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synced 2025-02-15 03:27:10 +00:00
805 lines
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805 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "ui/widgets/tooltip.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "chat_helpers/field_autocomplete.h"
#include "window/section_widget.h"
#include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h"
#include "ui/effects/animations.h"
#include "ui/rp_widget.h"
#include "base/flags.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
struct FileLoadResult;
struct FileMediaInformation;
struct SendingAlbum;
enum class SendMediaType;
enum class CompressConfirm;
class MessageLinksParser;
enum class SendMenuType;
namespace Api {
struct SendOptions;
} // namespace Api
namespace InlineBots {
namespace Layout {
class ItemBase;
class Widget;
} // namespace Layout
class Result;
} // namespace InlineBots
namespace Data {
struct Draft;
} // namespace Data
namespace Support {
class Autocomplete;
struct Contact;
} // namespace Support
namespace Ui {
class AbstractButton;
class InnerDropdown;
class DropdownMenu;
class PlainShadow;
class PopupMenu;
class IconButton;
class HistoryDownButton;
class EmojiButton;
class SendButton;
class SilentToggle;
class FlatButton;
class LinkButton;
class RoundButton;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Window {
class SessionController;
} // namespace Window
namespace ChatHelpers {
class TabbedPanel;
class TabbedSection;
class TabbedSelector;
} // namespace ChatHelpers
namespace Storage {
enum class MimeDataState;
struct PreparedList;
struct UploadedPhoto;
struct UploadedDocument;
struct UploadedThumbDocument;
} // namespace Storage
namespace HistoryView {
class TopBarWidget;
class ContactStatus;
class Element;
} // namespace HistoryView
class DragArea;
class SendFilesBox;
class BotKeyboard;
class MessageField;
class HistoryInner;
struct HistoryMessageMarkupButton;
class HistoryWidget final
: public Window::AbstractSectionWidget
, public RPCSender {
using FieldHistoryAction = Ui::InputField::HistoryAction;
HistoryWidget(QWidget *parent, not_null<Window::SessionController*> controller);
void start();
void messagesReceived(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_Messages &messages, mtpRequestId requestId);
void historyLoaded();
void windowShown();
bool doWeReadServerHistory() const;
bool doWeReadMentions() const;
bool skipItemRepaint();
void leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override;
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) override;
void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *e) override;
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) override;
bool isItemCompletelyHidden(HistoryItem *item) const;
void updateTopBarSelection();
void loadMessages();
void loadMessagesDown();
void firstLoadMessages();
void delayedShowAt(MsgId showAtMsgId);
void historyToDown(History *history);
QRect historyRect() const;
void updateFieldPlaceholder();
void updateStickersByEmoji();
bool confirmSendingFiles(const QStringList &files);
bool confirmSendingFiles(not_null<const QMimeData*> data);
void sendFileConfirmed(const std::shared_ptr<FileLoadResult> &file,
const std::optional<FullMsgId> &oldId = std::nullopt);
void updateControlsVisibility();
void updateControlsGeometry();
History *history() const;
PeerData *peer() const;
void setMsgId(MsgId showAtMsgId);
MsgId msgId() const;
bool hasTopBarShadow() const {
return peer() != nullptr;
void showAnimated(Window::SlideDirection direction, const Window::SectionSlideParams ¶ms);
void finishAnimating();
void doneShow();
QPoint clampMousePosition(QPoint point);
void checkSelectingScroll(QPoint point);
void noSelectingScroll();
bool touchScroll(const QPoint &delta);
void enqueueMessageHighlight(not_null<HistoryView::Element*> view);
crl::time highlightStartTime(not_null<const HistoryItem*> item) const;
MessageIdsList getSelectedItems() const;
void itemEdited(HistoryItem *item);
void updateScrollColors();
void replyToMessage(FullMsgId itemId);
void replyToMessage(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void editMessage(FullMsgId itemId);
void editMessage(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void pinMessage(FullMsgId itemId);
void unpinMessage(FullMsgId itemId);
MsgId replyToId() const;
void messageDataReceived(ChannelData *channel, MsgId msgId);
bool lastForceReplyReplied(const FullMsgId &replyTo) const;
bool lastForceReplyReplied() const;
bool cancelReply(bool lastKeyboardUsed = false);
void cancelEdit();
void updateForwarding();
void updateForwardingTexts();
void clearReplyReturns();
void pushReplyReturn(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
QList<MsgId> replyReturns();
void setReplyReturns(PeerId peer, const QList<MsgId> &replyReturns);
void calcNextReplyReturn();
void updatePreview();
void previewCancel();
bool recordingAnimationCallback(crl::time now);
void stopRecording(bool send);
void escape();
void sendBotCommand(PeerData *peer, UserData *bot, const QString &cmd, MsgId replyTo);
void hideSingleUseKeyboard(PeerData *peer, MsgId replyTo);
bool insertBotCommand(const QString &cmd);
bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) override;
// With force=true the markup is updated even if it is
// already shown for the passed history item.
