
1783 lines
48 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "media/media_audio.h"
#include "media/media_audio_ffmpeg_loader.h"
#include "media/media_child_ffmpeg_loader.h"
#include "media/media_audio_loaders.h"
#include "platform/platform_audio.h"
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include <AL/alext.h>
#include <numeric>
extern "C" {
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#include <iconv.h>
#undef iconv_open
#undef iconv
#undef iconv_close
iconv_t iconv_open(const char* tocode, const char* fromcode) {
return libiconv_open(tocode, fromcode);
size_t iconv(iconv_t cd, char** inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char** outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) {
return libiconv(cd, inbuf, inbytesleft, outbuf, outbytesleft);
int iconv_close(iconv_t cd) {
return libiconv_close(cd);
#endif // Q_OS_MAC
} // extern "C"
namespace {
QMutex AudioMutex;
ALCdevice *AudioDevice = nullptr;
ALCcontext *AudioContext = nullptr;
auto suppressAllGain = 1.;
auto suppressSongGain = 1.;
} // namespace
namespace Media {
namespace Player {
namespace {
constexpr auto kPreloadSamples = 2LL * 48000; // preload next part if less than 2 seconds remains
constexpr auto kFadeDuration = TimeMs(500);
constexpr auto kCheckPlaybackPositionTimeout = TimeMs(100); // 100ms per check audio position
constexpr auto kCheckPlaybackPositionDelta = 2400LL; // update position called each 2400 samples
constexpr auto kCheckFadingTimeout = TimeMs(7); // 7ms
constexpr auto kDetachDeviceTimeout = TimeMs(500); // destroy the audio device after 500ms of silence
struct NotifySound {
QByteArray data;
TimeMs lengthMs = 0;
int sampleRate = 0;
ALenum alFormat = 0;
ALuint source = 0;
ALuint buffer = 0;
NotifySound DefaultNotify;
void PrepareNotifySound() {
auto content = ([] {
QFile soundFile(":/gui/art/newmsg.wav");;
return soundFile.readAll();
auto data = content.constData();
auto size = content.size();
t_assert(size >= 44);
t_assert(*((const uint32*)(data + 0)) == 0x46464952); // ChunkID - "RIFF"
t_assert(*((const uint32*)(data + 4)) == uint32(size - 8)); // ChunkSize
t_assert(*((const uint32*)(data + 8)) == 0x45564157); // Format - "WAVE"
t_assert(*((const uint32*)(data + 12)) == 0x20746d66); // Subchunk1ID - "fmt "
auto subchunk1Size = *((const uint32*)(data + 16));
auto extra = subchunk1Size - 16;
t_assert(subchunk1Size >= 16 && (!extra || extra >= 2));
t_assert(*((const uint16*)(data + 20)) == 1); // AudioFormat - PCM (1)
auto numChannels = *((const uint16*)(data + 22));
t_assert(numChannels == 1 || numChannels == 2);
auto sampleRate = *((const uint32*)(data + 24));
auto byteRate = *((const uint32*)(data + 28));
auto blockAlign = *((const uint16*)(data + 32));
auto bitsPerSample = *((const uint16*)(data + 34));
t_assert(!(bitsPerSample % 8));
auto bytesPerSample = bitsPerSample / 8;
t_assert(bytesPerSample == 1 || bytesPerSample == 2);
t_assert(blockAlign == numChannels * bytesPerSample);
t_assert(byteRate == sampleRate * blockAlign);
if (extra) {
auto extraSize = *((const uint16*)(data + 36));
t_assert(uint32(extraSize + 2) == extra);
t_assert(uint32(size) >= 44 + extra);
t_assert(*((const uint32*)(data + extra + 36)) == 0x61746164); // Subchunk2ID - "data"
auto subchunk2Size = *((const uint32*)(data + extra + 40));
t_assert(!(subchunk2Size % (numChannels * bytesPerSample)));
auto numSamples = subchunk2Size / (numChannels * bytesPerSample);
t_assert(uint32(size) >= 44 + extra + subchunk2Size);
data += 44 + extra;
auto format = ALenum(0);
switch (bytesPerSample) {
case 1:
switch (numChannels) {
case 1: format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; break;
case 2: format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; break;
case 2:
switch (numChannels) {
case 1: format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; break;
case 2: format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; break;
t_assert(format != 0);
DefaultNotify.alFormat = format;
DefaultNotify.sampleRate = sampleRate;
auto addBytes = (sampleRate * 15 / 100) * bytesPerSample * numChannels; // add 150ms of silence = QByteArray(addBytes + subchunk2Size, (bytesPerSample == 1) ? 128 : 0);
memcpy( + addBytes, data, subchunk2Size);
DefaultNotify.lengthMs = (numSamples * 1000LL / sampleRate);
base::Observable<AudioMsgId> UpdatedObservable;
Mixer *MixerInstance = nullptr;
bool ContextErrorHappened() {
ALenum errCode;
if ((errCode = alcGetError(AudioDevice)) != ALC_NO_ERROR) {
LOG(("Audio Context Error: %1, %2").arg(errCode).arg((const char *)alcGetString(AudioDevice, errCode)));
return true;
return false;
bool PlaybackErrorHappened() {
ALenum errCode;
if ((errCode = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
LOG(("Audio Playback Error: %1, %2").arg(errCode).arg((const char *)alGetString(errCode)));
return true;
return false;
void EnumeratePlaybackDevices() {
auto deviceNames = QStringList();
auto devices = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);
t_assert(devices != nullptr);
while (*devices != 0) {
auto deviceName8Bit = QByteArray(devices);
auto deviceName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(deviceName8Bit);
devices += deviceName8Bit.size() + 1;
LOG(("Audio Playback Devices: %1").arg(deviceNames.join(';')));
if (auto device = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER)) {
LOG(("Audio Playback Default Device: %1").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(device)));
} else {
LOG(("Audio Playback Default Device: (null)"));
void EnumerateCaptureDevices() {
auto deviceNames = QStringList();
auto devices = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);
t_assert(devices != nullptr);
while (*devices != 0) {
