
1042 lines
30 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "iv/iv_prepare.h"
#include "base/openssl_help.h"
#include "base/unixtime.h"
#include "iv/iv_data.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "ui/image/image_prepare.h"
#include "styles/palette.h"
#include <QtCore/QSize>
namespace Iv {
namespace {
struct Attribute {
QByteArray name;
std::optional<QByteArray> value;
using Attributes = std::vector<Attribute>;
struct Photo {
uint64 id = 0;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
QByteArray minithumbnail;
struct Document {
uint64 id = 0;
class Parser final {
Parser(const Source &source, const Options &options);
[[nodiscard]] Prepared result();
void process(const Source &source);
void process(const MTPPhoto &photo);
void process(const MTPDocument &document);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray prepare(QByteArray body);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray html(
const QByteArray &head,
const QByteArray &body);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray page(const MTPDpage &data);
template <typename Inner>
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray list(const MTPVector<Inner> &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockUnsupported &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockTitle &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockSubtitle &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockAuthorDate &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockHeader &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockSubheader &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockParagraph &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockPreformatted &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockFooter &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockDivider &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockAnchor &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockList &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockBlockquote &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockPullquote &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockPhoto &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockVideo &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockCover &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockEmbed &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockEmbedPost &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockCollage &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockSlideshow &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockChannel &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockAudio &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockKicker &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockTable &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockOrderedList &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockDetails &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(
const MTPDpageBlockRelatedArticles &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageBlockMap &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageRelatedArticle &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageTableRow &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageTableCell &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageListItemText &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageListItemBlocks &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(const MTPDpageListOrderedItemText &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray block(
const MTPDpageListOrderedItemBlocks &data);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray tag(
const QByteArray &name,
const QByteArray &body = {});
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray tag(
const QByteArray &name,
const Attributes &attributes,
const QByteArray &body = {});
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray utf(const MTPstring &text);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray utf(const tl::conditional<MTPstring> &text);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray rich(const MTPRichText &text);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray plain(const MTPRichText &text);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray caption(const MTPPageCaption &caption);
[[nodiscard]] Photo parse(const MTPPhoto &photo);
[[nodiscard]] Document parse(const MTPDocument &document);
[[nodiscard]] Geo parse(const MTPGeoPoint &geo);
[[nodiscard]] Photo photoById(uint64 id);
[[nodiscard]] Document documentById(uint64 id);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray photoFullUrl(const Photo &photo);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray documentFullUrl(const Document &document);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray embedUrl(const QByteArray &html);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray mapUrl(
