fix branch detection

This commit is contained in:
Bailey Ling 2013-08-06 00:42:59 -04:00
parent 990e3fc949
commit e858eaa990
3 changed files with 12 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ function! airline#update_statusline()
let g:airline_current_mode_text = ''
function! airline#update_highlight()
if get(w:, 'airline_active', 1)
let l:m = mode()

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@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
" MIT license. Copyright (c) 2013 Bailey Ling.
" vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fdm=indent
function! airline#extensions#branch#init(ext)
if g:airline_section_b == ''
let g:airline_section_b =
\ exists('*fugitive#head') && strlen(fugitive#head()) > 0
function! airline#extensions#branch#apply()
let g:airline_current_branch = exists('*fugitive#head') && strlen(fugitive#head()) > 0
\ ? g:airline_branch_prefix.fugitive#head()
\ : exists('*lawrencium#statusline') && strlen(lawrencium#statusline()) > 0
\ ? g:airline_branch_prefix.lawrencium#statusline()
\ : ''
function! airline#extensions#branch#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_statusline_funcref(function('airline#extensions#branch#apply'))

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@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ call s:check_defined('g:airline_mode_map', {
\ '' : 'V-BLOCK',
\ })
call s:check_defined('g:airline_section_a', '%{g:airline_current_mode_text}')
call s:check_defined('g:airline_section_b', '')
call s:check_defined('g:airline_section_a', '%{get(g:, "airline_current_mode_text", "")}')
call s:check_defined('g:airline_section_b', '%{get(g:, "airline_current_branch", "")}')
call s:check_defined('g:airline_section_c', '%f%m')
call s:check_defined('g:airline_section_gutter', '')
call s:check_defined('g:airline_section_x', "%{strlen(&filetype)>0?&filetype:''}")