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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "mtproto/mtp_instance.h"
#include "mtproto/details/mtproto_dcenter.h"
#include "mtproto/details/mtproto_rsa_public_key.h"
#include "mtproto/special_config_request.h"
#include "mtproto/session.h"
#include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h"
#include "mtproto/mtproto_dc_options.h"
#include "mtproto/config_loader.h"
#include "mtproto/sender.h"
#include "storage/localstorage.h"
#include "calls/calls_instance.h"
#include "main/main_account.h" // Account::configUpdated.
#include "apiwrap.h"
#include "core/application.h"
#include "lang/lang_instance.h"
#include "lang/lang_cloud_manager.h"
#include "base/unixtime.h"
#include "base/call_delayed.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "base/network_reachability.h"
#include "facades.h" // Proxies list.
namespace MTP {
namespace {
constexpr auto kConfigBecomesOldIn = 2 * 60 * crl::time(1000);
constexpr auto kConfigBecomesOldForBlockedIn = 8 * crl::time(1000);
constexpr auto kCheckKeyEach = 60 * crl::time(1000);
using namespace details;
std::atomic<int> GlobalAtomicRequestId = 0;
} // namespace
namespace details {
int GetNextRequestId() {
const auto result = ++GlobalAtomicRequestId;
if (result == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / 2) {
GlobalAtomicRequestId = 0;
return result;
} // namespace details
class Instance::Private : private Sender {
not_null<Instance*> instance,
Instance::Mode mode,
Fields &&fields);
void start();
[[nodiscard]] Config &config() const;
[[nodiscard]] const ConfigFields &configValues() const;
[[nodiscard]] DcOptions &dcOptions() const;
[[nodiscard]] Environment environment() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isTestMode() const;
void resolveProxyDomain(const QString &host);
void setGoodProxyDomain(const QString &host, const QString &ip);
void suggestMainDcId(DcId mainDcId);
void setMainDcId(DcId mainDcId);
[[nodiscard]] DcId mainDcId() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> writeKeysRequests() const;
void dcPersistentKeyChanged(DcId dcId, const AuthKeyPtr &persistentKey);
void dcTemporaryKeyChanged(DcId dcId);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<DcId> dcTemporaryKeyChanged() const;
[[nodiscard]] AuthKeysList getKeysForWrite() const;
void addKeysForDestroy(AuthKeysList &&keys);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> allKeysDestroyed() const;
// Thread safe.
[[nodiscard]] QString deviceModel() const;
[[nodiscard]] QString systemVersion() const;
// Main thread.
void requestConfig();
void requestConfigIfOld();
void requestCDNConfig();
void setUserPhone(const QString &phone);
void badConfigurationError();
void syncHttpUnixtime();
void restartedByTimeout(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<ShiftedDcId> restartsByTimeout() const;
void restart();
void restart(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
[[nodiscard]] int32 dcstate(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId = 0);
[[nodiscard]] QString dctransport(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId = 0);
void ping();
void cancel(mtpRequestId requestId);
[[nodiscard]] int32 state(mtpRequestId requestId); // < 0 means waiting for such count of ms
void killSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
void stopSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
void reInitConnection(DcId dcId);
void logout(Fn<void()> done);
not_null<Dcenter*> getDcById(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
Dcenter *findDc(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
not_null<Dcenter*> addDc(
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId,
AuthKeyPtr &&key = nullptr);
void removeDc(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
void sendRequest(
mtpRequestId requestId,
SerializedRequest &&request,
ResponseHandler &&callbacks,
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId,
crl::time msCanWait,
bool needsLayer,
mtpRequestId afterRequestId);
void registerRequest(mtpRequestId requestId, ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
void unregisterRequest(mtpRequestId requestId);
void storeRequest(
mtpRequestId requestId,
const SerializedRequest &request,
ResponseHandler &&callbacks);
SerializedRequest getRequest(mtpRequestId requestId);
[[nodiscard]] bool hasCallback(mtpRequestId requestId) const;
void processCallback(const Response &response);
void processUpdate(const Response &message);
void onStateChange(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId, int32 state);
void onSessionReset(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
// return true if need to clean request data
bool rpcErrorOccured(
const Response &response,
const FailHandler &onFail,
const Error &error);
inline bool rpcErrorOccured(
const Response &response,
const ResponseHandler &handler,
const Error &error) {
return rpcErrorOccured(response, handler.fail, error);
void setUpdatesHandler(Fn<void(const Response&)> handler);
void setGlobalFailHandler(
Fn<void(const Error&, const Response&)> handler);
void setStateChangedHandler(Fn<void(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId, int32 state)> handler);
void setSessionResetHandler(Fn<void(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId)> handler);
void clearGlobalHandlers();
[[nodiscard]] not_null<Session*> getSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
bool isNormal() const {
return (_mode == Instance::Mode::Normal);
bool isKeysDestroyer() const {
return (_mode == Instance::Mode::KeysDestroyer);
void scheduleKeyDestroy(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
void keyWasPossiblyDestroyed(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
void performKeyDestroy(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
void completedKeyDestroy(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
void keyDestroyedOnServer(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId, uint64 keyId);
void prepareToDestroy();
[[nodiscard]] rpl::lifetime &lifetime();
void importDone(
const MTPauth_Authorization &result,