void updateBotKeyboard(History *h = nullptr, bool force = false);
void fastShowAtEnd(not_null<History*> history);
void applyDraft(
FieldHistoryAction fieldHistoryAction = FieldHistoryAction::Clear);
void showHistory(const PeerId &peer, MsgId showAtMsgId, bool reload = false);
void clearDelayedShowAt();
void clearAllLoadRequests();
void saveFieldToHistoryLocalDraft();
void applyCloudDraft(History *history);
void updateHistoryDownPosition();
void updateHistoryDownVisibility();
void updateUnreadMentionsPosition();
void updateUnreadMentionsVisibility();
void updateFieldSubmitSettings();
void setInnerFocus();
void updateNotifyControls();
bool contentOverlapped(const QRect &globalRect);
QPixmap grabForShowAnimation(const Window::SectionSlideParams ¶ms);
void forwardSelected();
void confirmDeleteSelected();
void clearSelected();
bool sendExistingDocument(not_null<DocumentData*> document);
bool sendExistingPhoto(not_null<PhotoData*> photo);
// Tabbed selector management.
void pushTabbedSelectorToThirdSection(
const Window::SectionShow ¶ms) override;
bool returnTabbedSelector() override;
// Float player interface.
bool wheelEventFromFloatPlayer(QEvent *e) override;
QRect rectForFloatPlayer() const override;
void app_sendBotCallback(
not_null<const HistoryMessageMarkupButton*> button,
not_null<const HistoryItem*> msg,
int row,
int column);
PeerData *ui_getPeerForMouseAction();
void notify_botCommandsChanged(UserData *user);
void notify_inlineBotRequesting(bool requesting);
void notify_replyMarkupUpdated(const HistoryItem *item);
void notify_inlineKeyboardMoved(const HistoryItem *item, int oldKeyboardTop, int newKeyboardTop);
bool notify_switchInlineBotButtonReceived(const QString &query, UserData *samePeerBot, MsgId samePeerReplyTo);
void notify_userIsBotChanged(UserData *user);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void cancelled();
public slots:
void onScroll();
void onBroadcastSilentChange();
void activate();
void onTextChange();
void onFieldTabbed();
void onWindowVisibleChanged();
void onFieldFocused();
void onFieldResize();
void onCheckFieldAutocomplete();
void onScrollTimer();
void onDraftSaveDelayed();
void onDraftSave(bool delayed = false);
void onCloudDraftSave();
void onRecordError();
void onRecordDone(QByteArray result, VoiceWaveform waveform, qint32 samples);
void onRecordUpdate(quint16 level, qint32 samples);
void onUpdateHistoryItems();
// checks if we are too close to the top or to the bottom
// in the scroll area and preloads history if needed
void preloadHistoryIfNeeded();
private slots:
void onHashtagOrBotCommandInsert(QString str, FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod method);
void onMentionInsert(UserData *user);
void onInlineBotCancel();
void onMembersDropdownShow();
void onModerateKeyActivate(int index, bool *outHandled);
using TabbedPanel = ChatHelpers::TabbedPanel;
using TabbedSelector = ChatHelpers::TabbedSelector;
using DragState = Storage::MimeDataState;
struct BotCallbackInfo {
UserData *bot;
FullMsgId msgId;
int row, col;
bool game;
struct PinnedBar {
PinnedBar(MsgId msgId, HistoryWidget *parent);
MsgId msgId = 0;
HistoryItem *msg = nullptr;
Ui::Text::String text;
object_ptr<Ui::IconButton> cancel;
object_ptr<Ui::PlainShadow> shadow;
enum ScrollChangeType {
// When we toggle a pinned message.
