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synced 2025-02-09 08:09:27 +00:00
360 lines
31 KiB
360 lines
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package ad
const (
abANRPerSec = "AB ANR/sec"
abBrowsesPerSec = "AB Browses/sec"
abClientSessions = "AB Client Sessions"
abMatchesPerSec = "AB Matches/sec"
abPropertyReadsPerSec = "AB Property Reads/sec"
abProxyLookupsPerSec = "AB Proxy Lookups/sec"
abSearchesPerSec = "AB Searches/sec"
approximateHighestDNT = "Approximate highest DNT"
atqEstimatedQueueDelay = "ATQ Estimated Queue Delay"
atqOutstandingQueuedRequests = "ATQ Outstanding Queued Requests"
_ = "ATQ Queue Latency"
atqRequestLatency = "ATQ Request Latency"
atqThreadsLDAP = "ATQ Threads LDAP"
atqThreadsOther = "ATQ Threads Other"
atqThreadsTotal = "ATQ Threads Total"
baseSearchesPerSec = "Base searches/sec"
databaseAddsPerSec = "Database adds/sec"
databaseDeletesPerSec = "Database deletes/sec"
databaseModifiesPerSec = "Database modifys/sec"
databaseRecyclesPerSec = "Database recycles/sec"
digestBindsPerSec = "Digest Binds/sec"
_ = "DirSync session throttling rate"
_ = "DirSync sessions in progress"
draHighestUSNCommittedHighPart = "DRA Highest USN Committed (High part)"
draHighestUSNCommittedLowPart = "DRA Highest USN Committed (Low part)"
draHighestUSNIssuedHighPart = "DRA Highest USN Issued (High part)"
draHighestUSNIssuedLowPart = "DRA Highest USN Issued (Low part)"
draInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionSinceBoot = "DRA Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, After Compression) Since Boot"
draInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionPerSec = "DRA Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, After Compression)/sec"
draInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionSinceBoot = "DRA Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, Before Compression) Since Boot"
draInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionPerSec = "DRA Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, Before Compression)/sec"
draInboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSiteSinceBoot = "DRA Inbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site) Since Boot"
draInboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSitePerSec = "DRA Inbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site)/sec"
draInboundBytesTotalSinceBoot = "DRA Inbound Bytes Total Since Boot"
draInboundBytesTotalPerSec = "DRA Inbound Bytes Total/sec"
draInboundFullSyncObjectsRemaining = "DRA Inbound Full Sync Objects Remaining"
draInboundLinkValueUpdatesRemainingInPacket = "DRA Inbound Link Value Updates Remaining in Packet"
_ = "DRA Inbound Link Values/sec"
draInboundObjectUpdatesRemainingInPacket = "DRA Inbound Object Updates Remaining in Packet"
draInboundObjectsAppliedPerSec = "DRA Inbound Objects Applied/sec"
draInboundObjectsFilteredPerSec = "DRA Inbound Objects Filtered/sec"
draInboundObjectsPerSec = "DRA Inbound Objects/sec"
draInboundPropertiesAppliedPerSec = "DRA Inbound Properties Applied/sec"
draInboundPropertiesFilteredPerSec = "DRA Inbound Properties Filtered/sec"
draInboundPropertiesTotalPerSec = "DRA Inbound Properties Total/sec"
_ = "DRA Inbound Sync Link Deletion/sec"
draInboundTotalUpdatesRemainingInPacket = "DRA Inbound Total Updates Remaining in Packet"
draInboundValuesDNsOnlyPerSec = "DRA Inbound Values (DNs only)/sec"
draInboundValuesTotalPerSec = "DRA Inbound Values Total/sec"
_ = "DRA number of NC replication calls since boot"
_ = "DRA number of successful NC replication calls since boot"
draOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionSinceBoot = "DRA Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, After Compression) Since Boot"
draOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionPerSec = "DRA Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, After Compression)/sec"
draOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionSinceBoot = "DRA Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, Before Compression) Since Boot"
draOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionPerSec = "DRA Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites, Before Compression)/sec"
draOutboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSiteSinceBoot = "DRA Outbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site) Since Boot"
draOutboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSitePerSec = "DRA Outbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site)/sec"
draOutboundBytesTotalSinceBoot = "DRA Outbound Bytes Total Since Boot"
draOutboundBytesTotalPerSec = "DRA Outbound Bytes Total/sec"
draOutboundObjectsFilteredPerSec = "DRA Outbound Objects Filtered/sec"
draOutboundObjectsPerSec = "DRA Outbound Objects/sec"
draOutboundPropertiesPerSec = "DRA Outbound Properties/sec"
draOutboundValuesDNsOnlyPerSec = "DRA Outbound Values (DNs only)/sec"
draOutboundValuesTotalPerSec = "DRA Outbound Values Total/sec"
draPendingReplicationOperations = "DRA Pending Replication Operations"
draPendingReplicationSynchronizations = "DRA Pending Replication Synchronizations"
draSyncFailuresOnSchemaMismatch = "DRA Sync Failures on Schema Mismatch"
draSyncRequestsMade = "DRA Sync Requests Made"
draSyncRequestsSuccessful = "DRA Sync Requests Successful"
draThreadsGettingNCChanges = "DRA Threads Getting NC Changes"
draThreadsGettingNCChangesHoldingSemaphore = "DRA Threads Getting NC Changes Holding Semaphore"
_ = "DRA total number of Busy failures since boot"
_ = "DRA total number of MissingParent failures since boot"
_ = "DRA total number of NotEnoughAttrs/MissingObject failures since boot"
_ = "DRA total number of Preempted failures since boot"
_ = "DRA total time of applying replication package since boot"
_ = "DRA total time of NC replication calls since boot"
_ = "DRA total time of successful NC replication calls since boot"
_ = "DRA total time of successfully applying replication package since boot"
_ = "DRA total time on waiting async replication packages since boot"
_ = "DRA total time on waiting sync replication packages since boot"
dsPercentReadsFromDRA = "DS % Reads from DRA"
dsPercentReadsFromKCC = "DS % Reads from KCC"
dsPercentReadsFromLSA = "DS % Reads from LSA"
dsPercentReadsFromNSPI = "DS % Reads from NSPI"
dsPercentReadsFromNTDSAPI = "DS % Reads from NTDSAPI"
dsPercentReadsFromSAM = "DS % Reads from SAM"
dsPercentReadsOther = "DS % Reads Other"
dsPercentSearchesFromDRA = "DS % Searches from DRA"
dsPercentSearchesFromKCC = "DS % Searches from KCC"
dsPercentSearchesFromLDAP = "DS % Searches from LDAP"
dsPercentSearchesFromLSA = "DS % Searches from LSA"
dsPercentSearchesFromNSPI = "DS % Searches from NSPI"
dsPercentSearchesFromNTDSAPI = "DS % Searches from NTDSAPI"
dsPercentSearchesFromSAM = "DS % Searches from SAM"
dsPercentSearchesOther = "DS % Searches Other"
dsPercentWritesFromDRA = "DS % Writes from DRA"
dsPercentWritesFromKCC = "DS % Writes from KCC"
dsPercentWritesFromLDAP = "DS % Writes from LDAP"
dsPercentWritesFromLSA = "DS % Writes from LSA"
dsPercentWritesFromNSPI = "DS % Writes from NSPI"
dsPercentWritesFromNTDSAPI = "DS % Writes from NTDSAPI"
