| [Pathogen][4] | `git clone https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes ~/.vim/bundle/vim-airline-themes`<br/>Remember to run `:Helptags` to generate help tags |
| pack feature (native Vim 8 package feature)| `git clone https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes ~/.vim/pack/dist/start/vim-airline-themes`<br/>Remember to run `:helptags ~/.vim/pack/dist/start/vim-airline-themes/doc` to generate help tags |
* Pull requests for new themes are welcome. Please be sure to include a screenshot. You can paste an image into issue [#1](https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes/issues/1), and then editing the post to reveal the uploaded image URL. Please don't forgot to update the documentation.
* Themes are subjective, so if you are going to make modifications to an existing theme, please expose a configurable variable to allow users to choose how the theme will react.
# Screenshots
Screenshots are in the process of being migrated here. In the meantime you can find screenshots in the existing repository's [Wiki](https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/wiki/Screenshots).
# Maintenance
If you are interested in becoming the official maintainer of this project, please contact [**@bling**][1], [**@chrisbra**][2], or [**@mhartington**][3].