mirror of https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop synced 2025-03-25 04:38:23 +00:00
John Preston dd81f5d59f Replace base::lambda with shorter term.
base::lambda -> Fn (type alias for std::function).
base::lambda_once -> FnMut (type alias for base::unique_function).
base::lambda_guarded -> crl::guard.
base::lambda_call_type_t -> crl::deduced_call_type.
2018-06-04 18:38:27 +03:00

555 lines
16 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "platform/linux/notifications_manager_linux.h"
#include "window/notifications_utilities.h"
#include "platform/linux/linux_libnotify.h"
#include "platform/linux/linux_libs.h"
#include "history/history.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
namespace Platform {
namespace Notifications {
namespace {
bool LibNotifyLoaded() {
return (Libs::notify_init != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_uninit != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_is_initted != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_get_app_name != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_set_app_name != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_get_server_caps != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_get_server_info != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_new != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_update != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_show != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_app_name != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_set_timeout != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_category != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_urgency != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_icon_from_pixbuf != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_set_image_from_pixbuf != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_int32 != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_uint32 != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_double != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_string != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_byte != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_byte_array != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_clear_hints != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_add_action != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_clear_actions != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_close != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_get_closed_reason != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_object_ref_sink != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_object_unref != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_list_free_full != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_error_free != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_signal_connect_data != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_signal_handler_disconnect != nullptr)
// && (Libs::gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data != nullptr)
&& (Libs::gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file != nullptr);
QString escapeHtml(const QString &text) {
auto result = QString();
auto copyFrom = 0, textSize = text.size();
auto data = text.constData();
for (auto i = 0; i != textSize; ++i) {
auto ch = data[i];
if (ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '&') {
if (!copyFrom) {
result.reserve(textSize * 5);
if (i > copyFrom) {
result.append(data + copyFrom, i - copyFrom);
switch (ch.unicode()) {
case '<': result.append(qstr("&lt;")); break;
case '>': result.append(qstr("&gt;")); break;
case '&': result.append(qstr("&amp;")); break;
copyFrom = i + 1;
if (copyFrom > 0) {
result.append(data + copyFrom, textSize - copyFrom);
return result;
return text;
class NotificationData {
NotificationData(const std::shared_ptr<Manager*> &guarded, const QString &title, const QString &body, const QStringList &capabilities, PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId)
: _data(Libs::notify_notification_new(title.toUtf8().constData(), body.toUtf8().constData(), nullptr)) {
if (valid()) {
init(guarded, capabilities, peerId, msgId);
bool valid() const {
return (_data != nullptr);
NotificationData(const NotificationData &other) = delete;
NotificationData &operator=(const NotificationData &other) = delete;
NotificationData(NotificationData &&other) = delete;
NotificationData &operator=(NotificationData &&other) = delete;
void setImage(const QString &imagePath) {
auto imagePathNative = QFile::encodeName(imagePath);
if (auto pixbuf = Libs::gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(imagePathNative.constData(), nullptr)) {
Libs::notify_notification_set_image_from_pixbuf(_data, pixbuf);
bool show() {
if (valid()) {
GError *error = nullptr;
Libs::notify_notification_show(_data, &error);
if (!error) {
return true;
return false;
bool close() {
if (valid()) {
GError *error = nullptr;
Libs::notify_notification_close(_data, &error);
if (!error) {
return true;
return false;
~NotificationData() {
if (valid()) {
// if (_handlerId > 0) {
// Libs::g_signal_handler_disconnect(Libs::g_object_cast(_data), _handlerId);
// }
// Libs::notify_notification_clear_actions(_data);
void init(const std::shared_ptr<Manager*> &guarded, const QStringList &capabilities, PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId) {
if (capabilities.contains(qsl("append"))) {
Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_string(_data, "append", "true");
} else if (capabilities.contains(qsl("x-canonical-append"))) {
Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_string(_data, "x-canonical-append", "true");
auto signalReceiver = Libs::g_object_cast(_data);
auto signalHandler = G_CALLBACK(NotificationData::notificationClosed);
auto signalName = "closed";
auto signalDataFreeMethod = &NotificationData::notificationDataFreeClosure;