auto deviceName8Bit = QByteArray(devices);
auto deviceName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(deviceName8Bit);
devices += deviceName8Bit.size() + 1;
LOG(("Audio Capture Devices: %1").arg(deviceNames.join(';')));
if (auto device = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER)) {
LOG(("Audio Capture Default Device: %1").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(device)));
} else {
LOG(("Audio Capture Default Device: (null)"));
ALuint CreateSource() {
auto source = ALuint(0);
alGenSources(1, &source);
alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1.f);
alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, 1.f);
alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, 0);
return source;
ALuint CreateBuffer() {
auto buffer = ALuint(0);
alGenBuffers(1, &buffer);
return buffer;
void CreateDefaultNotify() {
if (alIsSource(DefaultNotify.source)) {
DefaultNotify.source = CreateSource();
DefaultNotify.buffer = CreateBuffer();
alBufferData(DefaultNotify.buffer, DefaultNotify.alFormat,,, DefaultNotify.sampleRate);
alSourcei(DefaultNotify.source, AL_BUFFER, DefaultNotify.buffer);
// can be called at any moment when audio error
void CloseAudioPlaybackDevice() {
if (!AudioDevice) return;
LOG(("Audio Info: closing audio playback device"));
if (alIsSource(DefaultNotify.source)) {
alSourcei(DefaultNotify.source, AL_BUFFER, AL_NONE);
alDeleteBuffers(1, &DefaultNotify.buffer);
alDeleteSources(1, &DefaultNotify.source);
DefaultNotify.buffer = 0;
DefaultNotify.source = 0;
if (mixer()) {
if (AudioContext) {
AudioContext = nullptr;
if (AudioDevice) {
AudioDevice = nullptr;
} // namespace
void InitAudio() {
t_assert(AudioDevice == nullptr);
auto loglevel = getenv("ALSOFT_LOGLEVEL");
LOG(("OpenAL Logging Level: ").arg(loglevel ? loglevel : "(not set)"));
MixerInstance = new Mixer();
void DeInitAudio() {
delete base::take(MixerInstance);
base::Observable<AudioMsgId> &Updated() {
return UpdatedObservable;
bool CreateAudioPlaybackDevice() {
if (AudioDevice) return true;
AudioDevice = alcOpenDevice(nullptr);
if (!AudioDevice) {
LOG(("Audio Error: Could not create default playback device, enumerating.."));
return false;
ALCint attributes[] = { ALC_STEREO_SOURCES, 8, 0 };
AudioContext = alcCreateContext(AudioDevice, attributes);
if (ContextErrorHappened()) {
return false;
ALfloat v[] = { 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f };
alListener3f(AL_POSITION, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
alListener3f(AL_VELOCITY, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, v);
return true;
void DetachFromDeviceByTimer() {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if (mixer()) {
void DetachFromDevice() {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if (mixer()) {
void PlayNotify() {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if (!mixer()) return;
if (!AudioDevice) return;
if (PlaybackErrorHappened()) {
emit mixer()->suppressAll();
emit mixer()->faderOnTimer();
bool NotifyIsPlaying() {
if (alIsSource(DefaultNotify.source)) {
ALint state = AL_INITIAL;
alGetSourcei(DefaultNotify.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (!PlaybackErrorHappened() && state == AL_PLAYING) {
return true;
return false;
float64 ComputeVolume(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: return suppressAllGain;
case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: return suppressSongGain * Global::SongVolume();
case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: return suppressSongGain * Global::VideoVolume();
return 1.;
Mixer *mixer() {
return MixerInstance;
void Mixer::Track::createStream() {
alGenSources(1, &stream.source);
alSourcef(stream.source, AL_PITCH, 1.f);
alSource3f(stream.source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
alSource3f(stream.source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
alSourcei(stream.source, AL_LOOPING, 0);
alGenBuffers(3, stream.buffers);
void Mixer::Track::destroyStream() {
if (isStreamCreated()) {
alDeleteBuffers(3, stream.buffers);
alDeleteSources(1, &stream.source);
stream.source = 0;
for (auto i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
stream.buffers[i] = 0;
void Mixer::Track::reattach(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
if (isStreamCreated() || !samplesCount[0]) {
for (auto i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
if (!samplesCount[i]) {
alBufferData(stream.buffers[i], format, bufferSamples[i].constData(), bufferSamples[i].size(), frequency);
alSourceQueueBuffers(stream.source, 1, stream.buffers + i);
alSourcei(stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, qMax(state.position - bufferedPosition, 0LL));
if (IsActive(state.state)) {
alSourcef(stream.source, AL_GAIN, ComputeVolume(type));
void Mixer::Track::detach() {
void Mixer::Track::clear() {
state = TrackState();
file = FileLocation();
data = QByteArray();
bufferedPosition = 0;
bufferedLength = 0;
loading = false;
loaded = false;
fadeStartPosition = 0;
format = 0;
frequency = kDefaultFrequency;
for (int i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
samplesCount[i] = 0;
bufferSamples[i] = QByteArray();
videoData = nullptr;
videoPlayId = 0;
void Mixer::Track::started() {
bufferedPosition = 0;
bufferedLength = 0;
loaded = false;
fadeStartPosition = 0;
format = 0;
frequency = kDefaultFrequency;
for (auto i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
samplesCount[i] = 0;
bufferSamples[i] = QByteArray();
bool Mixer::Track::isStreamCreated() const {
return alIsSource(stream.source);
void Mixer::Track::ensureStreamCreated() {
if (!isStreamCreated()) {
int Mixer::Track::getNotQueuedBufferIndex() {
// See if there are no free buffers right now.