const Response &response);
bool importFail(const Error &error, const Response &response);
void exportDone(
const MTPauth_ExportedAuthorization &result,
const Response &response);
bool exportFail(const Error &error, const Response &response);
bool onErrorDefault(const Error &error, const Response &response);
void unpaused();
Session *findSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
not_null<Session*> startSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
Session *removeSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
[[nodiscard]] not_null<QThread*> getThreadForDc(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId);
void applyDomainIps(
const QString &host,
const QStringList &ips,
crl::time expireAt);
void logoutGuestDcs();
bool logoutGuestDone(mtpRequestId requestId);
void requestConfigIfExpired();
void configLoadDone(const MTPConfig &result);
bool configLoadFail(const Error &error);
std::optional<ShiftedDcId> queryRequestByDc(
mtpRequestId requestId) const;
std::optional<ShiftedDcId> changeRequestByDc(
mtpRequestId requestId, DcId newdc);
void checkDelayedRequests();
const not_null<Instance*> _instance;
const Instance::Mode _mode = Instance::Mode::Normal;
const std::unique_ptr<Config> _config;
const std::shared_ptr<base::NetworkReachability> _networkReachability;
std::unique_ptr<QThread> _mainSessionThread;
std::unique_ptr<QThread> _otherSessionsThread;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QThread>> _fileSessionThreads;
QString _deviceModel;
QString _systemVersion;
DcId _mainDcId = Fields::kDefaultMainDc;
bool _mainDcIdForced = false;
base::flat_map<DcId, std::unique_ptr<Dcenter>> _dcenters;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Dcenter>> _dcentersToDestroy;
rpl::event_stream<DcId> _dcTemporaryKeyChanged;
Session *_mainSession = nullptr;
base::flat_map<ShiftedDcId, std::unique_ptr<Session>> _sessions;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Session>> _sessionsToDestroy;
rpl::event_stream<ShiftedDcId> _restartsByTimeout;
std::unique_ptr<ConfigLoader> _configLoader;
std::unique_ptr<DomainResolver> _domainResolver;
std::unique_ptr<SpecialConfigRequest> _httpUnixtimeLoader;
QString _userPhone;
mtpRequestId _cdnConfigLoadRequestId = 0;
crl::time _lastConfigLoadedTime = 0;
crl::time _configExpiresAt = 0;
base::flat_map<DcId, AuthKeyPtr> _keysForWrite;
base::flat_map<ShiftedDcId, mtpRequestId> _logoutGuestRequestIds;
rpl::event_stream<> _writeKeysRequests;
rpl::event_stream<> _allKeysDestroyed;
// holds dcWithShift for request to this dc or -dc for request to main dc
std::map<mtpRequestId, ShiftedDcId> _requestsByDc;
mutable QMutex _requestByDcLock;
// holds target dcWithShift for auth export request
std::map<mtpRequestId, ShiftedDcId> _authExportRequests;
std::map<mtpRequestId, ResponseHandler> _parserMap;
mutable QMutex _parserMapLock;
std::map<mtpRequestId, SerializedRequest> _requestMap;
QReadWriteLock _requestMapLock;
std::deque<std::pair<mtpRequestId, crl::time>> _delayedRequests;
std::map<mtpRequestId, int> _requestsDelays;
std::set<mtpRequestId> _badGuestDcRequests;
std::map<DcId, std::vector<mtpRequestId>> _authWaiters;
Fn<void(const Response&)> _updatesHandler;
Fn<void(const Error&, const Response&)> _globalFailHandler;
Fn<void(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId, int32 state)> _stateChangedHandler;
Fn<void(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId)> _sessionResetHandler;
base::Timer _checkDelayedTimer;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
Instance::Fields::Fields() = default;
Instance::Fields::Fields(Fields &&other) = default;
auto Instance::Fields::operator=(Fields &&other) -> Fields & = default;
Instance::Fields::~Fields() = default;
not_null<Instance*> instance,
Instance::Mode mode,
Fields &&fields)
: Sender(instance)
, _instance(instance)
, _mode(mode)
, _config(std::move(fields.config))
, _networkReachability(base::NetworkReachability::Instance()) {
Expects(_config != nullptr);
const auto idealThreadPoolSize = QThread::idealThreadCount();
_fileSessionThreads.resize(2 * std::max(idealThreadPoolSize / 2, 1));
) | rpl::start_with_next([=] {
}, _lifetime);
) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool available) {
}, _lifetime);
_deviceModel = std::move(fields.deviceModel);
_systemVersion = std::move(fields.systemVersion);
for (auto &key : fields.keys) {
auto dcId = key->dcId();
auto shiftedDcId = dcId;
if (isKeysDestroyer()) {
shiftedDcId = MTP::destroyKeyNextDcId(shiftedDcId);
// There could be several keys for one dc if we're destroying them.
// Place them all in separate shiftedDcId so that they won't conflict.
while (_keysForWrite.find(shiftedDcId) != _keysForWrite.cend()) {
shiftedDcId = MTP::destroyKeyNextDcId(shiftedDcId);
_keysForWrite[shiftedDcId] = key;
addDc(shiftedDcId, std::move(key));
if (fields.mainDcId != Fields::kNotSetMainDc) {
_mainDcId = fields.mainDcId;
_mainDcIdForced = true;
void Instance::Private::start() {
if (isKeysDestroyer()) {
for (const auto &[shiftedDcId, dc] : _dcenters) {
} else if (_mainDcId != Fields::kNoneMainDc) {
_mainSession = startSession(_mainDcId);
_checkDelayedTimer.setCallback([this] { checkDelayedRequests(); });
Assert((_mainDcId == Fields::kNoneMainDc) == isKeysDestroyer());
void Instance::Private::resolveProxyDomain(const QString &host) {
if (!_domainResolver) {
_domainResolver = std::make_unique<DomainResolver>([=](
const QString &host,
const QStringList &ips,
crl::time expireAt) {
applyDomainIps(host, ips, expireAt);
void Instance::Private::applyDomainIps(
const QString &host,
const QStringList &ips,
crl::time expireAt) {
const auto applyToProxy = [&](ProxyData &proxy) {
if (!proxy.tryCustomResolve() || proxy.host != host) {
return false;
proxy.resolvedExpireAt = expireAt;
auto copy = ips;
auto ¤t = proxy.resolvedIPs;
const auto i = ranges::remove_if(current, [&](const QString &ip) {
const auto index = copy.indexOf(ip);
if (index < 0) {
return true;
return false;
if (i == end(current) && copy.isEmpty()) {
// Even if the proxy was changed already, we still want
// to refreshOptions in all sessions across all instances.