auto signalData = new NotificationDataStruct(guarded, peerId, msgId);
_handlerId = Libs::g_signal_connect_helper(signalReceiver, signalName, signalHandler, signalData, signalDataFreeMethod);
Libs::notify_notification_set_timeout(_data, Libs::NOTIFY_EXPIRES_DEFAULT);
if ((*guarded)->hasActionsSupport()) {
auto label = lang(lng_notification_reply).toUtf8();
auto actionReceiver = _data;
auto actionHandler = &NotificationData::notificationClicked;
auto actionLabel = label.constData();
auto actionName = "default";
auto actionDataFreeMethod = &NotificationData::notificationDataFree;
auto actionData = new NotificationDataStruct(guarded, peerId, msgId);
Libs::notify_notification_add_action(actionReceiver, actionName, actionLabel, actionHandler, actionData, actionDataFreeMethod);
void logError(GError *error) {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: domain %1, code %2, message '%3'").arg(error->domain).arg(error->code).arg(QString::fromUtf8(error->message)));
struct NotificationDataStruct {
NotificationDataStruct(const std::shared_ptr<Manager*> &guarded, PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId)
: weak(guarded)
, peerId(peerId)
, msgId(msgId) {
std::weak_ptr<Manager*> weak;
PeerId peerId = 0;
MsgId msgId = 0;
static void performOnMainQueue(NotificationDataStruct *data, FnMut<void(Manager *manager)> task) {
const auto weak = data->weak;
crl::on_main(weak, [=, task = std::move(task)]() mutable {
static void notificationDataFree(gpointer data) {
auto notificationData = static_cast<NotificationDataStruct*>(data);
delete notificationData;
static void notificationDataFreeClosure(gpointer data, GClosure *closure) {
auto notificationData = static_cast<NotificationDataStruct*>(data);
delete notificationData;
static void notificationClosed(Libs::NotifyNotification *notification, gpointer data) {
auto closedReason = Libs::notify_notification_get_closed_reason(notification);
auto notificationData = static_cast<NotificationDataStruct*>(data);
performOnMainQueue(notificationData, [peerId = notificationData->peerId, msgId = notificationData->msgId](Manager *manager) {
manager->clearNotification(peerId, msgId);
static void notificationClicked(Libs::NotifyNotification *notification, char *action, gpointer data) {
auto notificationData = static_cast<NotificationDataStruct*>(data);
performOnMainQueue(notificationData, [peerId = notificationData->peerId, msgId = notificationData->msgId](Manager *manager) {
manager->notificationActivated(peerId, msgId);
Libs::NotifyNotification *_data = nullptr;
gulong _handlerId = 0;
using Notification = std::shared_ptr<NotificationData>;
QString GetServerName() {
if (!LibNotifyLoaded()) {
return QString();
if (!Libs::notify_is_initted() && !Libs::notify_init("Telegram Desktop")) {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: failed to init!"));
return QString();
gchar *name = nullptr;
auto guard = gsl::finally([&name] {
if (name) Libs::g_free(name);
if (!Libs::notify_get_server_info(&name, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: could not get server name!"));
return QString();
if (!name) {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: successfully got empty server name!"));
return QString();
auto result = QString::fromUtf8(static_cast<const char*>(name));
LOG(("Notifications Server: %1").arg(result));
return result;
auto LibNotifyServerName = QString();
} // namespace
bool Supported() {
static auto Checked = false;
if (!Checked) {
Checked = true;
LibNotifyServerName = GetServerName();
return !LibNotifyServerName.isEmpty();
return false;
std::unique_ptr<Window::Notifications::Manager> Create(Window::Notifications::System *system) {
if (Global::NativeNotifications() && Supported()) {
return std::make_unique<Manager>(system);
return nullptr;
void Finish() {
if (Libs::notify_is_initted && Libs::notify_uninit) {
if (Libs::notify_is_initted()) {
class Manager::Private {
using Type = Window::Notifications::CachedUserpics::Type;
explicit Private(Type type)
: _cachedUserpics(type) {
void init(Manager *manager);
void showNotification(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, bool hideNameAndPhoto, bool hideReplyButton);
void clearAll();
void clearFromHistory(History *history);
void clearNotification(PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId);
bool hasPoorSupport() const {
return _poorSupported;
bool hasActionsSupport() const {
return _actionsSupported;
QString escapeNotificationText(const QString &text) const;
void showNextNotification();
struct QueuedNotification {
PeerData *peer = nullptr;
MsgId msgId = 0;
QString title;
QString body;
bool hideNameAndPhoto = false;
QString _serverName;
QStringList _capabilities;
using QueuedNotifications = QList<QueuedNotification>;
QueuedNotifications _queuedNotifications;
using Notifications = QMap<PeerId, QMap<MsgId, Notification>>;
Notifications _notifications;
Window::Notifications::CachedUserpics _cachedUserpics;
bool _actionsSupported = false;
bool _markupSupported = false;
bool _poorSupported = false;
std::shared_ptr<Manager*> _guarded;
void Manager::Private::init(Manager *manager) {
_guarded = std::make_shared<Manager*>(manager);
if (auto capabilities = Libs::notify_get_server_caps()) {
for (auto capability = capabilities; capability; capability = capability->next) {
auto capabilityText = QString::fromUtf8(static_cast<const char*>(capability->data));
Libs::g_list_free_full(capabilities, g_free);
LOG(("LibNotify capabilities: %1").arg(_capabilities.join(qstr(", "))));
if (_capabilities.contains(qsl("actions"))) {
_actionsSupported = true;
} else if (_capabilities.contains(qsl("body-markup"))) {
_markupSupported = true;
} else {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: could not get capabilities!"));
// Unity and other Notify OSD users handle desktop notifications
// extremely poor, even without the ability to close() them.