while (samplesCount[kBuffersCount - 1] != 0) {
// Try to unqueue some buffer.
ALint processed = 0;
alGetSourcei(stream.source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed);
if (processed < 1) { // No processed buffers, wait.
return -1;
// Unqueue some processed buffer.
ALuint buffer = 0;
alSourceUnqueueBuffers(stream.source, 1, &buffer);
// Find it in the list and clear it.
bool found = false;
for (auto i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
if (stream.buffers[i] == buffer) {
auto samplesInBuffer = samplesCount[i];
bufferedPosition += samplesInBuffer;
bufferedLength -= samplesInBuffer;
for (auto j = i + 1; j != kBuffersCount; ++j) {
samplesCount[j - 1] = samplesCount[j];
stream.buffers[j - 1] = stream.buffers[j];
bufferSamples[j - 1] = bufferSamples[j];
samplesCount[kBuffersCount - 1] = 0;
stream.buffers[kBuffersCount - 1] = buffer;
bufferSamples[kBuffersCount - 1] = QByteArray();
found = true;
if (!found) {
LOG(("Audio Error: Could not find the unqueued buffer! Buffer %1 in source %2 with processed count %3").arg(buffer).arg(stream.source).arg(processed));
return -1;
for (auto i = 0; i != kBuffersCount; ++i) {
if (!samplesCount[i]) {
return i;
return -1;
void Mixer::Track::resetStream() {
if (isStreamCreated()) {
alSourcei(stream.source, AL_BUFFER, AL_NONE);
: _fader(new Fader(&_faderThread))
, _loader(new Loaders(&_loaderThread)) {
connect(this, SIGNAL(faderOnTimer()), _fader, SLOT(onTimer()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, SIGNAL(suppressSong()), _fader, SLOT(onSuppressSong()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(unsuppressSong()), _fader, SLOT(onUnsuppressSong()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(suppressAll()), _fader, SLOT(onSuppressAll()));
subscribe(Global::RefSongVolumeChanged(), [this] {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_fader, "onSongVolumeChanged");
subscribe(Global::RefVideoVolumeChanged(), [this] {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_fader, "onVideoVolumeChanged");
connect(this, SIGNAL(loaderOnStart(const AudioMsgId&, qint64)), _loader, SLOT(onStart(const AudioMsgId&, qint64)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(loaderOnCancel(const AudioMsgId&)), _loader, SLOT(onCancel(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_loader, SIGNAL(needToCheck()), _fader, SLOT(onTimer()));
connect(_loader, SIGNAL(error(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onError(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_fader, SIGNAL(needToPreload(const AudioMsgId&)), _loader, SLOT(onLoad(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_fader, SIGNAL(playPositionUpdated(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SIGNAL(updated(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_fader, SIGNAL(audioStopped(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onStopped(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(_fader, SIGNAL(error(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onError(const AudioMsgId&)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(stoppedOnError(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SIGNAL(updated(const AudioMsgId&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, SIGNAL(updated(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onUpdated(const AudioMsgId&)));
Mixer::~Mixer() {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i)->clear();
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i)->clear();
MixerInstance = nullptr;
void Mixer::onUpdated(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
if (audio.type() == AudioMsgId::Type::Video) {
void Mixer::onError(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
emit stoppedOnError(audio);
if (audio.type() == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit unsuppressSong();
void Mixer::onStopped(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
emit updated(audio);
if (audio.type() == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit unsuppressSong();
Mixer::Track *Mixer::trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type type, int index) {
if (index < 0) {
if (auto indexPtr = currentIndex(type)) {
index = *indexPtr;
} else {
return nullptr;
switch (type) {
case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: return &_audioTracks[index];
case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: return &_songTracks[index];
case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: return &_videoTrack;
return nullptr;
const Mixer::Track *Mixer::trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type type, int index) const {
return const_cast<Mixer*>(this)->trackForType(type, index);
int *Mixer::currentIndex(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: return &_audioCurrent;
case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: return &_songCurrent;
case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: { static int videoIndex = 0; return &videoIndex; }
return nullptr;
const int *Mixer::currentIndex(AudioMsgId::Type type) const {
return const_cast<Mixer*>(this)->currentIndex(type);
void Mixer::resetFadeStartPosition(AudioMsgId::Type type, int positionInBuffered) {
auto track = trackForType(type);
if (!track) return;
if (positionInBuffered < 0) {
