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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include <rpl/variable.h>
#include "ui/rp_widget.h"
#include "info/info_wrap_widget.h"
namespace Dialogs::Stories {
struct Content;
} // namespace Dialogs::Stories
namespace Storage {
enum class SharedMediaType : signed char;
} // namespace Storage
namespace Ui {
class RoundRect;
class ScrollArea;
class InputField;
struct ScrollToRequest;
template <typename Widget>
class PaddingWrap;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Info::Settings {
struct Tag;
} // namespace Info::Settings
namespace Info::Downloads {
struct Tag;
} // namespace Info::Downloads
namespace Info::Stories {
struct Tag;
enum class Tab;
} // namespace Info::Stories
namespace Info::Statistics {
struct Tag;
} // namespace Info::Statistics
namespace Info {
class ContentMemento;
class Controller;
class ContentWidget : public Ui::RpWidget {
QWidget *parent,
not_null<Controller*> controller);
virtual bool showInternal(
not_null<ContentMemento*> memento) = 0;
std::shared_ptr<ContentMemento> createMemento();
virtual void setIsStackBottom(bool isStackBottom);
[[nodiscard]] bool isStackBottom() const;
rpl::producer<int> scrollHeightValue() const;
rpl::producer<int> desiredHeightValue() const override;
virtual rpl::producer<bool> desiredShadowVisibility() const;
bool hasTopBarShadow() const;
virtual void setInnerFocus();
virtual void showFinished() {
virtual void enableBackButton() {
// When resizing the widget with top edge moved up or down and we
// want to add this top movement to the scroll position, so inner
// content will not move.
void setGeometryWithTopMoved(
const QRect &newGeometry,
int topDelta);
void applyAdditionalScroll(int additionalScroll);
int scrollTillBottom(int forHeight) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<int> scrollTillBottomChanges() const;
[[nodiscard]] virtual const Ui::RoundRect *bottomSkipRounding() const {
return nullptr;
// Float player interface.
bool floatPlayerHandleWheelEvent(QEvent *e);
QRect floatPlayerAvailableRect() const;
virtual rpl::producer<SelectedItems> selectedListValue() const;
virtual void selectionAction(SelectionAction action) {
[[nodiscard]] virtual rpl::producer<QString> title() = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual rpl::producer<QString> subtitle() {
return nullptr;
[[nodiscard]] virtual auto titleStories()
-> rpl::producer<Dialogs::Stories::Content>;
virtual void saveChanges(FnMut<void()> done);
[[nodiscard]] int scrollBottomSkip() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<int> scrollBottomSkipValue() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<bool> desiredBottomShadowVisibility() const;
template <typename Widget>
Widget *setInnerWidget(object_ptr<Widget> inner) {
return static_cast<Widget*>(
not_null<Controller*> controller() const {
return _controller;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void setScrollTopSkip(int scrollTopSkip);
void setScrollBottomSkip(int scrollBottomSkip);
int scrollTopSave() const;
void scrollTopRestore(int scrollTop);
void scrollTo(const Ui::ScrollToRequest &request);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<int> scrollTopValue() const;
void setPaintPadding(const style::margins &padding);
void setViewport(rpl::producer<not_null<QEvent*>> &&events) const;
RpWidget *doSetInnerWidget(object_ptr<RpWidget> inner);
void updateControlsGeometry();
void refreshSearchField(bool shown);
virtual std::shared_ptr<ContentMemento> doCreateMemento() = 0;
const not_null<Controller*> _controller;
style::color _bg;
rpl::variable<int> _scrollTopSkip = -1;
rpl::variable<int> _scrollBottomSkip = 0;
rpl::event_stream<int> _scrollTillBottomChanges;
object_ptr<Ui::ScrollArea> _scroll;
Ui::PaddingWrap<Ui::RpWidget> *_innerWrap = nullptr;
base::unique_qptr<Ui::RpWidget> _searchWrap = nullptr;
QPointer<Ui::InputField> _searchField;
int _innerDesiredHeight = 0;
bool _isStackBottom = false;
// Saving here topDelta in setGeometryWithTopMoved() to get it passed to resizeEvent().
int _topDelta = 0;
// To paint round edges from content.
style::margins _paintPadding;
class ContentMemento {
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
Data::ForumTopic *topic,
PeerId migratedPeerId);
explicit ContentMemento(Settings::Tag settings);
explicit ContentMemento(Downloads::Tag downloads);
explicit ContentMemento(Stories::Tag stories);
explicit ContentMemento(Statistics::Tag statistics);
ContentMemento(not_null<PollData*> poll, FullMsgId contextId)
: _poll(poll)
, _pollContextId(contextId) {
virtual object_ptr<ContentWidget> createWidget(
QWidget *parent,
not_null<Controller*> controller,
const QRect &geometry) = 0;
PeerData *peer() const {
return _peer;
PeerId migratedPeerId() const {
return _migratedPeerId;
Data::ForumTopic *topic() const {
return _topic;
UserData *settingsSelf() const {
return _settingsSelf;
PeerData *storiesPeer() const {
return _storiesPeer;
Stories::Tab storiesTab() const {
return _storiesTab;
PeerData *statisticsPeer() const {
return _statisticsPeer;
FullMsgId statisticsContextId() const {
return _statisticsContextId;
FullStoryId statisticsStoryId() const {
return _statisticsStoryId;
PollData *poll() const {
return _poll;
FullMsgId pollContextId() const {
return _pollContextId;
Key key() const;
virtual Section section() const = 0;
virtual ~ContentMemento() = default;
void setScrollTop(int scrollTop) {
_scrollTop = scrollTop;
int scrollTop() const {
return _scrollTop;
void setSearchFieldQuery(const QString &query) {
_searchFieldQuery = query;
QString searchFieldQuery() const {
return _searchFieldQuery;
void setSearchEnabledByContent(bool enabled) {
_searchEnabledByContent = enabled;
bool searchEnabledByContent() const {
return _searchEnabledByContent;
void setSearchStartsFocused(bool focused) {
_searchStartsFocused = focused;
bool searchStartsFocused() const {
return _searchStartsFocused;
PeerData * const _peer = nullptr;
const PeerId _migratedPeerId = 0;
Data::ForumTopic *_topic = nullptr;
UserData * const _settingsSelf = nullptr;
PeerData * const _storiesPeer = nullptr;
Stories::Tab _storiesTab = {};
PeerData * const _statisticsPeer = nullptr;
const FullMsgId _statisticsContextId;
const FullStoryId _statisticsStoryId;
PollData * const _poll = nullptr;
const FullMsgId _pollContextId;
int _scrollTop = 0;
QString _searchFieldQuery;
bool _searchEnabledByContent = false;
bool _searchStartsFocused = false;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
} // namespace Info