With Kubernetes supporting HostProcess containers on Windows nodes (as of [v1.22](https://kubernetes.io/blog/2021/08/16/windows-hostprocess-containers/), it is useful to run the `windows_exporter` as a container on Windows to export metrics for your Prometheus implementation. Read the [Kubernetes HostProcess documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/create-hostprocess-pod/) for more information.
- Kubernetes 1.22+
- containerd 1.6 Beta+
- WindowsHostProcessContainers feature-gate turned on for `kube-apiserver` and `kubelet`
> IMPORTANT: This does not work unless you are specifically targeting Host Process Containers with Containerd (Docker doesn't have support). The image will build but will **not** be able to access the host.
## Container Image
The image is multi arch image (WS 2019, WS 2022) built on Windows. To build the images:
DOCKER_REPO=<yourrepo> make push-all
If you don't have a version of `make` on your Windows machine, You can use WSL to build the image with Windows Containers by creating a symbolic link to the docker cli and then override the docker command in the `Makefile`:
DOCKER_REPO=<yourrepo> DOCKER=/mnt/c/docker make push-all
## Kubernetes Quick Start
Before beginning you need to deploy the [prometheus operator](https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator) to your cluster. As a quick start, you can use a project like https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus. The export itself doesn't have any dependency on prometheus operator and the exporter image can be used in manual configurations.
### Windows Exporter DaemonSet
This create a deployment on every node. A config map is created for to handle the configuration of the Windows exporter with [configuration file](../README.md#using-a-configuration-file). Adjust the configuration file for the collectors you are interested in.
> Note: This example manifest deploys the latest bleeding edge image `ghcr.io/prometheus-community/windows-exporter:latest` built from the main branch. You should update this to use a released version which you can find at https://github.com/prometheus-community/windows_exporter/releases
#### Configuring the firewall
The firewall on the node needs to be configured to allow connections on the node: `New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'windows-exporter' -Direction inbound -Profile Any -Action Allow -LocalPort 9182 -Protocol TCP`
You could do this by adding an init container but if you remove the deployment at a later date you will need to remove the firewall rule manually. The following could be added to the `windows-exporter-daemonset.yaml`:
It is possible to configure TLS of the solution using `--web.config.file`. Read more at https://github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/blob/master/docs/web-configuration.md