if (track->isStreamCreated()) {
ALint currentPosition = 0;
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &currentPosition);
if (Media::Player::PlaybackErrorHappened()) {
setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtError);
if (currentPosition == 0 && !internal::CheckAudioDeviceConnected()) {
track->fadeStartPosition = track->state.position;
positionInBuffered = currentPosition;
} else {
positionInBuffered = 0;
auto fullPosition = track->bufferedPosition + positionInBuffered;
track->state.position = fullPosition;
track->fadeStartPosition = fullPosition;
bool Mixer::fadedStop(AudioMsgId::Type type, bool *fadedStart) {
auto current = trackForType(type);
if (!current) return false;
switch (current->state.state) {
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming:
case State::Playing: {
current->state.state = State::Finishing;
if (fadedStart) *fadedStart = true;
} break;
case State::Pausing: {
current->state.state = State::Finishing;
if (fadedStart) *fadedStart = true;
} break;
case State::Paused:
case State::PausedAtEnd: {
} return true;
return false;
void Mixer::play(const AudioMsgId &audio, int64 position) {
auto type = audio.type();
AudioMsgId stopped;
auto notLoadedYet = false;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if (!AudioDevice) return;
bool fadedStart = false;
auto current = trackForType(type);
if (!current) return;
if (current-> != audio) {
if (fadedStop(type, &fadedStart)) {
stopped = current->;
if (current-> {
emit loaderOnCancel(current->;
emit faderOnTimer();
auto foundCurrent = currentIndex(type);
auto index = 0;
for (; index != kTogetherLimit; ++index) {
if (trackForType(type, index)-> == audio) {
*foundCurrent = index;
if (index == kTogetherLimit && ++*foundCurrent >= kTogetherLimit) {
*foundCurrent -= kTogetherLimit;
current = trackForType(type);
current-> = audio;
current->file =>location(true);
current->data =>data();
if (current->file.isEmpty() && current->data.isEmpty()) {
notLoadedYet = true;
if (audio.type() == AudioMsgId::Type::Song) {
} else {
setStoppedState(current, State::StoppedAtError);
} else {
current->state.position = position;
current->state.state = fadedStart ? State::Starting : State::Playing;
current->loading = true;
emit loaderOnStart(audio, position);
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit suppressSong();
if (notLoadedYet) {
if (audio.type() == AudioMsgId::Type::Song) {
DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen(, App::histItemById(audio.contextId()));
} else {
if (stopped) {
emit updated(stopped);
void Mixer::initFromVideo(uint64 videoPlayId, std_::unique_ptr<VideoSoundData> &&data, int64 position) {
AudioMsgId stopped;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
// Pause current song.
auto songType = AudioMsgId::Type::Song;
auto currentSong = trackForType(songType);
switch (currentSong->state.state) {
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming:
case State::Playing: {
currentSong->state.state = State::Pausing;
} break;
case State::Finishing: {
currentSong->state.state = State::Pausing;
} break;
auto type = AudioMsgId::Type::Video;
auto current = trackForType(type);
t_assert(current != nullptr);
if (current-> {
stopped = current->;
emit loaderOnCancel(current->;
emit faderOnTimer();
current-> = AudioMsgId(AudioMsgId::Type::Video);
current->videoPlayId = videoPlayId;
current->videoData = std_::move(data);
QMutexLocker videoLock(&_lastVideoMutex);
_lastVideoPlayId = current->videoPlayId;
_lastVideoPlaybackWhen = 0;
_lastVideoPlaybackCorrectedMs = 0;
current->state.state = State::Paused;
current->loading = true;
emit loaderOnStart(current->, position);
if (stopped) emit updated(stopped);
void Mixer::stopFromVideo(uint64 videoPlayId) {
AudioMsgId current;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto track = trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Video);
t_assert(track != nullptr);
if (track->videoPlayId != videoPlayId) {
current = track->;
if (current) emit updated(current);
void Mixer::pauseFromVideo(uint64 videoPlayId) {
AudioMsgId current;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto type = AudioMsgId::Type::Video;
auto track = trackForType(type);
t_assert(track != nullptr);
if (track->videoPlayId != videoPlayId) {
current = track->;
switch (track->state.state) {
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming:
case State::Playing: {
track->state.state = State::Paused;
if (track->isStreamCreated()) {
ALint state = AL_INITIAL;
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (state == AL_PLAYING) {
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
} break;
emit faderOnTimer();
QMutexLocker videoLock(&_lastVideoMutex);
if (_lastVideoPlayId == videoPlayId) {
_lastVideoPlaybackWhen = 0;
_lastVideoPlaybackCorrectedMs = 0;
if (current) emit updated(current);
void Mixer::resumeFromVideo(uint64 videoPlayId) {
AudioMsgId current;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto type = AudioMsgId::Type::Video;
auto track = trackForType(type);
t_assert(track != nullptr);
if (track->videoPlayId != videoPlayId) {
current = track->;
switch (track->state.state) {
case State::Pausing:
case State::Paused:
case State::PausedAtEnd: {
if (track->state.state == State::Paused) {
// This calls reattachTracks().
