# dhcp collector The dhcp collector exposes DHCP Server metrics ||| -|- Metric name prefix | `dhcp` Data source | Perflib Classes | `DHCP Server` Enabled by default? | No ## Flags None ## Metrics Name | Description | Type | Labels -----|-------------|------|------- `packets_received_total` | Total number of packets received by the DHCP server | counter | None `duplicates_dropped_total` | Total number of duplicate packets received by the DHCP server | counter | None `packets_expired_total` | Total number of packets expired in the DHCP server message queue | counter | None `active_queue_length` | Number of packets in the processing queue of the DHCP server | gauge | None `conflict_check_queue_length` | Number of packets in the DHCP server queue waiting on conflict detection (ping) | gauge | None `discovers_total` | Total DHCP Discovers received by the DHCP server | counter | None `offers_total` | Total DHCP Offers sent by the DHCP server | counter | None `requests_total` | Total DHCP Requests received by the DHCP server | counter | None `informs_total` | Total DHCP Informs received by the DHCP server | counter | None `acks_total` | Total DHCP Acks sent by the DHCP server | counter | None `nacks_total` | Total DHCP Nacks sent by the DHCP server | counter | None `declines_total` | Total DHCP Declines received by the DHCP server | counter | None `releases_total` | Total DHCP Releases received by the DHCP server | counter | None `offer_queue_length` | Number of packets in the offer queue of the DHCP server | gauge | None `denied_due_to_match_total` | Total number of DHCP requests denied, based on matches from the Deny List | gauge | None `denied_due_to_nonmatch_total` | Total number of DHCP requests denied, based on non-matches from the Allow List | gauge | None `failover_bndupd_sent_total` | Number of DHCP failover Binding Update messages sent | counter | None `failover_bndupd_received_total` | Number of DHCP failover Binding Update messages received | counter | None `failover_bndack_sent_total` | Number of DHCP failover Binding Ack messages sent | counter | None `failover_bndack_received_total` | Number of DHCP failover Binding Ack messages received | counter | None `failover_bndupd_pending_in_outbound_queue` | Number of pending outbound DHCP failover Binding Update messages | counter | None `failover_transitions_communicationinterrupted_state_total` | Total number of transitions into COMMUNICATION INTERRUPTED state | counter | None `failover_transitions_partnerdown_state_total` | Total number of transitions into PARTNER DOWN state | counter | None `failover_transitions_recover_total` | Total number of transitions into RECOVER state | counter | None `failover_bndupd_dropped_total` | Total number of DHCP faileover Binding Updates dropped | counter | None ### Example metric _This collector does not yet have explained examples, we would appreciate your help adding them!_ ## Useful queries _This collector does not yet have any useful queries added, we would appreciate your help adding them!_ ## Alerting examples _This collector does not yet have alerting examples, we would appreciate your help adding them!_