# Change Log This is the Changelog for the vim-airline project. ## [Unreleased] - Changes - Themes have been moved into an extra repository [vim-airline-themes](https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes) ## [0.7] - 2014-12-10 - New features - accents support; allowing multiple colors/styles in the same section - extensions: eclim - themes: understated, monochrome, murmur, sol, lucius - Improvements - solarized theme; support for 8 color terminals - tabline resizes dynamically based on number of open buffers - miscellaneous bug fixes ## [0.6] - 2013-10-08 - New features - accents support; allowing multiple colors/styles in the same section - extensions: eclim - themes: understated, monochrome, murmur, sol, lucius - Improvements - solarized theme; support for 8 color terminals - tabline resizes dynamically based on number of open buffers - miscellaneous bug fixes ## [0.5] - 2013-09-13 - New features - smart tabline extension which displays all buffers when only one tab is visible - automatic section truncation when the window resizes - support for a declarative style of configuration, allowing parts to contain metadata such as minimum window width or conditional visibility - themes: zenburn, serene - Other - a sizable chunk of vim-airline is now running through a unit testing suite, automated via Travis CI ## [0.4] - 2013-08-26 - New features - integration with csv.vim and vim-virtualenv - hunks extension for vim-gitgutter and vim-signify - automatic theme switching with matching colorschemes - commands: AirlineToggle - themes: base16 (all variants) - Improvements - integration with undotree, tagbar, and unite - Other - refactored core and exposed statusline builder and pipeline - all extension related g:airline_variables have been deprecated in favor of g:airline#extensions# variables - extensions found in the runtimepath outside of the default distribution will be automatically loaded ## [0.3] - 2013-08-12 - New features - first-class integration with tagbar - white space detection for trailing spaces and mixed indentation - introduced warning section for syntastic and white space detection - improved ctrlp integration: colors are automatically selected based on the current airline theme - new themes: molokai, bubblegum, jellybeans, tomorrow - Bug fixes - improved handling of eventignore used by other plugins - Other - code cleaned up for clearer separation between core functionality and extensions - introduced color extraction from highlight groups, allowing themes to be generated off of the active colorscheme (e.g. jellybeans and tomorrow) - License changed to MIT ## [0.2] - 2013-07-28 - New features - iminsert detection - integration with vimshell, vimfiler, commandt, lawrencium - enhanced bufferline theming - support for ctrlp theming - support for custom window excludes - New themes - luna and wombat - Bug fixes - refresh branch name after switching with a shell command ## [0.1] - 2013-07-17 - Initial release - integration with other plugins: netrw, unite, nerdtree, undotree, gundo, tagbar, minibufexplr, ctrlp - support for themes: 8 included [Unreleased]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/compare/v0.7...HEAD [0.7]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/compare/v0.6...v0.7 [0.6]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/compare/v0.5...v0.6 [0.5]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/compare/v0.4...v0.5 [0.4]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/compare/v0.3...v0.4 [0.3]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/compare/v0.2...v0.3 [0.2]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/compare/v0.1...v0.2 [0.1]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/releases/tag/v0.1