} else {
if (track->state.state == State::PausedAtEnd) {
if (track->isStreamCreated()) {
alSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, qMax(track->state.position - track->bufferedPosition, 0LL));
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
track->state.state = State::Playing;
if (track->isStreamCreated()) {
// When starting the video audio is in paused state and
// gets resumed before the stream is created with any data.
ALint state = AL_INITIAL;
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (state != AL_PLAYING) {
if (state == AL_STOPPED && !internal::CheckAudioDeviceConnected()) {
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, ComputeVolume(type));
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
} break;
emit faderOnTimer();
if (current) emit updated(current);
void Mixer::feedFromVideo(VideoSoundPart &&part) {
TimeMs Mixer::getVideoCorrectedTime(uint64 playId, TimeMs frameMs, TimeMs systemMs) {
auto result = frameMs;
QMutexLocker videoLock(&_lastVideoMutex);
if (_lastVideoPlayId == playId && _lastVideoPlaybackWhen > 0) {
result = static_cast<TimeMs>(_lastVideoPlaybackCorrectedMs);
if (systemMs > _lastVideoPlaybackWhen) {
result += (systemMs - _lastVideoPlaybackWhen);
return result;
void Mixer::videoSoundProgress(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
auto type = audio.type();
t_assert(type == AudioMsgId::Type::Video);
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
QMutexLocker videoLock(&_lastVideoMutex);
auto current = trackForType(type);
t_assert(current != nullptr);
if (current->videoPlayId == _lastVideoPlayId && current->state.duration && current->state.frequency) {
if (current->state.state == State::Playing) {
_lastVideoPlaybackWhen = getms();
_lastVideoPlaybackCorrectedMs = (current->state.position * 1000ULL) / current->state.frequency;
bool Mixer::checkCurrentALError(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
if (!Media::Player::PlaybackErrorHappened()) return true;
auto data = trackForType(type);
if (!data) {
setStoppedState(data, State::StoppedAtError);
return false;
void Mixer::pauseresume(AudioMsgId::Type type, bool fast) {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto current = trackForType(type);
switch (current->state.state) {
case State::Pausing:
case State::Paused:
case State::PausedAtEnd: {
if (current->state.state == State::Paused) {
} else if (current->state.state == State::PausedAtEnd) {
if (current->isStreamCreated()) {
alSourcei(current->stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, qMax(current->state.position - current->bufferedPosition, 0LL));
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
current->state.state = fast ? State::Playing : State::Resuming;
ALint state = AL_INITIAL;
alGetSourcei(current->stream.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (state != AL_PLAYING) {
if (state == AL_STOPPED && !internal::CheckAudioDeviceConnected()) {
alSourcef(current->stream.source, AL_GAIN, ComputeVolume(type));
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) emit suppressSong();
} break;
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming:
case State::Playing: {
current->state.state = State::Pausing;
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) emit unsuppressSong();
} break;
case State::Finishing: {
current->state.state = State::Pausing;
} break;
emit faderOnTimer();
void Mixer::seek(AudioMsgId::Type type, int64 position) {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto current = trackForType(type);
auto audio = current->;
auto streamCreated = current->isStreamCreated();
auto fastSeek = (position >= current->bufferedPosition && position < current->bufferedPosition + current->bufferedLength - (current->loaded ? 0 : kDefaultFrequency));
if (!streamCreated) {
fastSeek = false;
} else if (IsStopped(current->state.state) || (current->state.state == State::Finishing)) {
fastSeek = false;
if (fastSeek) {
alSourcei(current->stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, position - current->bufferedPosition);
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
alSourcef(current->stream.source, AL_GAIN, ComputeVolume(type));
if (!checkCurrentALError(type)) return;
resetFadeStartPosition(type, position - current->bufferedPosition);
} else {
if (streamCreated) alSourceStop(current->stream.source);
switch (current->state.state) {
case State::Pausing:
case State::Paused:
case State::PausedAtEnd: {
if (current->state.state == State::PausedAtEnd) {
current->state.state = State::Paused;
return pauseresume(type, true);
} break;
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming:
case State::Playing: {
current->state.state = State::Pausing;
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) {
emit unsuppressSong();
} break;
case State::Finishing:
case State::Stopped:
case State::StoppedAtEnd:
case State::StoppedAtError:
case State::StoppedAtStart: {
} return play(audio, position);
emit faderOnTimer();
void Mixer::stop(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
AudioMsgId current;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto track = trackForType(type);
t_assert(track != nullptr);
current = track->;
if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Video) {
if (current) emit updated(current);
void Mixer::stopAndClear() {
Track *current_audio = nullptr, *current_song = nullptr;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if ((current_audio = trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice))) {
