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synced 2025-02-27 02:51:12 +00:00
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/flags.h"
#include "ui/layers/box_content.h"
#include "ui/chat/attach/attach_prepare.h"
#include "ui/chat/attach/attach_send_files_way.h"
namespace style {
struct ComposeControls;
} // namespace style
namespace Window {
class SessionController;
} // namespace Window
namespace Api {
struct SendOptions;
enum class SendType;
} // namespace Api
namespace ChatHelpers {
class TabbedPanel;
class Show;
} // namespace ChatHelpers
namespace Ui {
class Checkbox;
class RoundButton;
class InputField;
struct GroupMediaLayout;
class EmojiButton;
class AlbumPreview;
class VerticalLayout;
class FlatLabel;
class PopupMenu;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Window {
class SessionController;
} // namespace Window
namespace SendMenu {
struct Details;
struct Action;
} // namespace SendMenu
namespace HistoryView::Controls {
class CharactersLimitLabel;
} // namespace HistoryView::Controls
enum class SendFilesAllow {
OnlyOne = (1 << 0),
Photos = (1 << 1),
Videos = (1 << 2),
Music = (1 << 3),
Files = (1 << 4),
Stickers = (1 << 5),
Gifs = (1 << 6),
EmojiWithoutPremium = (1 << 7),
Texts = (1 << 8),
inline constexpr bool is_flag_type(SendFilesAllow) { return true; }
using SendFilesLimits = base::flags<SendFilesAllow>;
using SendFilesCheck = Fn<bool(
const Ui::PreparedFile &file,
bool compress,
bool silent)>;
[[nodiscard]] SendFilesLimits DefaultLimitsForPeer(not_null<PeerData*> peer);
[[nodiscard]] SendFilesCheck DefaultCheckForPeer(
not_null<Window::SessionController*> controller,
not_null<PeerData*> peer);
[[nodiscard]] SendFilesCheck DefaultCheckForPeer(
std::shared_ptr<Ui::Show> show,
not_null<PeerData*> peer);
using SendFilesConfirmed = Fn<void(
Ui::PreparedList &&list,
Ui::SendFilesWay way,
TextWithTags &&caption,
Api::SendOptions options,
bool ctrlShiftEnter)>;
struct SendFilesBoxDescriptor {
std::shared_ptr<ChatHelpers::Show> show;
Ui::PreparedList list;
TextWithTags caption;
PeerData *captionToPeer = nullptr;
SendFilesLimits limits = {};
SendFilesCheck check;
Api::SendType sendType = {};
Fn<SendMenu::Details()> sendMenuDetails = nullptr;
const style::ComposeControls *stOverride = nullptr;
SendFilesConfirmed confirmed;
Fn<void()> cancelled;
class SendFilesBox : public Ui::BoxContent {
enum class SendLimit {
not_null<Window::SessionController*> controller,
Ui::PreparedList &&list,
const TextWithTags &caption,
not_null<PeerData*> toPeer,
Api::SendType sendType,
SendMenu::Details sendMenuDetails);
SendFilesBox(QWidget*, SendFilesBoxDescriptor &&descriptor);
void setConfirmedCallback(SendFilesConfirmed callback) {
_confirmedCallback = std::move(callback);
void setCancelledCallback(Fn<void()> callback) {
_cancelledCallback = std::move(callback);
void prepare() override;
void setInnerFocus() override;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override;
using MenuAction = SendMenu::Action;
using MenuDetails = SendMenu::Details;
class Block final {
not_null<QWidget*> parent,
const style::ComposeControls &st,
not_null<std::vector<Ui::PreparedFile>*> items,
int from,
int till,
Fn<bool()> gifPaused,
Ui::SendFilesWay way,
Fn<bool()> canToggleSpoiler);
Block(Block &&other) = default;
Block &operator=(Block &&other) = default;
[[nodiscard]] int fromIndex() const;
[[nodiscard]] int tillIndex() const;
[[nodiscard]] object_ptr<Ui::RpWidget> takeWidget();
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<int> itemDeleteRequest() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<int> itemReplaceRequest() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<int> itemModifyRequest() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> orderUpdated() const;
void setSendWay(Ui::SendFilesWay way);
void toggleSpoilers(bool enabled);
void applyChanges();
[[nodiscard]] QImage generatePriceTagBackground() const;
