2020-10-30 18:32:19 +03:00

169 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include <rpl/variable.h>
#include "boxes/abstract_box.h"
#include "ui/chat/attach/attach_prepare.h"
#include "ui/chat/attach/attach_send_files_way.h"
#include "storage/localimageloader.h"
#include "storage/storage_media_prepare.h"
namespace Window {
class SessionController;
} // namespace Window
namespace Api {
struct SendOptions;
enum class SendType;
} // namespace Api
namespace ChatHelpers {
class TabbedPanel;
} // namespace ChatHelpers
namespace Ui {
class Checkbox;
class RoundButton;
class InputField;
struct GroupMediaLayout;
class EmojiButton;
class AlbumPreview;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Window {
class SessionController;
} // namespace Window
namespace SendMenu {
enum class Type;
} // namespace SendMenu
class SendFilesBox : public Ui::BoxContent {
enum class SendLimit {
not_null<Window::SessionController*> controller,
Ui::PreparedList &&list,
const TextWithTags &caption,
SendLimit limit,
Api::SendType sendType,
SendMenu::Type sendMenuType);
void setConfirmedCallback(
Ui::PreparedList &&list,
Ui::SendFilesWay way,
TextWithTags &&caption,
Api::SendOptions options,
bool ctrlShiftEnter)> callback) {
_confirmedCallback = std::move(callback);
void setCancelledCallback(Fn<void()> callback) {
_cancelledCallback = std::move(callback);
void prepare() override;
void setInnerFocus() override;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override;
void initSendWay();
void initPreview(rpl::producer<int> desiredPreviewHeight);
void setupControls();
void setupSendWayControls();
void setupCaption();
void setupShadows(
not_null<Ui::ScrollArea*> wrap,
not_null<Ui::AlbumPreview*> content);
void setupEmojiPanel();
void updateSendWayControlsVisibility();
void updateEmojiPanelGeometry();
void emojiFilterForGeometry(not_null<QEvent*> event);
void preparePreview();
void prepareSingleFilePreview();
void prepareAlbumPreview();
void applyAlbumOrder();
void send(Api::SendOptions options, bool ctrlShiftEnter = false);
void sendSilent();
void sendScheduled();
void captionResized();
void setupDragArea();
void setupTitleText();
void updateBoxSize();
void updateControlsGeometry();
void updateCaptionPlaceholder();
void addThumbButtonHandlers(not_null<Ui::ScrollArea*> wrap);
bool canAddFiles(not_null<const QMimeData*> data) const;
bool addFiles(not_null<const QMimeData*> data);
bool addFiles(Ui::PreparedList list);
void openDialogToAddFileToAlbum();
void refreshAllAfterAlbumChanges();
const not_null<Window::SessionController*> _controller;
const Api::SendType _sendType = Api::SendType();
QString _titleText;
int _titleHeight = 0;
Ui::PreparedList _list;
SendLimit _sendLimit = SendLimit::Many;
SendMenu::Type _sendMenuType = SendMenu::Type();
Ui::PreparedList &&list,
Ui::SendFilesWay way,
TextWithTags &&caption,
Api::SendOptions options,
bool ctrlShiftEnter)> _confirmedCallback;
Fn<void()> _cancelledCallback;
bool _confirmed = false;
object_ptr<Ui::InputField> _caption = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::EmojiButton> _emojiToggle = { nullptr };
base::unique_qptr<ChatHelpers::TabbedPanel> _emojiPanel;
base::unique_qptr<QObject> _emojiFilter;
object_ptr<Ui::Checkbox> _groupMediaInAlbums = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::Checkbox> _sendImagesAsPhotos = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::Checkbox> _groupFiles = { nullptr };
rpl::variable<Ui::SendFilesWay> _sendWay = Ui::SendFilesWay();
rpl::variable<int> _footerHeight = 0;
rpl::event_stream<> _albumChanged;
rpl::lifetime _dimensionsLifetime;
QWidget *_preview = nullptr;
Ui::AlbumPreview *_albumPreview = nullptr;
int _lastScrollTop = 0;
QPointer<Ui::RoundButton> _send;
QPointer<Ui::RoundButton> _addFile;