if ((current_song = trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song))) {
if (current_song) {
emit updated(current_song->;
if (current_audio) {
emit updated(current_audio->;
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto clearAndCancel = [this](AudioMsgId::Type type, int index) {
auto track = trackForType(type, index);
if (track-> {
emit loaderOnCancel(track->;
for (auto index = 0; index != kTogetherLimit; ++index) {
clearAndCancel(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, index);
clearAndCancel(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, index);
TrackState Mixer::currentVideoState(uint64 videoPlayId) {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto current = trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Video);
if (!current || current->videoPlayId != videoPlayId) {
return TrackState();
return current->state;
TrackState Mixer::currentState(AudioMsgId::Type type) {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto current = trackForType(type);
if (!current) {
return TrackState();
return current->state;
void Mixer::setStoppedState(Track *current, State state) {
current->state.state = state;
current->state.position = 0;
void Mixer::clearStoppedAtStart(const AudioMsgId &audio) {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
auto track = trackForType(audio.type());
if (track && track-> == audio && track->state.state == State::StoppedAtStart) {
void Mixer::detachFromDeviceByTimer() {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_fader, "onDetachFromDeviceByTimer", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, true));
void Mixer::detachTracks() {
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i)->detach();
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i)->detach();
void Mixer::reattachIfNeeded() {
auto reattachNeeded = [this] {
auto isPlayingState = [](const Track &track) {
auto state = track.state.state;
return (state == State::Starting)
|| (state == State::Playing)
|| (state == State::Finishing)
|| (state == State::Pausing)
|| (state == State::Resuming);
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
if (isPlayingState(*trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i))
|| isPlayingState(*trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i))) {
return true;
return isPlayingState(_videoTrack);
if (reattachNeeded()) {
void Mixer::reattachTracks() {
if (!AudioDevice) {
LOG(("Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the tracks"));
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i)->reattach(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice);
trackForType(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i)->reattach(AudioMsgId::Type::Song);
emit faderOnTimer();
Fader::Fader(QThread *thread) : QObject()
, _timer(this)
, _suppressAllGain(1., 1.)
, _suppressSongGain(1., 1.) {
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(onInit()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTimer()));
connect(&_detachFromDeviceTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onDetachFromDeviceTimer()));
void Fader::onInit() {
void Fader::onTimer() {
QMutexLocker lock(&AudioMutex);
if (!mixer()) return;
bool suppressAudioChanged = false, suppressSongChanged = false;
if (_suppressAll || _suppressSongAnim) {
auto ms = getms();
auto wasSong = suppressSongGain;
if (_suppressAll) {
auto notifyLengthMs = Media::Player::DefaultNotify.lengthMs;
auto wasAudio = suppressAllGain;
if (ms >= _suppressAllStart + notifyLengthMs || ms < _suppressAllStart) {
_suppressAll = _suppressAllAnim = false;
_suppressAllGain = anim::value(1., 1.);
} else if (ms > _suppressAllStart + notifyLengthMs - kFadeDuration) {
if ( != 1.) _suppressAllGain.start(1.);
_suppressAllGain.update(1. - ((_suppressAllStart + notifyLengthMs - ms) / float64(kFadeDuration)), anim::linear);
} else if (ms >= _suppressAllStart + st::mediaPlayerSuppressDuration) {
if (_suppressAllAnim) {
_suppressAllAnim = false;
} else if (ms > _suppressAllStart) {
_suppressAllGain.update((ms - _suppressAllStart) / float64(st::mediaPlayerSuppressDuration), anim::linear);
suppressAllGain = _suppressAllGain.current();
suppressAudioChanged = (suppressAllGain != wasAudio);
if (_suppressSongAnim) {
if (ms >= _suppressSongStart + kFadeDuration) {
_suppressSongAnim = false;
} else {
_suppressSongGain.update((ms - _suppressSongStart) / float64(kFadeDuration), anim::linear);
suppressSongGain = qMin(suppressAllGain, _suppressSongGain.current());
suppressSongChanged = (suppressSongGain != wasSong);
bool hasFading = (_suppressAll || _suppressSongAnim);
bool hasPlaying = false;
auto updatePlayback = [this, &hasPlaying, &hasFading](AudioMsgId::Type type, int index, float64 suppressGain, bool suppressGainChanged) {
auto track = mixer()->trackForType(type, index);
if (IsStopped(track->state.state) || track->state.state == State::Paused || !track->isStreamCreated()) return;
int32 emitSignals = updateOnePlayback(track, hasPlaying, hasFading, suppressGain, suppressGainChanged);
if (emitSignals & EmitError) emit error(track->;
if (emitSignals & EmitStopped) emit audioStopped(track->;
if (emitSignals & EmitPositionUpdated) emit playPositionUpdated(track->;
if (emitSignals & EmitNeedToPreload) emit needToPreload(track->;
auto suppressGainForMusic = suppressSongGain * Global::SongVolume();
auto suppressGainForMusicChanged = suppressSongChanged || _songVolumeChanged;
