mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 04:38:23 +00:00
1612 lines
43 KiB
1612 lines
43 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "media/media_audio.h"
#include "data/data_document.h"
#include "media/media_audio_ffmpeg_loader.h"
#include "media/media_child_ffmpeg_loader.h"
#include "media/media_audio_loaders.h"
#include "media/media_audio_track.h"
#include "platform/platform_audio.h"
#include "messenger.h"
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include <AL/alext.h>
#include <numeric>
namespace {
QMutex AudioMutex;
ALCdevice *AudioDevice = nullptr;
ALCcontext *AudioContext = nullptr;
constexpr auto kSuppressRatioAll = 0.2;
constexpr auto kSuppressRatioSong = 0.05;
auto VolumeMultiplierAll = 1.;
auto VolumeMultiplierSong = 1.;
} // namespace
namespace Media {
namespace Audio {
namespace {
Player::Mixer *MixerInstance = nullptr;
// Thread: Any.
bool ContextErrorHappened() {
ALenum errCode;
if ((errCode = alcGetError(AudioDevice)) != ALC_NO_ERROR) {
LOG(("Audio Context Error: %1, %2").arg(errCode).arg((const char *)alcGetString(AudioDevice, errCode)));
return true;
return false;
// Thread: Any.
bool PlaybackErrorHappened() {
ALenum errCode;
if ((errCode = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
LOG(("Audio Playback Error: %1, %2").arg(errCode).arg((const char *)alGetString(errCode)));
return true;
return false;
void EnumeratePlaybackDevices() {
auto deviceNames = QStringList();
auto devices = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);
Assert(devices != nullptr);
while (*devices != 0) {
auto deviceName8Bit = QByteArray(devices);
auto deviceName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(deviceName8Bit);
devices += deviceName8Bit.size() + 1;
LOG(("Audio Playback Devices: %1").arg(deviceNames.join(';')));
if (auto device = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER)) {
LOG(("Audio Playback Default Device: %1").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(device)));
} else {
LOG(("Audio Playback Default Device: (null)"));
void EnumerateCaptureDevices() {
auto deviceNames = QStringList();
auto devices = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);
Assert(devices != nullptr);
while (*devices != 0) {
auto deviceName8Bit = QByteArray(devices);
auto deviceName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(deviceName8Bit);
devices += deviceName8Bit.size() + 1;
LOG(("Audio Capture Devices: %1").arg(deviceNames.join(';')));
if (auto device = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER)) {
LOG(("Audio Capture Default Device: %1").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(device)));
} else {
LOG(("Audio Capture Default Device: (null)"));
// Thread: Any. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
void DestroyPlaybackDevice() {
if (AudioContext) {
AudioContext = nullptr;
if (AudioDevice) {
AudioDevice = nullptr;
// Thread: Any. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
bool CreatePlaybackDevice() {
if (AudioDevice) return true;
AudioDevice = alcOpenDevice(nullptr);
if (!AudioDevice) {
LOG(("Audio Error: Could not create default playback device, enumerating.."));
return false;
ALCint attributes[] = {
ALC_FREQUENCY, Media::Player::kDefaultFrequency,
AudioContext = alcCreateContext(AudioDevice, attributes);
if (ContextErrorHappened()) {
return false;
ALfloat v[] = { 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f };
alListener3f(AL_POSITION, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
alListener3f(AL_VELOCITY, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, v);
return true;
// Thread: Main. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
void ClosePlaybackDevice() {
if (!AudioDevice) return;
LOG(("Audio Info: Closing audio playback device."));
if (Player::mixer()) {
} // namespace
// Thread: Main.
void Start() {
Assert(AudioDevice == nullptr);
auto loglevel = getenv("ALSOFT_LOGLEVEL");
LOG(("OpenAL Logging Level: %1").arg(loglevel ? loglevel : "(not set)"));
MixerInstance = new Player::Mixer();
// Thread: Main.
void Finish() {
// MixerInstance variable should be modified under AudioMutex protection.
// So it is modified in the ~Mixer() destructor after all tracks are cleared.
delete MixerInstance;
// No sync required already.
