
565 lines
19 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "media/clip/media_clip_ffmpeg.h"
#include "media/audio/media_audio.h"
#include "media/audio/media_child_ffmpeg_loader.h"
#include "storage/file_download.h"
namespace Media {
namespace Clip {
namespace internal {
namespace {
constexpr int kSkipInvalidDataPackets = 10;
constexpr int kAlignImageBy = 16;
void alignedImageBufferCleanupHandler(void *data) {
auto buffer = static_cast<uchar*>(data);
delete[] buffer;
// Create a QImage of desired size where all the data is aligned to 16 bytes.
QImage createAlignedImage(QSize size) {
auto width = size.width();
auto height = size.height();
auto widthalign = kAlignImageBy / 4;
auto neededwidth = width + ((width % widthalign) ? (widthalign - (width % widthalign)) : 0);
auto bytesperline = neededwidth * 4;
auto buffer = new uchar[bytesperline * height + kAlignImageBy];
auto cleanupdata = static_cast<void*>(buffer);
auto bufferval = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buffer);
auto alignedbuffer = buffer + ((bufferval % kAlignImageBy) ? (kAlignImageBy - (bufferval % kAlignImageBy)) : 0);
return QImage(alignedbuffer, width, height, bytesperline, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied, alignedImageBufferCleanupHandler, cleanupdata);
bool isAlignedImage(const QImage &image) {
return !(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(image.constBits()) % kAlignImageBy) && !(image.bytesPerLine() % kAlignImageBy);
} // namespace
FileLocation *location,
QByteArray *data,
const AudioMsgId &audio)
: ReaderImplementation(location, data)
, _frame(FFmpeg::MakeFramePointer())
, _audioMsgId(audio) {
ReaderImplementation::ReadResult FFMpegReaderImplementation::readNextFrame() {
do {
int res = avcodec_receive_frame(_codecContext, _frame.get());
if (res >= 0) {
return ReadResult::Success;
if (res == AVERROR_EOF) {
if (_mode == Mode::Normal) {
return ReadResult::EndOfFile;
if (!_hadFrame) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Got EOF before a single frame was read!"));
return ReadResult::Error;
if ((res = avformat_seek_file(_fmtContext, _streamId, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(), 0, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), 0)) < 0) {
if ((res = av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE)) < 0) {
if ((res = av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME)) < 0) {
if ((res = av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, 0, 0)) < 0) {
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to av_seek_frame() to the start %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return ReadResult::Error;
_hadFrame = false;
_frameMs = 0;
_lastReadVideoMs = _lastReadAudioMs = 0;
_skippedInvalidDataPackets = 0;
} else if (res != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) {
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_receive_frame() %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return ReadResult::Error;
while (_packetQueue.empty()) {
auto packetResult = readAndProcessPacket();
if (packetResult == PacketResult::Error) {
return ReadResult::Error;
} else if (packetResult == PacketResult::EndOfFile) {
if (_packetQueue.empty()) {
avcodec_send_packet(_codecContext, nullptr); // drain
auto packet = std::move(_packetQueue.front());
const auto native = &packet.fields();
const auto guard = gsl::finally([
size = native->size,
data = native->data
] {
native->size = size;
native->data = data;
packet = FFmpeg::Packet();
res = avcodec_send_packet(_codecContext, native);
if (res < 0) {
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_send_packet() %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
if (++_skippedInvalidDataPackets < kSkipInvalidDataPackets) {
continue; // try to skip bad packet
return ReadResult::Error;
} while (true);
return ReadResult::Error;
void FFMpegReaderImplementation::processReadFrame() {
int64 duration = _frame->pkt_duration;
int64 framePts = _frame->pts;
crl::time frameMs = (framePts * 1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.den;
_currentFrameDelay = _nextFrameDelay;
if (_frameMs + _currentFrameDelay < frameMs) {