const Geo &geo,
int width,
int height,
int zoom);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray resource(QByteArray id);
const Options _options;
base::flat_set<QByteArray> _resources;
Prepared _result;
bool _rtl = false;
bool _captionAsTitle = false;
bool _captionWrapped = false;
base::flat_map<uint64, Photo> _photosById;
base::flat_map<uint64, Document> _documentsById;
bool _hasCode = false;
bool _hasEmbeds = false;
[[nodiscard]] bool IsVoidElement(const QByteArray &name) {
// Thanks
static const auto voids = base::flat_set<QByteArray>{
return voids.contains(name);
Parser::Parser(const Source &source, const Options &options)
: _options(options)
, _rtl( {
_result.html = prepare(page(;
Prepared Parser::result() {
return _result;
void Parser::process(const Source &source) {
const auto &data =;
for (const auto &photo : data.vphotos().v) {
for (const auto &document : data.vdocuments().v) {
if (source.webpagePhoto) {
if (source.webpageDocument) {
void Parser::process(const MTPPhoto &photo) {
photo.match([](const auto &data) { return data.vid().v; }),
void Parser::process(const MTPDocument &document) {
document.match([](const auto &data) { return data.vid().v; }),
template <typename Inner>
QByteArray Parser::list(const MTPVector<Inner> &data) {
auto result = QByteArrayList();
for (const auto &item : data.v) {
result.append(item.match([&](const auto &data) {
return block(data);
return result.join(QByteArray());
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockUnsupported &data) {
return "Unsupported."_q;
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockTitle &data) {
return tag("h1", { { "class", "iv-title" } }, rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockSubtitle &data) {
return tag("h2", { { "class", "iv-subtitle" } }, rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockAuthorDate &data) {
auto inner = rich(data.vauthor());
if (const auto date = data.vpublished_date().v) {
const auto parsed = base::unixtime::parse(date);
inner += " \xE2\x80\xA2 "
+ tag("time", langDateTimeFull(parsed).toUtf8());
return tag("address", inner);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockHeader &data) {
return tag("h3", { { "class", "iv-header" } }, rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockSubheader &data) {
return tag("h4", { { "class", "iv-subheader" } }, rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockParagraph &data) {
return tag("p", rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockPreformatted &data) {
auto list = Attributes();
const auto language = utf(data.vlanguage());
if (!language.isEmpty()) {
list.push_back({ "data-language", language });
list.push_back({ "class", "lang-" + language });
_hasCode = true;
return tag("pre", list, rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockFooter &data) {
return tag("footer", { { "class", "iv-footer" } }, rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockDivider &data) {
return tag("hr", { {"class", "iv-divider" } });
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockAnchor &data) {
return tag("a", { { "name", utf(data.vname())} });
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockList &data) {
return tag("ul", list(data.vitems()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockBlockquote &data) {
const auto caption = rich(data.vcaption());
const auto cite = caption.isEmpty()
? QByteArray()
: tag("cite", caption);
return tag("blockquote", rich(data.vtext()) + cite);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockPullquote &data) {
const auto caption = rich(data.vcaption());
const auto cite = caption.isEmpty()
? QByteArray()
: tag("cite", caption);
return tag(
{ { "class", "iv-pullquote" } },
rich(data.vtext()) + cite);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockPhoto &data) {
const auto photo = photoById(data.vphoto_id().v);
if (! {
return "Photo not found.";
const auto src = photoFullUrl(photo);
auto wrapStyle = QByteArray();
if (photo.width) {
wrapStyle += "max-width:" + QByteArray::number(photo.width) + "px";
const auto minithumb = Images::ExpandInlineBytes(photo.minithumbnail);
if (!minithumb.isEmpty()) {
const auto image = Images::Read({ .content = minithumb });
wrapStyle += ";background-image:url('data:image/jpeg;base64,"
+ minithumb.toBase64()
+ "');";
const auto dimension = (photo.width && photo.height)
? (photo.height / float64(photo.width))
: (3 / 4.);
const auto paddingTopPercent = int(base::SafeRound(dimension * 100));
const auto style = "background-image:url('" + src + "');"
"padding-top:" + QByteArray::number(paddingTopPercent) + "%";