// Thread: Main. Locks: AudioMutex.
bool IsAttachedToDevice() {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
return (AudioDevice != nullptr);
// Thread: Any. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
bool AttachToDevice() {
if (AudioDevice) {
return true;
LOG(("Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the tracks"));
if (!AudioDevice) {
return false;
if (auto m = Player::mixer()) {
emit m->faderOnTimer();
crl::on_main([] {
if (Messenger::InstancePointer()) {
return true;
void ScheduleDetachFromDeviceSafe() {
crl::on_main([] {
if (Messenger::InstancePointer()) {
void ScheduleDetachIfNotUsedSafe() {
crl::on_main([] {
if (Messenger::InstancePointer()) {
void StopDetachIfNotUsedSafe() {
crl::on_main([] {
if (Messenger::InstancePointer()) {
} // namespace Audio
namespace Player {
namespace {
constexpr auto kVolumeRound = 10000;
constexpr auto kPreloadSamples = 2LL * kDefaultFrequency; // preload next part if less than 2 seconds remains
constexpr auto kFadeDuration = TimeMs(500);
constexpr auto kCheckPlaybackPositionTimeout = TimeMs(100); // 100ms per check audio position
constexpr auto kCheckPlaybackPositionDelta = 2400LL; // update position called each 2400 samples
constexpr auto kCheckFadingTimeout = TimeMs(7); // 7ms
base::Observable<AudioMsgId> UpdatedObservable;
} // namespace
base::Observable<AudioMsgId> &Updated() {
return UpdatedObservable;
// Thread: Any. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
float64 ComputeVolume(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: return VolumeMultiplierAll;
case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: return VolumeMultiplierSong * mixer()->getSongVolume();
case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: return mixer()->getVideoVolume();
return 1.;
Mixer *mixer() {
return Audio::MixerInstance;
void Mixer::Track::createStream() {
alGenSources(1, &stream.source);
alSourcef(stream.source, AL_PITCH, 1.f);
alSource3f(stream.source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
alSource3f(stream.source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
alSourcei(stream.source, AL_LOOPING, 0);
alGenBuffers(3, stream.buffers);
void Mixer::Track::destroyStream() {
if (isStreamCreated()) {
alDeleteBuffers(3, stream.buffers);
alDeleteSources(1, &stream.source);
stream.source = 0;
for (auto i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
stream.buffers[i] = 0;
void Mixer::Track::reattach(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
if (isStreamCreated() || !samplesCount[0]) {
for (auto i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
if (!samplesCount[i]) {
alBufferData(stream.buffers[i], format, bufferSamples[i].constData(), bufferSamples[i].size(), frequency);
alSourceQueueBuffers(stream.source, 1, stream.buffers + i);
alSourcei(stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, qMax(state.position - bufferedPosition, 0LL));
if (!IsStopped(state.state) && state.state != State::PausedAtEnd) {
alSourcef(stream.source, AL_GAIN, ComputeVolume(type));
if (IsPaused(state.state)) {
// We must always start the source if we want the AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET to be applied.
// Otherwise it won't be read by alGetSource and we'll get a corrupt position.
// So in case of a paused source we start it and then immediately pause it.
void Mixer::Track::detach() {
void Mixer::Track::clear() {
state = TrackState();
file = FileLocation();
data = QByteArray();
bufferedPosition = 0;
bufferedLength = 0;
loading = false;
loaded = false;
fadeStartPosition = 0;
format = 0;
frequency = kDefaultFrequency;
for (int i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
samplesCount[i] = 0;
bufferSamples[i] = QByteArray();
videoData = nullptr;
lastUpdateWhen = 0;
lastUpdateCorrectedMs = 0;
void Mixer::Track::started() {
bufferedPosition = 0;
bufferedLength = 0;
loaded = false;
fadeStartPosition = 0;
format = 0;
frequency = kDefaultFrequency;
for (auto i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
samplesCount[i] = 0;
bufferSamples[i] = QByteArray();
bool Mixer::Track::isStreamCreated() const {
return alIsSource(stream.source);
void Mixer::Track::ensureStreamCreated() {
if (!isStreamCreated()) {
int Mixer::Track::getNotQueuedBufferIndex() {
// See if there are no free buffers right now.
while (samplesCount[kBuffersCount - 1] != 0) {
// Try to unqueue some buffer.
ALint processed = 0;
alGetSourcei(stream.source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed);
if (processed < 1) { // No processed buffers, wait.
return -1;
// Unqueue some processed buffer.
ALuint buffer = 0;
alSourceUnqueueBuffers(stream.source, 1, &buffer);
// Find it in the list and clear it.