_currentFrameDelay = int32(frameMs - _frameMs);
} else if (frameMs < _frameMs + _currentFrameDelay) {
frameMs = _frameMs + _currentFrameDelay;
if (duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
_nextFrameDelay = 0;
} else {
_nextFrameDelay = (duration * 1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.den;
_frameMs = frameMs;
_hadFrame = _frameRead = true;
_frameTime += _currentFrameDelay;
ReaderImplementation::ReadResult FFMpegReaderImplementation::readFramesTill(crl::time frameMs, crl::time systemMs) {
if (_audioStreamId < 0) { // just keep up
if (_frameRead && _frameTime > frameMs) {
return ReadResult::Success;
auto readResult = readNextFrame();
if (readResult != ReadResult::Success || _frameTime > frameMs) {
return readResult;
readResult = readNextFrame();
if (_frameTime <= frameMs) {
_frameTime = frameMs + 5; // keep up
return readResult;
// sync by audio stream
auto correctMs = (frameMs >= 0)
? Player::mixer()->getExternalCorrectedTime(
: frameMs;
if (!_frameRead) {
auto readResult = readNextFrame();
if (readResult != ReadResult::Success) {
return readResult;
while (_frameTime <= correctMs) {
auto readResult = readNextFrame();
if (readResult != ReadResult::Success) {
return readResult;
if (frameMs >= 0) {
_frameTimeCorrection = frameMs - correctMs;
return ReadResult::Success;
crl::time FFMpegReaderImplementation::frameRealTime() const {
return _frameMs;
crl::time FFMpegReaderImplementation::framePresentationTime() const {
return qMax(_frameTime + _frameTimeCorrection, crl::time(0));
crl::time FFMpegReaderImplementation::durationMs() const {
if (_fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) return 0;
return (_fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->duration * 1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.den;
bool FFMpegReaderImplementation::renderFrame(QImage &to, bool &hasAlpha, const QSize &size) {
_frameRead = false;
if (!_width || !_height) {
_width = _frame->width;
_height = _frame->height;
if (!_width || !_height) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Bad frame size %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
QSize toSize(size.isEmpty() ? QSize(_width, _height) : size);
if (!size.isEmpty() && rotationSwapWidthHeight()) {
if (to.isNull() || to.size() != toSize || !to.isDetached() || !isAlignedImage(to)) {
to = createAlignedImage(toSize);
hasAlpha = (_frame->format == AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA || (_frame->format == -1 && _codecContext->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA));
if (_frame->width == toSize.width() && _frame->height == toSize.height() && hasAlpha) {
int32 sbpl = _frame->linesize[0], dbpl = to.bytesPerLine(), bpl = qMin(sbpl, dbpl);
uchar *s = _frame->data[0], *d = to.bits();
for (int32 i = 0, l = _frame->height; i < l; ++i) {
memcpy(d + i * dbpl, s + i * sbpl, bpl);
} else {
if ((_swsSize != toSize) || (_frame->format != -1 && _frame->format != _codecContext->pix_fmt) || !_swsContext) {
_swsSize = toSize;
_swsContext = sws_getCachedContext(_swsContext, _frame->width, _frame->height, AVPixelFormat(_frame->format), toSize.width(), toSize.height(), AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
// AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS defined in AVFrame struct
uint8_t *toData[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { to.bits(), nullptr };
int toLinesize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { to.bytesPerLine(), 0 };
int res;
if ((res = sws_scale(_swsContext, _frame->data, _frame->linesize, 0, _frame->height, toData, toLinesize)) != _swsSize.height()) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to sws_scale to good size %1, height %2, should be %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(_swsSize.height()));
return false;
if (_rotation != Rotation::None) {
QTransform rotationTransform;
switch (_rotation) {
case Rotation::Degrees90: rotationTransform.rotate(90); break;
case Rotation::Degrees180: rotationTransform.rotate(180); break;
case Rotation::Degrees270: rotationTransform.rotate(270); break;
to = to.transformed(rotationTransform);
// Read some future packets for audio stream.