const auto inner = tag("div", {
{ "class", "iv-photo" },
{ "style", style } });
auto result = tag(
{ { "class", "iv-photo-wrap" }, { "style", wrapStyle } },
if (const auto url = data.vurl()) {
result = tag("a", { { "href", utf(*url) } }, result);
auto attributes = Attributes();
if (_captionAsTitle) {
const auto caption = plain(data.vcaption().data().vtext());
const auto credit = plain(data.vcaption().data().vtext());
if (!caption.isEmpty() || !credit.isEmpty()) {
const auto title = (!caption.isEmpty() && !credit.isEmpty())
? (caption + " / " + credit)
: (caption + credit);
attributes.push_back({ "title", title });
} else {
result += caption(data.vcaption());
return tag("figure", attributes, result);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockVideo &data) {
const auto video = documentById(data.vvideo_id().v);
if (! {
return "Video not found.";
const auto src = documentFullUrl(video);
auto vattributes = Attributes{};
if (data.is_autoplay()) {
vattributes.push_back({ "preload", "auto" });
vattributes.push_back({ "autoplay", std::nullopt });
} else {
vattributes.push_back({ "controls", std::nullopt });
if (data.is_loop()) {
vattributes.push_back({ "loop", std::nullopt });
vattributes.push_back({ "muted", std::nullopt });
auto result = tag(
tag("source", { { "src", src }, { "type", "video/mp4" } }));
auto attributes = Attributes();
if (_captionAsTitle) {
const auto caption = plain(data.vcaption().data().vtext());
const auto credit = plain(data.vcaption().data().vtext());
if (!caption.isEmpty() || !credit.isEmpty()) {
const auto title = (!caption.isEmpty() && !credit.isEmpty())
? (caption + " / " + credit)
: (caption + credit);
attributes.push_back({ "title", title });
} else {
result += caption(data.vcaption());
return tag("figure", attributes, result);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockCover &data) {
return tag("figure", data.vcover().match([&](const auto &data) {
return block(data);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockEmbed &data) {
_hasEmbeds = true;
auto eclass = data.is_full_width() ? QByteArray() : "nowide";
auto width = QByteArray();
auto height = QByteArray();
auto iframeWidth = QByteArray();
auto iframeHeight = QByteArray();
const auto autosize = !data.vw();
if (autosize) {
iframeWidth = "100%";
eclass = "nowide";
} else if (data.is_full_width() || !data.vw()->v) {
width = "100%";
height = QByteArray::number(data.vh()->v) + "px";
iframeWidth = "100%";
iframeHeight = height;
} else {
const auto percent = data.vh()->v * 100 / data.vw()->v;
width = QByteArray::number(data.vw()->v) + "px";
height = QByteArray::number(percent) + "%";
auto attributes = Attributes();
if (autosize) {
attributes.push_back({ "class", "autosize" });
attributes.push_back({ "width", iframeWidth });
attributes.push_back({ "height", iframeHeight });
if (const auto url = data.vurl()) {
if (!autosize) {
attributes.push_back({ "src", utf(url) });
} else {
attributes.push_back({ "srcdoc", utf(url) });
} else if (const auto html = data.vhtml()) {
attributes.push_back({ "src", embedUrl(html->v) });
if (!data.is_allow_scrolling()) {
attributes.push_back({ "scrolling", "no" });
attributes.push_back({ "frameborder", "0" });
attributes.push_back({ "allowtransparency", "true" });
attributes.push_back({ "allowfullscreen", "true" });
auto result = tag("iframe", attributes);
if (!autosize) {
result = tag("div", {
{ "class", "iframe-wrap" },
{ "style", "width:" + width },
}, tag("div", {
{ "style", "padding-bottom: " + height },
}, result));
result += caption(data.vcaption());
return tag("figure", { { "class", eclass } }, result);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockEmbedPost &data) {
auto result = QByteArray();
if (!data.vblocks().v.isEmpty()) {
auto address = QByteArray();
const auto photo = photoById(data.vauthor_photo_id().v);
if ( {
const auto src = photoFullUrl(photo);
address += tag(
{ { "style", "background-image:url('" + src + "')" } });
address += tag(
{ { "rel", "author" }, { "onclick", "return false;" } },
if (const auto date = data.vdate().v) {
const auto parsed = base::unixtime::parse(date);
address += tag("time", langDateTimeFull(parsed).toUtf8());
const auto inner = tag("address", address) + list(data.vblocks());
result = tag("blockquote", { { "class", "embed-post" } }, inner);
} else {
const auto url = utf(data.vurl());
const auto inner = tag("strong", utf(data.vauthor()))
+ tag("small", tag("a", { { "href", url } }, url));
result = tag("section", { { "class", "embed-post" } }, inner);
result += caption(data.vcaption());
return tag("figure", result);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockCollage &data) {
auto result = tag(
{ { "class", "collage" } },
return tag("figure", result + caption(data.vcaption()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockSlideshow &data) {