// When loading a history part while scrolling down.
struct ScrollChange {
ScrollChangeType type;
int value;
enum class TextUpdateEvent {
SaveDraft = (1 << 0),
SendTyping = (1 << 1),
using TextUpdateEvents = base::flags<TextUpdateEvent>;
friend inline constexpr bool is_flag_type(TextUpdateEvent) { return true; };
void initTabbedSelector();
void refreshTabbedPanel();
void createTabbedPanel();
void setTabbedPanel(std::unique_ptr<TabbedPanel> panel);
void updateField();
void send(Api::SendOptions options);
void sendWithModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers);
void sendSilent();
void sendScheduled();
[[nodiscard]] SendMenuType sendMenuType() const;
[[nodiscard]] SendMenuType sendButtonMenuType() const;
void handlePendingHistoryUpdate();
void fullPeerUpdated(PeerData *peer);
void toggleTabbedSelectorMode();
void recountChatWidth();
void historyDownClicked();
void showNextUnreadMention();
void handlePeerUpdate();
void setMembersShowAreaActive(bool active);
void handleHistoryChange(not_null<const History*> history);
void refreshAboutProxyPromotion();
void unreadCountUpdated();
[[nodiscard]] int computeMaxFieldHeight() const;
void toggleMuteUnmute();
void toggleKeyboard(bool manual = true);
void startBotCommand();
void hidePinnedMessage();
void cancelFieldAreaState();
void unblockUser();
void sendBotStartCommand();
void joinChannel();
void goToDiscussionGroup();
[[nodiscard]] bool hasDiscussionGroup() const;
void supportInitAutocomplete();
void supportInsertText(const QString &text);
void supportShareContact(Support::Contact contact);
void highlightMessage(MsgId universalMessageId);
void checkNextHighlight();
void updateHighlightedMessage();
void clearHighlightMessages();
void stopMessageHighlight();
auto computeSendButtonType() const;
void updateSendAction(
not_null<History*> history,
SendAction::Type type,
int32 progress = 0);
void cancelSendAction(
not_null<History*> history,
SendAction::Type type);
void cancelTypingAction();
void sendActionDone(const MTPBool &result, mtpRequestId req);
void animationCallback();
void updateOverStates(QPoint pos);
void recordStartCallback();
void recordStopCallback(bool active);
void recordUpdateCallback(QPoint globalPos);
void chooseAttach();
void historyDownAnimationFinish();
void unreadMentionsAnimationFinish();
void sendButtonClicked();
void unreadMessageAdded(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
bool canSendFiles(not_null<const QMimeData*> data) const;
bool confirmSendingFiles(
const QStringList &files,
CompressConfirm compressed,
const QString &insertTextOnCancel = QString());
bool confirmSendingFiles(
QImage &&image,
QByteArray &&content,
CompressConfirm compressed,
const QString &insertTextOnCancel = QString());
bool confirmSendingFiles(
not_null<const QMimeData*> data,
CompressConfirm compressed,
const QString &insertTextOnCancel = QString());
bool confirmSendingFiles(
Storage::PreparedList &&list,
CompressConfirm compressed,
const QString &insertTextOnCancel = QString());
bool showSendingFilesError(const Storage::PreparedList &list) const;
void uploadFile(const QByteArray &fileContent, SendMediaType type);
void uploadFilesAfterConfirmation(
Storage::PreparedList &&list,
SendMediaType type,
TextWithTags &&caption,
MsgId replyTo,
Api::SendOptions options,
std::shared_ptr<SendingAlbum> album = nullptr);
void subscribeToUploader();
void photoUploaded(
const FullMsgId &msgId,
Api::SendOptions options,
const MTPInputFile &file);
void photoProgress(const FullMsgId &msgId);
void photoFailed(const FullMsgId &msgId);
void documentUploaded(
const FullMsgId &msgId,
Api::SendOptions options,
const MTPInputFile &file);
void thumbDocumentUploaded(
const FullMsgId &msgId,
Api::SendOptions options,
const MTPInputFile &file,
const MTPInputFile &thumb,
bool edit = false);
void documentProgress(const FullMsgId &msgId);
void documentFailed(const FullMsgId &msgId);
void documentEdited(
const FullMsgId &msgId,
Api::SendOptions options,
const MTPInputFile &file);
void photoEdited(
const FullMsgId &msgId,
Api::SendOptions options,
const MTPInputFile &file);
void itemRemoved(not_null<const HistoryItem*> item);
// Updates position of controls around the message field,
// like send button, emoji button and others.