bool found = false;
for (auto i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
if (stream.buffers[i] == buffer) {
auto samplesInBuffer = samplesCount[i];
bufferedPosition += samplesInBuffer;
bufferedLength -= samplesInBuffer;
for (auto j = i + 1; j != kBuffersCount; ++j) {
samplesCount[j - 1] = samplesCount[j];
stream.buffers[j - 1] = stream.buffers[j];
bufferSamples[j - 1] = bufferSamples[j];
samplesCount[kBuffersCount - 1] = 0;
stream.buffers[kBuffersCount - 1] = buffer;
bufferSamples[kBuffersCount - 1] = QByteArray();
found = true;
if (!found) {
LOG(("Audio Error: Could not find the unqueued buffer! Buffer %1 in source %2 with processed count %3").arg(buffer).arg(stream.source).arg(processed));
return -1;
for (auto i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
if (!samplesCount[i]) {
return i;
return -1;
void Mixer::Track::resetStream() {
if (isStreamCreated()) {
alSourcei(stream.source, AL_BUFFER, AL_NONE);
Mixer::Track::~Track() = default;
: _volumeVideo(kVolumeRound)
, _volumeSong(kVolumeRound)
, _fader(new Fader(&_faderThread))
, _loader(new Loaders(&_loaderThread)) {
connect(this, SIGNAL(faderOnTimer()), _fader, SLOT(onTimer()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, SIGNAL(suppressSong()), _fader, SLOT(onSuppressSong()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(unsuppressSong()), _fader, SLOT(onUnsuppressSong()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(suppressAll(qint64)), _fader, SLOT(onSuppressAll(qint64)));
subscribe(Global::RefSongVolumeChanged(), [this] {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_fader, "onSongVolumeChanged");
subscribe(Global::RefVideoVolumeChanged(), [this] {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_fader, "onVideoVolumeChanged");
connect(this, SIGNAL(loaderOnStart(const AudioMsgId&, qint64)), _loader, SLOT(onStart(const AudioMsgId&, qint64)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(loaderOnCancel(const AudioMsgId&)), _loader, SLOT(onCancel(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_loader, SIGNAL(needToCheck()), _fader, SLOT(onTimer()));
connect(_loader, SIGNAL(error(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onError(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_fader, SIGNAL(needToPreload(const AudioMsgId&)), _loader, SLOT(onLoad(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_fader, SIGNAL(playPositionUpdated(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SIGNAL(updated(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_fader, SIGNAL(audioStopped(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onStopped(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_fader, SIGNAL(error(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onError(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(stoppedOnError(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SIGNAL(updated(const AudioMsgId&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, SIGNAL(updated(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onUpdated(const AudioMsgId&)));
// Thread: Main. Locks: AudioMutex.
Mixer::~Mixer() {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i)->clear();
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i)->clear();
Audio::MixerInstance = nullptr;
void Mixer::onUpdated(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
if (audio.playId()) {
void Mixer::onError(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
emit stoppedOnError(audio);
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto type = audio.type();
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
if (auto current = trackForType(type)) {
if (current->state.id == audio) {
emit unsuppressSong();
void Mixer::onStopped(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
emit updated(audio);
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto type = audio.type();
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
if (auto current = trackForType(type)) {
if (current->state.id == audio) {
emit unsuppressSong();
Mixer::Track *Mixer::trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type type, int index) {
if (index < 0) {
if (auto indexPtr = currentIndex(type)) {
index = *indexPtr;
} else {
return nullptr;
switch (type) {
case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: return &_audioTracks[index];
case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: return &_songTracks[index];
case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: return &_videoTrack;
return nullptr;
const Mixer::Track *Mixer::trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type type, int index) const {
return const_cast<Mixer*>(this)->trackForType(type, index);
int *Mixer::currentIndex(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: return &_audioCurrent;
case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: return &_songCurrent;
case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: { static int videoIndex = 0; return &videoIndex; }
return nullptr;
const int *Mixer::currentIndex(AudioMsgId::Type type) const {
return const_cast<Mixer*>(this)->currentIndex(type);
void Mixer::resetFadeStartPosition(AudioMsgId::Type type, int positionInBuffered) {
auto track = trackForType(type);
if (!track) return;
if (positionInBuffered < 0) {
if (track->isStreamCreated()) {
ALint currentPosition = 0;
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, ¤tPosition);
if (Audio::PlaybackErrorHappened()) {
setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtError);
if (currentPosition == 0 && !internal::CheckAudioDeviceConnected()) {
track->fadeStartPosition = track->state.position;
positionInBuffered = currentPosition;
} else {
positionInBuffered = 0;
auto fullPosition = track->bufferedPosition + positionInBuffered;
