
524 lines
13 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "data/data_cloud_file.h"
#include "history/history_item.h"
#include "ui/empty_userpic.h"
#include "ui/effects/animations.h"
#include "ui/chat/message_bubble.h"
struct WebPageData;
class VoiceSeekClickHandler;
namespace Ui {
struct ChatPaintContext;
class ChatStyle;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Data {
class Session;
} // namespace Data
namespace Media::Player {
class RoundPainter;
} // namespace Media::Player
namespace Images {
struct CornersMaskRef;
} // namespace Images
namespace HistoryView {
class Element;
class Document;
class TranscribeButton;
} // namespace HistoryView
struct HistoryMessageVia : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryMessageVia, HistoryItem> {
void create(not_null<Data::Session*> owner, UserId userId);
void resize(int32 availw) const;
UserData *bot = nullptr;
mutable QString text;
mutable int width = 0;
mutable int maxWidth = 0;
ClickHandlerPtr link;
struct HistoryMessageViews : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryMessageViews, HistoryItem> {
static constexpr auto kMaxRecentRepliers = 3;
struct Part {
QString text;
int textWidth = 0;
int count = -1;
std::vector<PeerId> recentRepliers;
Part views;
Part replies;
Part repliesSmall;
ChannelId commentsMegagroupId = 0;
MsgId commentsRootId = 0;
MsgId commentsInboxReadTillId = 0;
MsgId commentsMaxId = 0;
int forwardsCount = 0;
struct HistoryMessageSigned : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryMessageSigned, HistoryItem> {
QString author;
bool isAnonymousRank = false;
struct HistoryMessageEdited : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryMessageEdited, HistoryItem> {
TimeId date = 0;
class HiddenSenderInfo {
HiddenSenderInfo(const QString &name, bool external);
QString name;
QString firstName;
QString lastName;
PeerId colorPeerId = 0;
Ui::EmptyUserpic emptyUserpic;
mutable Data::CloudImage customUserpic;
[[nodiscard]] static ClickHandlerPtr ForwardClickHandler();
[[nodiscard]] const Ui::Text::String &nameText() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool paintCustomUserpic(
Painter &p,
int x,
int y,
int outerWidth,
int size) const;
inline bool operator==(const HiddenSenderInfo &other) const {
return name ==;
inline bool operator!=(const HiddenSenderInfo &other) const {
return !(*this == other);
mutable Ui::Text::String _nameText;
struct HistoryMessageForwarded : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryMessageForwarded, HistoryItem> {
void create(const HistoryMessageVia *via) const;
TimeId originalDate = 0;
PeerData *originalSender = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<HiddenSenderInfo> hiddenSenderInfo;
QString originalAuthor;
QString psaType;
MsgId originalId = 0;
mutable Ui::Text::String text = { 1 };
PeerData *savedFromPeer = nullptr;
MsgId savedFromMsgId = 0;
bool imported = false;
struct HistoryMessageSponsored : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryMessageSponsored, HistoryItem> {
enum class Type : uchar {
std::unique_ptr<HiddenSenderInfo> sender;
Type type = Type::User;
bool recommended = false;
bool isForceUserpicDisplay = false;
class ReplyToMessagePointer final {
ReplyToMessagePointer(HistoryItem *item = nullptr) : _data(item) {
ReplyToMessagePointer(ReplyToMessagePointer &&other)
: _data(base::take(other._data)) {
ReplyToMessagePointer &operator=(ReplyToMessagePointer &&other) {
_data = base::take(other._data);
return *this;
ReplyToMessagePointer &operator=(HistoryItem *item) {
_data = item;
return *this;
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const {
return !_data;
[[nodiscard]] HistoryItem *get() const {
return _data;
explicit operator bool() const {
return !empty();
[[nodiscard]] HistoryItem *operator->() const {
return _data;
[[nodiscard]] HistoryItem &operator*() const {
return *_data;
HistoryItem *_data = nullptr;
struct HistoryMessageReply
: public RuntimeComponent<HistoryMessageReply, HistoryItem> {
HistoryMessageReply() = default;
HistoryMessageReply(const HistoryMessageReply &other) = delete;
HistoryMessageReply(HistoryMessageReply &&other) = delete;
HistoryMessageReply &operator=(
const HistoryMessageReply &other) = delete;
HistoryMessageReply &operator=(HistoryMessageReply &&other) = default;
~HistoryMessageReply() {
// clearData() should be called by holder.
