the specialized union struct pValue. // This function does not directly translate to a Windows counterpart due to union specialization tricks. func PdhGetFormattedCounterValueDouble(hCounter pdhCounterHandle, lpdwType *uint32, pValue *PdhFmtCountervalueDouble) uint32 { ret, _, _ := pdhGetFormattedCounterValue.Call( uintptr(hCounter), uintptr(PdhFmtDouble|PdhFmtNocap100), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpdwType)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pValue))) return uint32(ret) } // PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayDouble returns an array of formatted counter values. Use this function when you want to format the counter values of a // counter that contains a wildcard character for the instance name. The itemBuffer must a slice of type PdhFmtCountervalueItemDouble. // An example of how this function can be used: // // okPath := "\\Process(*)\\% Processor Time" // notice the wildcard * character // // // omitted all necessary stuff ... // // var bufSize uint32 // var bufCount uint32 // var size uint32 = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(win.PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_DOUBLE{})) // var emptyBuf [1]win.PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_DOUBLE // need at least 1 addressable null ptr. // // for { // // collect // ret := win.PdhCollectQueryData(queryHandle) // if ret == win.ERROR_SUCCESS { // ret = win.PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayDouble(counterHandle, &bufSize, &bufCount, &emptyBuf[0]) // uses null ptr here according to MSDN. // if ret == win.PDH_MORE_DATA { // filledBuf := make([]win.PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_DOUBLE, bufCount*size) // ret = win.PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayDouble(counterHandle, &bufSize, &bufCount, &filledBuf[0]) // for i := 0; i < int(bufCount); i++ { // c := filledBuf[i] // var s string = win.UTF16PtrToString(c.SzName) // fmt.Printf("Index %d -> %s, value %v\n", i, s, c.FmtValue.DoubleValue) // } // // filledBuf = nil // // Need to at least set bufSize to zero, because if not, the function will not // // return PDH_MORE_DATA and will not set the bufSize. // bufCount = 0 // bufSize = 0 // } // // time.Sleep(2000 * time.Millisecond) // } // } func PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayDouble(hCounter pdhCounterHandle, lpdwBufferSize *uint32, lpdwBufferCount *uint32, itemBuffer *byte) uint32 { ret, _, _ := pdhGetFormattedCounterArrayW.Call( uintptr(hCounter), uintptr(PdhFmtDouble|PdhFmtNocap100), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpdwBufferSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpdwBufferCount)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(itemBuffer))) return uint32(ret) } // PdhOpenQuery creates a new query that is used to manage the collection of performance data. // szDataSource is a null terminated string that specifies the name of the log file from which to // retrieve the performance data. If 0, performance data is collected from a real-time data source. // dwUserData is a user-defined value to associate with this query. To retrieve the user data later, // call PdhGetCounterInfo and access dwQueryUserData of the PdhCounterInfo structure. phQuery is // the handle to the query, and must be used in subsequent calls. This function returns a PDH_ // constant error code, or ErrorSuccess if the call succeeded. func PdhOpenQuery(szDataSource uintptr, dwUserData uintptr, phQuery *pdhQueryHandle) uint32 { ret, _, _ := pdhOpenQuery.Call( szDataSource, dwUserData, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(phQuery))) return uint32(ret) } // PdhExpandWildCardPath examines the specified computer or log file and returns those counter paths that match the given counter path // which contains wildcard characters. The general counter path format is as follows: // // \\computer\object(parent/instance#index)\counter // // The parent, instance, index, and counter components of the counter path may contain either a valid name or a wildcard character. // The computer, parent, instance, and index components are not necessary for all counters. // // The following is a list of the possible formats: // // \\computer\object(parent/instance#index)\counter // \\computer\object(parent/instance)\counter // \\computer\object(instance#index)\counter // \\computer\object(instance)\counter // \\computer\object\counter // \object(parent/instance#index)\counter // \object(parent/instance)\counter // \object(instance#index)\counter // \object(instance)\counter // \object\counter // Use an asterisk (*) as the wildcard character, for example, \object(*)\counter. // // If a wildcard character is specified in the parent name, all instances of the specified object // that match the specified instance and counter fields will be returned. // For example, \object(*/instance)\counter. // // If a wildcard character is specified in the instance name, all instances of the specified object and parent object will be returned if all instance names // corresponding to the specified index match the wildcard character. For example, \object(parent/*)\counter. // If the object does not contain an instance, an error occurs. // // If a wildcard character is specified in the counter name, all counters of the specified object are returned. // // Partial counter path string matches (for example, "pro*") are supported. func PdhExpandWildCardPath(szWildCardPath string, mszExpandedPathList *uint16, pcchPathListLength *uint32) uint32 { ptxt, _ := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(szWildCardPath) flags := uint32(0) // expand instances and counters ret, _, _ := pdhExpandWildCardPathW.Call( 0, // search counters on local computer uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ptxt)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mszExpandedPathList)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pcchPathListLength)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&flags))) return uint32(ret) } // PdhValidatePath validates a path. Will return ErrorSuccess when ok, or PdhCstatusBadCountername when the path is erroneous. func PdhValidatePath(path string) uint32 { ptxt, _ := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(path) ret, _, _ := pdhValidatePathW.