track->state.position = fullPosition;
track->fadeStartPosition = fullPosition;
bool Mixer::fadedStop(AudioMsgId::Type type, bool *fadedStart) {
auto current = trackForType(type);
if (!current) return false;
switch (current->state.state) {
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming:
case State::Playing: {
current->state.state = State::Stopping;
if (fadedStart) *fadedStart = true;
} break;
case State::Pausing: {
current->state.state = State::Stopping;
if (fadedStart) *fadedStart = true;
} break;
case State::Paused:
case State::PausedAtEnd: {
} return true;
return false;
void Mixer::play(const AudioMsgId &audio, TimeMs positionMs) {
play(audio, nullptr, positionMs);
void Mixer::play(
const AudioMsgId &audio,
std::unique_ptr<VideoSoundData> videoData,
TimeMs positionMs) {
Expects(!videoData || audio.playId() != 0);
auto type = audio.type();
AudioMsgId stopped;
auto notLoadedYet = false;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if (!AudioDevice) return;
auto fadedStart = false;
auto current = trackForType(type);
if (!current) return;
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Video) {
auto pauseType = [this](AudioMsgId::Type type) {
auto current = trackForType(type);
switch (current->state.state) {
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming:
case State::Playing: {
current->state.state = State::Pausing;
} break;
case State::Stopping: {
current->state.state = State::Pausing;
} break;
if (current->state.id != audio) {
if (fadedStop(type, &fadedStart)) {
stopped = current->state.id;
if (current->state.id) {
emit loaderOnCancel(current->state.id);
emit faderOnTimer();
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Video) {
} else {
auto foundCurrent = currentIndex(type);
auto index = 0;
for (; index != kTogetherLimit; ++index) {
if (trackForType(type, index)->state.id == audio) {
*foundCurrent = index;
if (index == kTogetherLimit && ++*foundCurrent >= kTogetherLimit) {
*foundCurrent -= kTogetherLimit;
current = trackForType(type);
current->state.id = audio;
current->lastUpdateWhen = 0;
current->lastUpdateCorrectedMs = 0;
if (videoData) {
current->videoData = std::move(videoData);
} else {
current->file = audio.audio()->location(true);
current->data = audio.audio()->data();
notLoadedYet = (current->file.isEmpty() && current->data.isEmpty());
if (notLoadedYet) {
auto newState = (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Song) ? State::Stopped : State::StoppedAtError;
setStoppedState(current, newState);
} else {
current->state.position = (positionMs * current->state.frequency)
/ 1000LL;
current->state.state = current->videoData ? State::Paused : fadedStart ? State::Starting : State::Playing;
current->loading = true;
emit loaderOnStart(current->state.id, positionMs);
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit suppressSong();
if (notLoadedYet) {
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Song || type == AudioMsgId::Type::Video) {
DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen(audio.audio(), App::histItemById(audio.contextId()));
} else {
if (stopped) {
emit updated(stopped);
void Mixer::feedFromVideo(VideoSoundPart &&part) {
TimeMs Mixer::getVideoCorrectedTime(const AudioMsgId &audio, TimeMs frameMs, TimeMs systemMs) {
auto result = frameMs;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto type = audio.type();
auto track = trackForType(type);
if (track && track->state.id == audio && track->lastUpdateWhen > 0) {
result = static_cast<TimeMs>(track->lastUpdateCorrectedMs);
if (systemMs > track->lastUpdateWhen) {
result += (systemMs - track->lastUpdateWhen);
return result;
void Mixer::videoSoundProgress(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
auto type = audio.type();
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto current = trackForType(type);
if (current && current->state.length && current->state.frequency) {
if (current->state.id == audio && current->state.state == State::Playing) {
current->lastUpdateWhen = getms();
current->lastUpdateCorrectedMs = (current->state.position * 1000ULL) / current->state.frequency;
bool Mixer::checkCurrentALError(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
if (!Audio::PlaybackErrorHappened()) return true;
auto data = trackForType(type);
if (!data) {
setStoppedState(data, State::StoppedAtError);
return false;
void Mixer::pause(const AudioMsgId &audio, bool fast) {
AudioMsgId current;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto type = audio.type();
auto track = trackForType(type);
if (!track || track->state.id != audio) {
current = track->state.id;
switch (track->state.state) {
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming:
case State::Playing: {
track->state.state = fast ? State::Paused : State::Pausing;
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit unsuppressSong();
} break;
case State::Pausing:
case State::Stopping: {
track->state.state = fast ? State::Paused : State::Pausing;
} break;
if (fast && track->isStreamCreated()) {
ALint state = AL_INITIAL;
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (state == AL_PLAYING) {
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
emit faderOnTimer();
track->lastUpdateWhen = 0;
track->lastUpdateCorrectedMs = 0;
if (current) emit updated(current);
void Mixer::resume(const AudioMsgId &audio, bool fast) {
AudioMsgId current;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto type = audio.type();
auto track = trackForType(type);
if (!track || track->state.id != audio) {
current = track->state.id;
switch (track->state.state) {
case State::Pausing:
case State::Paused:
case State::PausedAtEnd: {
if (track->state.state == State::Paused) {
// This calls Audio::AttachToDevice().
