2024-07-19 11:20:54 +02:00

83 lines
2.3 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "ui/webview_helpers.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
namespace Ui {
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray ComputeStyles(
const base::flat_map<QByteArray, const style::color*> &colors,
const base::flat_map<QByteArray, tr::phrase<>> &phrases,
bool nightTheme) {
static const auto serialize = [](const style::color *color) {
const auto qt = (*color)->c;
if (qt.alpha() == 255) {
return '#'
+ QByteArray::number(, 16).right(2)
+ QByteArray::number(, 16).right(2)
+ QByteArray::number(, 16).right(2);
return "rgba("
+ QByteArray::number( + ","
+ QByteArray::number( + ","
+ QByteArray::number( + ","
+ QByteArray::number(qt.alpha() / 255.) + ")";
static const auto escape = [](tr::phrase<> phrase) {
const auto text = phrase(tr::now);
auto result = QByteArray();
for (auto i = 0; i != text.size(); ++i) {
uint ucs4 = text[i].unicode();
if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && i + 1 != text.size()) {
ushort low = text[i + 1].unicode();
if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {
ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low);
if (ucs4 == '\'' || ucs4 == '\"' || ucs4 == '\\') {
} else if (ucs4 < 32 || ucs4 > 127) {
result.append('\\' + QByteArray::number(ucs4, 16) + ' ');
} else {
return result;
auto result = QByteArray();
for (const auto &[name, phrase] : phrases) {
result += "--td-lng-"_q + name + ":'"_q + escape(phrase) + "'; "_q;
for (const auto &[name, color] : colors) {
result += "--td-"_q + name + ':' + serialize(color) + ';';
result += "--td-night:"_q + (nightTheme ? "1" : "0") + ';';
return result;
QByteArray EscapeForAttribute(QByteArray value) {
return value
.replace('&', "&amp;")
.replace('"', "&quot;")
.replace('\'', "&#039;")
.replace('<', "&lt;")
.replace('>', "&gt;");
QByteArray EscapeForScriptString(QByteArray value) {
return value
.replace('\\', "\\\\")
.replace('"', "\\\"")
.replace('\'', "\\\'");
} // namespace Ui