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ptxt))) return uint32(ret) } func PdhFormatError(msgID uint32) string { var flags uint32 = windows.FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | windows.FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY | windows.FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS buf := make([]uint16, 300) _, err := windows.FormatMessage(flags, libPdhDll.Handle(), msgID, 0, buf, nil) if err == nil { return windows.UTF16PtrToString(&buf[0]) } return fmt.Sprintf("(pdhErr=%d) %s", msgID, err.Error()) } // PdhGetCounterInfo retrieves information about a counter, such as data size, counter type, path, and user-supplied data values // hCounter [in] // Handle of the counter from which you want to retrieve information. The PdhAddCounter function returns this handle. // // bRetrieveExplainText [in] // Determines whether explain text is retrieved. If you set this parameter to TRUE, the explain text for the counter is retrieved. // If you set this parameter to FALSE, the field in the returned buffer is NULL. // // pdwBufferSize [in, out] // Size of the lpBuffer buffer, in bytes. If zero on input, the function returns PdhMoreData and sets this parameter to the required buffer size. // If the buffer is larger than the required size, the function sets this parameter to the actual size of the buffer that was used. // If the specified size on input is greater than zero but less than the required size, you should not rely on the returned size to reallocate the buffer. // // lpBuffer [out] // Caller-allocated buffer that receives a PdhCounterInfo structure. // The structure is variable-length, because the string data is appended to the end of the fixed-format portion of the structure. // This is done so that all data is returned in a single buffer allocated by the caller. Set to NULL if pdwBufferSize is zero. func PdhGetCounterInfo(hCounter pdhCounterHandle, bRetrieveExplainText int, pdwBufferSize *uint32, lpBuffer *byte) uint32 { ret, _, _ := pdhGetCounterInfoW.Call( uintptr(hCounter), uintptr(bRetrieveExplainText), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pdwBufferSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpBuffer))) return uint32(ret) } // PdhGetRawCounterValue returns the current raw value of the counter. // If the specified counter instance does not exist, this function will return ErrorSuccess // and the CStatus member of the PdhRawCounter structure will contain PdhCstatusNoInstance. // // hCounter [in] // Handle of the counter from which to retrieve the current raw value. The PdhAddCounter function returns this handle. // // lpdwType [out] // Receives the counter type. For a list of counter types, see the Counter Types section of the Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit. // This parameter is optional. // // pValue [out] // A PdhRawCounter structure that receives the counter value. func PdhGetRawCounterValue(hCounter pdhCounterHandle, lpdwType *uint32, pValue *PdhRawCounter) uint32 { ret, _, _ := pdhGetRawCounterValue.Call( uintptr(hCounter), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpdwType)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pValue))) return uint32(ret) } // PdhGetRawCounterArray returns an array of raw values from the specified counter. Use this function when you want to retrieve the raw counter values // of a counter that contains a wildcard character for the instance name. // hCounter // Handle of the counter for whose current raw instance values you want to retrieve. The PdhAddCounter function returns this handle. // // lpdwBufferSize // Size of the ItemBuffer buffer, in bytes. If zero on input, the function returns PdhMoreData and sets this parameter to the required buffer size. // If the buffer is larger than the required size, the function sets this parameter to the actual size of the buffer that was used. // If the specified size on input is greater than zero but less than the required size, you should not rely on the returned size to reallocate the buffer. // // lpdwItemCount // Number of raw counter values in the ItemBuffer buffer. // // ItemBuffer // Caller-allocated buffer that receives the array of PdhRawCounterItem structures; the structures contain the raw instance counter values. // Set to NULL if lpdwBufferSize is zero. func PdhGetRawCounterArray(hCounter pdhCounterHandle, lpdwBufferSize *uint32, lpdwBufferCount *uint32, itemBuffer *byte) uint32 { ret, _, _ := pdhGetRawCounterArrayW.Call( uintptr(hCounter), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpdwBufferSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpdwBufferCount)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(itemBuffer))) return uint32(ret) } // PdhGetCounterTimeBase returns the time base of the specified counter. // hCounter // Handle of the counter for whose current raw instance values you want to retrieve. The PdhAddCounter function returns this handle. // // lpdwItemCount // Time base that specifies the number of performance values a counter samples per second. func PdhGetCounterTimeBase(hCounter pdhCounterHandle, pTimeBase *float64) uint32 { ret, _, _ := pdhPdhGetCounterTimeBase.Call( uintptr(hCounter), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pTimeBase))) return uint32(ret) }