
119 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
namespace Core {
class Launcher;
class UpdateChecker;
} // namespace Core
bool InternalPassportLink(const QString &url);
bool StartUrlRequiresActivate(const QString &url);
class Application : public QApplication, private QAbstractNativeEventFilter {
Application(not_null<Core::Launcher*> launcher, int &argc, char **argv);
int execute();
void createMessenger();
void refreshGlobalProxy();
void postponeCall(FnMut<void()> &&callable);
bool notify(QObject *receiver, QEvent *e) override;
void registerEnterFromEventLoop();
auto createEventNestingLevel() {
return gsl::finally([=] { decrementEventNestingLevel(); });
void activateWindowDelayed(not_null<QWidget*> widget);
void pauseDelayedWindowActivations();
void resumeDelayedWindowActivations();
// Single instance application
public slots:
void socketConnected();
void socketError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError e);
void socketDisconnected();
void socketWritten(qint64 bytes);
void socketReading();
void newInstanceConnected();
void readClients();
void removeClients();
void startApplication(); // will be done in exec()
void closeApplication(); // will be done in aboutToQuit()
bool event(QEvent *e) override;
typedef QPair<QLocalSocket*, QByteArray> LocalClient;
typedef QList<LocalClient> LocalClients;
struct PostponedCall {
int loopNestingLevel = 0;
FnMut<void()> callable;
void incrementEventNestingLevel();
void decrementEventNestingLevel();
bool nativeEventFilter(
const QByteArray &eventType,
void *message,
long *result) override;
void processPostponedCalls(int level);
const Qt::HANDLE _mainThreadId = nullptr;
int _eventNestingLevel = 0;
int _loopNestingLevel = 0;
std::vector<int> _previousLoopNestingLevels;
std::vector<PostponedCall> _postponedCalls;
QPointer<QWidget> _windowForDelayedActivation;
bool _delayedActivationsPaused = false;
not_null<Core::Launcher*> _launcher;
std::unique_ptr<Messenger> _messengerInstance;
QString _localServerName, _localSocketReadData;
QLocalServer _localServer;
QLocalSocket _localSocket;
LocalClients _localClients;
bool _secondInstance = false;
void singleInstanceChecked();
std::unique_ptr<Core::UpdateChecker> _updateChecker;
namespace Core {
inline Application &App() {
Expects(QCoreApplication::instance() != nullptr);
return *static_cast<Application*>(QCoreApplication::instance());
} // namespace Core
namespace Sandbox {
void execExternal(const QString &cmd);
void launch();
} // namespace Sandbox