void moveFieldControls();
void updateFieldSize();
bool canWriteMessage() const;
std::optional<QString> writeRestriction() const;
void orderWidgets();
void clearInlineBot();
void inlineBotChanged();
// Look in the _field for the inline bot and query string.
void updateInlineBotQuery();
// Request to show results in the emoji panel.
void applyInlineBotQuery(UserData *bot, const QString &query);
void cancelReplyAfterMediaSend(bool lastKeyboardUsed);
bool replyToPreviousMessage();
bool replyToNextMessage();
[[nodiscard]] bool showSlowmodeError();
void hideSelectorControlsAnimated();
int countMembersDropdownHeightMax() const;
void updateReplyToName();
void checkForwardingInfo();
bool editingMessage() const {
return _editMsgId != 0;
bool jumpToDialogRow(const Dialogs::RowDescriptor &to);
void setupShortcuts();
bool showNextChat();
bool showPreviousChat();
void handlePeerMigration();
void updateReplyEditTexts(bool force = false);
void updateReplyEditText(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void updatePinnedBar(bool force = false);
bool pinnedMsgVisibilityUpdated();
void destroyPinnedBar();
void unpinDone(const MTPUpdates &updates);
void sendInlineResult(
not_null<InlineBots::Result*> result,
not_null<UserData*> bot);
void drawField(Painter &p, const QRect &rect);
void paintEditHeader(
Painter &p,
const QRect &rect,
int left,
int top) const;
void drawRecording(Painter &p, float64 recordActive);
void drawPinnedBar(Painter &p);
void drawRestrictedWrite(Painter &p, const QString &error);
bool paintShowAnimationFrame();
void updateMouseTracking();
// destroys _history and _migrated unread bars
void destroyUnreadBar();
void saveEditMsg();
void saveEditMsgDone(History *history, const MTPUpdates &updates, mtpRequestId req);
bool saveEditMsgFail(History *history, const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req);
void checkPreview();
void requestPreview();
void gotPreview(QString links, const MTPMessageMedia &media, mtpRequestId req);
bool messagesFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId);
void addMessagesToFront(PeerData *peer, const QVector<MTPMessage> &messages);
void addMessagesToBack(PeerData *peer, const QVector<MTPMessage> &messages);
void botCallbackDone(BotCallbackInfo info, const MTPmessages_BotCallbackAnswer &answer, mtpRequestId req);
bool botCallbackFail(BotCallbackInfo info, const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req);
void updateHistoryGeometry(bool initial = false, bool loadedDown = false, const ScrollChange &change = { ScrollChangeNone, 0 });
void updateListSize();
// Does any of the shown histories has this flag set.
bool hasPendingResizedItems() const;
// Counts scrollTop for placing the scroll right at the unread
// messages bar, choosing from _history and _migrated unreadBar.
std::optional<int> unreadBarTop() const;
int itemTopForHighlight(not_null<HistoryView::Element*> view) const;
void scrollToCurrentVoiceMessage(FullMsgId fromId, FullMsgId toId);
HistoryView::Element *firstUnreadMessage() const;
// Scroll to current y without updating the _lastUserScrolled time.