for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) {
updatePlayback(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, i, suppressAllGain, suppressAudioChanged);
updatePlayback(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, i, suppressGainForMusic, suppressGainForMusicChanged);
auto suppressGainForVideo = suppressSongGain * Global::VideoVolume();
auto suppressGainForVideoChanged = suppressSongChanged || _videoVolumeChanged;
updatePlayback(AudioMsgId::Type::Video, 0, suppressGainForVideo, suppressGainForVideoChanged);
_songVolumeChanged = _videoVolumeChanged = false;
if (!hasFading && !hasPlaying && Media::Player::NotifyIsPlaying()) {
hasPlaying = true;
if (hasFading) {
} else if (hasPlaying) {
} else {
int32 Fader::updateOnePlayback(Mixer::Track *track, bool &hasPlaying, bool &hasFading, float64 suppressGain, bool suppressGainChanged) {
bool playing = false, fading = false;
auto errorHappened = [this, track] {
if (PlaybackErrorHappened()) {
setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtError);
return true;
return false;
ALint positionInBuffered = 0;
ALint state = AL_INITIAL;
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &positionInBuffered);
alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
int32 emitSignals = 0;
if (state == AL_STOPPED && positionInBuffered == 0 && !internal::CheckAudioDeviceConnected()) {
return emitSignals;
switch (track->state.state) {
case State::Finishing:
case State::Pausing:
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming: {
fading = true;
} break;
case State::Playing: {
playing = true;
} break;
auto fullPosition = track->bufferedPosition + positionInBuffered;
if (fading && (state == AL_PLAYING || !track->loading)) {
auto fadingForSamplesCount = (fullPosition - track->fadeStartPosition);
if (state != AL_PLAYING) {
fading = false;
if (track->stream.source) {
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, 1);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
if (track->state.state == State::Pausing) {
track->state.state = State::PausedAtEnd;
} else {
setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtEnd);
emitSignals |= EmitStopped;
} else if (TimeMs(1000) * fadingForSamplesCount >= kFadeDuration * track->state.frequency) {
fading = false;
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, 1. * suppressGain);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
switch (track->state.state) {
case State::Finishing: {
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
state = AL_STOPPED;
} break;
case State::Pausing: {
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
track->state.state = State::Paused;
} break;
case State::Starting:
case State::Resuming: {
track->state.state = State::Playing;
playing = true;
} break;
} else {
auto newGain = TimeMs(1000) * fadingForSamplesCount / float64(kFadeDuration * track->state.frequency);
if (track->state.state == State::Pausing || track->state.state == State::Finishing) {
newGain = 1. - newGain;
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, newGain * suppressGain);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
} else if (playing && (state == AL_PLAYING || !track->loading)) {
if (state != AL_PLAYING) {
playing = false;
if (track->isStreamCreated()) {
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, 1);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtEnd);
emitSignals |= EmitStopped;
} else if (suppressGainChanged) {
alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, suppressGain);
if (errorHappened()) return EmitError;
if (state == AL_PLAYING && fullPosition >= track->state.position + kCheckPlaybackPositionDelta) {
track->state.position = fullPosition;
emitSignals |= EmitPositionUpdated;
if (playing || track->state.state == State::Starting || track->state.state == State::Resuming) {
if (!track->loaded && !track->loading) {
auto needPreload = (track->state.position + kPreloadSamples > track->bufferedPosition + track->bufferedLength);
if (needPreload) {
track->loading = true;
emitSignals |= EmitNeedToPreload;
if (playing) hasPlaying = true;
if (fading) hasFading = true;
return emitSignals;
void Fader::setStoppedState(Mixer::Track *track, State state) {
track->state.state = state;
track->state.position = 0;
void Fader::onDetachFromDeviceTimer() {
QMutexLocker lock(&_detachFromDeviceMutex);
_detachFromDeviceForce = false;
void Fader::onSuppressSong() {
if (!_suppressSong) {
_suppressSong = true;
_suppressSongAnim = true;
_suppressSongStart = getms();
void Fader::onUnsuppressSong() {
if (_suppressSong) {
_suppressSong = false;
_suppressSongAnim = true;
_suppressSongStart = getms();
void Fader::onSuppressAll() {
_suppressAll = true;
_suppressAllStart = getms();
void Fader::onSongVolumeChanged() {
_songVolumeChanged = true;
void Fader::onVideoVolumeChanged() {
_videoVolumeChanged = true;
void Fader::keepAttachedToDevice() {
QMutexLocker lock(&_detachFromDeviceMutex);
if (!_detachFromDeviceForce) {
void Fader::onDetachFromDeviceByTimer(bool force) {
QMutexLocker lock(&_detachFromDeviceMutex);
if (force) {
_detachFromDeviceForce = true;
if (!_detachFromDeviceTimer.isActive()) {
} // namespace Player
} // namespace Media
namespace internal {
QMutex *audioPlayerMutex() {
return &AudioMutex;
bool audioCheckError() {
return !Media::Player::PlaybackErrorHappened();
bool audioDeviceIsConnected() {
if (!AudioDevice) {
return false;
ALint connected = 0;