dsPercentWritesFromSAM = "DS % Writes from SAM"
dsPercentWritesOther = "DS % Writes Other"
dsClientBindsPerSec = "DS Client Binds/sec"
dsClientNameTranslationsPerSec = "DS Client Name Translations/sec"
dsDirectoryReadsPerSec = "DS Directory Reads/sec"
dsDirectorySearchesPerSec = "DS Directory Searches/sec"
dsDirectoryWritesPerSec = "DS Directory Writes/sec"
dsMonitorListSize = "DS Monitor List Size"
dsNameCacheHitRate = "DS Name Cache hit rate"
dsNotifyQueueSize = "DS Notify Queue Size"
dsSearchSubOperationsPerSec = "DS Search sub-operations/sec"
dsSecurityDescriptorPropagationsEvents = "DS Security Descriptor Propagations Events"
dsSecurityDescriptorPropagatorAverageExclusionTime = "DS Security Descriptor Propagator Average Exclusion Time"
dsSecurityDescriptorPropagatorRuntimeQueue = "DS Security Descriptor Propagator Runtime Queue"
dsSecurityDescriptorSubOperationsPerSec = "DS Security Descriptor sub-operations/sec"
dsServerBindsPerSec = "DS Server Binds/sec"
dsServerNameTranslationsPerSec = "DS Server Name Translations/sec"
dsThreadsInUse = "DS Threads in Use"
_ = "Error eventlogs since boot"
_ = "Error events since boot"
externalBindsPerSec = "External Binds/sec"
fastBindsPerSec = "Fast Binds/sec"
_ = "Fatal events since boot"
_ = "Info eventlogs since boot"
ldapActiveThreads = "LDAP Active Threads"
_ = "LDAP Add Operations"
_ = "LDAP Add Operations/sec"
_ = "LDAP batch slots available"
ldapBindTime = "LDAP Bind Time"
_ = "LDAP busy retries"
_ = "LDAP busy retries/sec"
ldapClientSessions = "LDAP Client Sessions"
ldapClosedConnectionsPerSec = "LDAP Closed Connections/sec"
_ = "LDAP Delete Operations"
_ = "LDAP Delete Operations/sec"
_ = "LDAP Modify DN Operations"
_ = "LDAP Modify DN Operations/sec"
_ = "LDAP Modify Operations"
_ = "LDAP Modify Operations/sec"
ldapNewConnectionsPerSec = "LDAP New Connections/sec"
ldapNewSSLConnectionsPerSec = "LDAP New SSL Connections/sec"
_ = "LDAP Outbound Bytes"
_ = "LDAP Outbound Bytes/sec"
_ = "LDAP Page Search Cache entries count"
_ = "LDAP Page Search Cache size"
ldapSearchesPerSec = "LDAP Searches/sec"
ldapSuccessfulBindsPerSec = "LDAP Successful Binds/sec"
_ = "LDAP Threads Sleeping on BUSY"
ldapUDPOperationsPerSec = "LDAP UDP operations/sec"
ldapWritesPerSec = "LDAP Writes/sec"
linkValuesCleanedPerSec = "Link Values Cleaned/sec"
_ = "Links added"
_ = "Links added/sec"
_ = "Links visited"
_ = "Links visited/sec"
_ = "Logical link deletes"
_ = "Logical link deletes/sec"
negotiatedBindsPerSec = "Negotiated Binds/sec"
ntlmBindsPerSec = "NTLM Binds/sec"
_ = "Objects returned"
_ = "Objects returned/sec"
_ = "Objects visited"
_ = "Objects visited/sec"
oneLevelSearchesPerSec = "Onelevel searches/sec"
_ = "PDC failed password update notifications"
_ = "PDC password update notifications/sec"
_ = "PDC successful password update notifications"
phantomsCleanedPerSec = "Phantoms Cleaned/sec"
phantomsVisitedPerSec = "Phantoms Visited/sec"
_ = "Physical link deletes"
_ = "Physical link deletes/sec"
_ = "Replicate Single Object operations"
_ = "Replicate Single Object operations/sec"
_ = "RID Pool invalidations since boot"
_ = "RID Pool request failures since boot"
_ = "RID Pool request successes since boot"
samAccountGroupEvaluationLatency = "SAM Account Group Evaluation Latency"
samDisplayInformationQueriesPerSec = "SAM Display Information Queries/sec"
samDomainLocalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Domain Local Group Membership Evaluations/sec"
samEnumerationsPerSec = "SAM Enumerations/sec"
samGCEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM GC Evaluations/sec"
samGlobalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Global Group Membership Evaluations/sec"
samMachineCreationAttemptsPerSec = "SAM Machine Creation Attempts/sec"
samMembershipChangesPerSec = "SAM Membership Changes/sec"
samNonTransitiveMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Non-Transitive Membership Evaluations/sec"
samPasswordChangesPerSec = "SAM Password Changes/sec"
samResourceGroupEvaluationLatency = "SAM Resource Group Evaluation Latency"
samSuccessfulComputerCreationsPerSecIncludesAllRequests = "SAM Successful Computer Creations/sec: Includes all requests"
samSuccessfulUserCreationsPerSec = "SAM Successful User Creations/sec"
samTransitiveMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Transitive Membership Evaluations/sec"
samUniversalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPerSec = "SAM Universal Group Membership Evaluations/sec"
samUserCreationAttemptsPerSec = "SAM User Creation Attempts/sec"
simpleBindsPerSec = "Simple Binds/sec"
subtreeSearchesPerSec = "Subtree searches/sec"
tombstonesGarbageCollectedPerSec = "Tombstones Garbage Collected/sec"
tombstonesVisitedPerSec = "Tombstones Visited/sec"
transitiveOperationsMillisecondsRun = "Transitive operations milliseconds run"
transitiveOperationsPerSec = "Transitive operations/sec"
transitiveSubOperationsPerSec = "Transitive suboperations/sec"
_ = "Warning eventlogs since boot"
_ = "Warning events since boot"
// Win32_PerfRawData_DirectoryServices_DirectoryServices docs:
// - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms803980.aspx
type Win32_PerfRawData_DirectoryServices_DirectoryServices struct {
Name string
ABANRPersec uint32
ABBrowsesPersec uint32
ABClientSessions uint32
ABMatchesPersec uint32
ABPropertyReadsPersec uint32
ABProxyLookupsPersec uint32
ABSearchesPersec uint32
ApproximatehighestDNT uint32
ATQEstimatedQueueDelay uint32
ATQOutstandingQueuedRequests uint32
ATQRequestLatency uint32
ATQThreadsLDAP uint32
ATQThreadsOther uint32
ATQThreadsTotal uint32
BasesearchesPersec uint32
DatabaseaddsPersec uint32
DatabasedeletesPersec uint32
DatabasemodifysPersec uint32
DatabaserecyclesPersec uint32
DigestBindsPersec uint32
DRAHighestUSNCommittedHighpart uint64
DRAHighestUSNCommittedLowpart uint64
DRAHighestUSNIssuedHighpart uint64
DRAHighestUSNIssuedLowpart uint64
DRAInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionPersec uint32
DRAInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionSinceBoot uint32
DRAInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionPersec uint32
DRAInboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionSinceBoot uint32
DRAInboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSitePersec uint32
DRAInboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSiteSinceBoot uint32
DRAInboundBytesTotalPersec uint32
DRAInboundBytesTotalSinceBoot uint32
DRAInboundFullSyncObjectsRemaining uint32
DRAInboundLinkValueUpdatesRemaininginPacket uint32
DRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersec uint32
DRAInboundObjectsFilteredPersec uint32
DRAInboundObjectsPersec uint32
DRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacket uint32
DRAInboundPropertiesAppliedPersec uint32
DRAInboundPropertiesFilteredPersec uint32
DRAInboundPropertiesTotalPersec uint32
DRAInboundTotalUpdatesRemaininginPacket uint32
DRAInboundValuesDNsonlyPersec uint32
DRAInboundValuesTotalPersec uint32
DRAOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionPersec uint32
DRAOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesAfterCompressionSinceBoot uint32
DRAOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionPersec uint32
DRAOutboundBytesCompressedBetweenSitesBeforeCompressionSinceBoot uint32
DRAOutboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSitePersec uint32
DRAOutboundBytesNotCompressedWithinSiteSinceBoot uint32
DRAOutboundBytesTotalPersec uint32
DRAOutboundBytesTotalSinceBoot uint32
DRAOutboundObjectsFilteredPersec uint32
DRAOutboundObjectsPersec uint32
DRAOutboundPropertiesPersec uint32
DRAOutboundValuesDNsonlyPersec uint32
DRAOutboundValuesTotalPersec uint32
DRAPendingReplicationOperations uint32
DRAPendingReplicationSynchronizations uint32
DRASyncFailuresonSchemaMismatch uint32
DRASyncRequestsMade uint32
DRASyncRequestsSuccessful uint32
DRAThreadsGettingNCChanges uint32
DRAThreadsGettingNCChangesHoldingSemaphore uint32
DSClientBindsPersec uint32
DSClientNameTranslationsPersec uint32
DSDirectoryReadsPersec uint32
DSDirectorySearchesPersec uint32
DSDirectoryWritesPersec uint32
DSMonitorListSize uint32
DSNameCachehitrate uint32
DSNameCachehitrate_Base uint32
DSNotifyQueueSize uint32
DSPercentReadsfromDRA uint32
DSPercentReadsfromKCC uint32
DSPercentReadsfromLSA uint32
DSPercentReadsfromNSPI uint32
DSPercentReadsfromNTDSAPI uint32
DSPercentReadsfromSAM uint32
DSPercentReadsOther uint32
DSPercentSearchesfromDRA uint32
DSPercentSearchesfromKCC uint32
DSPercentSearchesfromLDAP uint32
DSPercentSearchesfromLSA uint32
DSPercentSearchesfromNSPI uint32
DSPercentSearchesfromNTDSAPI uint32
DSPercentSearchesfromSAM uint32
DSPercentSearchesOther uint32
DSPercentWritesfromDRA uint32
DSPercentWritesfromKCC uint32
DSPercentWritesfromLDAP uint32
DSPercentWritesfromLSA uint32
DSPercentWritesfromNSPI uint32
DSPercentWritesfromNTDSAPI uint32
DSPercentWritesfromSAM uint32
DSPercentWritesOther uint32
DSSearchsuboperationsPersec uint32
DSSecurityDescriptorPropagationsEvents uint32
DSSecurityDescriptorPropagatorAverageExclusionTime uint32
DSSecurityDescriptorPropagatorRuntimeQueue uint32
DSSecurityDescriptorsuboperationsPersec uint32
DSServerBindsPersec uint32
DSServerNameTranslationsPersec uint32
DSThreadsinUse uint32
ExternalBindsPersec uint32
FastBindsPersec uint32
LDAPActiveThreads uint32
LDAPBindTime uint32
LDAPClientSessions uint32
LDAPClosedConnectionsPersec uint32
LDAPNewConnectionsPersec uint32
LDAPNewSSLConnectionsPersec uint32
LDAPSearchesPersec uint32
LDAPSuccessfulBindsPersec uint32
LDAPUDPoperationsPersec uint32
LDAPWritesPersec uint32
LinkValuesCleanedPersec uint32
NegotiatedBindsPersec uint32
NTLMBindsPersec uint32
OnelevelsearchesPersec uint32
PhantomsCleanedPersec uint32
PhantomsVisitedPersec uint32
SAMAccountGroupEvaluationLatency uint32
SAMDisplayInformationQueriesPersec uint32
SAMDomainLocalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPersec uint32
SAMEnumerationsPersec uint32
SAMGCEvaluationsPersec uint32
SAMGlobalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPersec uint32
SAMMachineCreationAttemptsPersec uint32
SAMMembershipChangesPersec uint32
SAMNonTransitiveMembershipEvaluationsPersec uint32
SAMPasswordChangesPersec uint32
SAMResourceGroupEvaluationLatency uint32
SAMSuccessfulComputerCreationsPersecIncludesallrequests uint32
SAMSuccessfulUserCreationsPersec uint32
SAMTransitiveMembershipEvaluationsPersec uint32
SAMUniversalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPersec uint32
SAMUserCreationAttemptsPersec uint32
SimpleBindsPersec uint32
SubtreesearchesPersec uint32
TombstonesGarbageCollectedPersec uint32
TombstonesVisitedPersec uint32
Transitiveoperationsmillisecondsrun uint32
TransitiveoperationsPersec uint32
TransitivesuboperationsPersec uint32