auto inputs = QByteArrayList();
auto i = 0;
for (auto i = 0; i != int(data.vitems().v.size()); ++i) {
auto attributes = Attributes{
{ "type", "radio" },
{ "name", "s" },
{ "value", QByteArray::number(i) },
{ "onchange", "return IV.slideshowSlide(this);" },
if (!i) {
attributes.push_back({ "checked", std::nullopt });
inputs.append(tag("label", tag("input", attributes, tag("i"))));
const auto form = tag(
{ { "class", "slideshow-buttons" } },
tag("fieldset", inputs.join(QByteArray())));
auto inner = form + tag("figure", {
{ "class", "slideshow" },
{ "onclick", "return IV.slideshowSlide(this, 1);" },
}, list(data.vitems()));
auto result = tag(
{ { "class", "slideshow-wrap" } },
return tag("figure", result + caption(data.vcaption()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockChannel &data) {
auto name = QByteArray();
auto username = QByteArray();
data.vchannel().match([&](const MTPDchannel &data) {
if (const auto has = data.vusername()) {
username = utf(*has);
name = utf(data.vtitle());
}, [&](const MTPDchat &data) {
name = utf(data.vtitle());
}, [](const auto &) {
auto result = tag("h4", name);
if (!username.isEmpty()) {
const auto link = "" + username;
result = tag(
{ { "href", link }, { "target", "_blank" } },
return tag("section", { { "class", "channel" } }, result);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockAudio &data) {
const auto audio = documentById(data.vaudio_id().v);
if (! {
return "Audio not found.";
const auto src = documentFullUrl(audio);
return tag("figure", tag("audio", {
{ "src", src },
{ "controls", std::nullopt },
}) + caption(data.vcaption()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockKicker &data) {
return tag("h6", { { "class", "iv-kicker" } }, rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockTable &data) {
auto classes = QByteArrayList();
if (data.is_bordered()) {
if (data.is_striped()) {
auto attibutes = Attributes();
if (!classes.isEmpty()) {
attibutes.push_back({ "class", classes.join(" ") });
auto title = rich(data.vtitle());
if (!title.isEmpty()) {
title = tag("caption", title);
auto result = tag("table", attibutes, title + list(data.vrows()));
result = tag("figure", { { "class", "table" } }, result);
result = tag("figure", { { "class", "table-wrap" } }, result);
return tag("figure", result);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockOrderedList &data) {
return tag("ol", list(data.vitems()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockDetails &data) {
auto attributes = Attributes();
if (data.is_open()) {
attributes.push_back({ "open", std::nullopt });
return tag(
tag("summary", rich(data.vtitle())) + list(data.vblocks()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockRelatedArticles &data) {
const auto result = list(data.varticles());
if (result.isEmpty()) {
return QByteArray();
auto title = rich(data.vtitle());
if (!title.isEmpty()) {
title = tag("h4", { { "class", "iv-related-title" } }, title);
return tag("section", { { "class", "iv-related" } }, title + result);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageBlockMap &data) {
const auto geo = parse(data.vgeo());
if (!geo.access) {
return "Map not found.";
const auto width = 650;
const auto height = std::min(450, (data.vh().v * width / data.vw().v));
return tag("figure", tag("img", {
{ "src", mapUrl(geo, width, height, data.vzoom().v) },
}) + caption(data.vcaption()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageRelatedArticle &data) {
auto result = QByteArray();
const auto photo = photoById(data.vphoto_id().value_or_empty());
if ( {
const auto src = photoFullUrl(photo);
result += tag("i", {
{ "class", "related-link-thumb" },
{ "style", "background-image:url('" + src + "')" },
const auto title = data.vtitle();
const auto description = data.vdescription();
const auto author = data.vauthor();
const auto published = data.vpublished_date();
if (title || description || author || published) {
auto inner = QByteArray();
if (title) {
inner += tag(
{ { "class", "related-link-title" } },
if (description) {
inner += tag(
{ { "class", "related-link-desc" } },
if (author || published) {
const auto separator = (author && published) ? ", " : "";
const auto parsed = base::unixtime::parse(published->v);
inner += tag(
{ { "class", "related-link-source" } },
utf(*author) + separator + langDateTimeFull(parsed).toUtf8());
result += tag("span", {
{ "class", "related-link-content" },
}, inner);
return tag("a", {
{ "class", "related-link" },
{ "href", utf(data.vurl()) },
}, result);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageTableRow &data) {
return tag("tr", list(data.vcells()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageTableCell &data) {
