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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/basic_types.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include <crl/crl_time.h>
namespace Storage {
namespace Cache {
namespace details {
struct Key {
uint64 high = 0;
uint64 low = 0;
inline bool operator==(const Key &a, const Key &b) {
return (a.high == b.high) && (a.low == b.low);
inline bool operator!=(const Key &a, const Key &b) {
return !(a == b);
inline bool operator<(const Key &a, const Key &b) {
return std::tie(a.high, a.low) < std::tie(b.high, b.low);
struct Settings {
size_type maxBundledRecords = 16 * 1024;
size_type readBlockSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
size_type maxDataSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
crl::time_type writeBundleDelay = 15 * 60 * crl::time_type(1000);
int64 compactAfterExcess = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
int64 compactAfterFullSize = 0;
size_type compactChunkSize = 16 * 1024;
bool trackEstimatedTime = true;
int64 totalSizeLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
size_type totalTimeLimit = 30 * 86400; // One month in seconds.
crl::time_type pruneTimeout = 5 * crl::time_type(1000);
crl::time_type maxPruneCheckTimeout = 3600 * crl::time_type(1000);
using Version = int32;
QString ComputeBasePath(const QString &original);
QString VersionFilePath(const QString &base);
base::optional<Version> ReadVersionValue(const QString &base);
bool WriteVersionValue(const QString &base, Version value);
struct Error {
enum class Type {
Type type = Type::None;
QString path;
static Error NoError();
inline Error Error::NoError() {
return Error();
using RecordType = uint8;
using PlaceId = std::array<uint8, 7>;
using EntrySize = std::array<uint8, 3>;
using RecordsCount = std::array<uint8, 3>;
template <typename Packed>
inline Packed ReadTo(size_type count) {
Expects(count >= 0 && count < (1 << (Packed().size() * 8)));
auto result = Packed();
for (auto &element : result) {
element = uint8(count & 0xFF);
count >>= 8;
return result;
template <typename Packed>
inline size_type ReadFrom(const Packed &count) {
auto result = size_type();
for (auto &element : (count | ranges::view::reverse)) {
result <<= 8;
result |= size_type(element);
return result;
template <typename Packed>
inline size_type ValidateStrictCount(const Packed &count) {
const auto result = ReadFrom(count);
return (result != 0) ? result : -1;
constexpr auto kRecordSizeUnknown = size_type(-1);
constexpr auto kRecordSizeInvalid = size_type(-2);
constexpr auto kBundledRecordsLimit = (1 << (RecordsCount().size() * 8));
constexpr auto kDataSizeLimit = (1 << (EntrySize().size() * 8));
template <typename Record>
constexpr auto GoodForEncryption = ((sizeof(Record) & 0x0F) == 0);
enum class Format : uint32 {
struct BasicHeader {
static constexpr auto kTrackEstimatedTime = 0x01U;
Format format : 8;
uint32 flags : 24;
uint32 systemTime = 0;
uint32 reserved1 = 0;
uint32 reserved2 = 0;
struct EstimatedTimePoint {
uint32 relative1 = 0;
uint32 relative2 = 0;
uint32 system = 0;
void setRelative(uint64 value) {
relative1 = uint32(value & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
relative2 = uint32((value >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
uint64 getRelative() const {
return uint64(relative1) | (uint64(relative2) << 32);
struct Store {
static constexpr auto kType = RecordType(0x01);
RecordType type = kType;
uint8 tag = 0;
EntrySize size = { { 0 } };
PlaceId place = { { 0 } };
uint32 checksum = 0;
Key key;
struct StoreWithTime : Store {
EstimatedTimePoint time;
uint32 reserved = 0;
struct MultiStore {
static constexpr auto kType = RecordType(0x02);
explicit MultiStore(size_type count = 0);
RecordType type = kType;
RecordsCount count = { { 0 } };
uint32 reserved1 = 0;
uint32 reserved2 = 0;
uint32 reserved3 = 0;
using Part = Store;
size_type validateCount() const;
struct MultiStoreWithTime : MultiStore {
using MultiStore::MultiStore;
using Part = StoreWithTime;
struct MultiRemove {
static constexpr auto kType = RecordType(0x03);
explicit MultiRemove(size_type count = 0);
RecordType type = kType;
RecordsCount count = { { 0 } };
uint32 reserved1 = 0;
uint32 reserved2 = 0;
uint32 reserved3 = 0;
using Part = Key;
size_type validateCount() const;
struct MultiAccess {
static constexpr auto kType = RecordType(0x04);
explicit MultiAccess(
EstimatedTimePoint time,
size_type count = 0);
RecordType type = kType;
RecordsCount count = { { 0 } };
EstimatedTimePoint time;
using Part = Key;
size_type validateCount() const;
} // namespace details
} // namespace Cache
} // namespace Storage
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<Storage::Cache::details::Key> {
size_t operator()(const Storage::Cache::details::Key &key) const {
return (hash<uint64>()(key.high) ^ hash<uint64>()(key.low));
} // namespace std