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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "ui/rp_widget.h"
#include "editor/photo_editor_common.h"
#include "editor/photo_editor_inner_common.h"
#include "editor/scene/scene_item_base.h"
class QGraphicsItem;
class QGraphicsView;
namespace Editor {
struct Controllers;
class Scene;
// Paint control.
class Paint final : public Ui::RpWidget {
not_null<Ui::RpWidget*> parent,
PhotoModifications &modifications,
const QSize &imageSize,
std::shared_ptr<Controllers> controllers);
[[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr<Scene> saveScene() const;
void restoreScene();
void applyTransform(QRect geometry, int angle, bool flipped);
void applyBrush(const Brush &brush);
void cancel();
void keepResult();
void updateUndoState();
void handleMimeData(const QMimeData *data);
struct SavedItem {
std::shared_ptr<QGraphicsItem> item;
bool undid = false;
ItemBase::Data itemBaseData() const;
void clearRedoList();
const std::shared_ptr<Controllers> _controllers;
const std::shared_ptr<Scene> _scene;
const base::unique_qptr<QGraphicsView> _view;
const QSize _imageSize;
struct {
int angle = 0;
bool flipped = false;
float64 zoom = 0.;
} _transform;
rpl::variable<bool> _hasUndo = true;
rpl::variable<bool> _hasRedo = true;
} // namespace Editor