_serverName = LibNotifyServerName;
if (_serverName == qstr("notify-osd")) {
// _poorSupported = true;
_actionsSupported = false;
QString Manager::Private::escapeNotificationText(const QString &text) const {
return _markupSupported ? escapeHtml(text) : text;
void Manager::Private::showNotification(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, bool hideNameAndPhoto, bool hideReplyButton) {
auto titleText = escapeNotificationText(title);
auto subtitleText = escapeNotificationText(subtitle);
auto msgText = escapeNotificationText(msg);
if (_markupSupported && !subtitleText.isEmpty()) {
subtitleText = qstr("<b>") + subtitleText + qstr("</b>");
auto bodyText = subtitleText.isEmpty() ? msgText : (subtitleText + '\n' + msgText);
QueuedNotification notification;
notification.peer = peer;
notification.msgId = msgId;
notification.title = titleText;
notification.body = bodyText;
notification.hideNameAndPhoto = hideNameAndPhoto;
void Manager::Private::showNextNotification() {
// Show only one notification at a time in Unity / Notify OSD.
if (_poorSupported) {
for (auto b = _notifications.begin(); !_notifications.isEmpty() && b->isEmpty();) {
if (!_notifications.isEmpty()) {
QueuedNotification data;
while (!_queuedNotifications.isEmpty()) {
data = _queuedNotifications.front();
if (data.peer) {
if (!data.peer) {
auto peerId = data.peer->id;
auto msgId = data.msgId;
auto notification = std::make_shared<NotificationData>(
if (!notification->valid()) {
StorageKey key;
if (data.hideNameAndPhoto) {
key = StorageKey(0, 0);
} else {
key = data.peer->userpicUniqueKey();
notification->setImage(_cachedUserpics.get(key, data.peer));
auto i = _notifications.find(peerId);
if (i != _notifications.cend()) {
auto j = i->find(msgId);
if (j != i->cend()) {
auto oldNotification = j.value();
i = _notifications.find(peerId);
if (i == _notifications.cend()) {
i = _notifications.insert(peerId, QMap<MsgId, Notification>());
_notifications[peerId].insert(msgId, notification);
if (!notification->show()) {
i = _notifications.find(peerId);
if (i != _notifications.cend()) {
if (i->isEmpty()) _notifications.erase(i);
void Manager::Private::clearAll() {
auto temp = base::take(_notifications);
for_const (auto &notifications, temp) {
for_const (auto notification, notifications) {
void Manager::Private::clearFromHistory(History *history) {
for (auto i = _queuedNotifications.begin(); i != _queuedNotifications.end();) {
if (i->peer == history->peer) {
i = _queuedNotifications.erase(i);
} else {
auto i = _notifications.find(history->peer->id);
if (i != _notifications.cend()) {
auto temp = base::take(i.value());
for_const (auto notification, temp) {
void Manager::Private::clearNotification(PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId) {
auto i = _notifications.find(peerId);
if (i != _notifications.cend()) {
if (i.value().isEmpty()) {
Manager::Private::~Private() {
Manager::Manager(Window::Notifications::System *system) : NativeManager(system)
, _private(std::make_unique<Private>(Private::Type::Rounded)) {
void Manager::clearNotification(PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId) {
_private->clearNotification(peerId, msgId);
bool Manager::hasPoorSupport() const {
return _private->hasPoorSupport();
bool Manager::hasActionsSupport() const {
return _private->hasActionsSupport();
Manager::~Manager() = default;
void Manager::doShowNativeNotification(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, bool hideNameAndPhoto, bool hideReplyButton) {
_private->showNotification(peer, msgId, title, subtitle, msg, hideNameAndPhoto, hideReplyButton);
void Manager::doClearAllFast() {
void Manager::doClearFromHistory(History *history) {
} // namespace Notifications
} // namespace Platform