2016-04-21 09:47:26 +02:00

118 lines
3.4 KiB

*airline-themes.txt* Themes for vim-airline
_ _ _ _ ~
__ _(_)_ __ ___ __ _(_)_ __| (_)_ __ ___ ~
\ \ / / | '_ ` _ \ _____ / _` | | '__| | | '_ \ / _ \ ~
\ V /| | | | | | |_____| (_| | | | | | | | | | __/ ~
\_/ |_|_| |_| |_| \__,_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___| ~
CONTENTS *airline-theme-contents*
01. Intro ........................................ |airline-themes-intro|
02. Features ........................................... |airline-themes|
03. Configuration ........................ |airline-themes-configuration|
04. Contributions ........................ |airline-themes-contributions|
05. License .................................... |airline-themes-license|
INTRODUCTION *airline-themes-intro*
This is a plugin for vim-airline and provides several themes to be used in
conjuction with |vim-airline|
FEATURES *airline-themes-list*
Currently this repository contains the following themes: >
* badwolf
* base16
* base16_3024
* base16_apathy
* base16_ashes
* base16_atelierdune
* base16_atelierforest
* base16_atelierheath
* base16_atelierlakeside
* base16_atelierseaside
* base16_bespin
* base16_brewer
* base16_bright
* base16_chalk
* base16_codeschool
* base16_colors
* base16_default
* base16_eighties
* base16_embers
* base16_flat
* base16_google
* base16_grayscale
* base16_greenscreen
* base16_harmonic16
* base16_hopscotch
* base16_isotope
* base16_londontube
* base16_marrakesh
* base16_mocha
* base16_monokai
* base16_ocean
* base16_paraiso
* base16_pop
* base16_railscasts
* base16_shapeshifter
* base16_solarized
* base16_summerfruit
* base16_tomorrow
* base16_twilight
* base16color
* behelit
* bubblegum
* cool
* dark
* distinguished
* durant
* hybrid
* hybridline
* jellybeans
* kalisi
* kolor
* laederon
* light
* lucius
* luna
* molokai
* monochrome
* murmur
* papercolor
* powerlineish
* raven
* serene
* silver
* simple
* sol
* solarized
* term
* tomorrow
* ubaryd
* understated
* wombat
* xtermlight
* zenburn
NAME *airline-themes-configuration*
(None yet)
CONTRIBUTIONS *airline-themes-contributions*
Contributions and pull requests are welcome.
LICENSE *airline-themes-license*
MIT License. Copyright © 2013-2016 Bailey Ling, et al