return true;
current.erase(i, end(current));
for (const auto &ip : std::as_const(copy)) {
return true;
for (auto &proxy : Global::RefProxiesList()) {
if (applyToProxy(Global::RefSelectedProxy())
&& (Global::ProxySettings() == ProxyData::Settings::Enabled)) {
for (const auto &[shiftedDcId, session] : _sessions) {
_instance->proxyDomainResolved(host, ips, expireAt);
void Instance::Private::setGoodProxyDomain(
const QString &host,
const QString &ip) {
const auto applyToProxy = [&](ProxyData &proxy) {
if (!proxy.tryCustomResolve() || proxy.host != host) {
return false;
auto ¤t = proxy.resolvedIPs;
auto i = ranges::find(current, ip);
if (i == end(current) || i == begin(current)) {
return false;
while (i != begin(current)) {
const auto j = i--;
std::swap(*i, *j);
return true;
for (auto &proxy : Global::RefProxiesList()) {
if (applyToProxy(Global::RefSelectedProxy())
&& (Global::ProxySettings() == ProxyData::Settings::Enabled)) {
void Instance::Private::suggestMainDcId(DcId mainDcId) {
if (!_mainDcIdForced) {
void Instance::Private::setMainDcId(DcId mainDcId) {
if (!_mainSession) {
LOG(("MTP Error: attempting to change mainDcId in an MTP instance without main session."));
_mainDcIdForced = true;
auto oldMainDcId = _mainSession->getDcWithShift();
_mainDcId = mainDcId;
if (oldMainDcId != _mainDcId) {
DcId Instance::Private::mainDcId() const {
Expects(_mainDcId != Fields::kNoneMainDc);
return _mainDcId;
void Instance::Private::requestConfig() {
if (_configLoader || isKeysDestroyer()) {
_configLoader = std::make_unique<ConfigLoader>(
[=](const MTPConfig &result) { configLoadDone(result); },
[=](const Error &error, const Response &) {
return configLoadFail(error);
void Instance::Private::setUserPhone(const QString &phone) {
if (_userPhone != phone) {
_userPhone = phone;
if (_configLoader) {
void Instance::Private::badConfigurationError() {
if (_mode == Mode::Normal) {
void Instance::Private::syncHttpUnixtime() {
if (base::unixtime::http_valid() || _httpUnixtimeLoader) {
_httpUnixtimeLoader = std::make_unique<SpecialConfigRequest>([=] {
InvokeQueued(_instance, [=] {
_httpUnixtimeLoader = nullptr;
}, configValues().txtDomainString);
void Instance::Private::restartedByTimeout(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
rpl::producer<ShiftedDcId> Instance::Private::restartsByTimeout() const {
return _restartsByTimeout.events();
void Instance::Private::requestConfigIfOld() {
const auto timeout = _config->values().blockedMode
? kConfigBecomesOldForBlockedIn
: kConfigBecomesOldIn;
if (crl::now() - _lastConfigLoadedTime >= timeout) {
void Instance::Private::requestConfigIfExpired() {
const auto requestIn = (_configExpiresAt - crl::now());
if (requestIn > 0) {
std::min(requestIn, 3600 * crl::time(1000)),
[=] { requestConfigIfExpired(); });
} else {
void Instance::Private::requestCDNConfig() {
if (_cdnConfigLoadRequestId || _mainDcId == Fields::kNoneMainDc) {
_cdnConfigLoadRequestId = request(
).done([this](const MTPCdnConfig &result) {
_cdnConfigLoadRequestId = 0;
result.match([&](const MTPDcdnConfig &data) {
void Instance::Private::restart() {
for (const auto &[shiftedDcId, session] : _sessions) {
void Instance::Private::restart(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
const auto dcId = BareDcId(shiftedDcId);
for (const auto &[shiftedDcId, session] : _sessions) {
if (BareDcId(shiftedDcId) == dcId) {
int32 Instance::Private::dcstate(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
if (!shiftedDcId) {
Assert(_mainSession != nullptr);
return _mainSession->getState();
if (!BareDcId(shiftedDcId)) {
Assert(_mainSession != nullptr);
shiftedDcId += BareDcId(_mainSession->getDcWithShift());
if (const auto session = findSession(shiftedDcId)) {
return session->getState();
return DisconnectedState;
QString Instance::Private::dctransport(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
if (!shiftedDcId) {
Assert(_mainSession != nullptr);
return _mainSession->transport();
if (!BareDcId(shiftedDcId)) {
Assert(_mainSession != nullptr);
shiftedDcId += BareDcId(_mainSession->getDcWithShift());
if (const auto session = findSession(shiftedDcId)) {
return session->transport();
return QString();
void Instance::Private::ping() {
void Instance::Private::cancel(mtpRequestId requestId) {
if (!requestId) return;
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: Cancel request %1.").arg(requestId));
const auto shiftedDcId = queryRequestByDc(requestId);
auto msgId = mtpMsgId(0);
QWriteLocker locker(&_requestMapLock);
auto it = _requestMap.find(requestId);
if (it != _requestMap.end()) {
msgId = *(mtpMsgId*)(it->second->constData() + 4);
if (shiftedDcId) {
const auto session = getSession(qAbs(*shiftedDcId));
session->cancel(requestId, msgId);
QMutexLocker locker(&_parserMapLock);
// result < 0 means waiting for such count of ms.