} else {
if (track->state.state == State::PausedAtEnd) {
if (track->isStreamCreated()) {
alSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, qMax(track->state.position - track->bufferedPosition, 0LL));
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
track->state.state = fast ? State::Playing : State::Resuming;
if (track->isStreamCreated()) {
// When starting the video audio is in paused state and
// gets resumed before the stream is created with any data.
ALint state = AL_INITIAL;
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (state != AL_PLAYING) {
if (state == AL_STOPPED && !internal::CheckAudioDeviceConnected()) {
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, ComputeVolume(type));
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit suppressSong();
} break;
emit faderOnTimer();
if (current) emit updated(current);
void Mixer::seek(AudioMsgId::Type type, TimeMs positionMs) {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
const auto current = trackForType(type);
const auto audio = current->state.id;
const auto streamCreated = current->isStreamCreated();
const auto position = (positionMs * current->frequency) / 1000LL;
const auto fastSeek = [&] {
const auto loadedStart = current->bufferedPosition;
const auto loadedLength = current->bufferedLength;
const auto skipBack = (current->loaded ? 0 : kDefaultFrequency);
const auto availableEnd = loadedStart + loadedLength - skipBack;
if (position < loadedStart) {
return false;
} else if (position >= availableEnd) {
return false;
} else if (!streamCreated) {
return false;
} else if (IsStoppedOrStopping(current->state.state)) {
return false;
return true;
if (fastSeek) {
alSourcei(current->stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, position - current->bufferedPosition);
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
alSourcef(current->stream.source, AL_GAIN, ComputeVolume(type));
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
resetFadeStartPosition(type, position - current->bufferedPosition);
} else {
switch (current->state.state) {
case State::Pausing:
case State::Paused:
case State::PausedAtEnd: {
if (current->state.state == State::PausedAtEnd) {
current->state.state = State::Paused;
return resume(audio, true);
} break;
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming:
case State::Playing: {
current->state.state = State::Pausing;
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit unsuppressSong();
} break;
case State::Stopping:
case State::Stopped:
case State::StoppedAtEnd:
case State::StoppedAtError:
case State::StoppedAtStart: {
} return play(audio, positionMs);
emit faderOnTimer();
void Mixer::stop(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
AudioMsgId current;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto type = audio.type();
auto track = trackForType(type);
if (!track || track->state.id != audio) {
current = track->state.id;
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit unsuppressSong();
} else if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Video) {
if (current) emit updated(current);
void Mixer::stop(const AudioMsgId &audio, State state) {
AudioMsgId current;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto type = audio.type();
auto track = trackForType(type);
if (!track || track->state.id != audio || IsStopped(track->state.state)) {
current = track->state.id;
setStoppedState(track, state);
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit unsuppressSong();
} else if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Video) {
if (current) emit updated(current);
void Mixer::stopAndClear() {
Track *current_audio = nullptr, *current_song = nullptr;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if ((current_audio = trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice))) {
if ((current_song = trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song))) {
if (current_song) {
emit updated(current_song->state.id);
if (current_audio) {
emit updated(current_audio->state.id);
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto clearAndCancel = [this](AudioMsgId::Type type, int index) {
auto track = trackForType(type, index);
if (track->state.id) {
emit loaderOnCancel(track->state.id);
for (auto index = 0; index != kTogetherLimit; ++index) {
clearAndCancel(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, index);
clearAndCancel(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, index);
TrackState Mixer::currentState(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto current = trackForType(type);
if (!current) {
return TrackState();
return current->state;
void Mixer::setStoppedState(Track *current, State state) {
current->state.state = state;
current->state.position = 0;
if (current->isStreamCreated()) {
alSourcef(current->stream.source, AL_GAIN, 1);
void Mixer::clearStoppedAtStart(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto track = trackForType(audio.type());
if (track && track->state.id == audio && track->state.state == State::StoppedAtStart) {
// Thread: Main. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
void Mixer::detachTracks() {
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i)->detach();
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i)->detach();
// Thread: Main. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
void Mixer::reattachIfNeeded() {
auto reattachNeeded = [this] {
auto isPlayingState = [](const Track &track) {
auto state = track.state.state;
return (state == State::Playing) || IsFading(state);
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
if (isPlayingState(*trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i))
|| isPlayingState(*trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i))) {
return true;
return isPlayingState(_videoTrack);
if (reattachNeeded() || Audio::Current().hasActiveTracks()) {
// Thread: Any. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
void Mixer::reattachTracks() {
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i)->reattach(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice);
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i)->reattach(AudioMsgId::Type::Song);
void Mixer::setSongVolume(float64 volume) {
_volumeSong.storeRelease(qRound(volume * kVolumeRound));
float64 Mixer::getSongVolume() const {
return float64(_volumeSong.loadAcquire()) / kVolumeRound;
void Mixer::setVideoVolume(float64 volume) {
_volumeVideo.storeRelease(qRound(volume * kVolumeRound));
float64 Mixer::getVideoVolume() const {
return float64(_volumeVideo.loadAcquire()) / kVolumeRound;
Fader::Fader(QThread *thread) : QObject()
, _timer(this)
, _suppressVolumeAll(1., 1.)