Expects(replyToVia == nullptr);
bool updateData(not_null<HistoryMessage*> holder, bool force = false);
// Must be called before destructor.
void clearData(not_null<HistoryMessage*> holder);
[[nodiscard]] PeerData *replyToFrom(
not_null<HistoryMessage*> holder) const;
[[nodiscard]] QString replyToFromName(
not_null<HistoryMessage*> holder) const;
[[nodiscard]] QString replyToFromName(not_null<PeerData*> peer) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isNameUpdated(not_null<HistoryMessage*> holder) const;
void updateName(not_null<HistoryMessage*> holder) const;
void resize(int width) const;
void itemRemoved(HistoryMessage *holder, HistoryItem *removed);
void paint(
Painter &p,
not_null<const HistoryView::Element*> holder,
const Ui::ChatPaintContext &context,
int x,
int y,
int w,
bool inBubble) const;
[[nodiscard]] PeerId replyToPeer() const {
return replyToPeerId;
[[nodiscard]] MsgId replyToId() const {
return replyToMsgId;
[[nodiscard]] MsgId replyToTop() const {
return replyToMsgTop;
[[nodiscard]] int replyToWidth() const {
return maxReplyWidth;
[[nodiscard]] ClickHandlerPtr replyToLink() const {
return replyToLnk;
void setReplyToLinkFrom(
not_null<HistoryMessage*> holder);
void refreshReplyToMedia();
PeerId replyToPeerId = 0;
MsgId replyToMsgId = 0;
MsgId replyToMsgTop = 0;
DocumentId replyToDocumentId = 0;
WebPageId replyToWebPageId = 0;
ReplyToMessagePointer replyToMsg;
std::unique_ptr<HistoryMessageVia> replyToVia;
ClickHandlerPtr replyToLnk;
mutable Ui::Text::String replyToName, replyToText;
mutable int replyToVersion = 0;
mutable int maxReplyWidth = 0;
int toWidth = 0;
bool topicPost = false;
struct HistoryMessageReplyMarkup
: public RuntimeComponent<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup, HistoryItem> {
using Button = HistoryMessageMarkupButton;
void createForwarded(const HistoryMessageReplyMarkup &original);
void updateData(HistoryMessageMarkupData &&markup);
[[nodiscard]] bool hiddenBy(Data::Media *media) const;
HistoryMessageMarkupData data;
std::unique_ptr<ReplyKeyboard> inlineKeyboard;
class ReplyMarkupClickHandler : public ClickHandler {
not_null<Data::Session*> owner,
int row,
int column,
FullMsgId context);
QString tooltip() const override;
void setFullDisplayed(bool full) {
_fullDisplayed = full;
// Copy to clipboard support.
QString copyToClipboardText() const override;
QString copyToClipboardContextItemText() const override;
// Finds the corresponding button in the items markup struct.
// If the button is not found it returns nullptr.
// Note: it is possible that we will point to the different button
// than the one was used when constructing the handler, but not a big deal.
const HistoryMessageMarkupButton *getButton() const;
const HistoryMessageMarkupButton *getUrlButton() const;
// We hold only FullMsgId, not HistoryItem*, because all click handlers
// are activated async and the item may be already destroyed.
void setMessageId(const FullMsgId &msgId) {
_itemId = msgId;
void onClick(ClickContext context) const override;
const not_null<Data::Session*> _owner;
FullMsgId _itemId;
int _row = 0;
int _column = 0;
bool _fullDisplayed = true;
// Returns the full text of the corresponding button.