alcGetIntegerv(AudioDevice, ALC_CONNECTED, 1, &connected);
if (Media::Player::ContextErrorHappened()) {
return false;
return (connected != 0);
bool CheckAudioDeviceConnected() {
if (audioDeviceIsConnected()) {
return true;
if (auto mixer = Media::Player::mixer()) {
return false;
} // namespace internal
class FFMpegAttributesReader : public AbstractFFMpegLoader {
FFMpegAttributesReader(const FileLocation &file, const QByteArray &data) : AbstractFFMpegLoader(file, data) {
bool open(qint64 &position) override {
if (!AbstractFFMpegLoader::open(position)) {
return false;
int res = 0;
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
int videoStreamId = av_find_best_stream(fmtContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, &codec, 0);
if (videoStreamId >= 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(("Audio Read Error: Found video stream in file '%1', data size '%2', error %3, %4").arg(, sizeof(err), streamId)));
return false;
for (int32 i = 0, l = fmtContext->nb_streams; i < l; ++i) {
AVStream *stream = fmtContext->streams[i];
if (stream->disposition & AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC) {
const AVPacket &packet(stream->attached_pic);
if (packet.size) {
bool animated = false;
QByteArray cover((const char*), packet.size), format;
_cover = App::readImage(cover, &format, true, &animated);
if (!_cover.isNull()) {
_coverBytes = cover;
_coverFormat = format;
return true;
void trySet(QString &to, AVDictionary *dict, const char *key) {
if (!to.isEmpty()) return;
if (AVDictionaryEntry* tag = av_dict_get(dict, key, 0, 0)) {
to = QString::fromUtf8(tag->value);
void extractMetaData(AVDictionary *dict) {
trySet(_title, dict, "title");
trySet(_performer, dict, "artist");
trySet(_performer, dict, "performer");
trySet(_performer, dict, "album_artist");
//for (AVDictionaryEntry *tag = av_dict_get(dict, "", 0, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX); tag; tag = av_dict_get(dict, "", tag, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) {
// const char *key = tag->key;
// const char *value = tag->value;
// QString tmp = QString::fromUtf8(value);
int32 format() override {
return 0;
QString title() {
return _title;
QString performer() {
return _performer;
QImage cover() {
return _cover;
QByteArray coverBytes() {
return _coverBytes;
QByteArray coverFormat() {
return _coverFormat;
ReadResult readMore(QByteArray &result, int64 &samplesAdded) override {
DEBUG_LOG(("Audio Read Error: should not call this"));
return ReadResult::Error;
~FFMpegAttributesReader() {
QString _title, _performer;
QImage _cover;
QByteArray _coverBytes, _coverFormat;
MTPDocumentAttribute audioReadSongAttributes(const QString &fname, const QByteArray &data, QImage &cover, QByteArray &coverBytes, QByteArray &coverFormat) {
FFMpegAttributesReader reader(FileLocation(StorageFilePartial, fname), data);
qint64 position = 0;
if ( {
int32 duration = reader.duration() / reader.frequency();
if (reader.duration() > 0) {
cover = reader.cover();
coverBytes = reader.coverBytes();
coverFormat = reader.coverFormat();
return MTP_documentAttributeAudio(MTP_flags(MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio::Flag::f_title | MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio::Flag::f_performer), MTP_int(duration), MTP_string(reader.title()), MTP_string(reader.performer()), MTPstring());
return MTP_documentAttributeFilename(MTP_string(fname));
class FFMpegWaveformCounter : public FFMpegLoader {
FFMpegWaveformCounter(const FileLocation &file, const QByteArray &data) : FFMpegLoader(file, data) {
bool open(qint64 &position) override {
if (!FFMpegLoader::open(position)) {
return false;
QByteArray buffer;
int64 countbytes = sampleSize * duration(), processed = 0, sumbytes = 0;
if (duration() < WaveformSamplesCount) {
return false;
QVector<uint16> peaks;
int32 fmt = format();
uint16 peak = 0;
while (processed < countbytes) {
int64 samples = 0;
auto res = readMore(buffer, samples);
if (res == ReadResult::Error || res == ReadResult::EndOfFile) {
if (buffer.isEmpty()) {
const char *data =;
if (fmt == AL_FORMAT_MONO8 || fmt == AL_FORMAT_STEREO8) {
for (int32 i = 0, l = buffer.size(); i + int32(sizeof(uchar)) <= l;) {
uint16 sample = qAbs((int32(*(uchar*)(data + i)) - 128) * 256);
if (peak < sample) {
peak = sample;
i += sizeof(uchar);
sumbytes += WaveformSamplesCount;
if (sumbytes >= countbytes) {
sumbytes -= countbytes;
peak = 0;
} else if (fmt == AL_FORMAT_MONO16 || fmt == AL_FORMAT_STEREO16) {
for (int32 i = 0, l = buffer.size(); i + int32(sizeof(uint16)) <= l;) {
uint16 sample = qAbs(int32(*(int16*)(data + i)));
if (peak < sample) {
peak = sample;
i += sizeof(uint16);
sumbytes += sizeof(uint16) * WaveformSamplesCount;
if (sumbytes >= countbytes) {
sumbytes -= countbytes;
peak = 0;
processed += sampleSize * samples;
if (sumbytes > 0 && peaks.size() < WaveformSamplesCount) {
if (peaks.isEmpty()) {
return false;
int64 sum = std::accumulate(peaks.cbegin(), peaks.cend(), 0ULL);
peak = qMax(int32(sum * 1.8 / peaks.size()), 2500);
for (int32 i = 0, l = peaks.size(); i != l; ++i) {
result[i] = char(qMin(31U, uint32(qMin(, peak)) * 31 / peak));
return true;
const VoiceWaveform &waveform() const {
return result;
~FFMpegWaveformCounter() {
VoiceWaveform result;
VoiceWaveform audioCountWaveform(const FileLocation &file, const QByteArray &data) {
FFMpegWaveformCounter counter(file, data);
qint64 position = 0;
if ( {
return counter.waveform();
return VoiceWaveform();