2021-02-22 23:42:41 +04:00

289 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/flags.h"
class History;
class PeerData;
class HistoryItem;
namespace Dialogs {
class Entry;
} // namespace Dialogs
namespace Data {
namespace details {
template <typename Flag>
inline constexpr int CountBit(Flag Last = Flag::LastUsedBit) {
auto i = 0;
while ((1ULL << i) != static_cast<uint64>(Last)) {
Assert(i != 64);
return (i + 1);
} // namespace details
struct NameUpdate {
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
base::flat_set<QChar> oldFirstLetters)
: peer(peer)
, oldFirstLetters(std::move(oldFirstLetters)) {
not_null<PeerData*> peer;
base::flat_set<QChar> oldFirstLetters;
struct PeerUpdate {
enum class Flag : uint32 {
None = 0,
// Common flags
Name = (1U << 0),
Username = (1U << 1),
Photo = (1U << 2),
About = (1U << 3),
Notifications = (1U << 4),
Migration = (1U << 5),
UnavailableReason = (1U << 6),
PinnedMessages = (1U << 7),
IsBlocked = (1U << 8),
MessagesTTL = (1U << 9),
// For users
CanShareContact = (1U << 10),
IsContact = (1U << 11),
PhoneNumber = (1U << 12),
OnlineStatus = (1U << 13),
BotCommands = (1U << 14),
BotCanBeInvited = (1U << 15),
BotStartToken = (1U << 16),
CommonChats = (1U << 17),
HasCalls = (1U << 18),
SupportInfo = (1U << 19),
IsBot = (1U << 20),
// For chats and channels
InviteLinks = (1U << 21),
Members = (1U << 22),
Admins = (1U << 23),
BannedUsers = (1U << 24),
Rights = (1U << 25),
// For channels
ChannelAmIn = (1U << 26),
StickersSet = (1U << 27),
ChannelLinkedChat = (1U << 28),
ChannelLocation = (1U << 29),
Slowmode = (1U << 30),
GroupCall = (1U << 31),
// For iteration
LastUsedBit = (1U << 31),
using Flags = base::flags<Flag>;
friend inline constexpr auto is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; }
not_null<PeerData*> peer;
Flags flags = 0;
struct HistoryUpdate {
enum class Flag : uint32 {
None = 0,
IsPinned = (1U << 0),
UnreadView = (1U << 1),
TopPromoted = (1U << 2),
Folder = (1U << 3),
UnreadMentions = (1U << 4),
LocalMessages = (1U << 5),
ChatOccupied = (1U << 6),
MessageSent = (1U << 7),
ScheduledSent = (1U << 8),
ForwardDraft = (1U << 9),
OutboxRead = (1U << 10),
BotKeyboard = (1U << 11),
CloudDraft = (1U << 12),
LocalDraftSet = (1U << 13),
LastUsedBit = (1U << 13),
using Flags = base::flags<Flag>;
friend inline constexpr auto is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; }
not_null<History*> history;
Flags flags = 0;
struct MessageUpdate {
enum class Flag : uint32 {
None = 0,
Edited = (1U << 0),
Destroyed = (1U << 1),
DialogRowRepaint = (1U << 2),
DialogRowRefresh = (1U << 3),
NewAdded = (1U << 4),
ReplyMarkup = (1U << 5),
BotCallbackSent = (1U << 6),
NewMaybeAdded = (1U << 7),
LastUsedBit = (1U << 7),
using Flags = base::flags<Flag>;
friend inline constexpr auto is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; }
not_null<HistoryItem*> item;
Flags flags = 0;
struct EntryUpdate {
enum class Flag : uint32 {
None = 0,
Repaint = (1U << 0),
LastUsedBit = (1U << 0),
using Flags = base::flags<Flag>;
friend inline constexpr auto is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; }
not_null<Dialogs::Entry*> entry;
Flags flags = 0;
class Changes final {
explicit Changes(not_null<Main::Session*> session);
[[nodiscard]] Main::Session &session() const;
void nameUpdated(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
base::flat_set<QChar> oldFirstLetters);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<NameUpdate> realtimeNameUpdates() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<NameUpdate> realtimeNameUpdates(
not_null<PeerData*> peer) const;
void peerUpdated(not_null<PeerData*> peer, PeerUpdate::Flags flags);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<PeerUpdate> peerUpdates(
PeerUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<PeerUpdate> peerUpdates(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
PeerUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<PeerUpdate> peerFlagsValue(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
PeerUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<PeerUpdate> realtimePeerUpdates(
PeerUpdate::Flag flag) const;
void historyUpdated(
not_null<History*> history,
HistoryUpdate::Flags flags);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<HistoryUpdate> historyUpdates(
HistoryUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<HistoryUpdate> historyUpdates(
not_null<History*> history,
HistoryUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<HistoryUpdate> historyFlagsValue(
not_null<History*> history,
HistoryUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<HistoryUpdate> realtimeHistoryUpdates(
HistoryUpdate::Flag flag) const;
void messageUpdated(
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
MessageUpdate::Flags flags);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<MessageUpdate> messageUpdates(
MessageUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<MessageUpdate> messageUpdates(
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
MessageUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<MessageUpdate> messageFlagsValue(
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
MessageUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<MessageUpdate> realtimeMessageUpdates(
MessageUpdate::Flag flag) const;
void entryUpdated(
not_null<Dialogs::Entry*> entry,
EntryUpdate::Flags flags);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<EntryUpdate> entryUpdates(
EntryUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<EntryUpdate> entryUpdates(
not_null<Dialogs::Entry*> entry,
EntryUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<EntryUpdate> entryFlagsValue(
not_null<Dialogs::Entry*> entry,
EntryUpdate::Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<EntryUpdate> realtimeEntryUpdates(
EntryUpdate::Flag flag) const;
void sendNotifications();
template <typename DataType, typename UpdateType>
class Manager final {
using Flag = typename UpdateType::Flag;
using Flags = typename UpdateType::Flags;
void updated(
not_null<DataType*> data,
Flags flags,
bool dropScheduled = false);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<UpdateType> updates(Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<UpdateType> updates(
not_null<DataType*> data,
Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<UpdateType> flagsValue(
not_null<DataType*> data,
Flags flags) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<UpdateType> realtimeUpdates(
Flag flag) const;
void sendNotifications();
static constexpr auto kCount = details::CountBit<Flag>();
void sendRealtimeNotifications(not_null<DataType*> data, Flags flags);
std::array<rpl::event_stream<UpdateType>, kCount> _realtimeStreams;
base::flat_map<not_null<DataType*>, Flags> _updates;
rpl::event_stream<UpdateType> _stream;
void scheduleNotifications();
const not_null<Main::Session*> _session;
rpl::event_stream<NameUpdate> _nameStream;
Manager<PeerData, PeerUpdate> _peerChanges;
Manager<History, HistoryUpdate> _historyChanges;
Manager<HistoryItem, MessageUpdate> _messageChanges;
Manager<Dialogs::Entry, EntryUpdate> _entryChanges;
bool _notify = false;
} // namespace Data