" MIT License " Plugin: https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vim " vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 scriptencoding utf-8 if !get(g:, 'OmniSharp_loaded', 0) finish endif function! airline#extensions#omnisharp#server_status(...) abort if !exists(':OmniSharpGotoDefinition') || !get(g:, 'OmniSharp_server_stdio', 0) return '' endif let host = OmniSharp#GetHost(bufnr('%')) if type(host.job) != v:t_dict || get(host.job, 'stopped') return '' endif let sln = fnamemodify(host.sln_or_dir, ':t') if get(host.job, 'loaded', 0) return sln endif try let projectsloaded = OmniSharp#project#CountLoaded() let projectstotal = OmniSharp#project#CountTotal() catch " The CountLoaded and CountTotal functions are very new - catch the error " when they don't exist let projectsloaded = 0 let projectstotal = 0 endtry return printf('%s(%d/%d)', sln, projectsloaded, projectstotal) endfunction function! airline#extensions#omnisharp#init(ext) abort call airline#parts#define_function('omnisharp', 'airline#extensions#omnisharp#server_status') augroup airline_omnisharp autocmd! autocmd User OmniSharpStarted,OmniSharpReady,OmniSharpStopped AirlineRefresh! augroup END endfunction