The fsrmquota collector exposes metrics about File Server Resource Manager Quotas. Note that this collector has only been tested against Windows server 2012R2.
`windows_fsrmquota_count` | Number of Quotas | counter |None
`windows_fsrmquota_description` | A string up to 1KB in size. Optional. The default value is an empty string. (Description) | counter |`path`, `template`,`description`
`windows_fsrmquota_disabled` | If 1, the quota is disabled. The default value is 0. (Disabled) | counter |`path`, `template`
`windows_fsrmquota_matchestemplate` | If 1, the property values of this quota match those values of the template from which it was derived. (MatchesTemplate) | counter |`path`, `template`
`windows_fsrmquota_peak_usage_bytes ` | The highest amount of disk space usage charged to this quota. (PeakUsage) | counter |`path`, `template`
`windows_fsrmquota_size_bytes` | The size of the quota. If the Template property is not provided then the Size property must be provided (Size) | counter |`path`, `template`
`windows_fsrmquota_softlimit` | If 1, the quota is a soft limit. If 0, the quota is a hard limit. The default value is 0. Optional (SoftLimit) | counter |`path`, `template`
`windows_fsrmquota_template` | A valid quota template name. Up to 1KB in size. Optional (Template) | counter |`path`, `template`
`windows_fsrmquota_usage_bytes` | The current amount of disk space usage charged to this quota. (Usage) | counter |`path`, `template`