Neovim support

This commit is contained in:
Andrea Schiavini 2016-02-05 09:19:31 +01:00
parent 3f927b587d
commit ef3746d022
3 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function! s:should_change_group(group1, group2)
let color1 = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group1)
let color2 = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group2)
if has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
if has('gui_running') || has('nvim') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
return color1[1] != color2[1] || color1[0] != color2[0]
return color1[3] != color2[3] || color1[2] != color2[2]

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ endif
function! airline#extensions#tabline#init(ext)
if has('gui_running')
if has('nvim') || has('gui_running')
set guioptions-=e

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@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ endfunction
function! s:get_syn(group, what)
" need to pass in mode, known to break on 7.3.547
let mode = has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1) ? 'gui' : 'cterm'
let mode = has('nvim') || has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1) ? 'gui' : 'cterm'
let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:what, mode)
if empty(color) || color == -1
let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), a:what, mode)
if empty(color) || color == -1
if has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
if has('nvim') || has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
let color = a:what ==# 'fg' ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF'
let color = a:what ==# 'fg' ? 0 : 1
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:get_array(fg, bg, opts)
let fg = a:fg
let bg = a:bg
return has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
return has('nvim') || has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
\ ? [ fg, bg, '', '', join(a:opts, ',') ]
\ : [ '', '', fg, bg, join(a:opts, ',') ]
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ endfunction
function! airline#highlighter#get_highlight(group, ...)
let fg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'fg')
let bg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'bg')
let reverse = has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
let reverse = has('nvim') || has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
\ ? synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'gui')
\ : synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'cterm')
\|| synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'term')