int32 Instance::Private::state(mtpRequestId requestId) {
if (requestId > 0) {
if (const auto shiftedDcId = queryRequestByDc(requestId)) {
const auto session = getSession(qAbs(*shiftedDcId));
return session->requestState(requestId);
return MTP::RequestSent;
const auto session = getSession(-requestId);
return session->requestState(0);
void Instance::Private::killSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
const auto checkIfMainAndKill = [&](ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
if (const auto removed = removeSession(shiftedDcId)) {
return (removed == _mainSession);
return false;
if (checkIfMainAndKill(shiftedDcId)) {
_mainSession = startSession(_mainDcId);
InvokeQueued(_instance, [=] {
void Instance::Private::stopSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
if (const auto session = findSession(shiftedDcId)) {
if (session != _mainSession) { // don't stop main session
void Instance::Private::reInitConnection(DcId dcId) {
for (const auto &[shiftedDcId, session] : _sessions) {
if (BareDcId(shiftedDcId) == dcId) {
void Instance::Private::logout(Fn<void()> done) {
_instance->send(MTPauth_LogOut(), [=](Response) {
return true;
}, [=](const Error&, Response) {
return true;
void Instance::Private::logoutGuestDcs() {
auto dcIds = std::vector<DcId>();
for (const auto &key : _keysForWrite) {
for (const auto dcId : dcIds) {
if (dcId == mainDcId() || dcOptions().dcType(dcId) == DcType::Cdn) {
const auto shiftedDcId = MTP::logoutDcId(dcId);
const auto requestId = _instance->send(MTPauth_LogOut(), [=](
const Response &response) {
return true;
}, [=](const Error &, const Response &response) {
return true;
}, shiftedDcId);
_logoutGuestRequestIds.emplace(shiftedDcId, requestId);
bool Instance::Private::logoutGuestDone(mtpRequestId requestId) {
for (auto i = _logoutGuestRequestIds.begin(), e = _logoutGuestRequestIds.end(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i->second == requestId) {
return true;
return false;
Dcenter *Instance::Private::findDc(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
const auto i = _dcenters.find(shiftedDcId);
return (i != _dcenters.end()) ? i->second.get() : nullptr;
not_null<Dcenter*> Instance::Private::addDc(
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId,
AuthKeyPtr &&key) {
const auto dcId = BareDcId(shiftedDcId);
return _dcenters.emplace(
std::make_unique<Dcenter>(dcId, std::move(key))
void Instance::Private::removeDc(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
const auto i = _dcenters.find(shiftedDcId);
if (i != _dcenters.end()) {
not_null<Dcenter*> Instance::Private::getDcById(
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
if (const auto result = findDc(shiftedDcId)) {
return result;
const auto dcId = [&] {
const auto result = BareDcId(shiftedDcId);
if (isTemporaryDcId(result)) {
if (const auto realDcId = getRealIdFromTemporaryDcId(result)) {
return realDcId;
return result;
if (dcId != shiftedDcId) {
if (const auto result = findDc(dcId)) {
return result;
return addDc(dcId);
void Instance::Private::dcPersistentKeyChanged(
DcId dcId,
const AuthKeyPtr &persistentKey) {
if (isTemporaryDcId(dcId)) {
const auto i = _keysForWrite.find(dcId);
if (i != _keysForWrite.end() && i->second == persistentKey) {
} else if (i == _keysForWrite.end() && !persistentKey) {
if (!persistentKey) {
} else if (i != _keysForWrite.end()) {
i->second = persistentKey;
} else {
_keysForWrite.emplace(dcId, persistentKey);
DEBUG_LOG(("AuthKey Info: writing auth keys, called by dc %1"
void Instance::Private::dcTemporaryKeyChanged(DcId dcId) {
rpl::producer<DcId> Instance::Private::dcTemporaryKeyChanged() const {
return _dcTemporaryKeyChanged.events();
AuthKeysList Instance::Private::getKeysForWrite() const {
auto result = AuthKeysList();
for (const auto &key : _keysForWrite) {
return result;
void Instance::Private::addKeysForDestroy(AuthKeysList &&keys) {
for (auto &key : keys) {
const auto dcId = key->dcId();
auto shiftedDcId = MTP::destroyKeyNextDcId(dcId);
// There could be several keys for one dc if we're destroying them.
// Place them all in separate shiftedDcId so that they won't conflict.
while (_keysForWrite.find(shiftedDcId) != _keysForWrite.cend()) {
shiftedDcId = MTP::destroyKeyNextDcId(shiftedDcId);
_keysForWrite[shiftedDcId] = key;
addDc(shiftedDcId, std::move(key));
rpl::producer<> Instance::Private::allKeysDestroyed() const {
return _allKeysDestroyed.events();
rpl::producer<> Instance::Private::writeKeysRequests() const {
return _writeKeysRequests.events();
Config &Instance::Private::config() const {
return *_config;
const ConfigFields &Instance::Private::configValues() const {
return _config->values();
DcOptions &Instance::Private::dcOptions() const {
return _config->dcOptions();
Environment Instance::Private::environment() const {
return _config->environment();
bool Instance::Private::isTestMode() const {
return _config->isTestMode();
QString Instance::Private::deviceModel() const {
return _deviceModel;
QString Instance::Private::systemVersion() const {
return _systemVersion;
void Instance::Private::unpaused() {
for (const auto &[shiftedDcId, session] : _sessions) {
void Instance::Private::configLoadDone(const MTPConfig &result) {
Expects(result.type() == mtpc_config);
_lastConfigLoadedTime = crl::now();
const auto &data = result.c_config();
const auto lang = qs(data.vsuggested_lang_code().value_or_empty());
if (const auto prefix = data.vautoupdate_url_prefix()) {
_configExpiresAt = crl::now()
+ (data.vexpires().v - base::unixtime::now()) * crl::time(1000);
bool Instance::Private::configLoadFail(const Error &error) {
if (IsDefaultHandledError(error)) return false;
// loadingConfig = false;
LOG(("MTP Error: failed to get config!"));
return false;
std::optional<ShiftedDcId> Instance::Private::queryRequestByDc(
mtpRequestId requestId) const {
QMutexLocker locker(&_requestByDcLock);
auto it = _requestsByDc.find(requestId);
if (it != _requestsByDc.cend()) {
return it->second;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<ShiftedDcId> Instance::Private::changeRequestByDc(
mtpRequestId requestId,
DcId newdc) {
QMutexLocker locker(&_requestByDcLock);
auto it = _requestsByDc.find(requestId);
if (it != _requestsByDc.cend()) {
if (it->second < 0) {
it->second = -newdc;
} else {
it->second = ShiftDcId(newdc, GetDcIdShift(it->second));
return it->second;
return std::nullopt;
void Instance::Private::checkDelayedRequests() {
auto now = crl::now();
while (!_delayedRequests.empty() && now >= _delayedRequests.front().second) {
auto requestId = _delayedRequests.front().first;
auto dcWithShift = ShiftedDcId(0);
if (const auto shiftedDcId = queryRequestByDc(requestId)) {