, _suppressVolumeSong(1., 1.) {
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(onInit()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTimer()));
void Fader::onInit() {
void Fader::onTimer() {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if (!mixer()) return;
auto volumeChangedAll = false;
auto volumeChangedSong = false;
if (_suppressAll || _suppressSongAnim) {
auto ms = getms();
if (_suppressAll) {
if (ms >= _suppressAllEnd || ms < _suppressAllStart) {
_suppressAll = _suppressAllAnim = false;
_suppressVolumeAll = anim::value(1., 1.);
} else if (ms > _suppressAllEnd - kFadeDuration) {
if (_suppressVolumeAll.to() != 1.) _suppressVolumeAll.start(1.);
_suppressVolumeAll.update(1. - ((_suppressAllEnd - ms) / float64(kFadeDuration)), anim::linear);
} else if (ms >= _suppressAllStart + st::mediaPlayerSuppressDuration) {
if (_suppressAllAnim) {
_suppressAllAnim = false;
} else if (ms > _suppressAllStart) {
_suppressVolumeAll.update((ms - _suppressAllStart) / float64(st::mediaPlayerSuppressDuration), anim::linear);
auto wasVolumeMultiplierAll = VolumeMultiplierAll;
VolumeMultiplierAll = _suppressVolumeAll.current();
volumeChangedAll = (VolumeMultiplierAll != wasVolumeMultiplierAll);
if (_suppressSongAnim) {
if (ms >= _suppressSongStart + kFadeDuration) {
_suppressSongAnim = false;
} else {
_suppressVolumeSong.update((ms - _suppressSongStart) / float64(kFadeDuration), anim::linear);
auto wasVolumeMultiplierSong = VolumeMultiplierSong;
VolumeMultiplierSong = _suppressVolumeSong.current();
accumulate_min(VolumeMultiplierSong, VolumeMultiplierAll);
volumeChangedSong = (VolumeMultiplierSong != wasVolumeMultiplierSong);
auto hasFading = (_suppressAll || _suppressSongAnim);
auto hasPlaying = false;
auto updatePlayback = [this, &hasPlaying, &hasFading](AudioMsgId::Type type, int index, float64 volumeMultiplier, bool suppressGainChanged) {
auto track = mixer()->trackForType(type, index);
if (IsStopped(track->state.state) || track->state.state == State::Paused || !track->isStreamCreated()) return;
auto emitSignals = updateOnePlayback(track, hasPlaying, hasFading, volumeMultiplier, suppressGainChanged);
if (emitSignals & EmitError) emit error(track->state.id);
if (emitSignals & EmitStopped) emit audioStopped(track->state.id);
if (emitSignals & EmitPositionUpdated) emit playPositionUpdated(track->state.id);
if (emitSignals & EmitNeedToPreload) emit needToPreload(track->state.id);
auto suppressGainForMusic = ComputeVolume(AudioMsgId::Type::Song);
auto suppressGainForMusicChanged = volumeChangedSong || _volumeChangedSong;
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
updatePlayback(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i, VolumeMultiplierAll, volumeChangedAll);
updatePlayback(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i, suppressGainForMusic, suppressGainForMusicChanged);
auto suppressGainForVideo = ComputeVolume(AudioMsgId::Type::Video);
auto suppressGainForVideoChanged = volumeChangedAll || _volumeChangedVideo;
updatePlayback(AudioMsgId::Type::Video, 0, suppressGainForVideo, suppressGainForVideoChanged);
_volumeChangedSong = _volumeChangedVideo = false;
if (hasFading) {
} else if (hasPlaying) {
} else {
int32 Fader::updateOnePlayback(Mixer::Track *track, bool &hasPlaying, bool &hasFading, float64 volumeMultiplier, bool volumeChanged) {
auto playing = false;
auto fading = false;
auto errorHappened = [this, track] {
if (Audio::PlaybackErrorHappened()) {
setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtError);
return true;
return false;
ALint positionInBuffered = 0;
ALint state = AL_INITIAL;
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &positionInBuffered);
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
int32 emitSignals = 0;
if (state == AL_STOPPED && positionInBuffered == 0 && !internal::CheckAudioDeviceConnected()) {
return emitSignals;
