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synced 2025-02-25 18:10:35 +00:00
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "data/data_types.h"
#include "data/data_cloud_file.h"
namespace Main {
class Session;
} // namespace Main
namespace Media {
namespace Streaming {
class Loader;
} // namespace Streaming
} // namespace Media
namespace Data {
class Session;
class ReplyPreview;
class PhotoMedia;
inline constexpr auto kPhotoSizeCount = 3;
enum class PhotoSize : uchar {
[[nodiscard]] inline int PhotoSizeIndex(PhotoSize size) {
Expects(static_cast<int>(size) < kPhotoSizeCount);
return static_cast<int>(size);
} // namespace Data
class PhotoData final {
PhotoData(not_null<Data::Session*> owner, PhotoId id);
[[nodiscard]] Data::Session &owner() const;
[[nodiscard]] Main::Session &session() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isNull() const;
void automaticLoadSettingsChanged();
[[nodiscard]] bool loading() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool displayLoading() const;
void cancel();
[[nodiscard]] float64 progress() const;
[[nodiscard]] int32 loadOffset() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool uploading() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool cancelled() const;
void setWaitingForAlbum();
[[nodiscard]] bool waitingForAlbum() const;
[[nodiscard]] Image *getReplyPreview(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
not_null<PeerData*> context,
bool spoiler);
[[nodiscard]] Image *getReplyPreview(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
[[nodiscard]] bool replyPreviewLoaded(bool spoiler) const;
void setRemoteLocation(
int32 dc,
uint64 access,
const QByteArray &fileReference);
[[nodiscard]] MTPInputPhoto mtpInput() const;
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray fileReference() const;
void refreshFileReference(const QByteArray &value);
// When we have some client-side generated photo
// (for example for displaying an external inline bot result)
// and it has downloaded full image, we can collect image from it
// to (this) received from the server "same" photo.
void collectLocalData(not_null<PhotoData*> local);
[[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr<Data::PhotoMedia> createMediaView();
[[nodiscard]] auto activeMediaView() const
-> std::shared_ptr<Data::PhotoMedia>;
void updateImages(
const QByteArray &inlineThumbnailBytes,
const ImageWithLocation &small,
const ImageWithLocation &thumbnail,
const ImageWithLocation &large,
const ImageWithLocation &videoSmall,
const ImageWithLocation &videoLarge,
crl::time videoStartTime);
[[nodiscard]] int validSizeIndex(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] int existingSizeIndex(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray inlineThumbnailBytes() const {
return _inlineThumbnailBytes;
void clearInlineThumbnailBytes() {
_inlineThumbnailBytes = QByteArray();
void load(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud = LoadFromCloudOrLocal,
bool autoLoading = false);
[[nodiscard]] static int SideLimit();
[[nodiscard]] bool hasExact(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool loading(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool failed(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
void clearFailed(Data::PhotoSize size);
void load(
Data::PhotoSize size,
Data::FileOrigin origin,
LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud = LoadFromCloudOrLocal,
bool autoLoading = false);
[[nodiscard]] const ImageLocation &location(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<QSize> size(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] int imageByteSize(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool hasVideo() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool hasVideoSmall() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool videoLoading(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool videoFailed(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
void loadVideo(Data::PhotoSize size, Data::FileOrigin origin);
[[nodiscard]] const ImageLocation &videoLocation(
Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] int videoByteSize(Data::PhotoSize size) const;
[[nodiscard]] crl::time videoStartPosition() const;
void setVideoPlaybackFailed();
[[nodiscard]] bool videoPlaybackFailed() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool videoCanBePlayed() const;
[[nodiscard]] auto createStreamingLoader(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
bool forceRemoteLoader) const
-> std::unique_ptr<Media::Streaming::Loader>;
[[nodiscard]] bool hasAttachedStickers() const;
void setHasAttachedStickers(bool value);
// For now they return size of the 'large' image.
int width() const;
int height() const;
PhotoId id = 0;
TimeId date = 0;
PeerData *peer = nullptr; // for chat and channel photos connection
// geo, caption
std::unique_ptr<Data::UploadState> uploadingData;
[[nodiscard]] Data::CloudFile &videoFile(Data::PhotoSize size);
[[nodiscard]] const Data::CloudFile &videoFile(
Data::PhotoSize size) const;
struct VideoSizes {
Data::CloudFile small;
Data::CloudFile large;
crl::time startTime = 0;
bool playbackFailed = false;
QByteArray _inlineThumbnailBytes;
std::array<Data::CloudFile, Data::kPhotoSizeCount> _images;
std::unique_ptr<VideoSizes> _videoSizes;
int32 _dc = 0;
uint64 _access = 0;
bool _hasStickers = false;
QByteArray _fileReference;
std::unique_ptr<Data::ReplyPreview> _replyPreview;
std::weak_ptr<Data::PhotoMedia> _media;
not_null<Data::Session*> _owner;