dcWithShift = *shiftedDcId;
} else {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request dc for delayed resend, requestId %1").arg(requestId));
auto request = SerializedRequest();
QReadLocker locker(&_requestMapLock);
auto it = _requestMap.find(requestId);
if (it == _requestMap.cend()) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId));
request = it->second;
const auto session = getSession(qAbs(dcWithShift));
if (!_delayedRequests.empty()) {
_checkDelayedTimer.callOnce(_delayedRequests.front().second - now);
void Instance::Private::sendRequest(
mtpRequestId requestId,
SerializedRequest &&request,
ResponseHandler &&callbacks,
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId,
crl::time msCanWait,
bool needsLayer,
mtpRequestId afterRequestId) {
const auto session = getSession(shiftedDcId);
request->requestId = requestId;
storeRequest(requestId, request, std::move(callbacks));
const auto toMainDc = (shiftedDcId == 0);
const auto realShiftedDcId = session->getDcWithShift();
const auto signedDcId = toMainDc ? -realShiftedDcId : realShiftedDcId;
registerRequest(requestId, signedDcId);
if (afterRequestId) {
request->after = getRequest(afterRequestId);
request->lastSentTime = crl::now();
request->needsLayer = needsLayer;
session->sendPrepared(request, msCanWait);
void Instance::Private::registerRequest(
mtpRequestId requestId,
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
QMutexLocker locker(&_requestByDcLock);
_requestsByDc[requestId] = shiftedDcId;
void Instance::Private::unregisterRequest(mtpRequestId requestId) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: unregistering request %1.").arg(requestId));
QWriteLocker locker(&_requestMapLock);
QMutexLocker locker(&_requestByDcLock);
void Instance::Private::storeRequest(
mtpRequestId requestId,
const SerializedRequest &request,
ResponseHandler &&callbacks) {
if (callbacks.done || callbacks.fail) {
QMutexLocker locker(&_parserMapLock);
_parserMap.emplace(requestId, std::move(callbacks));
QWriteLocker locker(&_requestMapLock);
_requestMap.emplace(requestId, request);
SerializedRequest Instance::Private::getRequest(mtpRequestId requestId) {
auto result = SerializedRequest();
QReadLocker locker(&_requestMapLock);
auto it = _requestMap.find(requestId);
if (it != _requestMap.cend()) {
result = it->second;
return result;
bool Instance::Private::hasCallback(mtpRequestId requestId) const {
QMutexLocker locker(&_parserMapLock);
auto it = _parserMap.find(requestId);
return (it != _parserMap.cend());
void Instance::Private::processCallback(const Response &response) {
const auto requestId = response.requestId;
ResponseHandler handler;
QMutexLocker locker(&_parserMapLock);
auto it = _parserMap.find(requestId);
if (it != _parserMap.cend()) {
handler = std::move(it->second);
DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: found parser for request %1, trying to parse response...").arg(requestId));
if (handler.done || handler.fail) {
const auto handleError = [&](const Error &error) {
"error received, code %1, type %2, description: %3").arg(
if (rpcErrorOccured(response, handler, error)) {
} else {
QMutexLocker locker(&_parserMapLock);
_parserMap.emplace(requestId, std::move(handler));
auto from = response.reply.constData();
if (response.reply.isEmpty()) {
"Empty response."));
} else if (*from == mtpc_rpc_error) {
auto error = MTPRpcError();
Error(error.read(from, from + response.reply.size())
? error
: Error::MTPLocal(
"Error parse failed.")));
} else {
if (handler.done && !handler.done(response)) {
"Response parse failed."));
} else {
DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: parser not found for %1").arg(requestId));
void Instance::Private::processUpdate(const Response &message) {
if (_updatesHandler) {
void Instance::Private::onStateChange(ShiftedDcId dcWithShift, int32 state) {
if (_stateChangedHandler) {
_stateChangedHandler(dcWithShift, state);
void Instance::Private::onSessionReset(ShiftedDcId dcWithShift) {
if (_sessionResetHandler) {
bool Instance::Private::rpcErrorOccured(
const Response &response,
const FailHandler &onFail,
const Error &error) { // return true if need to clean request data
if (IsDefaultHandledError(error)) {
if (onFail && onFail(error, response)) {
return true;
if (onErrorDefault(error, response)) {
return false;
LOG(("RPC Error: request %1 got fail with code %2, error %3%4").arg(
? QString()
: QString(": %1").arg(error.description())));
if (onFail) {
onFail(error, response);
return true;
void Instance::Private::importDone(
const MTPauth_Authorization &result,
const Response &response) {
const auto shiftedDcId = queryRequestByDc(response.requestId);
if (!shiftedDcId) {
LOG(("MTP Error: "
"auth import request not found in requestsByDC, requestId: %1"
// Don't log out on export/import problems, perhaps this is a server side error.
//const auto error = Error::Local(
// QString("did not find import request in requestsByDC, "
// "request %1").arg(requestId));
//if (_globalFailHandler && hasAuthorization()) {
// _globalFailHandler(error, response); // auth failed in main dc
auto newdc = BareDcId(*shiftedDcId);
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: auth import to dc %1 succeeded").arg(newdc));
auto &waiters = _authWaiters[newdc];
if (waiters.size()) {
QReadLocker locker(&_requestMapLock);
for (auto waitedRequestId : waiters) {
auto it = _requestMap.find(waitedRequestId);
if (it == _requestMap.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 for resending").arg(waitedRequestId));
const auto shiftedDcId = changeRequestByDc(waitedRequestId, newdc);
if (!shiftedDcId) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 by dc for resending").arg(waitedRequestId));
} else if (*shiftedDcId < 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: resending request %1 to dc %2 after import auth").arg(waitedRequestId).arg(*shiftedDcId));
const auto session = getSession(*shiftedDcId);
bool Instance::Private::importFail(
const Error &error,
const Response &response) {
if (IsDefaultHandledError(error)) {
return false;
// Don't log out on export/import problems, perhaps this is a server side error.
//if (_globalFailHandler && hasAuthorization()) {
// _globalFailHandler(error, response); // auth import failed
return true;
void Instance::Private::exportDone(
const MTPauth_ExportedAuthorization &result,
const Response &response) {
auto it = _authExportRequests.find(response.requestId);
if (it == _authExportRequests.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: "
"auth export request target dcWithShift not found, requestId: %1"
// Don't log out on export/import problems, perhaps this is a server side error.
