
145 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "ui/cached_round_corners.h"
namespace style {
struct DialogRow;
} // namespace style
namespace st {
extern const style::DialogRow &defaultDialogRow;
} // namespace st
namespace Ui {
} // namespace Ui
namespace Data {
class Forum;
class Folder;
} // namespace Data
namespace Dialogs {
class Row;
class FakeRow;
class BasicRow;
} // namespace Dialogs
namespace Dialogs::Ui {
using namespace ::Ui;
class VideoUserpic;
struct TopicJumpCorners {
CornersPixmaps normal;
CornersPixmaps inverted;
QPixmap small;
int invertedRadius = 0;
int smallKey = 0; // = `-radius` if top right else `radius`.
struct TopicJumpCache {
TopicJumpCorners corners;
TopicJumpCorners over;
TopicJumpCorners selected;
TopicJumpCorners rippleMask;
struct PaintContext {
not_null<const style::DialogRow*> st;
TopicJumpCache *topicJumpCache = nullptr;
Data::Folder *folder = nullptr;
Data::Forum *forum = nullptr;
QBrush currentBg;
FilterId filter = 0;
float64 topicsExpanded = 0.;
crl::time now = 0;
int width = 0;
bool active = false;
bool selected = false;
bool topicJumpSelected = false;
bool paused = false;
bool search = false;
bool narrow = false;
bool displayUnreadInfo = false;
const style::icon *ChatTypeIcon(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
const PaintContext &context = { .st = &st::defaultDialogRow });
class RowPainter {
static void Paint(
Painter &p,
not_null<const Row*> row,
VideoUserpic *videoUserpic,
const PaintContext &context);
static void Paint(
Painter &p,
not_null<const FakeRow*> row,
const PaintContext &context);
static QRect SendActionAnimationRect(
not_null<const style::DialogRow*> st,
int animationLeft,
int animationWidth,
int animationHeight,
int fullWidth,
bool textUpdated);
void PaintCollapsedRow(
Painter &p,
const BasicRow &row,
Data::Folder *folder,
const QString &text,
int unread,
const PaintContext &context);
enum class UnreadBadgeSize {
struct UnreadBadgeStyle {
style::align align = style::al_right;
bool active = false;
bool selected = false;
bool muted = false;
int textTop = 0;
int size = 0;
int padding = 0;
UnreadBadgeSize sizeId = UnreadBadgeSize::Dialogs;
style::font font;
[[nodiscard]] QSize CountUnreadBadgeSize(
const QString &unreadCount,
const UnreadBadgeStyle &st,
int allowDigits = 0);
QRect PaintUnreadBadge(
QPainter &p,
const QString &t,
int x,
int y,
const UnreadBadgeStyle &st,
int allowDigits = 0);
} // namespace Dialogs::Ui