QString buttonText() const;
class ReplyKeyboard {
struct Button;
class Style {
Style(const style::BotKeyboardButton &st) : _st(&st) {
virtual void startPaint(
QPainter &p,
const Ui::ChatStyle *st) const = 0;
virtual const style::TextStyle &textStyle() const = 0;
int buttonSkip() const;
int buttonPadding() const;
int buttonHeight() const;
[[nodiscard]] virtual Images::CornersMaskRef buttonRounding(
Ui::BubbleRounding outer,
RectParts sides) const = 0;
virtual void repaint(not_null<const HistoryItem*> item) const = 0;
virtual ~Style() {
virtual void paintButtonBg(
QPainter &p,
const Ui::ChatStyle *st,
const QRect &rect,
Ui::BubbleRounding rounding,
float64 howMuchOver) const = 0;
virtual void paintButtonIcon(
QPainter &p,
const Ui::ChatStyle *st,
const QRect &rect,
int outerWidth,
HistoryMessageMarkupButton::Type type) const = 0;
virtual void paintButtonLoading(
QPainter &p,
const Ui::ChatStyle *st,
const QRect &rect) const = 0;
virtual int minButtonWidth(
HistoryMessageMarkupButton::Type type) const = 0;
const style::BotKeyboardButton *_st;
void paintButton(
Painter &p,
const Ui::ChatStyle *st,
int outerWidth,
const ReplyKeyboard::Button &button,
Ui::BubbleRounding rounding) const;
friend class ReplyKeyboard;
not_null<const HistoryItem*> item,
std::unique_ptr<Style> &&s);
ReplyKeyboard(const ReplyKeyboard &other) = delete;
ReplyKeyboard &operator=(const ReplyKeyboard &other) = delete;
bool isEnoughSpace(int width, const style::BotKeyboardButton &st) const;
void setStyle(std::unique_ptr<Style> &&s);
void resize(int width, int height);
// what width and height will best fit this keyboard
int naturalWidth() const;
int naturalHeight() const;
void paint(
Painter &p,
const Ui::ChatStyle *st,
Ui::BubbleRounding rounding,
int outerWidth,
const QRect &clip) const;
ClickHandlerPtr getLink(QPoint point) const;
void clickHandlerActiveChanged(
const ClickHandlerPtr &p,
bool active);
void clickHandlerPressedChanged(
const ClickHandlerPtr &p,
bool pressed,
Ui::BubbleRounding rounding);
void clearSelection();
void updateMessageId();
friend class Style;
struct Button {
Button(Button &&other);
Button &operator=(Button &&other);
Ui::Text::String text = { 1 };
QRect rect;
int characters = 0;
float64 howMuchOver = 0.;
HistoryMessageMarkupButton::Type type;
std::shared_ptr<ReplyMarkupClickHandler> link;
mutable std::unique_ptr<Ui::RippleAnimation> ripple;
struct ButtonCoords {
int i, j;
void startAnimation(int i, int j, int direction);
ButtonCoords findButtonCoordsByClickHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p);
bool selectedAnimationCallback(crl::time now);
const not_null<const HistoryItem*> _item;
int _width = 0;
std::vector<std::vector<Button>> _rows;
base::flat_map<int, crl::time> _animations;
Ui::Animations::Basic _selectedAnimation;
std::unique_ptr<Style> _st;
ClickHandlerPtr _savedPressed;
ClickHandlerPtr _savedActive;
mutable QPoint _savedCoords;
// Special type of Component for the channel actions log.
struct HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal
: public RuntimeComponent<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal, HistoryItem> {
HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal(HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal &&other);
HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal &operator=(HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal &&other);
WebPageData *page = nullptr;
class FileClickHandler;
struct HistoryDocumentThumbed : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryDocumentThumbed, HistoryView::Document> {
std::shared_ptr<FileClickHandler> linksavel;
std::shared_ptr<FileClickHandler> linkopenwithl;
std::shared_ptr<FileClickHandler> linkcancell;
mutable QImage thumbnail;
mutable QString link;
int thumbw = 0;
mutable int linkw = 0;
mutable Ui::BubbleRounding rounding;
mutable bool blurred : 1 = false;
struct HistoryDocumentCaptioned : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryDocumentCaptioned, HistoryView::Document> {
Ui::Text::String caption;
struct HistoryDocumentNamed : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryDocumentNamed, HistoryView::Document> {
QString name;
int namew = 0;
struct HistoryDocumentVoicePlayback {
HistoryDocumentVoicePlayback(const HistoryView::Document *that);
int32 position = 0;
anim::value progress;
Ui::Animations::Basic progressAnimation;
class HistoryDocumentVoice : public RuntimeComponent<HistoryDocumentVoice, HistoryView::Document> {
// We don't use float64 because components should align to pointer even on 32bit systems.
static constexpr float64 kFloatToIntMultiplier = 65536.;
void ensurePlayback(const HistoryView::Document *interfaces) const;
void checkPlaybackFinished() const;
mutable std::unique_ptr<HistoryDocumentVoicePlayback> playback;
std::shared_ptr<VoiceSeekClickHandler> seekl;
mutable int lastDurationMs = 0;
[[nodiscard]] bool seeking() const;
void startSeeking();
void stopSeeking();
[[nodiscard]] float64 seekingStart() const;
void setSeekingStart(float64 seekingStart) const;
[[nodiscard]] float64 seekingCurrent() const;
void setSeekingCurrent(float64 seekingCurrent);
std::unique_ptr<HistoryView::TranscribeButton> transcribe;
Ui::Text::String transcribeText;
std::unique_ptr<Media::Player::RoundPainter> round;
bool _seeking = false;
mutable int _seekingStart = 0;
mutable int _seekingCurrent = 0;