//const auto error = Error::Local(
// QString("did not find target dcWithShift, request %1"
// ).arg(requestId));
//if (_globalFailHandler && hasAuthorization()) {
// _globalFailHandler(error, response); // auth failed in main dc
auto &data = result.c_auth_exportedAuthorization();
), [this](const Response &response) {
auto result = MTPauth_Authorization();
auto from = response.reply.constData();
if (!result.read(from, from + response.reply.size())) {
return false;
importDone(result, response);
return true;
}, [this](const Error &error, const Response &response) {
return importFail(error, response);
}, it->second);
bool Instance::Private::exportFail(
const Error &error,
const Response &response) {
if (IsDefaultHandledError(error)) {
return false;
auto it = _authExportRequests.find(response.requestId);
if (it != _authExportRequests.cend()) {
// Don't log out on export/import problems, perhaps this is a server side error.
//if (_globalFailHandler && hasAuthorization()) {
// _globalFailHandler(error, response); // auth failed in main dc
return true;
bool Instance::Private::onErrorDefault(
const Error &error,
const Response &response) {
const auto requestId = response.requestId;
const auto &type = error.type();
const auto code = error.code();
if (!IsFloodError(error) && type != qstr("AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED")) {
int breakpoint = 0;
auto badGuestDc = (code == 400) && (type == qsl("FILE_ID_INVALID"));
QRegularExpressionMatch m1, m2;
if ((m1 = QRegularExpression("^(FILE|PHONE|NETWORK|USER)_MIGRATE_(\\d+)$").match(type)).hasMatch()) {
if (!requestId) return false;
auto dcWithShift = ShiftedDcId(0);
auto newdcWithShift = ShiftedDcId(m1.captured(2).toInt());
if (const auto shiftedDcId = queryRequestByDc(requestId)) {
dcWithShift = *shiftedDcId;
} else {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 for migrating to %2").arg(requestId).arg(newdcWithShift));
if (!dcWithShift || !newdcWithShift) return false;
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: changing request %1 from dcWithShift%2 to dc%3").arg(requestId).arg(dcWithShift).arg(newdcWithShift));
if (dcWithShift < 0) { // newdc shift = 0
if (false/* && hasAuthorization() && _authExportRequests.find(requestId) == _authExportRequests.cend()*/) {
// migrate not supported at this moment
// this was not tested even once
//DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: importing auth to dc %1").arg(newdcWithShift));
//auto &waiters(_authWaiters[newdcWithShift]);
//if (waiters.empty()) {
// auto exportRequestId = _instance->send(MTPauth_ExportAuthorization(
// MTP_int(newdcWithShift)
// ), [this](const Response &response) {
// auto result = MTPauth_ExportedAuthorization();
// auto from = response.reply.constData();
// if (!result.read(from, from + response.reply.size())) {
// return false;
// }
// exportDone(result, response);
// return true;
// }, [this](const Error &error, const Response &response) {
// return exportFail(error, response);
// });
// _authExportRequests.emplace(exportRequestId, newdcWithShift);
//return true;
} else {
} else {
newdcWithShift = ShiftDcId(newdcWithShift, GetDcIdShift(dcWithShift));
auto request = SerializedRequest();
QReadLocker locker(&_requestMapLock);
auto it = _requestMap.find(requestId);
if (it == _requestMap.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId));
return false;
request = it->second;
const auto session = getSession(newdcWithShift);
(dcWithShift < 0) ? -newdcWithShift : newdcWithShift);
return true;
} else if (code < 0
|| code >= 500
|| (m1 = QRegularExpression("^FLOOD_WAIT_(\\d+)$").match(type)).hasMatch()
|| ((m2 = QRegularExpression("^SLOWMODE_WAIT_(\\d+)$").match(type)).hasMatch()
&& m2.captured(1).toInt() < 3)) {
if (!requestId) return false;
int32 secs = 1;
if (code < 0 || code >= 500) {
auto it = _requestsDelays.find(requestId);
if (it != _requestsDelays.cend()) {
secs = (it->second > 60) ? it->second : (it->second *= 2);
} else {
_requestsDelays.emplace(requestId, secs);
} else if (m1.hasMatch()) {
secs = m1.captured(1).toInt();
// if (secs >= 60) return false;
} else if (m2.hasMatch()) {
secs = m2.captured(1).toInt();
auto sendAt = crl::now() + secs * 1000 + 10;
auto it = _delayedRequests.begin(), e = _delayedRequests.end();
for (; it != e; ++it) {
if (it->first == requestId) return true;
if (it->second > sendAt) break;
_delayedRequests.insert(it, std::make_pair(requestId, sendAt));
return true;
} else if ((code == 401 && type != qstr("AUTH_KEY_PERM_EMPTY"))
|| (badGuestDc && _badGuestDcRequests.find(requestId) == _badGuestDcRequests.cend())) {
auto dcWithShift = ShiftedDcId(0);
if (const auto shiftedDcId = queryRequestByDc(requestId)) {
dcWithShift = *shiftedDcId;
} else {
LOG(("MTP Error: unauthorized request without dc info, requestId %1").arg(requestId));
auto newdc = BareDcId(qAbs(dcWithShift));
if (!newdc || newdc == mainDcId()) {
if (!badGuestDc && _globalFailHandler) {
_globalFailHandler(error, response); // auth failed in main dc
return false;
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: importing auth to dcWithShift %1"
auto &waiters(_authWaiters[newdc]);
if (!waiters.size()) {
auto exportRequestId = _instance->send(MTPauth_ExportAuthorization(
), [this](const Response &response) {
auto result = MTPauth_ExportedAuthorization();
auto from = response.reply.constData();
if (!result.read(from, from + response.reply.size())) {
return false;
exportDone(result, response);
return true;
}, [this](const Error &error, const Response &response) {
return exportFail(error, response);
_authExportRequests.emplace(exportRequestId, abs(dcWithShift));
if (badGuestDc) _badGuestDcRequests.insert(requestId);
return true;
} else if (type == qstr("CONNECTION_NOT_INITED")
|| type == qstr("CONNECTION_LAYER_INVALID")) {
SerializedRequest request;
QReadLocker locker(&_requestMapLock);
auto it = _requestMap.find(requestId);
if (it == _requestMap.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId));
