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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "dialogs/dialogs_entry.h"
#include "dialogs/dialogs_main_list.h"
#include "data/data_messages.h"
#include "base/weak_ptr.h"
class ChannelData;
namespace Main {
class Session;
} // namespace Main
namespace Data {
class Session;
class Folder;
class Folder final : public Dialogs::Entry, public base::has_weak_ptr {
static constexpr auto kId = 1;
Folder(not_null<Data::Session*> owner, FolderId id);
Folder(const Folder &) = delete;
Folder &operator=(const Folder &) = delete;
FolderId id() const;
void registerOne(not_null<History*> history);
void unregisterOne(not_null<History*> history);
void oneListMessageChanged(HistoryItem *from, HistoryItem *to);
not_null<Dialogs::MainList*> chatsList();
void applyDialog(const MTPDdialogFolder &data);
void applyPinnedUpdate(const MTPDupdateDialogPinned &data);
TimeId adjustedChatListTimeId() const override;
int fixedOnTopIndex() const override;
bool shouldBeInChatList() const override;
int chatListUnreadCount() const override;
bool chatListUnreadMark() const override;
bool chatListMutedBadge() const override;
Dialogs::UnreadState chatListUnreadState() const override;
HistoryItem *chatListMessage() const override;
bool chatListMessageKnown() const override;
void requestChatListMessage() override;
const QString &chatListName() const override;
const QString &chatListNameSortKey() const override;
const base::flat_set<QString> &chatListNameWords() const override;
const base::flat_set<QChar> &chatListFirstLetters() const override;
void loadUserpic() override;
void paintUserpic(
Painter &p,
std::shared_ptr<Data::CloudImageView> &view,
int x,
int y,
int size) const override;
void paintUserpic(
Painter &p,
int x,
int y,
int size,
const style::color &overrideBg,
const style::color &overrideFg) const;
const std::vector<not_null<History*>> &lastHistories() const;
uint32 chatListViewVersion() const;
void indexNameParts();
bool applyChatListMessage(HistoryItem *item);
void computeChatListMessage();
void reorderLastHistories();
void updateChatListEntryPostponed();
void paintUserpic(
Painter &p,
int x,
int y,
int size,
const style::color *overrideBg,
const style::color *overrideFg) const;
FolderId _id = 0;
Dialogs::MainList _chatsList;
QString _name;
base::flat_set<QString> _nameWords;
base::flat_set<QChar> _nameFirstLetters;
QString _chatListNameSortKey;
std::vector<not_null<History*>> _lastHistories;
HistoryItem *_chatListMessage = nullptr;
uint32 _chatListViewVersion = 0;
bool _updateChatListEntryPostponed = false;
//rpl::variable<MessagePosition> _unreadPosition;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
} // namespace Data