const auto text = data.vtext() ? rich(*data.vtext()) : QByteArray();
auto style = QByteArray();
if (data.is_align_right()) {
style += "text-align:right;";
} else if (data.is_align_center()) {
style += "text-align:center;";
} else {
style += "text-align:left;";
if (data.is_valign_bottom()) {
style += "vertical-align:bottom;";
} else if (data.is_valign_middle()) {
style += "vertical-align:middle;";
} else {
style += "vertical-align:top;";
auto attributes = Attributes{ { "style", style } };
if (const auto cs = data.vcolspan()) {
attributes.push_back({ "colspan", QByteArray::number(cs->v) });
if (const auto rs = data.vrowspan()) {
attributes.push_back({ "rowspan", QByteArray::number(rs->v) });
return tag(data.is_header() ? "th" : "td", attributes, text);
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageListItemText &data) {
return tag("li", rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageListItemBlocks &data) {
return tag("li", list(data.vblocks()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageListOrderedItemText &data) {
return tag("li", { { "value", utf(data.vnum()) } }, rich(data.vtext()));
QByteArray Parser::block(const MTPDpageListOrderedItemBlocks &data) {
return tag(
{ { "value", utf(data.vnum()) } },
QByteArray Parser::utf(const MTPstring &text) {
return text.v;
QByteArray Parser::utf(const tl::conditional<MTPstring> &text) {
return text ? text->v : QByteArray();
QByteArray Parser::tag(
const QByteArray &name,
const QByteArray &body) {
return tag(name, {}, body);
QByteArray Parser::tag(
const QByteArray &name,
const Attributes &attributes,
const QByteArray &body) {
auto list = QByteArrayList();
for (auto &[name, value] : attributes) {
list.push_back(' ' + name + (value ? "=\"" + *value + "\"" : ""));
const auto serialized = list.join(QByteArray());
return IsVoidElement(name)
? ('<' + name + serialized + " />")
: ('<' + name + serialized + '>' + body + "</" + name + '>');
QByteArray Parser::rich(const MTPRichText &text) {
return text.match([&](const MTPDtextEmpty &data) {
return QByteArray();
}, [&](const MTPDtextPlain &data) {
struct Replacement {
QByteArray from;
QByteArray to;
const auto replacements = std::vector<Replacement>{
{ "\xE2\x81\xA6", "<span dir=\"ltr\">" },
{ "\xE2\x81\xA7", "<span dir=\"rtl\">" },
{ "\xE2\x81\xA8", "<span dir=\"auto\">" },
{ "\xE2\x81\xA9", "</span>" },
auto text = utf(data.vtext());
for (const auto &[from, to] : replacements) {
text.replace(from, to);
return text;
}, [&](const MTPDtextConcat &data) {
const auto &list = data.vtexts().v;
auto result = QByteArrayList();
for (const auto &item : list) {
return result.join(QByteArray());
}, [&](const MTPDtextImage &data) {
const auto image = documentById(data.vdocument_id().v);
if (! {
return "Image not found."_q;
auto attributes = Attributes{
{ "class", "pic" },
{ "src", documentFullUrl(image) },
if (const auto width = data.vw().v) {
attributes.push_back({ "width", QByteArray::number(width) });
if (const auto height = data.vh().v) {
attributes.push_back({ "height", QByteArray::number(height) });
return tag("img", attributes);
}, [&](const MTPDtextBold &data) {
return tag("b", rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextItalic &data) {
return tag("i", rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextUnderline &data) {
return tag("u", rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextStrike &data) {
return tag("s", rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextFixed &data) {
return tag("code", rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextUrl &data) {
return tag("a", {
{ "href", utf(data.vurl()) },
}, rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextEmail &data) {
return tag("a", {
{ "href", "mailto:" + utf(data.vemail()) },
}, rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextSubscript &data) {
return tag("sub", rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextSuperscript &data) {
return tag("sup", rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextMarked &data) {
return tag("mark", rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextPhone &data) {
return tag("a", {
{ "href", "tel:" + utf(data.vphone()) },
}, rich(data.vtext()));
}, [&](const MTPDtextAnchor &data) {
const auto inner = rich(data.vtext());
return inner.isEmpty()
? tag("a", { { "name", utf(data.vname()) } })
: tag(
{ { "class", "reference" } },
tag("a", { { "name", utf(data.vname()) } }) + inner);
QByteArray Parser::plain(const MTPRichText &text) {
return text.match([&](const MTPDtextEmpty &data) {
return QByteArray();
}, [&](const MTPDtextPlain &data) {
return utf(data.vtext());
}, [&](const MTPDtextConcat &data) {
const auto &list = data.vtexts().v;
auto result = QByteArrayList();
for (const auto &item : list) {
return result.join(QByteArray());