if (_audioStreamId >= 0) {
while (_frameMs + 5000 > _lastReadAudioMs
&& _frameMs + 15000 > _lastReadVideoMs) {
auto packetResult = readAndProcessPacket();
if (packetResult != PacketResult::Ok) {
return true;
FFMpegReaderImplementation::Rotation FFMpegReaderImplementation::rotationFromDegrees(int degrees) const {
switch (degrees) {
case 90: return Rotation::Degrees90;
case 180: return Rotation::Degrees180;
case 270: return Rotation::Degrees270;
return Rotation::None;
bool FFMpegReaderImplementation::start(Mode mode, crl::time &positionMs) {
_mode = mode;
if (!_device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to open device %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
_ioBuffer = (uchar*)av_malloc(AVBlockSize);
_ioContext = avio_alloc_context(_ioBuffer, AVBlockSize, 0, static_cast<void*>(this), &FFMpegReaderImplementation::_read, nullptr, &FFMpegReaderImplementation::_seek);
_fmtContext = avformat_alloc_context();
if (!_fmtContext) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avformat_alloc_context %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
_fmtContext->pb = _ioContext;
int res = 0;
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
if ((res = avformat_open_input(&_fmtContext, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) < 0) {
_ioBuffer = nullptr;
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avformat_open_input %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
_opened = true;
if ((res = avformat_find_stream_info(_fmtContext, nullptr)) < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avformat_find_stream_info %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
_streamId = av_find_best_stream(_fmtContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, nullptr, 0);
if (_streamId < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to av_find_best_stream %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(_streamId).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), _streamId)));
return false;
auto rotateTag = av_dict_get(_fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->metadata, "rotate", nullptr, 0);
if (rotateTag && *rotateTag->value) {
auto stringRotateTag = QString::fromUtf8(rotateTag->value);
auto toIntSucceeded = false;
auto rotateDegrees = stringRotateTag.toInt(&toIntSucceeded);
if (toIntSucceeded) {
_rotation = rotationFromDegrees(rotateDegrees);
_codecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr);
if (!_codecContext) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_alloc_context3 %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
if ((res = avcodec_parameters_to_context(_codecContext, _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->codecpar)) < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_parameters_to_context %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
av_codec_set_pkt_timebase(_codecContext, _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base);
av_opt_set_int(_codecContext, "refcounted_frames", 1, 0);
const auto codec = avcodec_find_decoder(_codecContext->codec_id);
_audioStreamId = av_find_best_stream(_fmtContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, nullptr, 0);
if (_mode == Mode::Inspecting) {
_hasAudioStream = (_audioStreamId >= 0);
_audioStreamId = -1;
} else if (_mode == Mode::Silent || !_audioMsgId.externalPlayId()) {
_audioStreamId = -1;
if ((res = avcodec_open2(_codecContext, codec, nullptr)) < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_open2 %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
std::unique_ptr<ExternalSoundData> soundData;
if (_audioStreamId >= 0) {
auto audioContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr);
if (!audioContext) {
LOG(("Audio Error: Unable to avcodec_alloc_context3 %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
if ((res = avcodec_parameters_to_context(audioContext, _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->codecpar)) < 0) {
LOG(("Audio Error: Unable to avcodec_parameters_to_context %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
av_codec_set_pkt_timebase(audioContext, _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->time_base);
av_opt_set_int(audioContext, "refcounted_frames", 1, 0);
const auto audioCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(audioContext->codec_id);
if ((res = avcodec_open2(audioContext, audioCodec, 0)) < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_open2 %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
_audioStreamId = -1;
} else {
soundData = std::make_unique<ExternalSoundData>();
soundData->codec = FFmpeg::CodecPointer(audioContext);
soundData->frequency = _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->codecpar->sample_rate;
if (_fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