base::unique_qptr<Ui::RpWidget> _preview;
not_null<std::vector<Ui::PreparedFile>*> _items;
int _from = 0;
int _till = 0;
bool _isAlbum = false;
bool _isSingleMedia = false;
void initSendWay();
void initPreview();
[[nodiscard]] bool hasSendMenu(const MenuDetails &details) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool hasSpoilerMenu() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool allWithSpoilers();
[[nodiscard]] bool checkWithWay(
Ui::SendFilesWay way,
bool silent = false) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool checkWith(
const Ui::PreparedList &added,
Ui::SendFilesWay way,
bool silent = false) const;
void addMenuButton();
void applyBlockChanges();
void toggleSpoilers(bool enabled);
void changePrice();
[[nodiscard]] bool canChangePrice() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool hasPrice() const;
void refreshPriceTag();
[[nodiscard]] QImage preparePriceTagBg(QSize size) const;
bool validateLength(const QString &text) const;
void refreshButtons();
void refreshControls(bool initial = false);
void setupSendWayControls();
void setupCaption();
void setupEmojiPanel();
void updateSendWayControls();
void updateEmojiPanelGeometry();
void emojiFilterForGeometry(not_null<QEvent*> event);
void preparePreview();
void generatePreviewFrom(int fromBlock);
void send(Api::SendOptions options, bool ctrlShiftEnter = false);
[[nodiscard]] Fn<void(Api::SendOptions)> sendCallback();
void captionResized();
void saveSendWaySettings();
void setupDragArea();
void refreshTitleText();
void updateBoxSize();
void updateControlsGeometry();
void updateCaptionPlaceholder();
bool addFiles(not_null<const QMimeData*> data);
bool addFiles(Ui::PreparedList list);
void addFile(Ui::PreparedFile &&file);
void pushBlock(int from, int till);
void openDialogToAddFileToAlbum();
void refreshAllAfterChanges(int fromItem, Fn<void()> perform = nullptr);
void enqueueNextPrepare();
void addPreparedAsyncFile(Ui::PreparedFile &&file);
void checkCharsLimitation();
[[nodiscard]] Fn<MenuDetails()> prepareSendMenuDetails(
const SendFilesBoxDescriptor &descriptor);
[[nodiscard]] auto prepareSendMenuCallback()
-> Fn<void(MenuAction, MenuDetails)>;
const std::shared_ptr<ChatHelpers::Show> _show;
const style::ComposeControls &_st;
const Api::SendType _sendType = Api::SendType();
QString _titleText;
rpl::variable<int> _titleHeight = 0;
Ui::PreparedList _list;
std::optional<int> _removingIndex;
SendFilesLimits _limits = {};
Fn<MenuDetails()> _sendMenuDetails;
Fn<void(MenuAction, MenuDetails)> _sendMenuCallback;
PeerData *_captionToPeer = nullptr;
SendFilesCheck _check;
SendFilesConfirmed _confirmedCallback;
Fn<void()> _cancelledCallback;
rpl::variable<uint64> _price = 0;
std::unique_ptr<Ui::RpWidget> _priceTag;
QImage _priceTagBg;
bool _confirmed = false;
bool _invertCaption = false;
object_ptr<Ui::InputField> _caption = { nullptr };
TextWithTags _prefilledCaptionText;
object_ptr<Ui::EmojiButton> _emojiToggle = { nullptr };
base::unique_qptr<ChatHelpers::TabbedPanel> _emojiPanel;
base::unique_qptr<QObject> _emojiFilter;
using CharactersLimitLabel = HistoryView::Controls::CharactersLimitLabel;
base::unique_qptr<CharactersLimitLabel> _charsLimitation;
object_ptr<Ui::Checkbox> _groupFiles = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::Checkbox> _sendImagesAsPhotos = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::Checkbox> _wayRemember = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::FlatLabel> _hintLabel = { nullptr };
rpl::variable<Ui::SendFilesWay> _sendWay = Ui::SendFilesWay();
rpl::variable<int> _footerHeight = 0;
rpl::lifetime _dimensionsLifetime;
object_ptr<Ui::ScrollArea> _scroll;
QPointer<Ui::VerticalLayout> _inner;
std::vector<Block> _blocks;
Fn<void()> _whenReadySend;
bool _preparing = false;
base::unique_qptr<Ui::PopupMenu> _menu;
QPointer<Ui::RoundButton> _send;
QPointer<Ui::RoundButton> _addFile;