// Used to distinguish between user scrolls and syntetic scrolls.
// This one is syntetic.
void synteticScrollToY(int y);
void countHistoryShowFrom();
void writeDrafts(Data::Draft **localDraft, Data::Draft **editDraft);
void writeDrafts(History *history);
void setFieldText(
const TextWithTags &textWithTags,
TextUpdateEvents events = 0,
FieldHistoryAction fieldHistoryAction = FieldHistoryAction::Clear);
void clearFieldText(
TextUpdateEvents events = 0,
FieldHistoryAction fieldHistoryAction = FieldHistoryAction::Clear);
HistoryItem *getItemFromHistoryOrMigrated(MsgId genericMsgId) const;
void animatedScrollToItem(MsgId msgId);
void animatedScrollToY(int scrollTo, HistoryItem *attachTo = nullptr);
void updateDragAreas();
// when scroll position or scroll area size changed this method
// updates the boundings of the visible area in HistoryInner
void visibleAreaUpdated();
int countInitialScrollTop();
int countAutomaticScrollTop();
void preloadHistoryByScroll();
void checkReplyReturns();
void scrollToAnimationCallback(FullMsgId attachToId, int relativeTo);
bool readyToForward() const;
bool hasSilentToggle() const;
void handleSupportSwitch(not_null<History*> updated);
void inlineBotResolveDone(const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result);
bool inlineBotResolveFail(QString name, const RPCError &error);
bool isBotStart() const;
bool isBlocked() const;
bool isJoinChannel() const;
bool isMuteUnmute() const;
bool updateCmdStartShown();
void updateSendButtonType();
bool showRecordButton() const;
bool showInlineBotCancel() const;
void refreshSilentToggle();
void setupScheduledToggle();
void refreshScheduledToggle();
MsgId _replyToId = 0;
Ui::Text::String _replyToName;
int _replyToNameVersion = 0;
HistoryItemsList _toForward;
Ui::Text::String _toForwardFrom, _toForwardText;
int _toForwardNameVersion = 0;
MsgId _editMsgId = 0;
HistoryItem *_replyEditMsg = nullptr;
Ui::Text::String _replyEditMsgText;
mutable base::Timer _updateEditTimeLeftDisplay;
object_ptr<Ui::IconButton> _fieldBarCancel;
std::unique_ptr<PinnedBar> _pinnedBar;
mtpRequestId _saveEditMsgRequestId = 0;
QStringList _parsedLinks;
QString _previewLinks;
WebPageData *_previewData = nullptr;
typedef QMap<QString, WebPageId> PreviewCache;
PreviewCache _previewCache;
mtpRequestId _previewRequest = 0;
Ui::Text::String _previewTitle;
Ui::Text::String _previewDescription;
base::Timer _previewTimer;
bool _previewCancelled = false;
bool _replyForwardPressed = false;
HistoryItem *_replyReturn = nullptr;
QList<MsgId> _replyReturns;
PeerData *_peer = nullptr;
ChannelId _channel = NoChannel;
bool _canSendMessages = false;
MsgId _showAtMsgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId;
mtpRequestId _firstLoadRequest = 0;
mtpRequestId _preloadRequest = 0;
mtpRequestId _preloadDownRequest = 0;
MsgId _delayedShowAtMsgId = -1;
mtpRequestId _delayedShowAtRequest = 0;
object_ptr<HistoryView::TopBarWidget> _topBar;
object_ptr<Ui::ScrollArea> _scroll;
QPointer<HistoryInner> _list;
History *_migrated = nullptr;
History *_history = nullptr;
// Initial updateHistoryGeometry() was called.
bool _historyInited = false;
// If updateListSize() was called without updateHistoryGeometry().