}, [&](const MTPDtextImage &data) {
return QByteArray();
}, [&](const auto &data) {
return plain(data.vtext());
QByteArray Parser::caption(const MTPPageCaption &caption) {
auto text = rich(;
const auto credit = rich(;
if (_captionWrapped && !text.isEmpty()) {
text = tag("span", text);
if (!credit.isEmpty()) {
text += tag("cite", credit);
} else if (text.isEmpty()) {
return QByteArray();
return tag("figcaption", text);
Photo Parser::parse(const MTPPhoto &photo) {
auto result = Photo{
.id = photo.match([&](const auto &d) { return d.vid().v; }),
auto sizes = base::flat_map<QByteArray, QSize>();
photo.match([](const MTPDphotoEmpty &) {
}, [&](const MTPDphoto &data) {
for (const auto &size : data.vsizes().v) {
size.match([&](const MTPDphotoSizeEmpty &data) {
}, [&](const MTPDphotoSize &data) {
QSize(data.vw().v, data.vh().v));
}, [&](const MTPDphotoCachedSize &data) {
QSize(data.vw().v, data.vh().v));
}, [&](const MTPDphotoStrippedSize &data) {
result.minithumbnail = data.vbytes().v;
}, [&](const MTPDphotoSizeProgressive &data) {
QSize(data.vw().v, data.vh().v));
}, [&](const MTPDphotoPathSize &data) {
for (const auto attempt : { "y", "x", "w" }) {
const auto i = sizes.find(QByteArray(attempt));
if (i != end(sizes)) {
result.width = i->second.width();
result.height = i->second.height();
return result;
Document Parser::parse(const MTPDocument &document) {
auto result = Document{
.id = document.match([&](const auto &d) { return d.vid().v; }),
document.match([](const MTPDdocumentEmpty &) {
}, [&](const MTPDdocument &data) {
return result;
Geo Parser::parse(const MTPGeoPoint &geo) {
return geo.match([](const MTPDgeoPointEmpty &) {
return Geo();
}, [&](const MTPDgeoPoint &data) {
return Geo{
.lat = data.vlat().v,
.lon = data.vlong().v,
.access = data.vaccess_hash().v,
Photo Parser::photoById(uint64 id) {
const auto i = _photosById.find(id);
return (i != end(_photosById)) ? i->second : Photo();
Document Parser::documentById(uint64 id) {
const auto i = _documentsById.find(id);
return (i != end(_documentsById)) ? i->second : Document();
QByteArray Parser::photoFullUrl(const Photo &photo) {
return resource("photo/" + QByteArray::number(;
QByteArray Parser::documentFullUrl(const Document &document) {
return resource("document/" + QByteArray::number(;
QByteArray Parser::embedUrl(const QByteArray &html) {
auto binary = std::array<uchar, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH>{};
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(,
const auto hex = [](uchar value) -> char {
return (value >= 10) ? ('a' + (value - 10)) : ('0' + value);
auto result = QByteArray();
result.reserve(binary.size() * 2);
auto index = 0;
for (const auto byte : binary) {
result.push_back(hex(byte / 16));
result.push_back(hex(byte % 16));
result += ".html";
_result.embeds.emplace(result, html);
return resource("html/" + result);
QByteArray Parser::mapUrl(const Geo &geo, int width, int height, int zoom) {
return resource("map/"
+ GeoPointId(geo) + "&"
+ QByteArray::number(width) + ","
+ QByteArray::number(height) + "&"
+ QByteArray::number(zoom));
QByteArray Parser::resource(QByteArray id) {
const auto toFolder = !_options.saveToFolder.isEmpty();
if (toFolder && _resources.emplace(id).second) {
return toFolder ? id : ('/' + id);
QByteArray Parser::page(const MTPDpage &data) {
const auto html = list(data.vblocks());
if (html.isEmpty()) {
return html;
auto attributes = Attributes();
if (_rtl) {
attributes.push_back({ "dir", "rtl" });
attributes.push_back({ "class", "rtl" });
return tag("article", attributes, html);
QByteArray Parser::prepare(QByteArray body) {
auto head = QByteArray();
auto js = QByteArray();
if (body.isEmpty()) {
body = tag(
{ { "class", "message" } },
tag("aside", "Failed." + tag("cite", "Failed.")));
if (_hasCode) {
head += R"(
<link rel="stylesheet" href=")" + resource("iv/highlight.css") + R"(">
<script src=")" + resource("iv/highlight.js") + R"("></script>
js += "IV.initPreBlocks();";
if (_hasEmbeds) {
js += "IV.initEmbedBlocks();";
if (!js.isEmpty()) {
body += tag("script", js);
return html(head, body);
QByteArray Parser::html(const QByteArray &head, const QByteArray &body) {
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
const auto classAttribute = ""_q;
#else // Q_OS_MAC
const auto classAttribute = " class=\"custom_scroll\""_q;
#endif // Q_OS_MAC
return R"(<!DOCTYPE html>
<html)"_q + classAttribute + R"(">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src=")" + resource("iv/page.js") + R"("></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=")" + resource("iv/page.css") + R"(" />
)"_q + head + R"(
<body>)"_q + body + R"(</body>
} // namespace
Prepared Prepare(const Source &source, const Options &options) {
auto parser = Parser(source, options);
return parser.result();
} // namespace Iv