return false;
request = it->second;
auto dcWithShift = ShiftedDcId(0);
if (const auto shiftedDcId = queryRequestByDc(requestId)) {
dcWithShift = *shiftedDcId;
} else {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 for resending with init connection").arg(requestId));
if (!dcWithShift) return false;
const auto session = getSession(qAbs(dcWithShift));
request->needsLayer = true;
return true;
} else if (type == qstr("CONNECTION_LANG_CODE_INVALID")) {
} else if (type == qstr("MSG_WAIT_FAILED")) {
SerializedRequest request;
QReadLocker locker(&_requestMapLock);
auto it = _requestMap.find(requestId);
if (it == _requestMap.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId));
return false;
request = it->second;
if (!request->after) {
LOG(("MTP Error: wait failed for not dependent request %1").arg(requestId));
return false;
auto dcWithShift = ShiftedDcId(0);
if (const auto shiftedDcId = queryRequestByDc(requestId)) {
if (const auto afterDcId = queryRequestByDc(request->after->requestId)) {
dcWithShift = *shiftedDcId;
if (*shiftedDcId != *afterDcId) {
request->after = SerializedRequest();
} else {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find dependent request %1 by dc").arg(request->after->requestId));
} else {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 by dc").arg(requestId));
if (!dcWithShift) return false;
if (!request->after) {
const auto session = getSession(qAbs(dcWithShift));
request->needsLayer = true;
} else {
auto newdc = BareDcId(qAbs(dcWithShift));
auto &waiters(_authWaiters[newdc]);
if (base::contains(waiters, request->after->requestId)) {
if (!base::contains(waiters, requestId)) {
if (_badGuestDcRequests.find(request->after->requestId) != _badGuestDcRequests.cend()) {
if (_badGuestDcRequests.find(requestId) == _badGuestDcRequests.cend()) {
} else {
auto i = _delayedRequests.begin(), e = _delayedRequests.end();
for (; i != e; ++i) {
if (i->first == requestId) return true;
if (i->first == request->after->requestId) break;
if (i != e) {
_delayedRequests.insert(i, std::make_pair(requestId, i->second));
return true;
if (badGuestDc) _badGuestDcRequests.erase(requestId);
return false;
not_null<Session*> Instance::Private::getSession(
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
if (!shiftedDcId) {
Assert(_mainSession != nullptr);
return _mainSession;
} else if (!BareDcId(shiftedDcId)) {
Assert(_mainSession != nullptr);
shiftedDcId += BareDcId(_mainSession->getDcWithShift());
if (const auto session = findSession(shiftedDcId)) {
return session;
return startSession(shiftedDcId);
rpl::lifetime &Instance::Private::lifetime() {
return _lifetime;
Session *Instance::Private::findSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
const auto i = _sessions.find(shiftedDcId);
return (i != _sessions.end()) ? i->second.get() : nullptr;
not_null<Session*> Instance::Private::startSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
Expects(BareDcId(shiftedDcId) != 0);
const auto dc = getDcById(shiftedDcId);
const auto thread = getThreadForDc(shiftedDcId);
const auto result = _sessions.emplace(
std::make_unique<Session>(_instance, thread, shiftedDcId, dc)
if (isKeysDestroyer()) {
return result;
Session *Instance::Private::removeSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
const auto i = _sessions.find(shiftedDcId);
if (i == _sessions.cend()) {
return nullptr;
return _sessionsToDestroy.back().get();
not_null<QThread*> Instance::Private::getThreadForDc(
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
static const auto EnsureStarted = [](
std::unique_ptr<QThread> &thread,
auto name) {
if (!thread) {
thread = std::make_unique<QThread>();
return thread.get();
static const auto FindOne = [](
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QThread>> &threads,
const char *prefix,
int index,
bool shift) {
Expects(!(threads.size() % 2));
const auto count = int(threads.size());
index %= count;
if (index >= count / 2) {
index = (count - 1) - (index - count / 2);
if (shift) {
index = (index + count / 2) % count;
return EnsureStarted(threads[index], [=] {
return QString("MTP %1 Session (%2)").arg(prefix).arg(index);
if (shiftedDcId == BareDcId(shiftedDcId)) {
return EnsureStarted(_mainSessionThread, [] {
return QString("MTP Main Session");
} else if (isDownloadDcId(shiftedDcId)) {
const auto index = GetDcIdShift(shiftedDcId) - kBaseDownloadDcShift;
const auto composed = index + BareDcId(shiftedDcId);
return FindOne(_fileSessionThreads, "Download", composed, false);
} else if (isUploadDcId(shiftedDcId)) {
const auto index = GetDcIdShift(shiftedDcId) - kBaseUploadDcShift;
const auto composed = index + BareDcId(shiftedDcId);
return FindOne(_fileSessionThreads, "Upload", composed, true);
return EnsureStarted(_otherSessionsThread, [] {
return QString("MTP Other Session");
void Instance::Private::scheduleKeyDestroy(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
if (dcOptions().dcType(shiftedDcId) == DcType::Cdn) {
} else {
_instance->send(MTPauth_LogOut(), [=](const Response &) {
return true;
}, [=](const Error &error, const Response &) {
if (IsDefaultHandledError(error)) {
return false;
return true;
}, shiftedDcId);
void Instance::Private::keyWasPossiblyDestroyed(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
InvokeQueued(_instance, [=] {
LOG(("MTP Info: checkIfKeyWasDestroyed on destroying key %1, "
"assuming it is destroyed.").arg(shiftedDcId));
void Instance::Private::performKeyDestroy(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
_instance->send(MTPDestroy_auth_key(), [=](const Response &response) {
auto result = MTPDestroyAuthKeyRes();
auto from = response.reply.constData();
if (!result.read(from, from + response.reply.size())) {
return false;
result.match([&](const MTPDdestroy_auth_key_ok &) {
LOG(("MTP Info: key %1 destroyed.").arg(shiftedDcId));
}, [&](const MTPDdestroy_auth_key_fail &) {
LOG(("MTP Error: key %1 destruction fail, leave it for now."