bool _updateHistoryGeometryRequired = false;
int _addToScroll = 0;
int _lastScrollTop = 0; // gifs optimization
crl::time _lastScrolled = 0;
QTimer _updateHistoryItems;
crl::time _lastUserScrolled = 0;
bool _synteticScrollEvent = false;
Ui::Animations::Simple _scrollToAnimation;
Ui::Animations::Simple _historyDownShown;
bool _historyDownIsShown = false;
object_ptr<Ui::HistoryDownButton> _historyDown;
Ui::Animations::Simple _unreadMentionsShown;
bool _unreadMentionsIsShown = false;
object_ptr<Ui::HistoryDownButton> _unreadMentions;
object_ptr<FieldAutocomplete> _fieldAutocomplete;
object_ptr<Support::Autocomplete> _supportAutocomplete;
std::unique_ptr<MessageLinksParser> _fieldLinksParser;
UserData *_inlineBot = nullptr;
QString _inlineBotUsername;
bool _inlineLookingUpBot = false;
mtpRequestId _inlineBotResolveRequestId = 0;
bool _isInlineBot = false;
std::unique_ptr<HistoryView::ContactStatus> _contactStatus;
object_ptr<Ui::SendButton> _send;
object_ptr<Ui::FlatButton> _unblock;
object_ptr<Ui::FlatButton> _botStart;
object_ptr<Ui::FlatButton> _joinChannel;
object_ptr<Ui::FlatButton> _muteUnmute;
object_ptr<Ui::FlatButton> _discuss;
object_ptr<Ui::RpWidget> _aboutProxyPromotion = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::IconButton> _attachToggle;
object_ptr<Ui::EmojiButton> _tabbedSelectorToggle;
object_ptr<Ui::IconButton> _botKeyboardShow;
object_ptr<Ui::IconButton> _botKeyboardHide;
object_ptr<Ui::IconButton> _botCommandStart;
object_ptr<Ui::SilentToggle> _silent = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::IconButton> _scheduled = { nullptr };
bool _cmdStartShown = false;
object_ptr<Ui::InputField> _field;
bool _recording = false;
bool _inField = false;
bool _inReplyEditForward = false;
bool _inPinnedMsg = false;
bool _inClickable = false;
int _recordingSamples = 0;
int _recordCancelWidth;
rpl::lifetime _uploaderSubscriptions;
// This can animate for a very long time (like in music playing),
// so it should be a Basic, not a Simple animation.
Ui::Animations::Basic _recordingAnimation;
anim::value _recordingLevel;
bool kbWasHidden() const;
bool _kbShown = false;
HistoryItem *_kbReplyTo = nullptr;
object_ptr<Ui::ScrollArea> _kbScroll;
QPointer<BotKeyboard> _keyboard;
object_ptr<Ui::InnerDropdown> _membersDropdown = { nullptr };
QTimer _membersDropdownShowTimer;
object_ptr<InlineBots::Layout::Widget> _inlineResults = { nullptr };
std::unique_ptr<TabbedPanel> _tabbedPanel;
DragState _attachDragState;
object_ptr<DragArea> _attachDragDocument, _attachDragPhoto;
Fn<void()> _raiseEmojiSuggestions;
bool _nonEmptySelection = false;
TextUpdateEvents _textUpdateEvents = (TextUpdateEvents() | TextUpdateEvent::SaveDraft | TextUpdateEvent::SendTyping);
QString _confirmSource;
Ui::Animations::Simple _a_show;
Window::SlideDirection _showDirection;
QPixmap _cacheUnder, _cacheOver;
QTimer _scrollTimer;
int32 _scrollDelta = 0;
MsgId _highlightedMessageId = 0;
std::deque<MsgId> _highlightQueue;
base::Timer _highlightTimer;
crl::time _highlightStart = 0;
QMap<QPair<not_null<History*>, SendAction::Type>, mtpRequestId> _sendActionRequests;
base::Timer _sendActionStopTimer;
crl::time _saveDraftStart = 0;
bool _saveDraftText = false;
QTimer _saveDraftTimer, _saveCloudDraftTimer;
object_ptr<Ui::PlainShadow> _topShadow;
bool _inGrab = false;