soundData->length = (_fmtContext->duration * soundData->frequency) / AV_TIME_BASE;
} else {
soundData->length = (_fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->duration * soundData->frequency * _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->time_base.den;
if (positionMs > 0) {
const auto timeBase = _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base;
const auto timeStamp = (positionMs * timeBase.den)
/ (1000LL * timeBase.num);
if (av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, timeStamp, 0) < 0) {
if (av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, timeStamp, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) < 0) {
return false;
FFmpeg::Packet packet;
auto readResult = readPacket(packet);
if (readResult == PacketResult::Ok && positionMs > 0) {
positionMs = countPacketMs(packet);
if (hasAudio()) {
Player::mixer()->play(_audioMsgId, std::move(soundData), positionMs);
if (readResult == PacketResult::Ok) {
return true;
bool FFMpegReaderImplementation::inspectAt(crl::time &positionMs) {
if (positionMs > 0) {
const auto timeBase = _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base;
const auto timeStamp = (positionMs * timeBase.den)
/ (1000LL * timeBase.num);
if (av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, timeStamp, 0) < 0) {
if (av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, timeStamp, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) < 0) {
return false;
FFmpeg::Packet packet;
auto readResult = readPacket(packet);
if (readResult == PacketResult::Ok && positionMs > 0) {
positionMs = countPacketMs(packet);
if (readResult == PacketResult::Ok) {
return true;
bool FFMpegReaderImplementation::isGifv() const {
if (_hasAudioStream) {
return false;
if (dataSize() > Storage::kMaxAnimationInMemory) {
return false;
if (_codecContext->codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_H264) {
return false;
return true;
QString FFMpegReaderImplementation::logData() const {
return qsl("for file '%1', data size '%2'").arg(_location ? _location->name() : QString()).arg(_data->size());
FFMpegReaderImplementation::~FFMpegReaderImplementation() {
if (_codecContext) avcodec_free_context(&_codecContext);
if (_swsContext) sws_freeContext(_swsContext);
if (_opened) {
if (_ioContext) {
} else if (_ioBuffer) {
if (_fmtContext) avformat_free_context(_fmtContext);
FFMpegReaderImplementation::PacketResult FFMpegReaderImplementation::readPacket(FFmpeg::Packet &packet) {
int res = 0;
if ((res = av_read_frame(_fmtContext, &packet.fields())) < 0) {
if (res == AVERROR_EOF) {
if (_audioStreamId >= 0) {
// queue terminating packet to audio player
return PacketResult::EndOfFile;
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to av_read_frame() %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return PacketResult::Error;
return PacketResult::Ok;
void FFMpegReaderImplementation::processPacket(FFmpeg::Packet &&packet) {
const auto &native = packet.fields();
auto videoPacket = (native.stream_index == _streamId);
auto audioPacket = (_audioStreamId >= 0 && native.stream_index == _audioStreamId);
if (audioPacket || videoPacket) {
if (videoPacket) {
_lastReadVideoMs = countPacketMs(packet);
} else if (audioPacket) {
_lastReadAudioMs = countPacketMs(packet);
// queue packet to audio player
crl::time FFMpegReaderImplementation::countPacketMs(
const FFmpeg::Packet &packet) const {
const auto &native = packet.fields();
int64 packetPts = (native.pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) ? native.dts : native.pts;
crl::time packetMs = (packetPts * 1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[native.stream_index]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[native.stream_index]->time_base.den;
return packetMs;
FFMpegReaderImplementation::PacketResult FFMpegReaderImplementation::readAndProcessPacket() {
FFmpeg::Packet packet;
auto result = readPacket(packet);
if (result == PacketResult::Ok) {
return result;
int FFMpegReaderImplementation::_read(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) {
FFMpegReaderImplementation *l = reinterpret_cast<FFMpegReaderImplementation*>(opaque);
return int(l->_device->read((char*)(buf), buf_size));
int64_t FFMpegReaderImplementation::_seek(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence) {
FFMpegReaderImplementation *l = reinterpret_cast<FFMpegReaderImplementation*>(opaque);
switch (whence) {
case SEEK_SET: return l->_device->seek(offset) ? l->_device->pos() : -1;
case SEEK_CUR: return l->_device->seek(l->_device->pos() + offset) ? l->_device->pos() : -1;
case SEEK_END: return l->_device->seek(l->_device->size() + offset) ? l->_device->pos() : -1;
// Special whence for determining filesize without any seek.
return l->_dataSize;
} break;
return -1;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace Clip
} // namespace Media