}, [&](const MTPDdestroy_auth_key_none &) {
LOG(("MTP Info: key %1 already destroyed.").arg(shiftedDcId));
return true;
}, [=](const Error &error, const Response &response) {
LOG(("MTP Error: key %1 destruction resulted in error: %2"
return true;
}, shiftedDcId);
void Instance::Private::completedKeyDestroy(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
if (_dcenters.empty()) {
void Instance::Private::keyDestroyedOnServer(
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId,
uint64 keyId) {
LOG(("Destroying key for dc: %1").arg(shiftedDcId));
if (const auto dc = findDc(BareDcId(shiftedDcId))) {
if (dc->destroyConfirmedForgottenKey(keyId)) {
LOG(("Key destroyed!"));
dcPersistentKeyChanged(BareDcId(shiftedDcId), nullptr);
} else {
LOG(("Key already is different."));
void Instance::Private::setUpdatesHandler(
Fn<void(const Response&)> handler) {
_updatesHandler = std::move(handler);
void Instance::Private::setGlobalFailHandler(
Fn<void(const Error&, const Response&)> handler) {
_globalFailHandler = std::move(handler);
void Instance::Private::setStateChangedHandler(
Fn<void(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId, int32 state)> handler) {
_stateChangedHandler = std::move(handler);
void Instance::Private::setSessionResetHandler(
Fn<void(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId)> handler) {
_sessionResetHandler = std::move(handler);
void Instance::Private::clearGlobalHandlers() {
void Instance::Private::prepareToDestroy() {
// It accesses Instance in destructor, so it should be destroyed first.
for (const auto &[shiftedDcId, session] : base::take(_sessions)) {
_mainSession = nullptr;
auto threads = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QThread>>();
for (auto &thread : base::take(_fileSessionThreads)) {
for (const auto &thread : threads) {
if (thread) {
for (const auto &thread : threads) {
if (thread) {
Instance::Instance(Mode mode, Fields &&fields)
: QObject()
, _private(std::make_unique<Private>(this, mode, std::move(fields))) {
void Instance::resolveProxyDomain(const QString &host) {
void Instance::setGoodProxyDomain(const QString &host, const QString &ip) {
_private->setGoodProxyDomain(host, ip);
void Instance::suggestMainDcId(DcId mainDcId) {
void Instance::setMainDcId(DcId mainDcId) {
DcId Instance::mainDcId() const {
return _private->mainDcId();
QString Instance::systemLangCode() const {
return Lang::GetInstance().systemLangCode();
QString Instance::cloudLangCode() const {
return Lang::GetInstance().cloudLangCode(Lang::Pack::Current);
QString Instance::langPackName() const {
return Lang::GetInstance().langPackName();
rpl::producer<> Instance::writeKeysRequests() const {
return _private->writeKeysRequests();
rpl::producer<> Instance::allKeysDestroyed() const {
return _private->allKeysDestroyed();
void Instance::requestConfig() {
void Instance::setUserPhone(const QString &phone) {
void Instance::badConfigurationError() {
void Instance::syncHttpUnixtime() {
void Instance::restartedByTimeout(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
rpl::producer<ShiftedDcId> Instance::restartsByTimeout() const {
return _private->restartsByTimeout();
void Instance::requestConfigIfOld() {
void Instance::requestCDNConfig() {
void Instance::restart() {
void Instance::restart(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
int32 Instance::dcstate(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
return _private->dcstate(shiftedDcId);
QString Instance::dctransport(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
return _private->dctransport(shiftedDcId);
void Instance::ping() {
void Instance::cancel(mtpRequestId requestId) {
int32 Instance::state(mtpRequestId requestId) { // < 0 means waiting for such count of ms
return _private->state(requestId);
void Instance::killSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
void Instance::stopSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
void Instance::reInitConnection(DcId dcId) {
void Instance::logout(Fn<void()> done) {
void Instance::dcPersistentKeyChanged(
DcId dcId,
const AuthKeyPtr &persistentKey) {
_private->dcPersistentKeyChanged(dcId, persistentKey);
void Instance::dcTemporaryKeyChanged(DcId dcId) {
rpl::producer<DcId> Instance::dcTemporaryKeyChanged() const {
return _private->dcTemporaryKeyChanged();
AuthKeysList Instance::getKeysForWrite() const {
return _private->getKeysForWrite();
void Instance::addKeysForDestroy(AuthKeysList &&keys) {
Config &Instance::config() const {
return _private->config();
const ConfigFields &Instance::configValues() const {
return _private->configValues();
DcOptions &Instance::dcOptions() const {
return _private->dcOptions();
Environment Instance::environment() const {
return _private->environment();
bool Instance::isTestMode() const {
return _private->isTestMode();
QString Instance::deviceModel() const {
return _private->deviceModel();
QString Instance::systemVersion() const {
return _private->systemVersion();
void Instance::setUpdatesHandler(Fn<void(const Response&)> handler) {
void Instance::setGlobalFailHandler(
Fn<void(const Error&, const Response&)> handler) {
void Instance::setStateChangedHandler(
Fn<void(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId, int32 state)> handler) {
void Instance::setSessionResetHandler(
Fn<void(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId)> handler) {
void Instance::clearGlobalHandlers() {
void Instance::onStateChange(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId, int32 state) {
_private->onStateChange(shiftedDcId, state);
void Instance::onSessionReset(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
bool Instance::hasCallback(mtpRequestId requestId) const {
return _private->hasCallback(requestId);
void Instance::processCallback(const Response &response) {
void Instance::processUpdate(const Response &message) {
bool Instance::rpcErrorOccured(
const Response &response,
const FailHandler &onFail,
const Error &error) {
return _private->rpcErrorOccured(response, onFail, error);
bool Instance::isKeysDestroyer() const {
return _private->isKeysDestroyer();
void Instance::keyWasPossiblyDestroyed(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
void Instance::keyDestroyedOnServer(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId, uint64 keyId) {
_private->keyDestroyedOnServer(shiftedDcId, keyId);
void Instance::sendRequest(
mtpRequestId requestId,
SerializedRequest &&request,
ResponseHandler &&callbacks,
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId,
crl::time msCanWait,
bool needsLayer,
mtpRequestId afterRequestId) {
return _private->sendRequest(
void Instance::sendAnything(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId, crl::time msCanWait) {
rpl::lifetime &Instance::lifetime() {
return _private->lifetime();
Instance::~Instance() {
} // namespace MTP