switch (track->state.state) {
case State::Stopping:
case State::Pausing:
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming: {
fading = true;
} break;
case State::Playing: {
playing = true;
} break;
auto fullPosition = track->bufferedPosition + positionInBuffered;
if (state != AL_PLAYING && !track->loading) {
if (fading || playing) {
fading = false;
playing = false;
if (track->state.state == State::Pausing) {
setStoppedState(track, State::PausedAtEnd);
} else if (track->state.state == State::Stopping) {
setStoppedState(track, State::Stopped);
} else {
setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtEnd);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
emitSignals |= EmitStopped;
} else if (fading && state == AL_PLAYING) {
auto fadingForSamplesCount = (fullPosition - track->fadeStartPosition);
if (TimeMs(1000) * fadingForSamplesCount >= kFadeDuration * track->state.frequency) {
fading = false;
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, 1. * volumeMultiplier);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
switch (track->state.state) {
case State::Stopping: {
state = AL_STOPPED;
} break;
case State::Pausing: {
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
track->state.state = State::Paused;
} break;
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming: {
track->state.state = State::Playing;
playing = true;
} break;
} else {
auto newGain = TimeMs(1000) * fadingForSamplesCount / float64(kFadeDuration * track->state.frequency);
if (track->state.state == State::Pausing || track->state.state == State::Stopping) {
newGain = 1. - newGain;
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, newGain * volumeMultiplier);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
} else if (playing && state == AL_PLAYING) {
if (volumeChanged) {
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, 1. * volumeMultiplier);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
if (state == AL_PLAYING && fullPosition >= track->state.position + kCheckPlaybackPositionDelta) {
track->state.position = fullPosition;
emitSignals |= EmitPositionUpdated;
if (playing || track->state.state == State::Starting || track->state.state == State::Resuming) {
if (!track->loaded && !track->loading) {
auto needPreload = (track->state.position + kPreloadSamples > track->bufferedPosition + track->bufferedLength);
if (needPreload) {
track->loading = true;
emitSignals |= EmitNeedToPreload;
if (playing) hasPlaying = true;
if (fading) hasFading = true;
return emitSignals;
void Fader::setStoppedState(Mixer::Track *track, State state) {
mixer()->setStoppedState(track, state);
void Fader::onSuppressSong() {
if (!_suppressSong) {
_suppressSong = true;
_suppressSongAnim = true;
_suppressSongStart = getms();
void Fader::onUnsuppressSong() {
if (_suppressSong) {
_suppressSong = false;
_suppressSongAnim = true;
_suppressSongStart = getms();
void Fader::onSuppressAll(qint64 duration) {
_suppressAll = true;
auto now = getms();
if (_suppressAllEnd < now + kFadeDuration) {
_suppressAllStart = now;
_suppressAllEnd = now + duration;
void Fader::onSongVolumeChanged() {
_volumeChangedSong = true;
void Fader::onVideoVolumeChanged() {
_volumeChangedVideo = true;
namespace internal {
// Thread: Any.
QMutex *audioPlayerMutex() {
return &AudioMutex;
// Thread: Any.
bool audioCheckError() {
return !Audio::PlaybackErrorHappened();
// Thread: Any. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
bool audioDeviceIsConnected() {
if (!AudioDevice) {
return false;
auto isConnected = ALint(0);
alcGetIntegerv(AudioDevice, ALC_CONNECTED, 1, &isConnected);
if (Audio::ContextErrorHappened()) {
return false;
return (isConnected != 0);
// Thread: Any. Must be locked: AudioMutex.
bool CheckAudioDeviceConnected() {
if (audioDeviceIsConnected()) {
return true;
return false;
// Thread: Main. Locks: AudioMutex.
void DetachFromDevice() {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if (mixer()) {
} // namespace internal
} // namespace Player
} // namespace Media
class FFMpegAttributesReader : public AbstractFFMpegLoader {
FFMpegAttributesReader(const FileLocation &file, const QByteArray &data)
: AbstractFFMpegLoader(file, data, base::byte_vector()) {
bool open(TimeMs positionMs) override {
if (!AbstractFFMpegLoader::open(positionMs)) {
return false;
int res = 0;
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
int videoStreamId = av_find_best_stream(fmtContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, &codec, 0);
if (videoStreamId >= 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(("Audio Read Error: Found video stream in file '%1', data size '%2', error %3, %4").arg(_file.name()).arg(_data.size()).arg(videoStreamId).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), streamId)));
return false;
for (int32 i = 0, l = fmtContext->nb_streams; i < l; ++i) {
const auto stream = fmtContext->streams[i];
if (stream->disposition & AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC) {
const auto &packet = stream->attached_pic;
if (packet.size) {
const auto coverBytes = QByteArray(
(const char*)packet.data,
auto format = QByteArray();
auto animated = false;
_cover = App::readImage(
if (!_cover.isNull()) {
_coverBytes = coverBytes;
_coverFormat = format;
return true;
void trySet(QString &to, AVDictionary *dict, const char *key) {
if (!to.isEmpty()) return;
if (AVDictionaryEntry* tag = av_dict_get(dict, key, 0, 0)) {
to = QString::fromUtf8(tag->value);
void extractMetaData(AVDictionary *dict) {
trySet(_title, dict, "title");
trySet(_performer, dict, "artist");
trySet(_performer, dict, "performer");
trySet(_performer, dict, "album_artist");
//for (AVDictionaryEntry *tag = av_dict_get(dict, "", 0, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX); tag; tag = av_dict_get(dict, "", tag, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) {
// const char *key = tag->key;
// const char *value = tag->value;
// QString tmp = QString::fromUtf8(value);
int format() override {
return 0;
QString title() {
return _title;
QString performer() {
return _performer;
QImage cover() {
return _cover;
QByteArray coverBytes() {
return _coverBytes;
QByteArray coverFormat() {
return _coverFormat;
ReadResult readMore(QByteArray &result, int64 &samplesAdded) override {
DEBUG_LOG(("Audio Read Error: should not call this"));
return ReadResult::Error;
~FFMpegAttributesReader() {
QString _title, _performer;
QImage _cover;
QByteArray _coverBytes, _coverFormat;
namespace Media {
namespace Player {
FileMediaInformation::Song PrepareForSending(const QString &fname, const QByteArray &data) {
auto result = FileMediaInformation::Song();
FFMpegAttributesReader reader(FileLocation(fname), data);
const auto positionMs = TimeMs(0);
if (reader.open(positionMs) && reader.samplesCount() > 0) {
result.duration = reader.samplesCount() / reader.samplesFrequency();
result.title = reader.title();
result.performer = reader.performer();
result.cover = reader.cover();
return result;
} // namespace Player
} // namespace Media
class FFMpegWaveformCounter : public FFMpegLoader {
FFMpegWaveformCounter(const FileLocation &file, const QByteArray &data) : FFMpegLoader(file, data, base::byte_vector()) {
bool open(TimeMs positionMs) override {
if (!FFMpegLoader::open(positionMs)) {
return false;
QByteArray buffer;
int64 countbytes = sampleSize() * samplesCount();
int64 processed = 0;
int64 sumbytes = 0;
if (samplesCount() < Media::Player::kWaveformSamplesCount) {
return false;
QVector<uint16> peaks;
auto fmt = format();
auto peak = uint16(0);
auto callback = [&](uint16 sample) {
accumulate_max(peak, sample);
sumbytes += Media::Player::kWaveformSamplesCount;
if (sumbytes >= countbytes) {
sumbytes -= countbytes;
peak = 0;
while (processed < countbytes) {
int64 samples = 0;
auto res = readMore(buffer, samples);
if (res == ReadResult::Error || res == ReadResult::EndOfFile) {
if (buffer.isEmpty()) {
auto sampleBytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(buffer));
if (fmt == AL_FORMAT_MONO8 || fmt == AL_FORMAT_STEREO8) {
Media::Audio::IterateSamples<uchar>(sampleBytes, callback);
} else if (fmt == AL_FORMAT_MONO16 || fmt == AL_FORMAT_STEREO16) {
Media::Audio::IterateSamples<int16>(sampleBytes, callback);
processed += sampleSize() * samples;
if (sumbytes > 0 && peaks.size() < Media::Player::kWaveformSamplesCount) {
if (peaks.isEmpty()) {
return false;
auto sum = std::accumulate(peaks.cbegin(), peaks.cend(), 0LL);
peak = qMax(int32(sum * 1.8 / peaks.size()), 2500);
for (int32 i = 0, l = peaks.size(); i != l; ++i) {
result[i] = char(qMin(31U, uint32(qMin(peaks.at(i), peak)) * 31 / peak));
return true;
const VoiceWaveform &waveform() const {
return result;
~FFMpegWaveformCounter() {
VoiceWaveform result;
VoiceWaveform audioCountWaveform(const FileLocation &file, const QByteArray &data) {
FFMpegWaveformCounter counter(file, data);
const auto positionMs = TimeMs(0);
if (counter.open(positionMs)) {
return counter.waveform();
return VoiceWaveform();